5:14pm Jul 10 2012
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[[ I'm back. So, how should I do this? Him just set some food by her door like Athena had done, with the stuff drugged up? ]]
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5:44pm Jul 10 2012
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Ooc:// Yep. :D He should set some wine down, too. XD
Love is all we need~
6:19pm Jul 10 2012 (last edited on 6:20pm Jul 10 2012)
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[[ HAHAHAHAA. Oh you too funnii. Sure thing. Alex sounds like such a creeper in this post. I love it. |DDD]]
Through thinking about our little 'argument', I had come to the conclusion that I wouldn't marry a mage. But, my mother saw my down look and asked me what was wrong. Obviously, I didn't tell her that the princess was a mage. But I did tell her most of the argument. How disrespectful she was to me, though I did add that some of it was reasonable. Half of what I told my mother was just me lying so I wouldn't look bad and made the princess look like a fool. I still felt like strangling the annoying brats neck for speaking to me that way. I was a prince. I got what I wanted. I did not want a mage.
I smiled down at the tray I held in my hands. It held chicken on the plate, and a bottle of wine. Wine with a slight twist. My mother, without realizing it, made me realize that the princess probably didn't want to marry me now, through her little pep talk. The wine, with a splash my own concoction, would help her sleep. So, tomorrow, we shall be married before she could even think of leaving me. I already locked up the knight, and we could always take her to some other witch to take away her cute little 'powers'. Everything will be back to normal. We just had to marry first. And I couldn't have her change her mind now.
All I had to do was wait for her to take just one sip - one sip is all it takes. She'll sleep, the servants will wake her up while she's probably still groggy, and before she knows it, she'll be in a wedding dress, quickly doing vows and off to marriage happiness. It'll be a quick thing, I've decided not to invite anyone but the queen and king. They found it ludicrous, but I promised we would have a ceremony later on. I just wanted to be married. Now. And I always get my way. Always.
I went to her doorway and knocked on her door before setting the tray down and leaving the hallway so she wouldn't see me.
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6:54pm Jul 10 2012
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Ooc:// Oh you~ >////< You make me blush~
Sara woke from her bed after a few hours of sleep. It was mid-evening, she noticed, by the way that the sun was getting ready to set, and she yawned slightly as she sat up. She then remembered what had woke her. It was knocking. Athena had probably brought her dinner, she decided, sliding off of her bed and walking sleepily to the door.
The pain was still there, but Sara didn't notice it as much as before. It was probably because she had slept so much. She ran her hands through her hair and rubbed her eyes before opening the door, only to find a tray sitting just out of reach of the edge of the door when she opened it. It had wine- that was the first thing she noticed.
Travis had gotten drunk to make the pain go away, though Sara didn't know that was why he had gotten drunk, so she would do the same. Picking up the tray with an almost giddy smile on her face, she retreated back to her room, placing the tray on the floor, and sitting down in front of it.
The princess scarfed down her food, just realizing how hungry she had been. When her plate was empty, she glanced at the wine. She would be a complete hypocrite by getting drunk, but she didn't care. Not bothering to pour herself a glass, she just took the bottle and pressed it to her lips, drinking down the bittersweet substance quickly.
She downed about half of the bottle, though the alcohol content lightly burned her throat, and stood from her place. Her body mass was small, and she'd never had alcohol before, so she had a low tolerance for alcohol. With only half of the bottle down, the princess was as drunk as a skunk. She stumbled, wanting to go back to her bed, wanting to go back to sleep, but she didn't make it to the bed.
She collapsed to the floor just short of her bed from a mixture of the drugs in the wine and the alcohol- mostly the drugs, though. She knew that the wine had tasted sickly sweet, but, as she closed her eyes, she just then realized that there was something in the wine.
Ooc:// Dundundun.....
Love is all we need~
12:49pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Omg. We should have had her get so drunk she found Travis in the dungeons from wandering around like a drunken psycho. |D
Orrrrr. Maybe while she's sleeping, her powers obviously would have something to do with it, she's see's Travis in the dungeons in a dream or something. Just a more interesting way for him to be found then her just wanting to wander around, ya' know? ]]
It felt like a broken record. Repeating the same process of leaving the princess's room and coming back. Leaving then coming back. And so on. And this time wouldn't be any different. Walking down the hallway, a smile came to my face when I saw the tray was gone. Hopefully, she had drank the wine.
Coming up to the door as silently as I could make my feet be, I knocked so faintly on the door, I barely heard it. I don't want to interrupt her if she's just about to take a drink.
But then I heard her fall to the floor, once I had put my ear in the crack of the door by the edge. The plan had worked! Opening the door, I saw the princess lay on the ground by her bed. Picking her up and cradling her, I left the room without cleaning it up. I had too much to do in so little time before she would awake. Taking her to the room where the servants were waiting to pamper her for the wedding, I set her down on the sofa long ways so she could sleep. The servants came in, one holding the dress, others holding other feminine products. I left the room.
