10:25am Jun 23 2012
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[[ I agree. Sometimes smart. Mainly sexy~ (-is going to put that on his bio- xDD )
Awh. B-But... You make me smile <333 ]]
The second I had closed the door, I let myself fall into depression like I had before. Having more wine was a great idea, but I couldn't get myself to stand up. Who know's what else I'd say to the princess.
I was supposed to be her protector. More importantly, I'm supposed to be a man! What am I doing, wallowing in self pity when I could have hurt the princess? I was a pitiful, lost soul. A soul that didn't deserve the chance to even have that one beautiful kiss with the princess.
I got up from the bed, my mind leading my feet to the front door to get more wine. But my feet leading my mind in a different direction.
To the door of the princess's room.
With a knock, I leaned my head back. Bracing myself for what I'd say. I'd apologize first. But then I'd have to explain that no matter how much I loved her, I had to encourage her to marry soon. I wouldn't bring up Prince Arnold. It was why we were in this argument and tension. She was a princess. She needed to be happy. I couldn't give her jewels. I couldn't give her everything she wanted. Her father could hate her...
I could think of so many reasons why we can't marry. But, first, I think we have to make our feelings known and clear.
"Princess, it's Travis. I will knock on this door until you let me in. We need to talk."
I said in a (Sexy...) voice that showed my determination not to move.
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12:53pm Jun 23 2012
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Ooc:// XD You're going to put that in his bio? PFFT. ^.^
And you make me cry.
Sara had spent the time in her room by going over the songs she used to hear the servants sing at the castle back home. She wasn't homesick anymore. The blonde princess thought it strange that she'd gotten out of the homesick stage, but she had many other things on her mind other than being homesick.
Like Travis.
And Prince Arnold's threat to kill him.
Sara had never been one to be caught in the middle of boys, so this was a first for her. No matter how hard she tried to think ahead, she just ended up going with the flow. She didn't know how to deal with all of this, so she just went with what seemed appropriate.
She'd been thinking about knocking on Travis's door herself, but she was worried that Travis hadn't had enough time to think. Her mind was cleared now, and though she was still a bit miffed with him, her skin wasn't prickly, and she knew she couldn't shock him.
The knock on her door startled her out of her daze, and she turned her head in the direction of the noise. Travis's voice was like music to her ears, and she couldn't help but notice that he had used the same tone of voice he had when he was telling her not to let the old woman touch her again.
And she couldn't disobey.
Sliding off of the edge of her bed, where she had been sitting, she walked over to the door and opened it to see Travis's tall form in front of her. He stood a good two heads taller than her, but she didn't mind that. Angling her head so that she could look up at him, she said, "Good evening, Travis."
She moved away from the door, making room for Travis to pass through.
Love is all we need~
10:35pm Jun 30 2012
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Ooc:// It's your turn, woman.
Love is all we need~
10:54pm Jun 30 2012
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[[ Post coming tomorrow! Later on, if my fever goes down I'll go to church. ]]
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8:38am Jul 1 2012
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[[ Ahhhh, I missed this role playyyy! <333 So glad we're all back. :D ]]
She didn't seem so mad at me anymore. Maybe we both had enough time to think about our words. I had so many questions I wanted to ask. I wanted to tell her how I felt. How much I loved her. And I had thought it was a good idea as I knocked on her door. But now that the door was not only opened too the princess's room, but the door of opportunity to tell her my love was opened as well, I wondered if I truly was just a coward.
My cheeks paled. Could I do this? Take away the words that we couldn't marry, and just let my tongue say the words of how I felt? Not just 'I love you', not matter how much I did. I needed to tell her how I felt. The ache, the desire... I swallowed, avoiding her eyes nervously before coming inside.
"I'm sorry."
What? I was supposed to be telling her I loved her! I guess I should apologize for everything first. Maybe she'd take the knight's love in a better attitude then. I imagined her tempting lips tugging to a stunning smile in a laugh at my words of love to her. My cheeks went from pale to blood red in seconds at the thought. Would she really laugh if I told her? (I kind of want him to chicken out, but at the same time, I think he's chickened out enough. You tell me if he should. xD)
"It is not my place to tell you who you marry. I guess I just feel like you're letting your only chance pass by and I can be very posses- I mean, controlling."
