11:47am Jul 10 2012
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I followed her motion of wiping my blonde hair away from my face from the rain. "They were ecstatic, Princess." I said softly. At her request to have it tomorrow, a small smile came to my lips. I was hoping we could do it tomorrow, but I didn't want to seem pushy. The idea of surprising her father sounded like a good way to uplift her mood.
As she held her head in her hands, my heart went out to her. So, she was scared, is all. I sighed, coming closer, taking her hands away and holding them in my own. We were so close now that the rain didn't ruin my vision of seeing her.
"It's alright, Princess. I think every girl, and boy too, is scared of the idea of marriage. It's something new, something out of our comfort zone. The good part is you're not doing it alone. I'm there, and I'm just as scared." Not really, but you need to lie a bit to have a women calm down. "Your parents are there, and everyone else that loves you." I hoped that wouldn't remind her of the knight not being there. "And you will be a wonderful queen, princess. I promise you, this will all work out."
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12:47pm Jul 10 2012
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Ooc:// Could've sworn that I already replied to this... o.o
Sara was glad that the prince was as scared as she was, though she found it hard to believe that he was this calm. This collected. Of course, he hadn't just had someone he loved die on the drop of a dime, and then learn that they didn't love you after all. That what they were after was only something physical. And that it would never last.
She made her tears stop. No more crying. Not over him. The man that stole her heart, and then died with it still in his hand. She took her heart back in that moment. Her heart. Not anyone else's. She was so weary... And tired. And no matter how hard she tried to make it go away, the hurt was still there.
Before she realized what she was doing, she found herself with her head resting gently on Prince Arnold's shoulder. When she realized what she had done, she pulled her head back and said, "Sorry. I'm just... So tired, and achy. The hurt won't go away, Prince Arnold." She looked up at him with her blue eyes.
Love is all we need~
1:16pm Jul 10 2012
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I kept silent after my encouraging - or at least an attempt at being encouraging - words to the princess, waiting to see if it worked. Instead of words, though, she laid her head against my shoulder. I held in my smile. Maybe she was starting to see that this could work out.
But, then she lifted her head right before I could stroke her wet, blonde hair. "It's hard to lose someone you love. I understand, Princess."
I said gently, putting a strand of blonde hair behind her ears.
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1:37pm Jul 10 2012
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Sara blinked several times, keeping the rainwater out of her eyes. "Thankyou for understanding, then." She felt her cheeks redden as he put a strand of her wet hair behind her ear. "It must be hard to see your fiancee like this. I'm sorry for that."
Sara looked down at her hands again. "It's just that all of this happened so fast..." She started to shiver, the cold rain on her skin making her a bit cooler than she should be. It felt good, though, and she didn't want to go inside just yet. "I really am sorry for all of this. For being with Travis instead of courting you. For ignoring your requests to get to know you better."
"I am sorry."
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1:58pm Jul 10 2012
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After her apology, I knew it would be alright and not inappropriate. Wrapping an arm around her after seeing her shiver, I acted like it was the normal thing to do. I was her fiancee after all, so I think I deserved a bit of what that knight got.
"It's more then alright, Princess. Sometimes something forbidden, like a knight, seems more appealing at the time."
I said, my lips grazing the skin on her forehead before looking up at the sky. "Do you think it's really safe to stay out here?"
Just as I asked, a lightening bolt struck in the distance.
[ Something needs to happen before Travis is found by her. :u Like with her powers. Like right now. So, when Travis is back, and Sara obviously says no to the marriage, the prince can use her powers - or what he saw of her powers - against her somehow. I dunno' how though. D: ]]
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2:09pm Jul 10 2012 (last edited on 2:09pm Jul 10 2012)
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Sara felt herself get a bit angry when he mentioned Travis. Especially when his arm wrapped around her. She felt herself get a bit more angry as he kissed her forehead, and when a lightning bolt struck somewhere in the distance, Sara felt her powers begin to go crazy.
