5:28pm Jul 21 2012 (last edited on 5:28pm Jul 21 2012)
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[[ YES OMG. This is gunna' be fun. Yay~ 30th page. ]]
My eyes widened as I watched her gulp down the wine. Okay, so partly because I liked watching her neck, but mostly out of surprise. I swallowed a smirk, before grabbing my own glass and doing the same thing, swallowing it down. Though, I wasn't worried. When I had let myself get drunk before, it took a couple of bottles to get me as drunk as I was, being how large I am and all. No worries.
Once finishing my chicken broth, I smiled and leaned back, one hand on my now full stomach while the other running a hand through my black hair, letting my hand drag down to feel my cheek, then chin. I probably looked pretty shaggy, my hair probably messy and stubble on my cheeks. It's a good thing we'd be staying here tonight, as the princess said. I could take a bath and fix myself a bit to look more presentable.
"I think you've been ready to go back to your kingdom for a while now."
I said with a small smile. It was the truth. How different she was when we started this journey! Such a spoiled brat... That I most certainly didn't love at the time. And look where we were. Both drinking wine, looking at each other like we couldn't live with out each other. And she's gone how long with out a temper tantrum? It only made me want her more.
I tore my gaze away, pouring more wine in my glass. I couldn't think like this. Once we get back to the kingdom, there would be no hope of us ever being together. But the princess was right. We'd have fun along the way. To make the most of what we had with each other.
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5:38pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara finished off the rabbit meat that she had been served, her plate now clean, and watched Travis. She was nervous with him having wine, but that nervousness began to melt and....
"You really think so?" Sara giggled, a bit of the wine showing in her tone. She put her elbows on the table and put her head in her hands. "I don't feel like I'm ready to go home." She gave him a smile. "When I go home, you'll be off doing knight things, and I won't be able to see you very often..." She stuck out her bottom lip, which was still red, pouting.
She was dressed in a simple white gown now, with no real embellishments. It was fitted tightly around her waist, to give the dress some shape, and the bottom hung loosely and flapped around her feet.
"I don't wanna go home..." She furrowed her brows, pursing her lips and looking down.
Love is all we need~
5:50pm Jul 21 2012
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Her change in attitude brought me a small smile. The wine was already affecting her. I guessed she hadn't had wine often - or at all - at her father's kingdom. I didn't mean to ruin the mood, but it spilled from my mouth.
"You probably won't see me at all, Princess."
Not 'not as often.'. But at all. That brought my own eyebrows to furrow as my lips turned down. We were both having wine, but both upset. That thought in mind, I gingerly grabbed the bottle and brought it to my lips with out waiting to put it in the glass. Chugging the rest down, I set it down just as gingerly. A more bitter tone coming through my lips.
"After this, there's no telling when I'll see you. Probably when you marry the next suitor your father finds. You'll soon rule your new husbands kingdom, I'll never see you again, and... I'll be alone."
My love for the princess was so great. I couldn't imagine loving another woman, no matter how possible it might be. I clenched my jaw, looking at the table with a scowl still on my face.
After a moment of staring, I finally blinked back from my daze. The princess had finished eating. "I don't want to go home either."
I added, a bit more softly. Standing up from the table, I gave her a shrug. "I guess we should get to our rooms now. It's late and I haven't slept in a real bed in a long time."
I gave her a small, fake smile, the bitterness still in my heart at the thought of this being our last moments. How will I feel when I watch them put a crown on her head, officially calling her queen of another kingdom, while her husband next to her, being called king? How will I handle her going off to be queen for her new husbands kingdom? I would never see her again. And she'd probably forget about me once her father finds a suitor that meets her needs I couldn't meet. My heart ached and I took the thoughts from my head. At least tried to.
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5:57pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara felt her face contort with sadness and hurt. How... how could he say such things? The wine made her overly sensitive, and prone to being emotional. She felt her lips start to quiver. No... Not the tears. They started coming down her face before she could stop them.
"How could you say such a thing...?" She sniffled, and began to shake. "You're.... that's so mean, and blunt, and... and.... I am not going to marry a prince!" She stuck out her index finger at him, furrowing her brows for a moment of anger. She wasn't marrying a prince. If she ever married anyone, it would be Travis.
