8:37pm Jul 21 2012 (last edited on 8:38pm Jul 21 2012)
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[[ Omg. I guess I am a freak. I was like, the demon play around? O.O Anyways, lets do it! ^^^ Yayy! 600th post + 31st page. :D ]]
Once again, I found myself watching the princess's neck as she drank. I blinked when she handed it back to me, wondering for a moment what it even was. We had to get to the kingdom as soon as possible, the temptation when I was alone with her was too great.
I said, grabbing the bottle and putting it back in my pocket. I smiled when she said she wouldn't do it again. Leaning down, I kissed the top of her head.
"There is a tub if you want to bathe before you go, in the next room over."
I said, pointing to the door that would have led to my room last night. "If you don't want to, we should leave now."
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8:48pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara closed her eyes as Travis kissed the top of her head. The concoction did work. It worked well, really. She didn't even have a twinge of a headache anymore. What was that stuff? Some sort of awesome potion? She thought it was a plausible enough idea. After all, she was a mage.
She stood when he mentioned bathing. Heck, yeah she needed to bathe. "I definitely want to bathe," she said, laughing. "I've got to get all of this crud off of my face," she said, gesturing to the makeup that hadn't smeared overnight. That stuff was hard to get off if it didn't get wet.
"I'll be back in a little while." She left with that, going into Travis's room and taking off the dress that she had bought with the coins that she'd received from selling the dress. She still had plenty of gold pieces left. They could spend every night at a tavern if they wanted for a whole month.
That sounded appetizing.
Ooc:// After her bath~ Cause I don't feel like describing her the entire time. >.>
Sara walked out of the room in the same white dress she'd worn the night before. It wasn't dirty, given that she'd only worn it for half of the previous day. Her hair was damp, and hung around her shoulders, kinking up into its usual curls as it dried. She ran her hands through her hair as she sat on the bed, looking at Travis as he gathered things to take with them(Pp?).
She layed back on the bed, with her legs still dangling off of the front of the bed, sighing as she did so. She wasn't sleepy, but she was sort of tense all over from the whole ordeal with the lying prince and all that jazz.
She sighed again and twirled some of her hair around her index finger. "Which way should we travel?" She asked Travis. Should they stick to the woods, where they wouldn't be in danger of encountering bandits, or should they travel the roads, and stand a greater chance of not getting lost?
Love is all we need~
8:58pm Jul 21 2012
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Once finished putting everything by the door - we didn't bring much - I sat down next to the princess on the bed. I tugged at her wet hair gently, pulling her close to place a kiss on her cheek. Why couldn't I keep my lips off of her? It was like I was the one who took some kind of potion, and it made me want to kiss her any time I saw her. I'm guessing it was just the fact that she thought I was dead, and I thought she didn't love me and... The whole ordeal. Either way, I liked the way her skin felt when it was damp from a bath.
"I'd say the roads. It'll lead us straight back to your kingdom."
I said, standing up from the bed and grabbing the bags. We didn't bring much, I held them with one hand.
[[^^ Unless you want to do the forest? I didn't know which one would be better. :Y ]]
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9:05pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// We'll do the roads, but they'll have to take a detour into the forest because of a broken bridge. >D And then they'll go at it with the kissing, and the demon will come out and play with Travis. (You dirty-minded freak, you! I said not to think of it dirtily!)
Sara smiled and moved as he tugged at her hair, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. She wasn't tender-headed at all. Heck, as a child, she would get terrible tangles in her hair, because it was much, much curlier then, and her nanny would end up yanking most of the tangles out. Little Sara hadn't even flinched.
She was glad that Travis could kiss her without all of that crud on her face. She didn't wear makeup unless it was just a bit of lipstick, and that was reserved for special occasions, really. Still, that hadn't stopped her nanny at the kingdom from trying to dress her up and give her a makeover for every single ball they held.
"Smart choice," Sara said, moving to stand up beside Travis. She put her head on his bicep for a moment, and then moved to open the door for him, seeing as how he was carrying the bags. Even though they only took up one of his arms, she felt the need to do something, or she would feel as if she was slacking or something.
Love is all we need~
9:10pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ |D You're making me smile stupidly at the screen! <3 Great plan. :D ]]
I nodded my head at the princess's response, laying my cheek upon her head when she lay against me for a few moments. Sighing when she let go, it was another burden lifted from my shoulders when I left the room. No more of these temptations. We'll be outside, on the roads, with people around. My imaginations won't turn... Dirty.
Just as I came into the hallway, a maid passed through. With a smile, I said, "Hello. I'm in a bit of a hurry. Do you think you could put these keys back? We've already paid for our rooms."