Everything was going as planned.
[[ When she wakes up, she'll be wearing the wedding dress. Probably with a servants brushing her hair or something. |D ]]
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1:23pm Jul 11 2012
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Ooc:// I like the idea where she sees Travis in the dungeon in her dreams. I think I'll do that. And perhaps when she wakes up, she'll be all drunk and go stumble to the dungeon.
Sara felt arms around her, and they weren't comforting. Though she was asleep, she could somehow feel things for a moment. When she felt herself being placed onto a couch after several minutes of being held, she felt herself go into a deep sleep, where she couldn't feel anything, or hear anything. She didn't know what had been in that wine, but it wasn't very nice for someone to drug her.
The blonde-haired girl's brows furrowed and a cold sweat beaded on her neck. In her dream, she could see the bars of a cage, and then the face of the prince. She stood in a scene that was black and white, and the voices sounded like they were far away. There was yelling from a dark corner of the area, from behind the bars.
Sara squinted to see, and it was Travis. Though she couldn't make out the majority of what he was saying, she saw tears slip out of his eyes as the prince left the scene. No... He couldn't be crying. Her knight. He had mentioned her, she noticed, when he yelled. There was a bump on his forehead. Someone must have hit him, and he was in the same clothes that he had worn from the dance two nights before.
The realization struck her.
Her knight, indeed, was still alive.
Before she could make her way over to Travis to try and comfort him in her dream hands that tied her hair back woke her from her slumber. Her blue eyes fluttered open, and her vision was blurry at first. She blinked a few times to clear her vision, and saw herself in the mirror. Her eyes had been lined with some sort of black stuff that made the blue in her eyes pop, and her lips had been painted a stark red.
Her hair had been pulled back into an intricate, braided bun with a jeweled hair piece and veil atop it. Why was she wearing a veil? Surely it wasn't morning yet. Was this another dream? Sara looked towards a window. The sun was just starting to rise, and her eyes widened as she heard the servants working on her singing a famous bridal tune. Here comes the bride.
They were done with her, but were making sure that her hair wouldn't fall. She stood up quickly, though her wedding dress, which clung tightly to her upper half, and fanned out near her hips didn't let her move too fast. She swatted their hands away. No. This wasn't happening.
"Travis..." She stumbled forward, holding onto the mirror. "Travis!" She swayed, and the servants tried to catch her. Her blue eyes narrowed on them. "Don't you dare touch me." They cowered slightly. They didn't know what was up with the princess, but they were done prepping her anyways. She looked beautiful, really. Like an angel. All you had to do was paste some wings to her back.
The princess walked unevenly to the door that led to the hall. The prince had been going up the stairs, and in the area that she saw Travis in, there were no stairs leading downward, so he must have been in the lower-most level. Her feet carried her, though she didn't know where she was going. Some other force pulled her.
After walking barefooted- she had abandoned her shoes long ago- for several minutes, and walking down multiple flights of stairs, Sara found herself in the basement. She searched and searched for another staircase. This wasn't where she had seen her knight. He wouldn't be in here.
She found a discreet staircase in the corner, and made her way down it, stopping when she reached flat ground. Clenching the walls, still stumbling from the grogginess of the drugs and the drunkess of the alcohol, she called out softly, "Travis..." She couldn't see him in the dark, but she had a feeling that he would be in here.
If he wasn't her heart would be broken again, and she would dismiss the dream solely as a hallucination, brought on by the pain of not being able to see her knight anymore.
Ooc:// Just for a heads-up, I'll be going to my dad's house for a few days, and I won't be replying as often to my roleplays.
Love is all we need~
1:54pm Jul 11 2012 (last edited on 6:25pm Jul 11 2012)
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[[ Awh yay. They're together again. <3 Oh, okay. :) Have funnnnnn. |D ]]
I don't know how long I've been in the dungeon, but I was sure it was longer then a day. I haven't eaten a thing. I wouldn't be surprised if I soon shriveled up to nothing. I could already see some effects of no food on my once much larger build. (Is it possible to get a little thinner in just a couple days? We'll say yes 'cause I'm not sure. D:) I wasn't skin and bones yet, but I could see the difference in my body anyways. I didn't like it. It made me feel weak.
Maybe she was just too young to understand my love. Maybe she did like me at the time, but once I was dead, she needed that attention from someone else. Why be hurt by what was told to me, if what was told to me was from someone who was keeping me in a dungeon? I groaned, opening my eyes to look at the chamber pot on the other side of the dungeon. I had thrown up in it three times now from my stomach being empty. How long would the prince make me wait?
I heard my name being called. I was so out of it. So hungry. So weary and in pain that I didn't realize it was a feminine voice.
