5:29pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ This is making me so depressed. ;-; ]]
The second I saw the princess fall, I dropped her cheek and had her fall into my arms. It felt so right. Why couldn't she see that when she's awake? The second she'll hear my proposal, she'll have to say yes. She'll forget about the knight soon enough.
"Princess. Wake up. There's more."
I whispered, shaking her shoulders gently to wake her.
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5:37pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara woke after a few seconds, tears still streaming down her face. She drew in several sharp breaths and looked up at Prince Arnold. She wished that she could've just stayed asleep. She didn't want to have to face the pain. The pain of living without him. Without that black-haired, hazel-eyed knight. The pain of knowing he died right before they were to leave, and go home.
"Please, Prince Arnold. I beg of you, please let me sleep! I don't want to face the pain awake! Please..." She sobbed several times, closing her eyes, her cheeks turning red from the sadness.
Love is all we need~
5:43pm Jul 9 2012
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I was inwardly overjoyed that she believed me without any hesitation. That meant she trusted me. "Alright Princess. I will let you sleep. But there is more, so promise we will talk later on, alright?"
I said, lifting her up so she's cradled in my arms. I did feel guilt at the fact that she was hurting, but she'll forget once we're married. I took her to her room, and went inside. Putting her on the bed, I wiped the tears from her eyes.
"I can't imagine how you feel, Princess. It seemed like he meant the world to you."
I pressed my lips to her forehead.
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5:49pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara was glad that Prince Arnold would let her sleep. That was great. She was also dreading talking about Travis's death more. However, she was too weak to struggle when he lifted her into his arms. She let herself go limp, but still fought the fainting sensation again.
Prince Arnold was right. He wouldn't know how she felt. Travis meant more to her than anything else. More than Capricornia, and that was saying a lot. She felt the tears keep going down her face and sank into her bed as Prince Arnold layed her down on it.
She vaguely felt his lips being pressed to her forehead, but that was minute, and lingered only a second before she fell back into the velvety dark abyss of sleep that she could escape into.
Love is all we need~
5:58pm Jul 9 2012
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I left the room, the weight of her world finally off of my shoulders. It took a lot to watch someone find out a loved one is dead without breaking down with them. Closing the door gently as too not wake her, I walked down the hallway to pass Athena.
She smiled at me as she lifted a tray. "I bring surprise breakfast for knight and princess."
Athena always tended to give and give and give like this. I shook my head. "No, Athena. The knight was found dead for what seems for now to be natural causes. The princess needs some rest after hearing such news, so leave her be."
Athena's eyes went from a bright happiness to a dark sorrow. Swallowing, she looked down at the tray. She even had candles. And flowers to put in a vase. And she was going to promise the knight wine, like she know's he has been craving. Athena saw the way the princess and knight were at the ball. She knew they finally spoke of there love. She saw his stolen kisses while they danced. And now he's dead?
"That poor princess..."
She mumbled, shaking her head and speaking her own language a prayer as she walked passed him and put the tray by Sara's door before leaving the hallway without a glance in my direction. I sighed, leaving the hall way as well.
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6:12pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// I'm just going to timeskip to when Sara wakes up.
Sara's eyes fluttered open, and she immediately regretted even waking up. Couldn't she have just died while she was asleep, and joined Travis in whatever lied beyond life? Even if there was nothing there, Sara's pain would be released by death. She wouldn't have to feel that burning emptiness in her chest. The pain on her lips, knowing that they would never find Travis's again, and how cold she felt.
She felt the tears come again, and she just sat there and cried for several minutes. Mostly because of Travis's death, and partly because of the pain that followed it. She felt empty inside, like she would never smile again.
She moved from her bed and stumbled to the door, holding onto the walls for support. She knew she wouldn't be able to stand on her own for a while. Not with the pain in her heart. Not with the weakness in her legs.
She opened the door, only to hear the clang of it hitting something, and strowing it across the ground. Once she was in the hall, she looked to see what it was. A breakfast tray with flowers and candles. Flowers. Candles. Travis...