Possessive would mean that I wanted to keep her for myself. I didn't need her knowing that just yet. I'd rather avoid it as much as possible.
"I'm sorry. I was out of line, Princess Sara. I'm just your knight, you are royalty. You should be telling me where I stand, not the other way around. I guess this whole experience is making me forget that. I'm very sorry and I'll make sure I never act out of my place as a knight again."
This whole time my back was toward her. I knew if I looked into her blue eyes, I'd forget my apologizes and go straight to the pain in my heart. The aching I have in my stomach. My desire to have her for myself.
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5:07pm Jul 1 2012
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Ooc:// I know~ :D
And for the chickening out thing, Travis should probably tell her soon.
Sara watched as Travis walked past her and began to talk. She thought that she might have had to apologize first, but that thought was extinguished as her knight apologized. She was grateful that he did so. Even though the more non-honest part of herself wished that she would've told him that it wasn't his fault that she had been upset, it really was his fault. He was basically teasing the tiger.
She was also surprised as he admitted that it was not his place to tell her who to marry. His back was to her, so she crossed her arms and smirked a little. Her smirk faded when he nearly said something that she'd been wishing to hear. Possessive meant that he wanted her all to himself. Just like she wanted him all to herself. But Travis corrected himself in the middle of the word, and Sara's heart dropped a little, though a faint blush still stained her cheeks.
He went a bit too far when he said that he was getting out of line, and that he was to be ordered around like some stupid trained monkey that she'd seen in a faraway kingdom once. She let her face soften. Had she really seemed that angry earlier? Had she convinced him that he was some marionette to be controlled? She looked down, and then moved forward, placing her hand on his arm and attempting to make him turn around.
"Travis... You aren't to be ordered around like some stupid, brainless buffoon." She sighed, and her blue eyes searched the back of his head. "I... I'm sorry, too. For being snappy earlier. It is good to have some mind of your own." She bit on her bottom lip lightly. "I have problems when you tell me who to marry because..."
Because what, Sara? Because I love you? You can't say that... Not yet. Maybe he doesn't feel the same way. Maybe he'll freak out and run away... She thought to herself.
She quickly came up with a cover for what she was going to say. "Because I don't want to marry the prince." It made a bit of sense. In her head, at least.
Love is all we need~
6:24pm Jul 1 2012 (last edited on 6:27pm Jul 1 2012)
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I kept my back towards her moments after I spoke my apologies. I held my breath when her hand touched my arm. So close to where she had squeezed when I had kissed her. Goosebumps ran up and down my arms beneath the cloth of my shirt at the memory. Anytime I was around her, I was aware of every motion she made, conscious of wherever her eyes gazed upon, hoping it would come at me with more interest then anything else. I swallowed at her words.
"I have problems when you tell me who to marry because..."
My heart was hammering in my chest, I was afraid it would pound against my shirt. Because. Because. Because. Because what? Everything in me was waiting for her tempting mouth to say the words that she wanted to marry me. She loved me. She wanted me. Though that would be impossible, obviously. She was the princess, and whether she realized it or not, everyone under royalty was a stupid, brainless, buffoon.
"...Because I don't want to marry the prince."
My heart went from beating rapidly, to stopping as I caught my breath in my throat. My fantasies were interrupted by the truth. She wasn't thinking about marrying me. She was thinking of how she didn't want to marry the prince. Everything in me wanted to tell her that there were only so many princes in the world. And if, as I've heard, she's truly dismissed as many prince's as she had already, Prince Arnold could be one of very few left for her to marry. But I didn't want to ruin the opportunity to tell her how I felt. I needed to do it before I chickened out.
I finally turned my head, my hazel eyes looking into her blue ones. Did they show how I felt? Was I being how I was when I was drunk? Polite and sincere, she wanted right? I'll be polite and sincere. And honest, and loving... And anything else this female solely desired.