"Leave me alone, Alex."
My raspy voice, from the little amount of water I was given, said. I put a hand to my wounded shoulder, rubbing the area that hurt. I could feel the bone popping out awkwardly. Once again, I was too out of it to realize how bad that was.
"I get it. You married Sara. Rub it in, go ahead."
I coughed, hoping I wasn't going to throw up again. Or, if I was, I hoped I could aim it at the prince. I finally turned my head to the bars. In my half open, half closed eyes, I saw a white blob stumbling around.
"You don't deserve the princess. Rot in hell for all I ca-"
I blinked. The white blob was the thing speaking to me... I think. Was it an angel? Was I supposed to be dead right now? The bump on my head was making me delusional. Seeing as I didn't hear Alex's voice response, I stumbled, resembling the walk of the white blob angel, and got up on two weary legs.
"I loved her. And you took her away from me. When I get out of here, I'm going to strangle you until I see your last breath."
By the end, my voice sounded more like a menacing growl. Coming up to the bars, I wrapped my fingers around them and tried seeing the blob through the bars. What was that? I blinked and blinked, but I think the bump on my head was hurting my vision. Plus the no food. And the no sleep.
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7:20pm Jul 11 2012
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Ooc:// I am going to have to wait until I go back to my mom's house before I reply to this... Beat mr with a newspaper if you must, Charity...
Anyways, as I was saying, it's really hard to make long, really literate posts on my iPhone...
Love is all we need~
7:24pm Jul 11 2012
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[[... OMG. ;-; NO. You can't leave me, Wolfie... ...
-is dying inside- ]]
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1:54pm Jul 12 2012
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[[ I promise to keep this role play bumped. ;-;
UP.. D:]]
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10:46am Jul 13 2012
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[[ Up. ;-; I miss you already. ]]
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6:44pm Jul 14 2012
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[[ Keeping it bumped~
UP. ]]
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10:15am Jul 16 2012
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[[ Come back sooon~
Upupup. <3 ]]
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2:17pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// OMG GUESS WAT??? I'm back at home, and that means that I can reply to this. <3
I missed you so friggin' much. And by 'you', I mean Travis.
Just kidding.
I'll be replying in a few moments. <3
Love is all we need~
2:30pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ OHMYGOSH. |D -clings- You're never leaving me again, kay? You know how badly I missed this role play? And you of course! Sorry I stopped bumping. >.< I felt like I was spamming, bahaha.
POST SOON WOMAN. D: Actually, I have no room to talk. I have about ten role plays awaiting my reply. So take your time. ]]
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3:06pm Jul 19 2012 (last edited on 3:08pm Jul 19 2012)
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Ooc;// XD I can't guarantee that I'll never leave again, but I'll try my hardest to maintain a connection to a good keyboard. <3
Sara was surprised as she saw her knight come towards the bars from the shadows. Several bright objects and dark shadows danced on the edges of her vision. She could feel the drugs still trying to pull her under, trying to keep her from staying awake. She fought them with all her might, but she could still feel them tugging at her consciousness.
When Travis spoke, it was like music to her ears, though he wasn't speaking to her. He kept mentioning the prince, and she immediately felt the need to go and hit something. The furiousness that accompanied the realization that the prince had to lied to her made her fully conscious, and made her ridiculously angry. Her eyes flashed as she growled. She stood up straight and moved forward.
She would get him out of there. Even if she had to melt the bars to get him out. She would hug him, and never let him go. She would kiss him, and tell him never to leave her side, even if it was for a few minutes. He was a bit slimmer than she had last seen him, but he still had all of the muscle she remembered. However, he looked quite weak.
With a growl before she spoke, she fiercely said, "Travis, hush. I'm not going to marry that lying, deceiving, son of a-" She bit her tongue. She was a princess, and no matter how angry she was, no matter how much she wanted to say it, she had to keep her language feminine. "I'm not ever going to marry that bastard. He drugged me."
She moved forward, still stumbling a bit. The shapes still danced on the corners of her vision, but she ignored them now. She was too angry to care. Too happy to care. Her knight- she thought he was dead. She thought he didn't love her. And here he was saying that he loved her. That she was taken from him.
Prince Arnold would die. He would rot in hell. He would burst into flames. Sara would burn him alive. She would shock him until he thrashed uncontrollably. She would watch his blood flow like wine flowed in a tavern. She would kill him.
She placed her hands over his, which rested on the bars. She looked up at him and said, "I'm going to get you out of here. Just step away from the bars, okay, love?" Tears shone in her eyes.
Ooc:// They're together again. <3
Love is all we need~
3:24pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Omg. I'm going to die from cuteness. Ahhhh. I missed this! ]]
When I heard the growl, I knew it couldn't be the prince. As whatever this thing was moved closer to me, features slowly fell into place in my vision. The second the princess was clear to me, I smiled, pressed my forehead between the bars, tears streaming down my dirt - streaked face without shame. My princess! She was in a wedding gown, looking more beautiful then I could imagine.
