4:27pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Omg! I would cry too! We can use some part of it though, later in the role play. I mean, once we have more to do with her magicalness, we can have her memory ruined. And she could always still marry another prince and get prego, maybe once they go back to the kingdom, there is a prince already waiting since the king brought him.
Buuuuuuuuuuut. If you don't want to, I don't care. But still, you're good. |D
Wow. You're so good, you think of ideas in your sleep. Pro. o.o Also, sorry for this short post. ]]
I nodded my head at the princess's suggestion. She was right, I needed to get this thing fixed. I took a deep breath before finally mumbling a small. "I'm ready, Princess."
I held my breath, awaiting the pain come from my shoulder. Anything would be better then the current pain though.
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4:33pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// We are not using that idea. Nonononononononononononono. No.
That would really make me cry, having to write it and all... ;~;
Sara chewed on her lip as she focused. Travis said he was ready, so she did the motion as quickly as she could do it. She pushed his arm out so that it was level with his shoulder, and then shoved it back into its socket.
She knew she had done her job when she heard the joint snap into place. It was a strange sound, and Sara hoped that Travis wouldn't scream or yell. They didn't need anyone coming down here to find them. If a fight occured in this small of a space, Sara may very well lose.
"Travis, I swear as soon as we get out of here, we'll go to a tavern, and I'll give them this jewelry," she said, gesturing to her earrings and necklace- they were made of gold and diamonds, with pearls here and there, "and you'll get to eat as much as you want. I'll let you drink all the wine that you want, and we'll go back to the woods for a while."
She hoped her promises would keep Travis from registering just how much that probably hurt.
Love is all we need~
4:40pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ But then Travis can have a true loves kiss and all her memory will come back... D:
Okay. We won't do it. <3 But, speaking of which, did we have any other ideas other then coming to Prince Arnolds palace? I forgot all we were planning because of the wait. :D We should do something with her powers. We haven't really done anything with that yet, we've been too busy with Travis x Sara |D ]]
Okay. I wasn't as ready as I thought. I groaned at the pain in my shoulder, but was glad that the princess had alleviated some of the pain by healing it. "Thank you." I croaked, not responding to her before grabbing her hand and going through the poles. I squeezed through, turning to wait for her to squeeze through too. (Pp? Sorry! D:) Then, I ran to the door that she came out of. I opened it, coming to a stair case. "How are we going to get out without them noticing us, Princess?"
I thought for a moment that maybe she had some type of teleporting power, but since she was so new to this, I was afraid something bad might happen if she tried.
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4:47pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// Well, I think that Sara and Travis should go back to the kingdom, and they'll stay there for a while. Her father's acting all mysterious and stuff, and then he sends her to this mage school. And since there must be a chaperone with her to go there, the king sends Travis with her to watch over her, since he did such a good job the first time and brought her home. XD
Sara was glad that Travis was able to bear through the pain. He seemed to feel better, anyway. He even thanked her. She felt his hand curl over hers, and she laced her fingers through his. She missed how their fingers locked together perfectly.
When Travis slid through the bars, she slid through after him and stopped slightly behind him at the staircase. "We're going to be noticed. But I have some business to take care of before we leave, Travis."
She looked up at him and said, "I'll take you to the stables, where you can get back on your horse. I want you to get out of sight for a while. I'll come and find you when I'm finished, okay?"
As much as she didn't want him to leave her side, she didn't want him to be anywhere near when she killed Prince Arnold. She would get Prince Arnold alone. Perhaps even kill him when he went to the privy.
Ooc:// In case you didn't know, the privy is the bathroom.
Love is all we need~
4:52pm Jul 19 2012
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[ Omg. I can't wait for this killing to happen. |D
Oh yes! That's a great idea. |D Gosh, stop being all pro. Anyways, let's do it. :D ]
I frowned at the princess. Was she serious? She wanted to have me leave her once again? No matter how much I hated that idea, I knew it was right. She had to get her things and I had to leave so the prince won't see. "Alright princess."
I said, though the agony of leaving was in my tone. I came close and pressed both palms against her cheeks, crushing my lips against hers for 5 beautiful seconds. Finally letting go, I said,
"How will I get to the stables without being noticed?"
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5:03pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// I can't help but be a pro. |D And the killing is going to be epic. She's going to like... fry him with electricity. And then burn him. Maybe. I don't know. I'll know when I write it. >D
Sara bit her lip as he frowned. She could see thoughts flying around behind his eyes- his wonderful, wonderful eyes. She was almost startled when he said alright. He would do it? He would listen to her? He would do as she said? She was both relieved and sad.