Where we were was forgotten. Being alone, ironically, wasn't on my mind. I forgot we were at the prince's palace. I forgot that she was the princess and I was a knight. I forgot she was sent away for being a brat. I forgot that I was sent with her, being punished for something I didn't do.
And, this time, I let myself get lost in her blue eyes without thinking how wrong it was. Time to get clear. About everything.
I whispered. The way I had in her ear, with every desire showed in my tone, when she wrapped the bandages around my chest in the forest by the river. My heart started beating rapidly once more, taking her hand off my arm, and bringing her palm close to my lips. Just one taste. Just one kiss. Pressing my lips to her palm, I could taste... What was that? Honey? My eyebrows furrowed and a smirk tugged at the corners of my lips in amusement, wondering where a taste like that came from.
"I'm so confused."
I whispered in the same tone, taking her hand away from my lips and bringing it to my cheek. I forced her fingers to curl slightly in a soft caress before closing my eyes.
"I'm forgetting about when I need to make decisions based on right and wrong... or on what I want."
When I said, 'What I want', I had finally looked back at her eyes, right passed those baby blues and to her heart. I needed to take this conversation slowly, so I could think on what to say without unconsciously bringing up Prince Arnold and her need to marry.
[[He shall tell now ;) ]]
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6:49pm Jul 1 2012
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Sara released her lip when Travis turned his head to face her. She felt her cheeks warm up, but that was only a minor feeling as Travis's eyes bored into hers. It took everything she had not to collapse right there and tell him to take her back to Ashes- Beg him to never let her go home, and to never mention any other man in any relation to her. Tell him that she thought of no other man in the same way she thought of him.
But her breath caught in her chest, making her realize just how fast her heart had started beating. When she felt Travis's hand wrap around hers and bring it to his lips, gently kissing her palm, she swallowed the lump in her throat, her heart aching. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, bury her face in his chest, and never let go in that moment. She had even more thoughts run through her head as Travis brought her hand up to his face, her fingers curling into a gentle caress.
Sara had noticed his tone- the same one he had used when he'd whispered in her ear when she was bandaging his wound. That voice made her cheeks stained with a scarlet color, and she couldn't peel her eyes away from Travis's, even though they were closed. Was this what her mother felt like when she'd met her husband? Sara's father?
When Travis opened his eyes again as he finished his sentence, Sara took a sharp intake of breath. She moved her hand so that her thumb rested on his cheekbone. She grazed the tip of her finger across the skin there.
"And....?" Sara knew he couldn't be finished, and the silence that was occuring was both enjoyable and unbearable.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm Jul 1 2012
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I wasn't thinking about the possibility that she could push me away. I wasn't thinking how wrong this was. I wasn't thinking about how she was the princess; how every man in the world would want this opportunity.
Taking any worries out of my mind, and letting the idea's that have roamed my mind for days come back to mind, I wondered how to tell her delicately.
"Having something you can't have can be so tempting, but you're tempting either way."
I said, closing my eyes again and enjoying the feel of her hand on my cheek. No matter how wonderful it would be to look her in the eyes, I don't think I could take her reaction.
"You said (All the days are mingling together, I can't remember when exactly. bahaha.) that you would have been willing to kiss me, when we were in my room. Before we fought."
That wasn't the most smooth way to start the topic, but at least it was said.
"You had asked me if I would have, but I didn't answer."
Instead, I had leaned down to kiss her. After my lips teased the her full lips, I had jumped away. "I was scared of rejection. Of losing someone I loved before I was even sure I loved them. Doing something that would hurt you later."
I said, referring to jumping up before the kiss even got to where I had wanted it. No where near a little small contact of skin, that was for sure. I opened my eyes and looked back at her. "I would have kissed you much more then I had, if worries hadn't gotten in the way."
My heart was pounding, and I brought my head up, going back to my full tall frame, and grabbed her hand. Squeezing her fingers, I forced myself to look in her eyes. I forced myself to watch her reaction.
"Princess, I'm sorry. I think I love you more then I realize, but either way, I love you. My heart aches for you when you're not in my sight, but the second you are, I only feel more pain, knowing I can't have you. Seeing you at the breakfast picnic with Prince Arnold had made me sick. The idea of Prince Arnold marrying you makes me want to get drunk again, but not before I strangle his neck. I love you, Princess."
