1:56pm Jul 20 2012
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Sara felt her whole body heat up when he said he had nothing to confess. When she felt her dress begin to get singed slightly, she calmed herself down slightly so that it didn't fry the dress. She could sell the dress- or at least the jewels on the dress- for a hefty sum, which would get Travis a lot of good food.
"Ha! You say I can use my powers for good? I am using them for good right now. You're evil, Prince Arnold. And I have no doubt that you would find some way to have my powers removed, cut out from my soul!" She clenched her teeth. "And you lied to me. You lied to me!" She felt tears running down her face. At first, she thought that the prince could have been at least a friend. "You said that if our courting didn't work out, you wouldn't hold anything against me. After seeing Travis and I together, I bet you couldn't stand it. You wanted him dead, didn't you?"
She began to pace. "You gave him a fate worse than death. You locked him up like some wild animal, starved him, and made him suffer by making him know we were getting married! And we're not getting married, Arnold." She used his first name. He wasn't worth being called prince.
"And don't plead with me not to harm you. You deceived me. You lied to me. You drugged me, and were going to marry me against my will!" She moved forward quickly, standing so that she was in the middle of the room. "I am going to give you a fate worse than death, Prince Arnold."
Ooc:// Yikes. Tiny blonde princess/death angel is angry.
Love is all we need~
2:55pm Jul 20 2012
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[[ |D ]]
My legs wobbled as the smell of her dress singing came to my nose. Her powers, the ones that electrocuted me before, were coming back for revenge. The way she spoke made me remember that pathetic knight, probably killed himself by now in that dungeon. Was that what she wanted me to confess? How did she even find out?
My eyes looked back at her, every part of me shaking violently now. "Princess... You're not thinking rationally and I have no idea what you're talking about."I wouldn't admit to what I did to Travis. My reputation was at stake! And I could be wrong in my interpretation of what she spoke of. "Calm down and we can talk this out in a normal manner. You won't hurt me and we both know it."
What I said brought little comfort to my fears.
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3:14pm Jul 20 2012
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Ooc:// >DDD
Sara was thinking perfectly rationally. He took her away from her knight- her Travis- convinced her he was dead, and all of it was to get her to marry him. She hadn't heard the full story from the prince himself, or Travis, but it didn't take much logic to put the puzzle together once you had several pieces.
She ignored his lie about not knowing what she was speaking of. Instead, she focused on his last sentence. So he thought she wouldn't hurt him? That was hilarious. She knew he was just trying to convince himself that she wouldn't hurt him. As if she wouldn't hurt him.
"Would you like to test out your theory of me not hurting you?" She raised her brows, her blue eyes still flaming. She moved forward, and held her hand outwards.
"You have ten seconds to confess before I shock the truth out of you." She paused for a moment. "Ten, nine, eight..."
Love is all we need~
3:20pm Jul 20 2012
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As she first started counting down, I gave her a look to show that I thought she was crazy. She wouldn't hurt the prince! All I had to do was scream to get the guards here. But, that reminded me of her threat about no screaming.
By the time she got to the number 5, (Pp?) I realized she was serious. "Wait! Alright! I changed the story a little. Just... Just put your hands down." My body was shaking again. "He didn't love you. He still was going to leave with his stupid horse. But, instead of him dying of natural causes, I threw him in the dungeon to let him die down there. What do you care? He never loved you! Don't you remember what I told you before? He just wanted to get in your bed chamber. And you know it! Now put your hands down and don't hurt me!"
So, I covered a lie with another lie. We all do it, and it'll work out for the best. She'll marry me and never know the truth. She should be calm now that she knew what she thought 'was the truth'. I admitted some. That had to count for something, right?
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3:28pm Jul 20 2012
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Sara was surprised as the prince let loose of a bit of a revelation. Still, she knew he was half lying. Still, since he admitted to part of the truth, she partially forgave him. She would still burn him. Write the word, "Liar," in beautiful cursive writing on the inside of his forearm in a fiery frenzy.
"The pieces don't match up, Arnold. Travis loves me. I found him in the dungeons." She narrowed her eyes. "I hugged him, he kissed me, and told me that he loved me. You don't love me one bit. If anyone wants to get in my bed chamber, it's you." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.
"Give me your arm. Now."
She held out her hand for him to place his arm in her opened palm. Time to get this over with.
"I'm not going to kill you."
