1:51pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Genius. |D
So would you like me just to time skip to that evening? ]]
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1:55pm Jul 2 2012
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Ooc:// I try to be. |D
And, sure. Just timeskip to that evening. XD
Love is all we need~
1:58pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Kay, post coming later. I'm reading a really good book. It has a hot guy in it. ]]
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2:00pm Jul 2 2012
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Ooc:// What book? Tell me the book! |D
Love is all we need~
3:36pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ It's not very known or anything. It's called Maid to Match be Deeanne Gist. -just poofing in- ]]
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3:39pm Jul 2 2012
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Ooc:// I'll have to check that out.
Love is all we need~
4:13pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Dooooo eeeeet. He's so awesome. Not better then Travis, but it's cool still. |D I'm sorry. ;-; I was reading.
And now going to a restaraunt. Just poofing in again. D: ]]
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4:15pm Jul 2 2012
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And I'll search it up.
I'll be looking forward to when you post. ;~;
I'll just sit here....
All alone.
Love is all we need~
7:18pm Jul 2 2012
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[[I'm back from a restaurant. But my mom is making me watch a movie. So I'm just poofing back in. Sorry.
Have fun.
All alone. ]]
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7:56pm Jul 2 2012
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Love is all we need~
7:59pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 8:00pm Jul 2 2012)
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I felt so light on my feet by the end of the day. I wasn't walking on air, I was on the moon. I had dressed back into the dressy shirts that resembled the other prince's and guests. (The picture you showed me. D: -doesn't know how to describe it- ) Except, instead of wearing a bright green shirt, I was wearing a more lush, grass green resembling the color of my eyes.
That didn't mean I wouldn't steal a kiss or two tonight once finding her. To heck with the prince and proper behavior. If I wasn't going to be able to marry the princess, I'll do what I want. At least, that has been my attitude lately.
The dance with a radiant older lady finished, I bowed, kissed her knuckles and took my leave after telling her it was a pleasure to dance. Every time a song had ended, I had tried to find the princess. Only to run into another women who decided to join me into the dance. I was growing impatient. Where was she? I needed to get to her before the dances ended. And no way was prissy prince getting a dance with her before me.
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8:26pm Jul 2 2012
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Sara's deep blue dress billowed around her figure as she danced around her partner, her hand on his shoulder, and his hand on her waist, their free hands together and in the air lightly. Her eyes weren't making contact with the man's. He was a bit older than her, in his early twenties, she guessed- possibly his mid twenties. He had the stature of a knight, which reminded her of a certain knight who had kissed her earlier that day.
She had danced with several men, constantly searching the crowds for Travis's ebony hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes caught on a man with black hair, and she moved forward. As she got closer, she noticed that it wasn't Travis, given that his back was to her. He wasn't as tall as Travis, but he seemed to notice she was behind him.
The man turned around to reveal an attractive face with high cheekbones and a straight nose. His eyes were a strange wolfish yellow. She was surprised at the color, but didn't stare. Staring would be impolite. The man bowed and took her hand, kissing her knuckles like all of the other men here had before dancing.
When the music began again, Sara was back to twirling around and stepping in rhythm. And then she spotted the ebony hair, and the hazel eyes.
The song stopped after a minute or two, and the man that Sara had been dancing with bowed deeply, dismissing himself with, "It's been a pleasure, Princess Sara." Sara smiled, gave him a polite nod, and made her way towards her knight.
Love is all we need~
8:37pm Jul 2 2012
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Just as the music was about to end, the princess's blonde hair came into sight. She was dancing with a man, and I shook away my envy. I had danced with plenty attractive ladies, so I shouldn't get upset because she had danced with men as well.
She let go of the male as the song faded and a new one began. She walked towards me. Did she notice me? Once she came closer, I wide smile came to my face. It was like she was the only one in the room, and I was coming to embrace her like I hadn't seen her in years. But, instead of embracing her, I came to her and was just about to put my hand on her waist, my other in her hand, before I paused.
"May I have this dance, Princess?"
I kind of liked calling her princess. It wasn't like I said it as her ti tle or name now. It was my secret endearment. Like calling her love, dear, or honey without anyone noticing, because they will be thinking I was calling her it out of respect.