At first my speech had gone confidently. But by my last sentence, I had my fingers trailing up and down her arms lovingly, only getting closer and closer with every small step, my eyes never leaving hers as I awaited her reaction.
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7:59pm Jul 1 2012
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When Travis began speaking, Sara wasn't sure she knew where it was going. She remembered the event that he was talking about. The one where his lips barely brushed hers, and then Travis had jumped back like some startled feline, retreating to the corner of his room and saying things to her that made her wail in her bathroom.
She had remembered that vividly, and even as he spoke of it, she felt a small fragment of the pain that she had felt that day resurface, making her heart ache a bit more to the point where it almost hurt. But as he spoke, the excessive aching faded, leaving her with only the ache that she could understand. The ache for her knight.
He had been scared, it seemed. She could understand that. A knight having any sort of relationship with a princess was looked down upon everywhere. But she didn't know why he feared rejection. She had made it clear that she wanted him to kiss her at that time. She hadn't rejected him before, or shied away when he almost kissed her when they were dancing.
Princess, I'm sorry. I think I love you more then I realize, but either way, I love you.
Sara's heart stopped.
My heart aches for you when you're not in my sight, but the second you are, I only feel more pain, knowing I can't have you.
She took in a sharp breath and felt tears prick at her eyes. They weren't tears of sadness, but of relief and happiness. So he did love her, and want her to himself. So she hadn't imagined everything.
Seeing you at the breakfast picnic with Prince Arnold had made me sick.
So he had seen her at the picnic. So that flash of black hair she'd seen had actually been Travis, and not some servant. So he was bothered when he saw her with other men? Just like she was bothered when she saw him with that cat-eyed woman at the feast.
The idea of Prince Arnold marrying you makes me want to get drunk again, but not before I strangle his neck. I love you, Princess.
She swallowed as he said that he wanted to strangle the prince. So she had two boys willing to hurt eachother for her heart. If she were some younger girl, she would be flattered. If she were immature, she would be excited. But she was fifteen, and she knew which boy she wanted.
"Travis..." She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. Her voice was a murmur. "I love you, too." She exhaled in a large sigh, feeling so much better now that she had gotten all of that off of her chest.
Love is all we need~
8:50am Jul 2 2012
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I didn't know what to think when she wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest. She was so short, it was, technically, right beneath my chest; either way she had embraced me. But I didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Happy because she did love me. Angry because this is all that could never happen. I swallowed, forcing the thoughts away. I'll enjoy what I have; even if it wasn't everything I wanted.
My breathing grew heavy, and I stopped trailing my finger tips up and down her arms, and tightly wrapped my arms around her back. I must say, this was slightly difficult since our height was such a big difference. I loved it, easy or not. I leaned my head down, my lips close to her ear, my hot breath tickling her skin. She said it. She loved me too. There were no more words that needed to be said, even though many questions came to my mind. Like how long she loved me? Why court the prince if you did? Why didn't you tell me so I wouldn't have gotten drunk?
The last one was more for myself. Why didn't I tell her sooner... I pressed my lips against the skin by her ear, my fingers moving her blonde hair to her back while my lips kissed down to her jaw.
"I love you."
I said again, this time a smile in my tone. I leaned my head up, pressing my forehead against hers, a smile from ear to ear on my face. I took away the thoughts telling me it'll never happen. That our love can never grow through trials, fights, and more problems of marriage. Our love wouldn't become strong enough to have our kids that we'll never have see it in our every day lives, even when we were mad at them. It was just here and now. And when we came back to her kingdom, everything will go back to normal. I shook those thoughts away. I didn't want to think of them.
Drinking still sounded great, but not because of being ill of keeping my love hidden. But knowing that it can never grow. This love is like a flame that will blow out once we see how much trouble we'll get in. If her father found out, he'd probably send me away - or behead me. I closed my eyes, my smile diminishing to a straight line as my jaw clenched. No. I couldn't think about this now. This could be my only chance. I opened my eyes again to look back in hers, still feeling confused, lost, and in pain. Once she understood, she'd feel the same as well.
