3:05pm Jul 3 2012
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[[ Sorry. D: ]]
My eyes went to her mouth as she bit her lip. Pulling her until there was no space left between our bodies, my feet stopped as the song ended. I didn't plan on letting her go anytime soon. As a new song started, my feet slowly started to move to the dance again.
A smile brightened my already happy ex pression at her response. So she was thinking about it too?
"I can't stop thinking about that kiss."
More on point, how much I wanted to kiss her again. My hand started going in a circle on her back once more.
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3:49pm Jul 3 2012
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Sara's blush deepened as Travis pulled her closer, eliminating those few inches that had separated their bodies. As they began dancing again, Sara wondered where the prince was. She was glad that he wasn't bothering her, don't get her wrong, but she felt uneasy at the fact that he was nowhere to be found.
"Me either," she said, letting out a small, stifled laugh. She squeezed his hand in hers and didn't fight the goose bumps that rose on her back and arms as he traced small circles there.
"I think that we should stay just this night, and then we'll leave tomorrow at noon." She gave him a happy smile. She didn't want to stay here more than necessary. Prince Arnold's threats to kill or banish Travis still rung in her head, and she was a bit fearful for her knight- especially since they'd been caught by the prince himself.
Love is all we need~
12:45pm Jul 6 2012
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Ooc:// Bumperzzz.
Love is all we need~
12:51pm Jul 6 2012
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[[ Post coming. D: I haven't felt really well lately, though the fever is gone, so sorry about the random poofing. D: ]]
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1:11pm Jul 6 2012
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Ooc:// Tis fine~
Love is all we need~
11:57am Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// Bump... ;~;
Love is all we need~
1:30pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ Officially done detoxing from coffee! |D I have no idea how long this ball has been going on, so I'll just end it so we can get on with stuff. :DD]]
I smiled at the princess's response. Finally, we were thinking on the same page. The sooner we leave here, the sooner we can go home. I squeezed her fingers back gently, my smile not leaving my eyes.
"We should be able to go home soon, Princess."
I said, but before I could elaborate, and tell her how drastically she has changed, the song was done. Plenty of people have left the evening after saying good bye to the prince, who was now shaking the hand of every guest and giving them a handsome smile; thanking them for being there. The ball has come to an end. And I didn't want to let go of the princess.
Finally, though, I had to let her go. "I agree, Princess. I'll be ready to leave whenever you are."
I gave her a bow, kissed her knuckles, and left my lips there longer then necessary as my eyes went to her blue orbs. It was like a secret thing we shared, that kiss. And I couldn't stop thinking about it. A tap was on my shoulder, and I let go of the princess's hand after another squeeze on her fingers and turned around to see the prince. A smile on his face, though I couldn't help but notice how his cheek twitched. Showing how fake the smile was.
"It was lovely to have you two attend the ball this evening. Princess, as usual, you look wonderful."
He gave me another fake smile, before turning and leaving to say good bye to other guests. I couldn't help to be suspicious at his behavour. He could always be trying to be nice to me now, but I doubted it. Something was up. But I gave a smile to the princess so she wouldn't know I was worried.
"I think we should get enough rest as possible so we aren't tired when we leave tomorrow."
I said, offering my elbow to lead her back to our rooms. I felt bad for lieing to the princess, but I had to make sure she was asleep before talking to this prince. To get everything out on the table.
[[ Dunnn. Dunnn. Dunnnnnnnnnn. Anyways, do you want to play the prince later that night, or do you want me to make a simple post about him banishing Travis? :DDD Whichever is fine. |D ]]
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1:44pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// I will never give up coffee. I would die in that process. x.x
Kudos to you, wo-man.
Sara was curious when Travis said home. However, she didn't ask any questions. Was she ready to go home? She was a bit afraid of what would happen when she returned. Would she and Travis still have what they had? Would they share more kisses, or would he go back to his knightly duties, and would she eventually be forced to marry a prince by her father?
When the last song ended, Sara frowned. There was no longer an excuse for Travis to hold her close, or for her to be close to Travis. He let her go, and said he'd be ready to leave when she was. She would be ready to leave in the morning. She would sleep soundly, and hoped that Travis would do the same.
She smiled at Travis as he kissed her knuckles, his eyes staring into hers, and she just noticed the prince standing behind Travis when Travis released her hand. The skin there tingled from where his lips had touched.
She gave the prince a small, polite curtsy, but didn't get a chance to thank him before he walked off again, telling the guests goodbye. The blue-eyed girl looked up to Travis, and smiled again. "I completely agree with you, Travis. We should get plenty of rest." She took his elbow, and began to walk, making sure not to drag him along.
Ooc:// And, you can just make a short post about how the prince banishes Travis. Or perhaps he could lock Travis up in the dungeon. :D I'm unusually giddy about this.