"I'm not marrying anyone except for... except for...." She felt the tears roll down her face again, swallowing a lump in her throat. "You... you can't say that, Travis... You're my knight." In her drunken state, she managed to put emphasis on the word 'my'. Meaning she was being possessive.
She wouldn't marry anyone else. When she went back to the kingdom she would see Travis, even if he didn't want her to. She would pester him, and bug him, and hug him, and....
She felt all light-headed and dizzy....
Love is all we need~
6:06pm Jul 21 2012
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I hadn't meant to make the princess cry. I don't think I've ever done something so extreme as to make her look like this. I blamed it on the wine, but I still went down to one knee by her chair, grabbing both hands in my own and rubbing her knuckles with my thumbs as I lovingly gazed in her eyes. "Princess. Shhh, we'll talk about it later, alright? I'm sorry, I love you. I hadn't meant to upset you. Do you think I want that to happen once we go back to the kingdom?" I shook my head as the answer. "I guess it just kind of slipped through my lips before I even thought about it. I'm sorry. I love you. "
I kept my voice soft, my thumb brushing away her tears.
"I am your knight and I always will be. Let's just not talk about it anymore, alright? You don't look so good, anyways." Why did I keep having my foot in my mouth? A princess doesn't want to hear that she doesn't look good. I sighed before standing, keeping my voice soft.
"I mean the wines affecting you, not your appearance."
Reaching down, I grabbed her hand. We had already paid for the food when we bought a room, so I didn't worry about putting money on the table. "Let's go find our rooms now." Mostly because everyone was staring at Sara crying and because I was looking forward to a nice, comfortable sleep.
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6:19pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara wanted to push Travis away, to tell him that he shouldn't have said that if he loved her, but the second that he took both of her hands in his, she turned to face him, her tears already slowing. His words were comforting, especially when he reassured her that he loved her.
She sniffled a few times as he brushed her tears away with his hands. His touch was so comforting. Even if he wasn't with her, he would always be her knight, just like he said. She sniffled once more before she completely stopped crying, wrapping her arms around his neck when he reached down for her hand.
She held onto him, and didn't want to let go. If she got up and tried to walk, she'd end up stumbling like a fool anyways. Plus, she just wanted to hold onto Travis- to convince herself that what he said was true.
"I love you." She said, nuzzling his neck. There weren't too many people in the tavern, so she wasn't worried at all. Plus, in these clothes, nobody would think that she was the princess. Also, she looked quite different with makeup on, anyways.
"I love you so much..."
Ooc:// Sara is quite drunk, as you can see. XD PFFFT.
Love is all we need~
6:28pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ It's so fun to have someone drunk. |D ]]
My green eyes widened in surprise as the princess let go of my hand and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smirked, once again remembering how much she drank of the wine. As her normal self, I doubt she'd be so bold - in front of people, at least.
"I love you too. So much."
I said, wrapping my arms around her, tightly holding on. When she nuzzled my neck, I shivered and new I should let go. People were around and she was the princess. I had to be respectful of her in my head too, but when she did stuff like that... My imagination went wild.
"Princess, I really think we should find our rooms now."
I said, grabbing her arms and peeling them off of my neck.
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6:34pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara was glad that Travis could return the feelings, or at least say them out loud. His arms were so warm, and strong.... She wanted to just be cradled in them all the time. She'd never have to walk. Speaking of finding her room...
She frowned as her arms were peeled off of Travis's neck. She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip again. "I don't wanna walk," she slurred, crossing her arms and pursing her lips. "If I walk, I'm going to fall."
"Carry me," she said, adding the last part on with a bit of childishness in her voice, but it showed her desperateness, "please?" She tried to give him puppy dog eyes, but it was hard to control her eyes under the influence of the wine. Instead of staring him in the eyes, they dropped to his lips- the lips that had so passionately kissed her that night.
Love is all we need~
6:44pm Jul 21 2012
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The second she pursed her lips, my eyes looked down at them. Couldn't she stop tempting me? I was supposed to be strong enough to fight those feelings that brought every man to their knees. I was supposed to keep my imagination from roaming to places it shouldn't roam.
But when I raised my eyes to see she was looking at my lips, my lips turned to a smile. "Of course I will, princess."
I said, before turning to wrap my arm around the back of her knees, picking her up cradle - style. I left through a door that led to some hallways. We had already chosen rooms 98 & 100, doing the same thing we had at the prince's kingdom, where there was a door that led to the other's room. Just in case something happened. Like the prince finding out we were here.