Apparently, the storm had brought out the majority of it, but the mention of Travis, and the physical contact being shared didn't help, either. Her skin got all prickly, and she heard sharp zaps that were a bit more powerful than normal.
"Don't mention Travis ever again." She felt a large zap exit from her shoulders, right where Prince Arnold's arm sat, and she hoped with all her heart that he felt what just happened. Perhaps it would make him let loose of her.
Ooc:// Sounds good to me. I'll have Sara do some shocky-shocky things to the prince. XD
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2:35pm Jul 10 2012
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[[ Lol. //is slow... Pretty much she's electrocuting him, right? D: ]]
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2:36pm Jul 10 2012
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Ooc:// Yep. He should probably pull away. Unless he likes that sort of thing. XD
Love is all we need~
2:48pm Jul 10 2012
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[[ HAHA... O.O It so turns him on. ]]
My fingers had started stroking her arm, when I felt it. Her skin felt odd, and before I could ask if maybe she was getting cold, I felt as though I've been zapped. I jumped away, and sat on the other end of the bench, hearing a sort of zapping sound, as I rubbed my shoulder.
"What was... Was that... You?"
I said, getting up from the bench and looking at her with worry in my eyes. Maybe the lightening for some reason was attracted to her and electrocuted her, which sent it to me.
"Are you alright?"
I added as the storm became stronger and stronger. What was happening?
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2:57pm Jul 10 2012
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Sara almost smirked when the prince jumped away from her, seemingly startled by her ability to shock him. If her hair hadn't been sopping wet, it would've been splayed all around her head, filled with electricity as well. They were soaked in rain, so the electricity was conducted more easily. If Sara wanted to, she could've shocked him right then and there, due to the ground being covered in rain, and both she and him were touching the ground.
Instead, she rolled her eyes at him asking all of the stupid questions. Really? He had to ask her if it was her doing? Why, no! It was an invisible lightning bolt that just happened to strike his arm, right where it was against her shoulders. And then he asked if she was alright.
"Would you care to touch me again, and see if you get shocked again? Of course I'm not alright, Prince Arnold. I'm a mage!" She spat out the word like it was poison. "I shock people, burn blankets, attract demons, summon beasts. All by accident." If she was going to marry him, she might as well get it out of the way and tell him.
"And to answer your former question, yes," she said. "That was me." She stood from her spot on the bench, her knees feeling like they might buckle under her. "All of the stress combined and the upcoming wedding, and the death of someone causes my powers to go out of wack."
Love is all we need~
3:01pm Jul 10 2012
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I clenched my jaw. Was this some kind of joke? A mage? I shook my head, not believing. But what else would have shocked me that way? I swallowed, backing away once.
"You attract demons?"
I said, my eyebrows bunching together.
"You're a mage? Like with the powers and all of that? You... You've got to be kidding me! Why haven't you told me before?"
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3:07pm Jul 10 2012
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Sara clenched her fists, her nails digging into the palms of her hand. He was angry about this. He was scared of her, it seemed, yelling, and questioning her. This was why she had been scared to tell Travis at first. Because she feared that people wouldn't want to be around her. The blonde-haired girl growled.
"I don't tell people because they do exactly what you're doing, Prince Arnold." She looked him straight in the eye, without an ounce of respect in her gaze. No love, no friendship, no friendliness. Just pure anger and annoyance. "I don't like being a mage. People do what you're doing right now. They yell, question, cower. And I can't do anything to change what I am. People run, simply because I am different." She held his gaze.
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3:10pm Jul 10 2012
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"So you expected me to react like this is normal? I've never met a mage before I don't know how it works, sorry if I'm not like your perfect knight!"
I screamed through the thunder. Obviously, there were mage's in any kingdom. But it wasn't every day that you see someone who looks normal, who's a princess, that's a mage. And she expected me to react like it was fine?
"How long have you had your powers?"
I asked, getting irritated that she was irritated.