That was the truth.
Love is all we need~
3:31pm Jul 20 2012
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My eyes showed my surprise as she said that she found Travis in the dungeons. So that's why she was so upset. I sighed, my head leaning forwards in defeat. She caught me and I had no way around that.
But, she wasn't going to kill me? With fear taking hold of my body, I still walked forward slightly, my arm hesitantly going in her open palm.
"What are you going to do to me then, Princess?"
I asked worriedly.
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3:54pm Jul 20 2012 (last edited on 3:55pm Jul 20 2012)
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Sara clenched Prince Arnold's wrist in her hand. Her fingers didn't go completely around his, seeing as how she had small hands, but her grip was vice-like. She held tight to his wrist, and almost rolled her eyes when he asked her what she was going to do.
"I'm going to let the world know what you are." With that, she moved her free hand so that the nail of her index finger rested gently on his bicep. It wouldn't burn right away, she decided. For some reason, she had a way of controlling her powers during that time.
She guessed that the extreme circumstances could help her control her mage powers. Of course, there was the possibility that the demon was helping her, too.
She drew nice loops and beautiful lines, flawless and flowing. Though they didn't show up on his arm. She removed her finger from his bicep, and watched as it sizzled. The skin there started burning, and you could faintly make out the word, "Liar," written in beautiful handwriting.
After a few more seconds, it would be clearly visible. The princess moved her hand from his wrist.
Ooc:// I may be leaving for a few hours at 4:30 Res time. I might.
Just giving my Charity a heads up~
Love is all we need~
10:11am Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// Murr. Bump.
Love is all we need~
11:06am Jul 21 2012
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[[ |D Hey. Post'll come soon, sorry. Lately my arms/fingers have been really hurting from typing all day so I think what I'm going to try to do is go on after say 4:00 res time? It's one hour later where I am, so technically 5:00 for me. :) ]]
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11:08am Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// Hardcore typing. XD
Don't make your fingers bleed, Charity. XD
So, I'll just be waiting here.
Love is all we need~
11:22am Jul 21 2012
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[[ Don't do that to me! Now I have to post because I don't want to leave you here all alone. D: It happens every summer. I type literally all day and I have to wear glasses now because of using my eyes so much up close - writing & reading. I guess you can get too much of a good thing. ]]
Prince Arnold:
The second she grabbed my wrist, my heart skipped a beat. She said she wasn't going to kill me, but what did that mean she planned to do? I swallowed, closing my eyes and turning my head away.
I felt her nail press against the skin of my bicep and my eyes snapped open in confusion. What was she writing? I turned my head, watching, not feeling a thing that really hurt that bad. What was she-
A pain greater then when she electrocuted me outside sizzled on my arm, as though she put fire to my skin. I blinked way the painful tears in my eyes.
"What did you do?"
I said, my face twisting at the feel of the burn. Finally, a few more seconds, I could see letters on my arm. And, after a few more, I saw what she wrote.
"Take this off! What will people think when they see this?"
I twisted my arm slightly so I could read the print. My face turning blood red in a fiery rage.
_____ Sexy Travis:
I had finally found my way to the forest, with out being seen. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid it would rip open my chest. I had rode Ashes out of the kingdom, praying with all of my might that the princess will come out of the castle soon and to the forest with me.
I hadn't wanted to leave her. I wanted to stay with her, follow her where ever she went. It was just a blessing that she found me, but what if she lied? What if she still didn't love me, but also wasn't cruel enough to make me wait in the dungeon forever?
I jumped off of Ashes, who noted my worry, and reacted by nuzzling my face with his nose. I smiled, petting my trusty steed.
Why would I let my doubts of her love come to my mind? She did love me, I know it. It was written all over her eyes when she looked at me, her kiss when she couldn't help herself but give in to one more. I wouldn't let what the prince said come back to my mind. She did love me. I know it.
I sat down on the ground, close by the edge of the forest to hear if she came close, but far enough away not to be seen, and busied myself by making a whistle with a piece of grass and a knife. If I heard her close by, I'd make sure to blow it so she'd follow the noise.
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11:39am Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// I am on waaay more than you, I already have a bazillion problems with my eyes- including partial colorblindness, but I've been typing like a pro for years upon years.
I had to take three years worth of typing classes in elementary, and one year in middle school. Needless to say, I am a very, very fast typer.