When he crushed his lips against hers, she felt her heart soar. Not being able to see eachother for those few days made her realize just how much she loved him, and how much she never wanted him to leave. Her heart broke a bit when she realized that she would lose her innocence. She was going to kill someone.
When he finished his question, Sara had the nerve to stand on the very tips of her toes and press her lips against his for longer than she probably should have. What could she say? She hadn't kissed him in days! She couldn't resist. When she pulled away, she took in a deep breath and said, "You'll need to travel through the servants' passage. They're all preparing for the reception, I believe."
The reception for her wedding. What would the kingdom think when they realized that the princess was gone, and the prince would be dead?
Love is all we need~
5:16pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I don't want to give you a fail post of Travis leaving... :c I'll add him in once I put in Prince Arnold's part. Can you add just something, if it's alright with you, saying that she went to Prince Arnold or whatever? D: If that's fine. D: ]]
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5:23pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// B-but.... ;~;
After watching her knight walk away, Sara regained her anger. She took in a deep breath, and felt her body get all tingly again. It felt as if spiders were dancing all over her. She let the breath out in a sigh and walked around, looking, searching.
She didn't know where the prince would be. But she knew that it was past time for the wedding, and he would probably be looking for her. She let a smirk spread on her face at the thought. Deciding it was best to just sit down, she did just that.
The princess found a particular spot on the floor against the wall, and sat there. She allowed herself to pretend like the drugs were still in effect. It would keep him from being alarmed, she decided. And it would make it easier if he thought that she was too drugged up to kill him.
Love is all we need~
5:28pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Oh dear. I'm sorry. D: Where is she? D: ]]
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5:32pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// In the halls. XD Gosh, CH.
Love is all we need~
11:50pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc;// ..... Hello?
Love is all we need~
11:52pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Sorry! D: You know me and my procrastination... But, to be fair, I had no idea you replied to my question. ;D
I thought it was only 11:00 my time, but it's really one o clock in the morning. D: Post'll come tomorrow and we'll get back in the hang of posting every five seconds again.|D ]]
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11:54pm Jul 19 2012
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Ooc:// ;~;
Everyone needs to have insomnia like me.
The world would be such an...... interesting place.
And I can't wait until we get back in the hang of posting every five seconds. >D
Love is all we need~
9:22am Jul 20 2012
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[[ But seriously, you remember that? I would literally be posting after five seconds and a second later you responded. We had a smooth thing going. |D
I'll try my best to get insomnia so we can role play all night long. o.o ]]
My lips tingled at her second kiss, making me remember how badly I missed her. The idea that I believed Prince Arnold from the get - go that she didn't love me anymore made me sick. It would be lunacy to think that. Me, the princess... I'll never let us be apart again. I'll never believe it again.
I said again, slightly nervous if I'd be found with out the princess's knowledge. She'd go to the forest to never find me... "If I don't see you by dawn, I'm coming back to get you."
How else will I know that whatever she had to do was done but Prince Arnold was forcing her to stay? I had to go now before the prince decided to give me one of those visits. "I love you."
I said, brushing my lips to hers once more before backing away. "See you soon, love." (I'm just going to say the passage way is in the dungeon. |D) I went to the doorway, opening it, but turned my back once more to have one more good look at the princess. I grinned at her. We'll get through this. A pain in my empty stomach brought me from my daze. I had to get out of here or I felt like I'd die with out food. I know it was selfish but I hoped the princess would think of getting me something to eat while she was up there. I closed the door behind me, my eyes pleading she come with me.
(In my next post, I'll say that he already has Ashes and is in the woods somewhere close waiting for her.)
She was late. I couldn't believe it. I yelled out at every servant I passed by, asking them why they let the princess be late. "She should be my bride right now!" I bellowed at Athena before passing through more halls, searching for a drugged up bride. Moments passed as I searched every hall, I was almost startled to finally find her. "Princess?"
I said, the irritation still in my tone.
"What are you doing here? We're supposed to be getting married!" I sighed, coming closer to her. She seemed to have the drugs still in her system. I guess I gave her too much. "Come on. It'll be a quick ceremony and then I'll allow you to sleep off the drugs." I said more soothingly before kneeling down, reaching to pick her up. The second I touched her, though, I felt that prickly feeling I had before.