Love is all we need~
1:49pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ Omg. O.O Dungeon actually sounds fun. Because then the princess could find him later on. |D Maybe like, the prince convinces her to marry him since the knight is gone. Who else'll take care of her? And like maybe right before they get married, she decided to explore and finds him there. |DDDD Actually, it doesn't have to be like that we can wing it, but I like the idea of her finding him. Like he's the 'damsel in distress' this time, you know? |D GAH I'm excited <3 Then can I just time skip to later that night? I dun' wanna power play her going to her room or anything. D: ]
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2:20pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// Sure. Feel free to skip to that night.
And the whole damsel-in-distress thing sounds awesome. So she'll be convinced to marry the prince because Travis is gone, and then she goes exploring before the wedding, and finds him. Then she makes a jailbreak thingy for Travis, and she'll seriously want to kill the prince. XD
Like... Travis may have to hold her back or something. But her mage powers will be going all nutso.
Love is all we need~
2:44pm Jul 9 2012 (last edited on 3:20pm Jul 9 2012)
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[ LOL. Omg I'm excited. |D ]
I got up from my bed when I was sure the whole town must be sleeping. Just now realizing that probably meant the prince, I didn't know if this was such a good idea now. But I purposely kept myself from sleeping, so I might as well try and talk to the guy. Maybe he'll be understanding, even though I have no idea what I'll say. I just feel like we need to talk. Clear the air, seeing as things are so tense when we are in the same room together. I just wanted to know what his problem was with me. He couldn't possibly already love the princess already, so jealousy shouldn't be the issue. But I fell in love in such a short period, maybe it's possible.
Either way, I was ready to have it out. I was sick of the lack of communication. I'll also be making it known that we were leaving tomorrow. Leaving the bedroom as quietly as I could just in case the princess just so happened to still be awake, I walked down the hallway. Just as I passed another, I ran into the one and only Prince. We stared at each other for a while, startled at seeing the other here.
"I was just searching for you, Prince Arnold."
I said, bowing to him. Looking back up, I didn't see the prince anymore. But his guard staring down at me. He was huge, I could easily say a giant. His face reminded me of a bull dog, and he didn't seem to know what personal hygiene meant.
"Funny. I was just hoping I'd be able to run into you."
I ignored Drake and turned around to see Prince Arnold had become behind me when I bowed. What was he planning?
"Really? What was it you needed?"
Prince Arnold took one hand from behind his back and waved it in the air as he thought. "Oh nothing to lose your sleep over. Would you like to-"
The fake nonchalant tone. The fake smile. I was getting sick of it. Interrupting him, I repeated,
"What was it you needed?"
Prince Arnold shrugged, as if saying 'I tried to warn you', before turning and saying, "It wasn't what I needed really. I just want you to learn a lesson or two."
Before I could ask what he meant, a sharp pain came from my already wounded shoulder from the arrow. It was just starting to heal, but Drake's large hand wrapped around it and forced my body to turn to him. Before Drake's fist met my face, the last thing I saw was Prince Arnold's condescending grin. This time, I didn't see anything fake about it.
[ Kay. Simple post done. In the next post, I'll have him wake up in the dungeon, and Prince Arnold will explain why and such. D: ]]
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3:29pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// Okey dokey~
Sara was sleeping well. It hadn't taken her long to fall asleep, either. She would leave tomorrow with Travis, and they would go back to the kingdom shortly after that. If Travis didn't mind, that was. She would have to run that idea past him. She felt so strange lately, like all giddy inside.
She stirred slightly in her sleep, but didn't wake when Travis exited his room. Her forehead still felt strange from when Travis had kissed it, but it was the good kind of strange. Shortly after that, she went into a deep, deep sleep that was dreamless and velvety and dark.
She had changed into a dark green silk gown before she got into bed, and it was very comfortable. It reminded her of the gowns that she wore back at home when she slept.
Ooc:// Fail post. Dunno what to do with Sara...
Love is all we need~
3:37pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ Oh. I had meant you could time skip to the next day so she had more to do. D:
Do you want to change it or should I time skip? |D ]]
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3:54pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// Oh. XD
I so knew that. I was just testing you. |D
-Biggest epic failure moment ever.-
Sara woke as some sun shone on her face. It was a bit early in the morning, so she didn't want to bother Travis just yet. In a few minutes, though, if she didn't hear noise from his room, she would go in and wake him up herself- by jumping on his bed like a child.
She bathed and changed from her gown into a bright green dress that had white lace around the top. She looked to the window and sighed. It was raining. Heavily. She could hear the water plinking against the side of the castle, and she found it strangely relaxing.
She also had a feeling that it would rain like that all day long. She wouldn't be upset if it did. Rain was good for plants, and the garden seemed to be lacking some water the last time she went out to it.
Ooc:// Yep. Fail again.