She fought back the tears again. She had cried so much lately. But if anything was to be cried over, it was Travis. He'd stolen her first kiss- and her heart. And now he still had her heart, even though he was dead. Her eyes closed for a moment, and then opened again as she began walking again.
She didn't make it far before she lost her balance and fell to her knees. Strangely enough, she felt no physical pain. Her body was numb to any other pain than the emptiness and achyness.
Love is all we need~
6:33pm Jul 9 2012
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My eyes didn't move from the prince's as he made his way down the hall with a smug grin on his face. A grin I wished I could slap off.
"Have you finally gone to your senses?"
I said, sitting up from the corner and walking over to the bars, wrapping my fingers around the cold metal one by one. The prince shook his head, coming up close. "I came to tell you how Princess Sara reacted to your sudden death."
I frowned and backed away. So he wasn't kidding. At this moment, Sara thinks I'm dead. My heart went out to her. I wished I could show her. Someway. That I was alive. I swallowed, and brought my eyes back to the prince.
"She seemed quite upset, like anyone would be at the idea of death. But she quickly accepted my proposal for marriage."
All air left my lungs. She accepted? So soon? Obviously I wanted her to marry some day. But not with this man. Not right when I die...
"She... She accepted?"
I whispered, feeling as though someone stabbed me in the heart. I closed my eyes. No. This reaction is what the prince wanted. That's why he was down here. I wouldn't satisfy him. No matter how much it hurt to know the princess truly didn't love me, obviously she didn't if she was going to marry so quickly after I die, I couldn't get upset infront of the prince.
"Yes. Happily too. We'll be married soon and you'll be... Here. Long gone from her mind."
I didn't have the energy to fight or argue or threaten. Because, there was nothing to do but let the princess go. If she didn't love me, I can't fight. Especially since she's choosing to marry the prince. I watched as the prince went down the hall, finally letting the tears stream down my face.
She never loved me. It was so hard to wrap that around my brain.
Visiting the prince wasn't as fun this time. He had chosen not to give me hollow threats or scream. But I did see the look in his eyes. The wimpy tears filling up. I chuckled at the thought. The princess was a fool to love him. It was a good thing he was dead in her eyes.
"Princess?" I said, coming up and grabbing her elbow gently for support to help her up. I was just about to go to her room to see if she was awake - I needed to propose soon. - to see her on the ground.
"Oh, come here..."
I murmured, helping - more of pulling - her up from the ground and forcing her head to gently press against my chest.
"I'm sorry, Princess. I know it hurts..."
I whispered in her ear soothing words.
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6:56pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara felt a hand wrap around her elbow, and pull her to her feet, though she felt limp and heavy. She didn't struggle as she felt her head being pressed against someone's chest. For a moment, she almost thought it was Travis. That was, until she raised her head.
She sniffled, felt two more tears fall down her face. Yes... She had no doubt that Prince Arnold knew it hurt, but he would never, ever know much it hurt. Ever. It felt like she had been punched all over by iron-clad fists.
"Prince Arnold..." She said quietly, not having the strength to speak loudly. "You said that there was more that had to be said. Tell me and get it over with, please." She sniffled again. "I want to go ahead and get all of the pain over with."
Love is all we need~
7:08pm Jul 9 2012
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At her request for me to say what I needed to say, I nodded and grabbed both of her hands. I looked into her eyes, and worry etched my features. "Before I say this, I want you to know that I didn't force Travis to say or do anything. This was his choice."
I swallowed, keeping the gaze toward her tearful eyes unblinking. "I was there when he... Passed. Before he was in any danger, he had said he was looking for me. He said he wanted to talk. He was all packed up, had his black horse with him outside. He told me he was leaving, saying you were better off here with me. He admitted something he didn't realize I'd tell you. In simple words, he pretty much said he didn't love you, but was just getting what any man would want to get out of a princess. He was surprised you fell for it all."
I realized after those words, that it might be too much at once. I squeezed her fingers before continuing.