"Don't use your witchery powers on me, wench!" I screamed in anger before standing up. "Now get up before I have the guards take you." If someone was going to get electrocuted again, it wouldn't be me.
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11:57am Jul 20 2012
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Sara could already feel her heart aching for Travis. The veil in her hair was rubbing against her back, making it itchy. She hadn't been sitting there for very long when she heard her name, with an irritated back-tone to the man's voice. It took all of her self control not to kill him right there.
She had to wait.
When his arms wrapped around her, trying to carry her away, she could feel her skin prickling where he touched her. So he did drug her, hm? He said that she would get to sleep off the drugs. Too bad that she wouldn't get through the ceremony.
When he set her back down, calling her a wench, and threatened to have the guards come get her, she let a whine come from her lips. "I have to go to the bathroom, Prince Arnold. Please...." She let her blue eyes stare up at his in the best attempt of puppy dog eyes she'd ever tried.
"I feel sick..."
Once she got him in the bathroom- she had no doubt he would follow her into the privy- she would end it once and for all. And she swore that when she became a queen, she would help the poor in this man's kingdom.
Love is all we need~
12:00pm Jul 20 2012
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I frowned at the princess, my irritation only increasing. "Now?" Sighing, I layed my head back a moment. The priest wasn't going to wait forever. Well, if I wanted him to, he would. But I didn't want to wait forever either. And woman always take forever in the privy. "Don't take too long, Sara." I said, reaching out my hand to help her up. I'd stay with her. I had to make sure she had no funny business planned and leave. She couldn't leave, or I would have drugged her for no reason at all.
"Let's go."
I said in a more authoritative tone.
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12:38pm Jul 20 2012
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Sara was thankful that the prince believed her. He actually believed her! Of course, she wasn't the best of liars, but when she was angry, many things that she would have deemed impossible were now able to be executed by the blonde princess.
She took the prince's hand. Oh, she wouldn't take long. As soon as they got to the privy, she'd lock the door and make sure that the prince didn't live long enough to scream. She wasn't a violent woman, but the thought... Perhaps she wouldn't kill him, after all...
Maybe she would just knock him out, and lock him in a dark room- make him cry and sob for help until guards finally found him. Maybe she should burn all of the lies that he told her all over his skin- on his forehead, maybe.
"Thank you," She said, her voice still filled with fake dopiness, though she wasn't thankful for him taking her at all.
Love is all we need~
1:35pm Jul 20 2012
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[[ Excuse the fail. :c ]]
When she grabbed my hand, that electric feeling was still there but I wasn't as shocked by it now. I led her to the privy close by, opening the door and walking in with out asking if it was alright if I stayed inside. "I have to make sure you aren't messing around. So I'll have to be in here."
I said, crossing my arms and waiting for her to finish so we could get this ceremony done.
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1:40pm Jul 20 2012
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Ooc:// Tis fine~
Sara felt possibilities and tactics flying around in her head. When Prince Arnold led her into the privy, she almost didn't notice the change of scenery. When she did, it was when he spoke. Just as she suspected. he would stay in there with her. Without responding to him, she slid her hand out of his grasp, closed the door, and pressed her back against it.
All of her fake drugged up act vanished into thin air, and the princess's eyes turned to the flaming orange she had once. With the wedding dress on, and the veil, and her flaming eyes, she looked like an angel of death- beautiful, yet dangerous as it could ever be.
"You lying, deceiving, drug-wielding little bastard." She stared him down. "If you scream, I'll burn your vocal cords out of your throat. I swear with God Almighty himself as my witness that I will follow through with my actions." She clenched her jaw. "Do you have anything that you'd like to confess?"
She wanted to see if he'd even admit it.
Love is all we need~
1:49pm Jul 20 2012
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The second I noticed her act of still having the drugs in her system gone, replaced with a viciousness I wasn't expecting to come from her, my agitated eyes were replaced with fearful ones.
"I have nothing to confess."
I said in a desperate, scared tone. My hands shook, as well as my knees. All I could stare at were her flaming orange eyes.
"Princess, I know you have powers. But you should use them for good not for bad."
My voice turned soothing, hoping I could somehow convince her not to hurt me. I backed away as far as I could from her, understanding that she only lured me in here finally coming to me.
"Princess... Don't hurt me. Please." My pleading may make me look only like a shell of a man, but I didn't want her to burn me like she had said. I knew she wasn't kidding from the beginning.
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