I wasn't going to let myself feel this pain any longer. With a low growl coming up my throat, I let go of her waist that I had been kneading gently without even realizing it, I put both palms across her flawless cheeks and gave her a kiss just as rough as my personality.
[[... I'll give the two mushy love birds time for a kiss, but Prince Arnold should come in on them. It'll give him more of a reason to whisk Travis awaaayyyy~ ]]
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9:26am Jul 2 2012
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Ooc:// Yeah. That would be interesting. XD Arnold would walk in and be all.... o.o
Sara shivered as she felt Travis's breath on her ear. He had hugged her back, and he was warm. Like a nice summer day- the sun shining on your skin, and the warmth and comfort you get from that feeling. She loosened her arms so that he could whisper to her more easily. However, Sara quickly saw that he hadn't planned on whispering to her. Instead, he laid a kiss near her ear, and trailed several more down to her jaw.
She had been so surprised by the action that she hadn't had time to react properly. As he put his forehead against hers, Sara couldn't help but smile back at him. He had a smile that would put the cheshire cat to shame right then, she decided.
She hadn't thought much of the situation. Sure, she knew that there was a nonexistent possibility of them ever getting married, or being able to be together- to have children, or watch eachother grow old. When they died, they probably wouldn't even be put in the same cemetery, or even close to eachother. She knew her father wouldn't like this very much, and Travis would most likely be harshly punished for his feelings for her.
But, royalty or no royalty, Sara loved Travis. Sure, he could be grumpy, a bit controlling at times, and sometimes a little ignorant, but that was what made him himself. Just like Travis, Sara had her quirks, and she was curious as to how Travis looked around them to see her- the real her. She'd put up a personality of selfishness and a bratty attitude. She had terrorized servants, knights, and subjects alike for minor matters. But that girl had died when she began to realize what she felt, it seemed.
When Travis roughly kissed her, she placed her arms on his biceps and angled her head so that their noses wouldn't bump eachother. She closed her eyes, and furrowed her brows. This was her first real kiss. The one out in the woods where Travis wanted to wake her up wasn't real. The one out on the dancefloor wasn't real. And the one in Travis's room wasn't real.
She didn't think about the past or future very much. She just focused on making sure that what was happening wasn't some sort of dream caused by her longing for that hazel-eyed, black-haired knight that she was kissing.
Love is all we need~
11:18am Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 11:20am Jul 2 2012)
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[[ I couldn't force there kiss to stop immediately. No killing Travis for going at it with the kiss lol. They were waiting for this kiss for so long, it would be so mean... ;-; But don't worry, knowing him, he'd be apologizing soon for it. ]]
Her lips were just as soft as I remembered last time we had a kiss. Though, this time, this was the first kiss we had where we both were awake. It only made me want to kiss her harder. The small smack sound of out lips separating rang in my ears every time before leaning in for another... And another... And another...
And so on...
Long blissful moments passed, and I couldn't take it anymore. She was so short, and my neck was burning from the position. And my lungs were begging me to stop for breath. I guess I could take a little break. Just one. Moment. I took that break by putting my head back up, pressing my lips into her hair as I backed her up to the door that led to my bed room. The warmth that seeped through the cloth of my shirt was not from the heated room, but from the closeness of our bodies. Looking back down at her, I grabbed her arms and forced them to wrap around my neck. This break was only a couple seconds, because I couldn't wait any longer. I've been waiting for our lips to connect for what felt like forever. Leaning my head back down to the blue eyed princess, my lips met hers as my fingers trailed up and down her arms again, lovingly. "I love you."
I whispered against her lips before pushing her against the door as my lips came harder. I heard footsteps in the beginning of the hallway, but I was in a daze. Forgetting everything wrong with these actions. The tip of my tongue traced her upper lip. The footsteps came louder. I moved my lips so that my teeth tenderly bit on her lower lip. The footsteps were echoing in my ears. A growl escaped my throat, keeping me from hearing someone knock on the door. I kissed her lips harder, hoping she wouldn't stop any time soon. The knocking came again, and minutes passed.