"He also said that he still thinks you should marry me. That he thought it the best choice. As you know, I personally agree. Now that your knight is gone, who is going to keep you safe back at home? Oh, and imagine your father's face when he sees us riding to his kingdom together..."
This was definitely too much. Swallowing, I shook my head and looked back at her. "Never mind that. I just wanted you to know all the Travis told me right before he... You know. Maybe it'll ease the pain?"
I said, biting my lip as I hoped it would ease her pain.
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7:37pm Jul 9 2012
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When the prince began by saying he didn't force Travis to do anything, Sara wanted to just tell him to go ahead and get to the gist of it. She didn't want to have to just stand there for very long. She wanted to go and sit in her room again, and cry until her tears ran out, wail until her vocal cords stopped working.
Then he began speaking, and Sara wished that he would just stop with his storytelling, and say what needed to be said. Either way, she listened. So Prince Arnold had been there when Travis died? And then she felt like she got kicked in the gut. Travis thought that she was better off here? And he never loved her?
She felt sick at her stomach, and felt as if she was going to faint again. A single tear passed her bottom eyelid and made its way to her cheek, staying there. He was just exploiting her, only wanting to get something out of her that every man wanted from a princess. She let her brows furrow with sorrow.
And Travis still wanted her to marry the prince. The prince was right. Her knight was gone, and nobody would protect her or take care of her. And her father would be overjoyed if she married a prince at this age.
But she was surprised that the prince had the audacity to ask this close after Travis's death. Either way, to make her almost-lover happy, and her father happy, and even Prince Arnold happy, she swallowed the sorrows that threatened to bubble up out of her mouth.
"Are you proposing to me right now?" She cocked her head to the side slightly, blinking slowly at the prince.
Love is all we need~
7:52pm Jul 9 2012
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I waited patiently for her to take in every word I said. It must be hard to have someone tell you they love you and then your told that he never did. This is why we will marry. Her heartache will disappear.
I said, keeping her hands in mine as I went down on one knee.
"Marry me, Princess. For we can learn to love one another stronger and stronger with every moment we're together. I won't give you a love that isn't true, a love that burns out. I will not love you just because your a princess. But I will learn the quirks about you that make me laugh and things about you that'll bring more love in my heart. I will be everything you need in a husband, and I will be that proudly. Marry me, Princess Sara."
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8:00pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara would have been overjoyed if this was Travis, or if she hadn't already loved Travis. Instead, she felt a tear stream down her other cheek. She truly was touched by his words. He was sweet and all, but she just did not love him.
She kept her face in a neutrally sad ex pression, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She readjusted her hands in his, and, for the good of everyone, said, "I will, Prince Arnold." She hoped that this wouldn't make her heart hurt worse. Maybe, just like he had said, it would ease the aching.
"I will."
Love is all we need~
8:12pm Jul 9 2012
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I smiled, for a moment forgetting her hurting, jumping up on my feet, wrapping my arms around her in a embrace.
"Oh princess, this is exciting! I just knew you'd say yes!"
I finally let her go, my ex pression going back to sorrow. "It will get better. The hurt can only last for so long."
I said, caressing her cheek before backing away.
"I must tell the king and queen. We must get married as soon as possible."
I said, turning on my heel and disappearing from the hallway to let her be alone a bit more.
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8:58pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara didn't fight as she was wrapped in an embrace. She wondered how he knew that she would say yes. But she wouldn't ask. She didn't have time to, anyway. When he released her, she listened carefully.
She sure hoped the hurt wouldn't last long. It was more painful than anything she'd ever gone through. Anything and everything. She looked down as he caressed her cheek and chewed on the inside of her cheek.
As he left, the girl went down the hallways that she'd memorized to the garden, and layed down on the bench in the rain. Perhaps the rain would make her feel better. She felt overheated, anyways. She placed her head on her hands, using them as a pillow, and curled her legs slightly so that she would fit.
