4:27pm May 27 2012
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Sara was nearly asleep when Travis asked her if she was alright. She was surprised that she somehow didn't lean back onto him. Maybe she had and she didn't notice, or rather he didn't notice. Her blue eyes widened a bit as she looked at the trees around her. She was quite drowsy now, and she was a bit chilled, given that her gown was still damp, and that there was a small breeze blowing. The rain had stopped a while ago, and Sara was thankful for that.
She looked over her shoulder and up a bit to look at Travis. She yawned unintentionally and said, "Yes. I'm fine. The forest is much calmer since it stopped raining."
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4:38pm May 27 2012
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I smiled, realizing now that her attitude towards this whole thing has changed. At least on the outside it has. I haven't heard one complaint yet. The princess, who was supposed to be a spoiled brat, probably wasn't as bitter about this as I was.
"Just making sure you didn't want to stop to sleep or anything." I said, looking down at her for only a moment before looking up and making Ashes go a bit faster. The king probably wanted us deep into the forest, might as well get there fast to get back to the kingdom just as fast.
"You seem awfully okay with these change of events, Princess. Might I ask why?"
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4:44pm May 27 2012
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Sara yawned again, and looked forward. She couldn't help herself from slightly leaning back. She was surprised at Travis's question. He had the audacity to ask her about her decisions and attitude. He was definately brave, she decided. However, she was too tired to go off on him about questioning her. Plus, she owed him a debt for slaying that beast that had attacked them.
In response to Travis's strange question, Sara said, "I'm just too tired to be upset about it right now." She felt her head rest on Travis's chest, and she pulled herself straight up again, afraid of making it seem like she was trying to imply something that she wasn't. She pushed some of her still damp hair from her face, and sighed as her hand got caught up in a tangle.
"Also, I realize that no amount of begging or pleading or complaining will get me back there. I realize a lot more than one would think."
Love is all we need~
4:49pm May 27 2012
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As she rested her head on my chest, I couldn't help but tense up. What would her father say? What was her father thinking sending me alone with her? What would that make her reputation look like when she gets back?
I shook the thoughts from my mind as she lifted herself up again. With a chuckle, I said, referring to her last statement: "I never doubted that you did, Princess."
After a moment's hesitation, I added, "It's an admirable trait, honoring your father without another complaint. To be completely honest, I wasn't so happy about this idea either. So technically I reacted the same when I heard. Except I was kicking and screaming in my mind."
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4:53pm May 27 2012
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Sara giggled sleepily as Travis spoke. She blinked her eyes slowly and nodded, taking in every word that the boy behind her said, hearing it clearly. She smiled when he said that he didn't doubt that she ever didn't understand more than she let on.
She was surprised when he spoke of her respect towards her father. "Yes. I kicked and screamed for a while, but he proved to me that this wasn't an argument that I would win. Daddy gets very serious sometimes, and I realize that I might as well give up, because I'm fighting a losing battle." Sara scratched her head half-heartedly, rubbing the back of her neck when she was done.
"Do you have any clue what time it is, Travis? I think it might be getting close to midnight." She yawned again. Why couldn't she stop yawning! She didn't think she was that tired.
Love is all we need~
5:04pm May 27 2012
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Hearing her yawn once more, I finally stopped Ashes. Without really telling her what I was doing, I got off of Ashes and brought out a blanket that I had hidden in a leather bag with a couple of other necessities I thought I could sneak without the king knowing.
"Let's take that resting time now."
I said, not really giving her an option. Walking over to her, I quickly grabbed her waist and set her down. I was only able to grab one blanket, so I'd let her sleep on that. Seeing as I wasn't even that tired, it worked out great. But, I'd try to get a little nap in there as well.
"I'll be close by." I said, as I sat next to a tree and leaned back on it, my hands on the top of my head, my legs stretched out, my ankles crossed as I relaxed and looked through the leaves and branches of the trees into the sky.
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5:12pm May 27 2012
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Sara was relieved when she heard Travis say that they would take the resting time then. She was surprised when she saw him pull out a blanket, but she didn't ask him where he got it or how he even got it. She wasn't fazed at all when Travis grabbed her by the waist and set her down.
When he said that she could go to sleep, and that he would be close by, Sara ignored the chill settling on her clothes, and gratefully took the blanket, laid it on a relatively clean space of ground, and wrapped the excess around herself. Though this was the most uncomfortable place she'd ever slept, she went to sleep rather quickly, seeing as how tired she was.
She had a strange dream, though, one of strange creatures circling her, trying to tell her something, and magic swirling around her. She saw her mother in the dream, and her lips were moving, though no sound came out. Sara was eager to know what they were all trying to tell her, but she didn't have the slightest clue. Whatever it was, she hoped that it wasn't important.
Love is all we need~
5:15pm May 27 2012
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[ I don't know what to put. xDDDD Can I time skip to morning? :))))))) ]]
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5:17pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Of course, CHarity. That is your new nickname. I liek eet.
Love is all we need~
5:19pm May 27 2012
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[[ Bahahaha! I like it too. :)) I'll post something later. Gotta go for now~ ]]
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5:20pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Alright, Charity.
Love is all we need~
5:34pm May 27 2012
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[[Never mind. I'm bored. D: ]]
I ended up falling asleep faster then I had expected. I guess I was more tired then I thought. I awoke from hearing animals scurrying through the forest, the sun shining right in my eyes, and the birds deciding to sing the Princess and me a song that rang in my ears.