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3:18pm Jul 10 2012
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Sara gritted her teeth when the prince mentioned her knight again. She clenched her fists so hard that she could feel her nails break through the skin, causing blood to flow from her palms. She felt her body heat up this time, instead of her skin getting all prickly. Just several minutes ago, she had told him not to mention Travis. And there he went, mentioning him.
The tingling of electricity faded, and was replaced with a warmth so hot she could've sworn she had fire inside of her, though it didn't hurt. The rain sizzled on her skin- literally- popping and hissing as it came into contact with her. The grass on the ground blackened around her feet, and the tips of it glowed orange. Her blue eyes turned yellow, swirling with red and orange just like flames.
"I told you not to mention Travis!" Her voice shrilled over the thunder as lightning struck in the sky. "If you so much as speak of him again, I'll brand your cheek with a slap. Do you hear me?" She was threatening the prince. It wasn't a smart move, and she had a feeling that she would regret it later, but she didn't think about that then. She was just so angry.
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3:33pm Jul 10 2012
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I backed away as I heard the rain meet her skin with a sizzling sound. She asked for it, bringing Travis up, because she was expecting me to react like she was normal. It was obvious she wasn't. The Sir Travis probably told her a bunch of lies. Saying she was perfect no matter what, and the other non sense to follow.
"You wouldn't dare! I'm your fiancee, Princess. I'm the prince of this kingdom. You so much as touch me again, and I could have your life taken from you!"
I would have said lock her in the dungeons. But, if she did even try touching me, I'd have to follow my word. How awkward it would be to see Travis down there.
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3:43pm Jul 10 2012
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"Would you like to test out my threat?" Sara raised her brows. "And if you're as smitten with me as you seem to be, you wouldn't take my life. You'd probably lock me up and force me to marry you," she spat, eyes gleaming.
She felt her energy draining. Her eyes turned back to normal, and the rain stopped sizzling. Great. Now she felt even weaker than before. Her powers were all fizzled out by now. Her breathing was heavy and uneven by then, like she'd ran a marathon. She felt like she'd run a marathon.
"And trust me, I don't plan on touching you ever again. You're not worth it. You're just a selfish prince." She narrowed her eyes at him. "And don't touch me, either." Of course, in that moment, she could easily be overpowered by the prince.
Love is all we need~
3:54pm Jul 10 2012
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I frowned at the princess. Oh, why had I gone to so much trouble to marry a rude, insignificant mage? I should have truly killed the knight while I had the chance. My tongue ran over my upper teeth as I tried to keep my anger in check.
"How dare you."
I whispered, pointing a finger at her.
"You're going to regret saying those words, princess!"
And with that, I turned on my heel and walked inside. As I was walking to the doors that led to the stairway, I noticed Athena watching from the Sir Knight's old bedroom's window. Her eyes were filled with tears, but anger portrayed in them. I stopped. For a moment, it was as if she was looking at me. Did she know Travis was alive? I rolled my eyes and ignored her, though I still felt her suspicious gaze upon me as I disappeared through the door. I'd speak with her later. And if she suspected anything, I'd banish her the same way I banished the precious knight.
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4:02pm Jul 10 2012
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Sara could feel the ominous air set in as the prince left. She knew she would regret it, but she didn't care at that moment. She shivered and shook, walking back inside through a different door than the prince had gone through. Her blue eyes stared at the ground as she stumbled through the halls back to her room.
When she got into her room, she closed the door and locked it, stripping out of her dress, drying herself off, and putting on a different dress. She didn't feel like wearing a gown, seeing as how it was only noon. She flopped back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a good while.
She felt herself drifting off after a while, her eyelids opening less and less every time she closed them to bl ink. When she blinked a final time, she didn't open her eyes at all, and felt herself go into a light sleep.
Ooc:// The prince should totally put some sort of drug in Sara's food that makes her sleep heavily, and then he'll like, do something to her, like force her to apologize when she wakes up or something. XD
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4:13pm Jul 10 2012
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[ Bahahahahaha let's do it. |DDD Post coming later. D: ]]
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4:14pm Jul 10 2012
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Ooc:// Yayz~ XD
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