The rain pelleted her figure, and the thunder and lightning lulled her into a trance, though she couldn't sleep. She didn't care if she had a chance of getting a cold.
Love is all we need~
9:01pm Jul 9 2012
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[[What should happen now? D: ]]
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9:08pm Jul 9 2012
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Ooc:// Murrrr.... The prince could find Sara out in the rain, and she could finally have the mother of all of her emotional breakdowns, and cry on him. XD Or he could just find her in the rain.
Love is all we need~
9:17pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ Lol, we'll do that. |D ]]
Prince Arnold told the king and queen of the kingdom about the proposal he had made to the princess. They had no idea who Travis was, so telling them the story wasn't worth it. Later on, if the princess ever wonders why only Athena, Drake, her and I know, I will just argue that I wanted to keep it a discreet affair.
After hugging my mother and getting a shake of my hand from my father, I left them to talk to some servants for the upcoming wedding. I explained that I wanted it as soon as possible, and they were obliged to make it happen. They said the soonest they can make it, with getting the invitations out for all of the village to see or celebrate, is either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow if we wanted her parents to get here on time. I would let the princess choose.
Coming down the stairs, I was just about to head into the hallway that led to the princess's room when I once again ran into Athena. She was holding the tray, probably picking it up after seeing it splayed out on the floor. Her eyes were red.
"I see princess walk in garden."
She said quietly and I wondered why she was so hurt by the passing of the knight. Shaking the thought away, I walked down the stairs and outside to see her on the bench in the rain. Sighing I came up, becoming drenched in rain and sat down next to her on the bench.
"Princess, I thought you'd know by now that if you wanted to be alone, you have to stay in your room. It's impossible to be anywhere else without someone bothering you."
I said in a more teasing tone. I felt like a pestering buffoon, coming in on her every time she felt the need to cry. Sooner or later, she should just cry to me. I am her fiancee after all.
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10:13pm Jul 9 2012
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Sara had been sitting there for a good twelve minutes before Prince Arnold arrived. She had been staring in a daze for a few moments, just looking at a rosebush in front of her. The flowers were in full bloom, and she wished that she could pick one and peel the petals off, watch them fall to the ground in a colorful, scarlet heap.
Her hair was plastered against her scalp, and the ends of her bangs clung to her face. Her dress was also sopping wet, and the top stuck to her figure like a second skin. She didn't laugh at his teasing.
"Even if I locked myself in my room, someone would find a way in," she said, sniffling. Though it took a good eye to see it, she was crying again, the tears cascading down her chin. She wondered when the wedding would be. Perhaps seeing herself in a white dress would make her feel better.
She looked up to the prince. "I guarantee that someone would find a way in."
Love is all we need~
9:43am Jul 10 2012
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When I heard the princess sniffle, I inwardly was slightly irritated. That stupid knight was long gone now in her reality, and she's about to marry a prince. And she's still upset? I sighed, holding back the question from my lips.
"Well, I don't mean to bother, but I just spoke to my father and mother, plus several servants who will begin the wedding preparations. I told them I wanted the wedding as soon as possible, and they said tomorrow would work. But the day after tomorrow would be alright if you'd like your parents to join us. I told them you could choose if you want to wait for your parents and other friends and family from your kingdom to arrive."
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11:37am Jul 10 2012
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Sara made the tears stop. Her eyes were starting to get itchy, and she didn't want to sit there for a full ten minutes, rubbing and scratching at them. She'd end up with her eyes all swollen if she did that. "I suppose your parents were overjoyed, yes?"
Sara looked down at her hands for a moment, brushing her bangs away from her face so that they didn't interfere with her vision. The rain was still going strong. "We should have it tomorrow. Then we could go and visit my father. You know- surprise him." She let a weak smile appear on her face.
"Prince Arnold..." She paused, putting her head in her hands. "I'm scared of getting married. Having all of those people looking at me, and becoming a queen. It's a lot of responsibility. I'm scared of having children, because I'm scared I won't be a good mother. I'm just... scared..."
Love is all we need~