"Sorry, love," Sara said, using 'love' for the first time ever in her entire life. "I can't take it off. You're stuck with it. People will know what you are when they see that. If you're interested in taking it off, ask me nicely in a few years. I might now how to remove it then."
"You're a liar."
She looked him from head to toe. No, she wouldn't knock him out. She'd make him scream in the privy until guards heard his cries and came to rescue him.
Sara moved from Prince Arnold without another word. She went to the door of the privy, exited, closed the door behind her, and thought for a moment. How to lock him in... She had no key, but the doorknob and the lock were made of metal. Metal could melt.
She let the anger that she had been suppressing fill her again, allowing her body to heat up. This time, she made sure to concentrate it only in her hands by clenching and unclenching them. After a few seconds, she put her hand on the doorknob, and watched as the metal turned red, then white with heat. Then it began to melt, the lock melting along with it.
When the doorknob was half melted, Sara removed her hand and moved away. It was strange how the molten metal didn't burn her... She guessed it came with her uncontrollable, demon-attracting mage powers.
She made her way back down to the dungeon, and exited through the same servant passage that Travis had gone through. The open air of the outside world was wonderful. She told Travis to wait for her in the forest, so she immediately found a dense bunch of trees and moved to them.
"Travis," she called, her voice full of the longing that she had when she first rescued him. She would sell the dress, the jewels on the dress, the jewelry adorning her, and she would use a good deal of money to get Travis some food. She knew he would need it.
Love is all we need~
1:12pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ :D You are more on then I am, but I just meant typing on the computer in general, not just on Res. |D That's cool, me too! I had a typing class type thing also when I was younger/home-schooled. |D ]]
I hadn't realized the princess would come so soon. The second I heard her voice, I threw the whistle, not being able to wait for her to find me, and ran towards her voice with out waiting for Ashes. He stayed where he was with out running.
I said as quietly as I could so we wouldn't be found, but as loud as I could so she'd hear me. I hadn't realized until after I said her name that I didn't use her ti tle, again. What was this love doing to me?
I came to the edge of the forest, her white gown attracting my eyes to go that way. "You're here."
I whispered more to myself in disbelief as I came closer, wrapping my arms around her in another embrace. I couldn't believe it. We were free! I was gone from the dungeons and she was out of that horrid castle. I had so many questions, like if that prince ever touched her while he locked me in that dungeon? But I'd wait until later for us to explain the whole scenario to each other.
"I missed you, Sara."
I said in more of a whimper - again, what is this love doing to me? Making me whimper like I was about to cry in her arms? - holding her tighter and kissing her hair. I forgot any pain I had had in my shoulder, any pain I had in my stomach from hunger. I just wanted to stay here. In her embrace. Forever.
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1:39pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara was enamored to hear her name, to see her knight- Travis- running towards her and wrapping his arms around her. Of course she was there. She wouldn't dare leave him ever again after this moment. She didn't even want to leave him when she needed sleep.
She wrapped her arms around him, too, giving him an embrace that put all other embraces to shame. Travis had stubble on his chin, and he was a bit thin- well, he had less body fat than he did when she last saw him before this whole ordeal.
She buried her face in his chest and sighed, taking his scent in. She probably smelled like fake roses, given that the servants had spritzed her with some sort of fancy perfume when she was knocked out. It would take people at least an hour to find Prince Arnold, she guessed. That was, unless he resorted to screaming like a girl.
She wondered when he would come crying to her, begging to remove the word on his wrist. That day would be a wonderful day. He'd have to apologize for everything he did. She traced small circles on Travis's shoulder blades with her index finger's fingernail.
"I missed you, too, Travis." She mumbled against his chest. "Let's get going. I'll sell the dress and the jewels and get you something to eat." She stood on her tiptoes. "We'll have to go into town to do that, though." They would attract a bunch of attention if she went walking around in a wedding dress, but she couldn't just walk around in her undergarments. That would attract even more attention.
Either way, they would stay here just long enough to sell the dress, and get Travis something to eat. After that, they would go back to the forest, and stay the night so that Travis could get some rest. Then they would head home.
Ooc:// Oh.... Well, that does make sense. XD I type more during the school year than during the summer. Well, I write more during the school year, anyways. Not so much typing, though. XD
Love is all we need~
4:17pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ Sorry this took so long, Wolfie D: Blame it on the show. :D ]]
When she told me that we should get going, I reluctantly let my arms fall to my sides. I didn't want to get going. I'd rather sleep in the cold woods the rest of the night with her in my arms before finding food and shelter. But, for the safety from the guards that will soon notice me missing from the dungeon, we must go.