I whispered the words in her ear, keeping me from hearing the door knob turn before nuzzling her neck. The door opened. I didn't notice. I leaned my head up, giving her a kiss on her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, jaw, and down her neck slowly and lovingly. But the time I got to her neck, it wasn't so gentle. The sound of my lips meeting her skin, of my heavy breathing, were the only sounds I could hear in the room.
Until I heard someone clear there throat from behind me.
[[^^ Meaning the princess would only have to look over his shoulder - if she was taller - to see Arnold. ]]
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11:41am Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 11:49am Jul 2 2012)
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Sara wished that she would have done this sooner. That she would have actually kissed him back when he kissed her to wake her from the demon. She guessed that the nasty little bastard was somewhere in her soul, watching this scene with wide eyes and a creepy, crazy grin. That thought passed quickly as Travis pulled away from her and took in a breath.
She had thoughts to kiss him again, right then and there, and say that breathing wasn't necessary, but she had to catch her breath, too. She sure wished that breathing wasn't necessary. If it wasn't, they would never have to pull away. She would never have to wait those tedious seconds for her lips to find his again. She felt her back press up against the door that led to Travis's room, actually wondering when it had been closed. Her wondering subsided when her lips met Travis's again.
Travis's breathing was heavy, and the sound of their lips coming together and separating overpowered the faint footsteps that she heard in the hallway. It was probably just some servant, she thought. Her thoughts subsided again when Travis lightly bit her bottom lip. Did this man know what he did to her train of thought? Every thought that she could ever have would disappear when he kissed her. It was like he was forcing her brain to short out. Sara liked it.
She entangled her hand in the hair on the back of his head, just above the nape of his neck, and clenched his shirt in her free hand. The noises of someone entering the room were almost nonexistent as Travis trailed fierce kisses down her neck. Sara's eyes closed. Nothing else mattered.
Until she heard the oh-so familiar clearing of someone's throat. Travis hadn't moved, so she knew it wasn't him. She would've felt the rumbling due to their closeness.
Opening one eye reluctantly, she almost already knew who it was. She moved slightly so that she could spot the blonde-haired prince standing not too far away from them.
Great. She'd been caught. They'd been caught. She was supposed to be courting Prince Arnold- even though she really didn't want to. She didn't move from her spot against the wall. She simply moved the hand that had been in Travis's hair and used her index finger to lightly tap his shoulder, hoping that he would get what she was saying and turn around.
Love is all we need~
12:00pm Jul 2 2012
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The idea of enjoying the princess for just a couple more minutes, hours, maybe even days, came out of my mind when I heard someone clear there throat. I was going to ignore it, my lips, though much more slower and gentle, still kissed her neck. Once whoever it was saw we were in the middle of something here, they'd leave us alone. But, when the princess tapped my shoulder, I was guessing she saw who it was. Another growl came from my throat, but it wasn't out of pleasure. But out of irritation.
I said, my voice husky, my breathing heavy. I turned around, and my anger slowly diminished to see the blonde haired, blue eyed, one and only Prince Arnold. My cheeks paled, and his face replaced with anger.
"Princess? What are you... We are supposed to be..."
He looked like a toddler not getting his way, but I couldn't say that out loud. Seeing as I've been acting like I haven't been getting my way ever since I first met the prince. Ever since he had his eyes on my princess.
"What is kissing a useless knight going to do, Princess Sara? You could tell him your pains but you couldn't tell me? You won't even try courting me, finding some kind of attraction towards me? You won't be able to get any jewels or power with him. "
My red lips - from kissing the princess - formed a frown. It wasn't my place to tell her who to marry, but that didn't mean I'd let this burden be on her so that he won't be interested in her. He could still woo her, right?
"My apologies, Prince, it's my fault. I... I coerced her for my own selfish pleasures."
Prince Arnold seemed to not want to hear my voice. Clenching his jaw, he took a deep breath and kept his eyes on the princess, looking at her neck appallingly like I had left a 'knight's mark' with my mouth or something. I don't think he realized I was so good, I didn't leave marks.