Love is all we need~
4:31pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ Hahahahahahahaha. Why do you always have epic failures? D: ]]
My head throbbed. My back ached. My shoulder burned. My hazel eyes opened to see nothing but darkness at first. But as my eyes adapted to the darkness, I could see silhouette's of things. Like the chamber pot in the corner. The bars holding me in this cell. The small square window above me with two bars in. Probably so tiny prisoner's couldn't escape.
Slowly, the events of last night came back to my mind. The prince. Drake. The horrible first punch that knocked me clean out. No wonder my head throbbed so badly. I reached up to feel a large bump on my forehead. (He's the only one that can look attractive with a gross bump on his forehead. |D ) I groaned, sitting up and trying to get on wobbly legs to my feet. My back hurt, probably from the way I had laid all night long leaning on the stone wall. Rolling my head around to crack my neck, I finally walked to the bars. The second I did, the face of Prince Arnold appeared in my mind. This was his doing. I swallowed, anger seeping out of every pore.
"This is how you handle your problems?"
I screamed, my voice echoing down the chamber to other dungeons I couldn't see in the hallway.
"Come out and be a man!"
I roared even louder, shaking the bars as much as I could. They wouldn't budge. Backing away, I let the non-wounded shoulder face the bars, and I ran with all of my might into it. Not even a dent, though I heard a pop in my shoulder. Groaning, I sat on my butt facing the bars and rubbed my new wounded shoulder. I hadn't thought that through. I frowned as I heard keys ringing. Foot steps coming. It was so dark outside of the cell, I couldn't see a thing.
"What do you want from me, Alex?"
I said through clenched teeth. I'll probably regret calling the prince by his first name later, but I was too angry to apologize now. Finally, the prince came into view, looked at me in between the bars.
"Yes, Sir Knight, this is how I handle my problems."
He said with a smug grin. I kept myself sitting to show how much respect I had for the guy. None.
"I'm courting the princess, and it will be much easier to have her marry me once she knows her dear knight is dead."
My head snapped up. Hazel eyes meeting blue ones. Dead? "So you'll kill me to get the princess. It'll be a wasted death, because she won't marry you."
She couldn't marry him. Right? She told me she loved me. I confessed my love in return. Would she really be swayed? I clenched my jaw. I wouldn't let myself believe that she'd marry the guy, after all we said. After that kiss. After the dances. After the glances... But, if I'm dead, don't I want her to live happily with a man? My shoulders hunched over, sorrow making me weak. That's the truth. No matter how much I don't want to share her, once I'm dead, she deserves any man she wants.
"I don't know about that. Seeing as she has her standards so low to love you, she'd be thrilled to marry me."
I clenched my jaw, trying to let myself believe that once I die, she'd be safe with this man. He wasn't a psychopath. It was known for royalty to kill people in there way. Why do you think people stay on there good side?
"Then kill me and get it over with, Alex."
Mostly because the pain in both shoulder, head, and back was to much. The princess will be safe with him, and I won't have to live with pain at knowing she couldn't marry me. A laugh came from the prince, the kind that made me want to jump up, reach my arms through the bars, and strangle him to watch his last breath.
"I'm not going to kill you, Sir Travis. That will be so... Cruel. You can live, but you will live knowing that I will marry the princess right above you."
He said, pointing upwards. I'm guessing above me is somewhat of an 'alter'. "You will live knowing that the princess is going to love another. You will live with one meal a day, and if you don't cooperate, you will live with Drake watching you at all times in this cell. I must warn you, he does bite."
Prince Arnold said the last part in a more warning tone to show he was serious. I believed him 100 %. That Drake guy really beat me up good. The prince turned on his heel and left without waiting for my response. After realizing what was happening, I jumped up and ignored the pain... All over my body and grabbed the bars. Screaming the whole way as the prince made for the exit with a eerily calm walk.
"Let me out of here! Alex! Come back here! You will not marry her! You will not hurt her! You will not have her! Do you understand me? I'll get out of this cell and kill you myself!"
I heard chuckles from people in dungeons adjacent to mine, but I ignored it. Tears pricked at my eyes but I refused to cry. No, a man doesn't cry. Even if he was just threatened that he'll never see the love of his life again, will be stuck in this cell the rest of his life, while the woman he loves marries another right above him and lives in this castle the rest of her life without knowing he's right under her.
A man doesn't cry.
I clenched my jaw, swiped at the tear that decided to make itself known, and sat in the corner. Letting the darkness overlap me. This was no joke. No game. This was real, and everything in me wished I had never let the princess come here.
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4:54pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// I don't know...
Sara had been sitting in a trance for several minutes, just staring out of the window in complete silence. She then became impatient, chewing on her lip absent-mindedly. She was still in her trance. When a burst of thunder sounded outside, she jumped from her trance- literally, and blinked several times as lightning flashed.