I bowed, my hand already out, obviously she would agree. I've been waiting to dance with her this whole night, she would even if I had to knock the prince out to do so.
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8:49pm Jul 2 2012
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Sara was surprised as Travis appeared in front of her, meeting her before she could actually get to where he had been dancing with someone. She was surprised that he didn't just swoop her up into a dance. Instead, he actually asked. She grinned, though she had to stifle it slightly, lest she draw unwanted attention.
Her blue eyes met his and she said, "It would be a pleasure, Sir Knight." She used his knightly ti tle, taking his hand in hers, placing her other on his shoulder. The music began, and Sara hoped that Travis would look her in the eye the whole time.
Her shoes weren't over-sized like last time.
But, even if he did step on her feet, it wouldn't bother her too much. She'd had her feet stepped on by Capricornia before.
Love is all we need~
8:58pm Jul 2 2012
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I squeezed her hand when she took it, my other arm wrapping around her waist tighter then the rest of the men would here. But this was my princess. My lady. Whether I could have her forever or not.
"I've been looking for you all evening."
I said, my smile maybe diminishing from my lips to not look as creepily in love, but my eyes showed my happiness.
"You forget about me, already?"
I said, looking up at the previous male she was dancing with, though there was teasing in my eyes. I looked back down at her blue eyes, feeling lost once again. No one was looking, I made sure of it, and I gave her a peck on her cheek. "I love you." I whispered, inside feeling giddy. I was a crazily in love and I couldn't help it. My dancing was better, now that I had forgotten we were surrounded by people. It was just me and her.
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9:14pm Jul 2 2012
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Sara smiled back at Travis, her white teeth flashing in the lit room. So, she wasn't the only one looking for someone special. He seemed to have been looking for her, too, it seemed. She laughed lightly as he asked if she'd forgotten about him. Her cheeks turned a light red as he planted a kiss on her cheek.
Gosh, she hoped that nobody saw that. It would be disastrous. Of course, she could always just claim that Travis was her cousin, who had chosen to be a knight rather than some sort of duke. That would be farfetched, but Sara was sure that some people would buy it.
"I wouldn't dream of forgetting you," she said quietly, making sure that only Travis could hear her. She didn't peel her eyes away from his. If she did, she was afraid that she would spot several people staring with curiosity at how they were dancing, with Travis's arm around her waist much tighter than the rest of the men's.
Love is all we need~
9:26pm Jul 2 2012
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I held her tighter at her response. Why had I chosen to stick with the life of a knight instead of staying a villager and having a wife and family? The feeling she gave me when she looked at me, the way she touched me, spoke to me... It made me want her more.
My hand lovingly went up and down her back, my arm staying tight so I could keep her close. I stepped on her feet a couple times, but I kept my eyes on hers, an apologetic smile coming from my lips.
"You better not forget me just yet. For the time we have, I like the idea of being on your mind the way you're on mine."
I said quietly like she had, my face inches from hers so only she would hear. I could imagine whispering words of love like this every day, and I ached to run away with her so that I could do just that. Marry and never come back home. But I knew it wasn't right. Not what her future should be.
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9:36pm Jul 2 2012
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Sara shivered as his hand trailed up and down her back, leaving trails of fire where she felt his fingers trace. Her smile faded slightly as she realized her cheeks were beginning to ache. She fought back a wince as she felt his foot on top of hers, and just kept the soft, pleasant smile on her lips.
When he spoke, she blushed like she normally did and laughed lightly, trying to fight the redness from her cheeks. "It's a bit hard to forget you after what happened earlier," she said, referring to their real kiss. How she'd been pushed against the wall.
She sighed as the song ended, though she squeezed Travis's hand affectionately, wishing that they could go and dance alone. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with the hand that had been on Travis's shoulder and she bit her lip lightly.
Ooc:// Fail post...
Love is all we need~
10:38pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Once again, post coming. Just not now. D: ]]
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11:39am Jul 3 2012
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Ooc:// TT_TT You make me cry, Charity. Srsly.
Love is all we need~