"I'd like to speak with you once we are all... Calmed down."
He said, though that wasn't the only reason why he left. Someone was leaving this kingdom tonight, the prince was sure of it.
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12:19pm Jul 2 2012
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Sara was glad when Travis pulled away. As much as she would've liked him to keep kissing her, the prince didn't look to happy about the scene before him. Her arms dropped to her sides as Travis turned around. When Travis spoke, the prince's face twisted in anger. When he began to talk, Sara couldn't help but think that he looked a bit jealous. Like some sort of toddler that saw another kid with his best friend.
Her blue eyes dropped downwards as the prince scolded her. She had never been one to be scolded, but for her sake, and for Travis's, she would remain silent. She could tell Travis everything, but she didn't feel that way with Prince Arnold. She probably never would feel that way with anyone else.
Travis speaking again didn't seem to help at all. The prince's face twisted a bit more, and he looked at Sara's neck. The princess bit her lip and wondered if there was a mark there. Her eyes drifted back up to Prince Arnold as he left, and she let out a shaky breath, her heart still beating like a drum.
She debated on kissing Travis again- not letting the prince ruin the moment that had been interrupted. But she cancelled that thought out quickly. Travis had apologized to the prince earlier- said that he coerced her. In truth, Sara had a good deal to do with the situation that had occured earlier. She had wanted Travis to kiss her. She didn't know if she would be able to keep her mouth shut if he ever apologized for such a thing again.
Instead, she settled for placing a small, slender hand on Travis's bicep, trying to get him to look at her. "Travis."
Love is all we need~
12:29pm Jul 2 2012
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When the prince left the room, everything in me desired to go where we left off with the kiss. But I saw the determination in the prince's eyes. He was up to something and just forgetting about it and going back to a kiss didn't seem right. The kiss wasn't right at all, but I felt the mood diminish.
When I felt her hand on my arm, I turned, cupped her face, and gave her a more gentle kiss on her lips.
"I'm sorry."
I whispered, amusement in my voice.
"We probably shouldn't have done that - with the door unlocked."
I winked at her before letting go of her face. "To be completely honest, I shouldn't have kissed you like that anyways. We might get in more trouble." Goodness, gentlemen wait for kisses like that until marriage. But, the idea that this could be the only kiss I get, that I'll never get all of her without marriage, made me want to enjoy all I could in that kiss. I couldn't help stealing one more kiss before running a hand through my hair and backing away. Still feeling light headed.
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12:41pm Jul 2 2012
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Sara's eyes closed when she felt his lips unexpectedly come to hers again. She could still feel the blood rushing in her ears, her heart pounding against her chest. Her heart nearly dropped when he apologized. Great. He was sorry for the kiss. She hadn't acknowledged the amusement in his voice- she was still a bit dizzy from the kisses.
She could almost feel the long speech about how none of that never should have happened, and how she didn't belong with him, and how she should marry the prince, and blah, blah, blah. She prepared herself to go and cry in the bathroom again. But that preparation was wasted when he said the next thing.
Yes, perhaps next time they should lock the doors for that, she decided, though she had a sinking feeling there would be no next time, and that someone would find a way into the room to interrupt them again. Her lips still tingled from where his had touched hers. When Travis finished speaking, she took her hand and traced her index finger over her lips, the memory still fresh.
Sara didn't argue when he said he probably shouldn't have kissed her like that- he was right. They could get into even more trouble. She could already tell they were knee-deep in trouble by the way the prince had looked at her. But sometimes she really didn't care about what Travis shouldn't do.
She let out a light laugh and drug her fingers through her own hair, her knees feeling a bit wobbly. She chewed on her bottom lip.
Love is all we need~
1:48pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 1:48pm Jul 2 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 7,283
[[ Lalalalala. I fail. I should have kept the prince for a bit longer for a bigger scene. What should happppen? D: -writers block- ]]
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
1:50pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Murrrr..... I dunno.
There should be a feast that night, and Prince Arnold catches Travis alone, and sends him off to who-knows-where.
Love is all we need~