Groaning from the ache in my back from how I fell asleep on the tree, I got on to my feet, stretched my arms, and wiped my eyes. Once adapting to the light of the sun, I looked over to see Ashes eating some grass. I walked over to Ashes and looked in my leather bag for the sugar cubes that I had put in the bag without the kings consent as well. If he was going to force my war horse to come along, I was going to give him some pleasure in this agony.
"Here boy."
I whispered as to not awake the princess just in case she was still asleep as I gave him a sugar cube or two. Petting his head, I looked over at a rabbit that just scurried along. The princess might be hungry when she wakes up... And I sure was hungry as well.
Never in my life would I have thought that some day I might have to kill a rabbit for food. But, things had to be done for survival. I easily caught the bunny before it could run. Grabbing it's head, I snapped it's neck. Hearing the crack, I truly hoped the princess wasn't awake. The last thing I needed was a women telling me not to kill the thing. But, the princess did prove that she wasn't all princess's were usually cracked up to be, so I shouldn't be so assuming.
Taking the dead animal in one hand, I reached for my sword. Planning to skin it before making a fire.
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5:43pm May 27 2012
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Sara awoke to the sound of birds singing obnoxiously loud. The particular voice of a mockingbird rang in her ears, and she frowned. She would have tried to go back to sleep, but she realized that she wasn't at her castle, and that her back was sore from the hard earth beneath her. She stood, stretching like a cat, and blinked her eyes a couple times. Luckily for her, the blanket had kept her gown from getting dirty, and it was completely dry now.
She shook the blanket off, folding it like she'd seen one of the servants in her home folding her sheets. She heard a faint snap, and she turned to see a rabbit in Travis's hands. She was never really bothered by the death of a wild animal, seeing as she'd never really encountered the things very often, being a princess and all. The only animals that she wouldn't ever bear to be seen killed would be domesticated ones, and she doubted that the rabbit in Travis's hands was domesticated.
Sighing, she rubbed her lower back sorely, seeing that a small part of the blanket that she had been folding was actually burned. She wondered when that had happened. The strange thing is that it was in the shape of a handprint. She lined her hand up with the burn, and, sure enough, it was the same size. Her hands were small, even for a girl's, and she was sure that Travis couldn't have made those burn marks even if he tried.
Though she was a bit freaked out by it, she decided to ignore it, and leave the subject alone. She turned to Travis and said, "If you need help cooking the rabbit, I learned a few tricks from the castle's cooks."
Love is all we need~
5:47pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Gotta go to church. I'll be back online later tonight.
Love is all we need~
5:51pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 5:51pm May 27 2012)
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Men like me wanted to keep whatever pride they had. So, her question at first kind of spurred some irritation. What, did she think I didn't know how to cook a rabbit?
Then, realizing she was the princess and all, I took her offer. "Sure. Let me just get the fire started." I didn't need the help, but I was curious to see just what the princess knew. Maybe I could learn a thing or two. I set the dead animal down and started looking for wood that wasn't wet.
[[Oh alright ;(((( ]]
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8:17pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// I'm baaaack~~~
Sara was surprised that Travis took her up on her offer. She thought that men never needed help, and she was prepared to be turned down. However, she was glad that he accepted her help. She watched him look for wood, and remembered that picking up wood was a peasant's job.
She began to carry her head high again, like she normally did. She was so sleepy yesterday that she'd actually let the softer side of herself shine through while she was around Travis. She wouldn't let that happen again, she decided. She was a princess, and she needed to act appropriately.
Love is all we need~
8:25pm May 27 2012
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[[Omg, yay. :O ]]
After finding enough wood that I was able to bring back to where the princess was, I quickly made the fire [[ - doesn't know how that works but we'll just pretend he knew how xD - ]]. Looking over at Princess Sara, I gave her a small grin and said, "Alright. The stage is yours, Princess."
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8:34pm May 27 2012
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Sara smiled and straightened her back, moving forwards to the fire, smiling at how warm it was. She was surprised at how Travis started the fire. That was one of the many things that she had no clue how to do, so she was slightly in awe.
She had watched the cooks drain the blood from the rabbits, which she thought was a bit gruesome, but it was necessary. She then realized that she had nothing to cut the rabbit with. She looked to Travis and said, "Do you have something I could possibly borrow to cut the rabbit with?"
Love is all we need~
8:40pm May 27 2012
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At her question, I nodded my head and went over to Ashes; where I had daggers in one of my necessity bags. I had one in each shoe by my ankles just in case I needed them, but I needed to keep them in there. Walking back to Princess Sara, I gave her the dagger and lifted my eye brow, "I believe it will be sharp enough for you."
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8:54pm May 27 2012
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Sara took the dagger gingerly and gently cut into the rabbit's jugular, blood spattering out onto the ground. A horrified look appeared on Sara's face, and she held the rabbit out for Travis. She didn't know it would be this bloody.
Her eyes were squeezed shut, and she tried to ignore the mettalic smell of blood in her nose. "Take the stupid rabbit. Nevermind. You cook it all yourself. I'm not going to do this." She held her mouth in a disgusted straight line, her head turned away from the bloody corpse in her hands.
Love is all we need~