She then realized just how long she had been sitting there, and how long she hadn't heard from Travis. Grinning, with light feet, the blonde-haired girl moved up from her bed and walked silently to the door that separated her room from Travis's. She turned the knob slowly and opened it, happy that the hinges didn't squeak.
It was dark in his room, so she couldn't see that the bed was empty. She got a running start, only running on her toes to avoid making loud noises, and jumped on the bed quickly and swiftly, giggling. "Wake up, Travis. It's morning," she said in a sing-song voice. When she felt no movement or warmth under her legs, she frowned.
She squinted in the darkness, and noticed that Travis was not there. Strange... Perhaps he had gone to tell Athena bye. She nodded, deciding that was what was occuring, and began to walk the halls. If anybody knew where her knight would be, it would be Prince Arnold, since he seemed to be a bit wary of Travis.
Though she didn't really want to encounter the prince before she saw Travis, she began to search for the blonde-haired boy of royal blood.
Love is all we need~
5:05pm Jul 9 2012
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After leaving the prisoner to his somewhat sad fate, I closed the door that discreetly led to the basement, which led to the dungeons right below that. It was so much easier to have the dungeons below the basement, so it'll tip any prisoner off if they find a way to escape.
Humming a tune from a song from last nights ball, I walked to find the princess. Putting on the face of unnoticeable fake worry (Unless you want her to notice. I don't care. D:), I walked fast paced down the hall to look the part. I needed to have the princess believe me to find trust in me. If she truly doesn't believe me about her stupid knight being dead, after her first initial shock, I'd have to kill him for real for her to see. And I don't think anyone wanted that, so I hoped she'd cooperate.
I saw the princess at the other end of the hallway, and quickened my pace. "Princess! I have... I have such terrible news."
I said, acting out of breath as though I've been running all over the castle looking for her to tell her this terrible news. Coming up to her, my eyes showed my fake sorrow as I grabbed both her hands and kissed her knuckles.
"Princess, I'm so sorry. Your knight was not expecting such a fate."
I said, lifting my lips from her knuckles, and searching her eyes. "Someone told you, right, Princess?"
I whispered. Obviously, I already know she doesn't know about Travis's fake death. But, it would look better if I asked first, so suspicions were more prevented from the girl.
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5:14pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara hadn't been walking very long when she spotted the prince on the other side of the hallway. He looked out of breath, and a worried ex pression was on his face. She furrowed her brows. Something was wrong. She just didn't know what. Though she knew that she would find out shortly.
She quickened her pace to meet the prince, but the prince quickened his, too, and met her before she even made it half way to him. She searched his face as he kissed her knuckles. What terrible news? What had happened? She felt so out of the loop right then, which was unusual for a princess.
Then he mentioned Travis, and Sara felt like air was being squeezed out of her. What had happened to her knight? Was he sick? Injured? She blinked several times and looked up at Prince Arnold.
Of course nobody told her what happened to her knight. She felt her heartbeat quicken, and her face contort with worry. "No. Nobody has informed me of what has happened. Would you please do so?" She let her eyes convey just how worried she was.
"What has happened to my knight?"
Love is all we need~
5:19pm Jul 9 2012
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Acting as though I wished I wasn't the one to give her the news, I let go of her hands and sighed. "Princess..." I said, closing my eyes a moment. How to say this? I might as well just come out with it without any more stalling. Opening my eyes, my sorrowful gaze held hers.
"Your knight is dead."
I said, swallowing as though it was hard to say. Caressing her face with one hand, the other I made sure to have in handy just in case she might faint.
"I'm so sorry." I didn't know if she would want to hear what happened, so I chose not to offer. When she wanted to, she'll ask. Either that or keep to herself so I wouldn't have to worry about her suspicions.
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5:26pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara watched as the prince seemed like he didn't want to deliver the news. Was it that bad? Surely her knight couldn't be too terribly sick. She became nervous as he closed his eyes, and then opened them to look at her with a sorrow-filled gaze.
And then he said it, and Sara felt like she was under water, like the air was being squeezed from her lungs. She felt tears prick at her eyes. And felt her face contort with sorrow. What? No. No, it couldn't be!
But the prince's face held no sign of joking.
She felt tears fall down her face, and then heard the yelp of a wounded animal come from somewhere. To her dismay, that yelp came from her own throat. She felt her face pale, and she hadn't drawn in a breath yet.
She began to feel dizzy, and she started seeing stars dancing in the corners of her vision. Words couldn't describe the sorrow inside of her. Her knight, gone. Dead. Never to see her again. She felt herself swoon to the side, and her limbs go limp, her hair flying as she fell.
She blacked out before she could even register what had just happened. For the first time in her life, Sara had truly fainted, without the demon pushing its way into her head.
The crush, the kiss, the dances, the shared glances, and the warmth of being close to one another. All never to be shared again. Never to be relived. All because of death.
Love is all we need~