Yet, she wasn't marrying the prince. Was she coming to marry me? Oh, I would do it now if I could. I swallowed, feeling bile coming up my throat from my empty stomach.
"Get me out of here, Sara. I need... We need to get out of here."
I whispered, my voice raspy, my tears still coming without worrying about my manhood. I took my other hand and wrapped it around the princess's, smiling at the warmth. It was freezing down here.
I had so many questions for her, but we couldn't worry about that now.
"I love you. With all of my heart, I love you."
I said in desperation, feeling as though these were my last breath from starvation. Realizing then that she had told me to step away from the bars, I reluctantly let go of her hand and stepped back, wondering why my princess was stumbling as well. So many questions. We'll have it all answered once we leave this place.
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3:46pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// I had such a sad dream about this. ;~; When I woke up, I was crying.
Sara felt her heart break when Travis started crying. Her knight- her big, strong, muscular knight, who had protected her, and loved her, was crying. She had half a mind to reach up and wipe away his tears, but she could feel how hot her hands were.
When he said that he loved her, with all of his heart, she felt a single tear drip down her cheek. She loved him too, but she couldn't say that then. She felt like there was something stuck in her throat, and she felt like she was burning up. It was a wonder she wasn't sweating like a pig, she decided.
She took in a deep breath as he stepped away. Placing her hand at the bottom of one of the bars, she concentrated with all her might. Instead of the bar melting, hair-line cracks ran up from Sara's hand like ivy and curled around the metal bar. Once the cracks reached the top of the bar, Sara moved her hand, and the bar crumbled down, like some sort of brittle glass that had been broken.
The bars were just close enough together where you couldn't squeeze through, but if you removed one bar, you could easily fit through.
Sara couldn't stand it any longer. She moved through the area where the bar had once been and moved towards Travis, though her wedding dress didn't allow her to move too quickly. Her steps were still a bit uneven, but she was getting better.
When she reached Travis, she was so scared to hug him, or jump on him and kiss him like there was no tomorrow. He had been down here for a while. if he didn't feel well, she could hurt him. Plus, she noticed, there was a strange area on his shoulder where it looked like it had been dislocated.
That could be fixed quite easily by Sara, though. It would hurt Travis like hell, though.
Love is all we need~
3:58pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Tell me. Now. ;-; We could use it as a idea. |D ]]
The second the bar broke, I already started stumbling forward. I wanted her here. With me. To kiss me so I wouldn't have to doubt her love any longer. To hug me to show that she missed me.
To help me get out of here so that I knew she was safe.
When she came to me, I ignored her hesitation and wrapped one arm around her neck - the other was the wounded shoulder so I couldn't really move it with out it hurting - and held her close, my tears turning to sobs. I buried my face in her hair, letting myself enjoy her warmth, her smell, her closeness.
"I love you, Sara. I love you so much."
I said, kissing her hair once before keeping her close. That was when I remembered where we were. I let go of her reluctantly, but kept myself close. Brushing my lips on her nose, I whispered,
"We have to get out of here, Princess."
I noticed my slip up on her name, but I hoped she didn't.
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4:16pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// We couldn't use it as an idea. It was like an alternate scene of this roleplay. Here it is:
So, Sara and Prince Arnold get married as planned, and the prince gets this witch to remove all memory of Travis and take away her powers. So, she gets pregnant with Prince Arnold's baby, all the while Travis is still in the dungeon. One day she goes around the castle and finds the dungeon. When she went down into the dungeon, with her big pregnant belly, Travis sees her and recognizes her, and is heartbroken that she's pregnant. And Sara can't remember him. At all.
Sara let several more tears roll down her cheeks as Travis started to sob. Goodness, she missed him. She missed his warmth. She missed his strong arms around her, dancing with him, those kisses that they shared, the stolen glances. She missed her knight so badly.
When he wrapped his good arm around her, and kissed her head, Sara clenched his shirt in her hands, burying her face there. She didn't want to let go. She could stay there, and never let go. If anyone tried to pull him away from her, she swore, she would go all staticky on them.
She took in several deep, uneven breaths and immediately missed their closeness when Travis took his hands off of her, but the kiss placed on her nose made up for that. She then realized that he had called her by her name. Her first name, and not with her ti tle.
If it weren't for their current situation, she would have been overjoyed.
"I've got to fix your shoulder first. All I've got to do is pop it back into place. You'll be able to move easier, and keep up with me then." She placed her hand on his bad shoulder lightly, making sure that she wouldn't hurt him yet.
"Hold still, and tell me when you're ready." She placed her other hand on his wrist, ready to fix his arm.
Love is all we need~