Coming to room 100 for her, I took the key and unlocked the door. Closing the door behind me, I lit a candle so there was a soft glimmer in the room, but still a bit dark so she could rest the drunkness from her system.
"Here you go, Sara."
I said, setting her on the bed gently, my lips pressing against her forehead.
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7:12pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara was grateful for Travis's willingness to carry her. He even carried her bridal-style. If anyone else would've been carrying her like that, she would have been unhappy, but Travis was an exception. She had wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her, and immediately missed his arms around cradling her.
Her bed was soft, like any normal bed, but the sheets weren't extravagant like they had been at the palace. Either way, it was a comfortable enough bed. Better than sleeping on the forest floor, at least.
She could see Travis's figure in the room, but couldn't make out his features very well. She could locate his eyes. When she did, she stared up into them and put her hand on his, clenching it.
"Please stay," she pleaded. "I don't want you to leave." She remembered that Travis disappeared the night that she went to bed. That night that she'd slept so peacefully, ready for when she would leave the next day with her knight. "Please..." She yawned sleepily, rubbing her eyes with her free hand.
Love is all we need~
7:18pm Jul 21 2012
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My lips turned downward when she first asked me to stay. Stay? With her? In bed? I don't think that was a good idea. She was drunk from just one glass of wine, giggling one moment and crying the next. I was more sober, but being in bed with her didn't sound like a wise choice.
But, as she yawned, I knew it wasn't like she had anything... Scandalous in mind. At least I hoped not. I smiled down at her, sighing in defeat.
"I can't say no to you, Sara."
I whispered before going to the other side of the bed, sitting down with my back towards her to take off my shoes. I stayed with my back towards her for a moment as I said,
"If you're sure it's alright."
Maybe if she wasn't looking at me, she'd think a little bit more the way the sober Sara would. I wouldn't want to wake up to have her slap me in the face for being here.
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7:25pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara was overjoyed that he would stay. And he was still calling her by her name. It was wonderful. She watched as he went to the opposite side of the bed, slid his shoes off, and kept his back to her as he asked her if she was sure it was alright.
She nearly rolled her eyes. "It's not like I'm going to molest you, Travis." She giggled again, sleepily that time. She ran her hands through her hair, pulling out pins and ribbons that had been tied in when the servants had put it up. When she finished, her hair splayed out around her head like rays of the sun.
She sighed, reached across the bed and grabbed Travis's forearm. She tugged on it gently, trying to get him to lay back on the bed. "C'mon...." She bit her lip slightly.
Ooc:// Failish...
Love is all we need~
7:32pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ We're close to 600 posts, omg. ]]
The second I felt her tugging on the material on my forearm, I layed back with out hesitation beside her on the bed. If only she knew the affect she had on me. I turned my head towards her once my head lay on the pillow, smiling at the beauty next to me. She didn't even need the make up on her face.
"You're so drunk, you know that?"
I said, a chuckle in my tone. It was all in her ex pression. The way she all of a sudden got very tired, how giggly she was.
"Good night, love."
I whispered.
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7:41pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// Holy shiz! We are!
Sara wanted so badly to move closer to Travis, to snuggle against his chiseled chest, to curl up and go to sleep without any space between them. But she wouldn't do that. She was nervous that Travis would push her away, saying that she needed to sleep. It took all of her self control not to do it in her drunken state.
She smiled sleepily as Travis told her she was drunk. Yeah, she knew she was drunk. She could feel the buzzing in her head, the dizziness, the slurred speech. Yep. She was drunk, and she knew it.
"G'night, Travis." She closed her eyes, but didn't immediately go to sleep. She wasn't sure if she wanted to sleep. She could wake up, and all of this could be a dream. She would end up in that wedding dress again, and have to marry the prince. She could figure out that having those mage powers was all a dream...
She readjusted herself on the bed slightly, sighing.
Love is all we need~
7:43pm Jul 21 2012
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[ Yayyy~
Can I time skip till morning? Didn't want to go on without... Consent. D: ]]
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7:49pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// What do you mean 'consent'?
Well, I have nothing left planned for Sara to do. Since she's tired. And drunk.