Plus, she was right. That dress that fit her so perfectly must be sold. The hunger pains came back and that reminded me I needed food. "Alright."
I said, the reluctance obvious in my tone before wrapping my fingers around hers. She seemed warm and it reminded me that I should ask her what she was doing when she told me to wait for her in the forest.
I pulled her hand gently to lead her back to the forest towards Ashes.
[[Ahhhhh. Short. :c I didn't know how far I could power play with out looking like a jerk. |D ]]
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4:33pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// XD I don't care if you powerplay a little. Just don't completely controll her. XD
And thankyou for posting.
Sara released Travis as he released her. He seemed like he didn't want to let her go. She didn't want to let him go, either, but they had to, lest they risk being discovered by the guards. She almost didn't hear his word of agreement.
When he laced his fingers with hers, she felt every bit of longing resurface. Gosh, she wanted to just tackle him and hold him close. To be able to run to him and fling herself at him every time they were separated and then reunited, which would be never again. She wouldn't allow it.
She approached Ashes, and, with Travis's help (Pp?), she mounted the horse, sitting forward. Her dress didn't make this convenient, and she wished that she wouldn't have to wear it. Soon enough, the dress would be gone, though, and Sara would be sitting with Travis in a tavern, with some lady serving her knight food.
Ooc:// Feel free to timeskip to when they're at the tavern. We'll just say that they sold Sara's dress, got a bunch of money from the jewels and stuff. XD
Love is all we need~
4:43pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ Is a tavern a place for food or a place for shelter? Or...? Sorry. D: My google decided to not work. -kicks stupid google- Plus the fact that you keep using words that I have to keep looking up. |D ]]
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4:44pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// A tavern is like a restaurant/hotel for the people that lived way back when. They serve alcoholic beverages, which they're famous for, and they have rooms for rent.
Love is all we need~
4:59pm Jul 21 2012
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It was like a huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders once the waiter came into view with what I and the princess had ordered. I had ordered a bottle of wine - we'll say I felt like celebrating - and chicken broth. The waiter set the food down, told us to enjoy, and left us. I looked over at the princess with a smile. A smile that said more then my lips could ever say.
When we came to the town, we first sold the dress the princess wore, giving us more money and jewels a knight could ever dream of seeing. The princess was probably used to seeing so much, probably used to seeing more, since she lived in the castle.
I ate at the chicken like I hadn't eaten in days. Well, that was literal. It was gone the second it came to the table. I popped open the lid of the bottle, pouring wine in my glass. I didn't know if the princess wanted any, but I had asked for two glasses just in case she did.
"What are we going to do, Princess?"
I asked quietly so no one else overheard, even though it wasn't that crowded. My real question was, what are we going to do about us? If her father found out, he could very well kill me and banish his daughter. And the one thing I did not want to ruin was her relationship to her father.
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5:10pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara ate her food slowly, more observing Travis inhale his. She had half a mind to tell him to slow down. If he ate too quickly, he would get sick. She finished off the stewed vegetables and chicken. It wasn't nearly as good as the food served in the palace, but it was obvious that the cook here knew what he was doing.
And then she heard the question. What were they going to do? What were they going to do about what? She hoped this wasn't going where she thought it was going. She didn't want to think about what would happen with them when she returned to her kingdom- to her people.
"We're going to start the journey to home tomorrow. Maybe even have a little fun along the way." She poured herself a glass of wine. She'd never had wine before, and it wasn't exactly what she'd expected. Still she drank the whole glass, immediately feeling the buzzing in her head.
It was worth it to celebrate. Travis was alive! Her handsome, wonderful knight was alive! She wasn't married! She was still a maiden up for grabs. Well, not up for grabs, though some of the men in the tavern looked at full grown women like they weren't anything but some fun for later on.
Nobody had spoken to her like that, though, even though she still had the makeup from earlier on in the day on. She would was her face off later.
Little did the princess know that, due to her small body mass, and low tolerance for alcohol, plus having never had wine again, that one little glass of wine was enough to get her quite drunk.
Ooc:// The tables have turned! XD
Love is all we need~