You can time skip to morning if you'd like. :D
Love is all we need~
8:03pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ Emphasis on the drunk. |D I didn't know how else to put it. Like, 'consent'. Like... If you had no more ideas and we could go on. Like, if it was alright. D: I'm not good with vocabulary, I guess I used the wrong word. -facepalm- |D ]]
I awoke from faint sunlight coming through a small window on my side of the bed. The sun was just coming up, displaying it's light to glare into my eyes. I blinked groggy eyes, turning over in the bed and pulling the blanket up over my head to keep the sun from my vision. I opened my eyes slightly to see a slender arm. Reminding me of last nights events. I smiled, lifting the blanket up from my head, which caused my hair to go messy again. I probably really needed a bath by now so I chose not to wake the princess up. But, that didn't mean...
"Good morning, Princess."
I whispered, allowing myself one soft kiss on her lips before disappearing from the bed, and going into the privy where a tub with already steaming water awaited me. I had thought I heard the maids come in with water, but I was too tired before to truly wake up. Closing the door behind me, I relaxed my muscles with the hot water. There was probably another tub in what was supposed to be my room if the princess wanted to use it.
Quickly finishing the bath, and feeling like I smelled much better then I probably had last night, I put my dirty clothes back on and added the armor once I left the privy. Just as I put on my last piece, I looked back at the princess, kneeling by the bed, my dripping hair dropping on her cheek. I wiped it away, trying to push my wet black hair from my face before kissing the corner of her mouth.
"Princess." I whispered, leaning closely to her ear and letting her blonde locks tickle the skin on my cheek.
"You have to wake up now princess. We should leave as soon as possible."
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8:12pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara didn't wake up when Travis left. In fact, she sat right there, though she could feel him kiss her before he left. When he left, to keep herself warm, she pulled the covers around herself and turned to the opposite side of the bed. She didn't stir for a while after that.
She woke to the feeling of something wet on her cheek. Her first thought was that Travis had licked her like some sort of puppy, trying to wake her up, or something. Call her crazy, but that's what she was convinced it was. That was, until she felt Travis's hand touch the place where the wet thing had lingered, brushing it away, and then kiss the corner of her mouth.
Then it hit her. The terrible headache. She moaned as she cracked her eyes open as he whispered to her, and blinked her eyes a few times. She furrowed her brows and waited for her vision to clear. When she could see clearly, she pulled her ear away from Travis so that she could look at him.
Though she wasn't really feeling well, she smiled sleepily and said, "Morning, love." She sat up slowly in the bed, rubbing her eyes to clear them of sleep.
"My head is killing me..."
Love is all we need~
8:23pm Jul 21 2012
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When she moaned, I half expected it was because of my kiss. Even a sly smile came to my lips, wondering if that was true. That was until she told me her head was killing her. The slyness left my smile, though my smile still stayed. How could I not smile? We were free. Away from the prince. She was safe and I was with her.
"I may have a remedy for that."
I said, standing up to my full tall frame and searching my pockets. As I searched, I said, "Athena had given me a concoction when she gave me some wine, the night I got very drunk. I didn't use it because I didn't find it until later. I kept it just in case."
Finally feeling the bottle in one of my pockets, I lifted it and gave her a smile before handing it to her. "Try this, princess."
As one hand reached down to give her the small bottle, the other ran a hand through my wet hair to keep it from my face.
[[Something should happen with the demon or something soon. :u Just 'cause we haven't seen him around in a while. |D I can't really think of what though. D: ]]
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8:30pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// Perhaps Sara and Travis should go at it with the kissing later, and the demon would come out before it got too crazy, and then push Travis away, and play around with him a bit. (Not in the dirty way, you freak. XD)
Sara watched curiously as Travis fished around in his pockets. A remedy? There was a remedy for a hangover, as the knights at the kingdom called it? It was worth a try. Though she had a feeling it wouldn't taste very good. When he gave her the bottle, she looked at it.
It wasn't very large, and the concoction inside could be drank in a few gulps at the most. "Over the lips and through the teeth," she said, raising the vial to Travis almost in what looked like a toast. She gingerly put the top of the container to her lips and drank it down in about three seconds.
She twisted her face in disgust. "That was bitter, and sour, and nasty..." She shuddered. The blonde-haired princess held the bottle back up for Travis to take. "You can have this back."
Though, she did feel her headache going away. But the disgusting taste was still in her mouth. She licked her lips, pursing them afterwards.
"I am not doing that again," she said, referring to drinking the liquid.
Love is all we need~