So the young woman wouldn't think that I was lying, I pulled out some more of my coins - my own, not the ones the princess got from the sold dress - and gave them to her as a tip. Smiling at her, she nodded her head and disappeared. I waited for the princess before I could start walking out of the building.
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9:18pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// Every time I write that in parenthesis, I purse my lips because I'm trying not to laugh out loud like I'm mentally retarded.
Sara followed Travis outside and into the hall, watching curiously as he asked the maid to put the keys back for them. It was smart of him. The maid, of course, accepted, seeing as how Travis tipped her.
The blonde-haired princess looped her arm through Travis's free one like a lady would, and began to walk outside, taking a deep breath before entering the main area of the tavern. Not a castle guard in sight.
She considered herself very lucky.
She made her way out to the front of the tavern, stopping at Ashes, waiting for Travis to help her up onto the horse. He hadn't done that in a while, and she didn't feel like hefting herself up onto the large horse by herself that morning. She was still slightly light-headed from the hot water of the bath.
Ooc:// You can power-play Sara when Travis puts her on the horse. XD
Love is all we need~
9:30pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ Ooh, we're fun. |D ]]
When we came to the horse, I put the bags on the hook that's on the saddle to hold them before hefting the princess up on to the horse. I kept my hands on her waist a second longer before putting them back down, my cheeks paling. I mentally scolded myself. Why was one little touch so big in my eyes? Swallowing, I jumped on, gently with my shoulder and all, in front of her to hold the reins. I smirked, she'd be able to hold onto my waist the whole ride home. I should get enjoy it while I could, knowing once we were back I won't get those wonderful embraces from her again.
I rode Ashes out of the village, keeping on the trail like we planned. Though it would be more likely for us to run into bandits, we won't get lost. I had my sword, and Sara had her powers. We could get through anything now.
"You said last night that you didn't want to go home."
I said, my deep voice piercing the silence. It wasn't awkward though. The silences we had were comfortable. Like we didn't need words, just needed each other around.
"Do you mean that, Sara?" I hoped she didn't. Obviously, there are bad things about going back. Like not being with each other every day. Not facing trouble, only to end with us winning. Not being able to steal glances or kisses or hugs. Not being able to get drunk on each other - well, and on wine as well.
But that didn't mean there weren't ups to going back home for her. Like, didn't she miss her parents? Didn't she miss being the princess, being pampered? Didn't she miss the balls, attention, the great feasts every villager dreamed of having? I hoped just because she fell in love with someone who was forbidden, she didn't lose the love for her past life as well. She had a lucky, wonderful life that she shouldn't take for granted. I hadn't meant to change her. I hadn't meant to love her at all.
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9:44pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// We're really, really fun. Forcing demons to play around with sexy men.
I felt so dirty writing that. x.x XD
Sara wrapped her arms around Travis's torso, clenching at the front of his shirt. She was enjoying the comforting silence and was quite glad that words didn't have to be exchanged. Plus, she just wanted to enjoy Travis's company during the ride.
When his deep voice eliminated the silence, Sara wasn't disappointed. It was just as good to hear him speak than it was to spend time wordlessly with him. She couldn't remember much from the night before. She remembered pouting and clinging to Travis in the tavern, but that was about it. Oh, yeah. She remembered him agreeing to stay with her, too.
However, she felt uncomfortable about his question. She was scared of what to say. Sure, she would be truthful, but Travis may or may not like the answer. She wasn't sure what he wanted her to say, so she said what she felt. "I sort of want to go home, but I sort of don't want to. I won't be able to spend time with you at the castle as much... We'll only see each other occasionally... I'll have to deal with people pairing me with princes as my suitors. I'll have to deal with all of the dances being focused on me, and I'll have to deal with not getting much privacy, due to the maids and the men."
She began tracing small circles on Travis's chest with her index finger through his shirt. "So, I kind of meant it. I miss home, though. I miss Capricornia, and my bed, and my room. But when I go home, I'll miss you more than anything." She layed her cheek on his back, sighing.
Love is all we need~
9:52pm Jul 21 2012
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[ D: Omg. Stop it. Now. We're so... Dirty. c: ]]
I closed my eyes when she started tracing small circles on my chest. Why? Why do this to me now? While I'm trying to focus on your answer? I held my breath, stiffening though not in disgust. Finally, I couldn't take the feel of her touch anymore. She didn't understand the affect she had on me.
I grabbed the reins with both hands, using the other hand to grab her hand, forcing it to wrap around my waist again. Swallowing, I was tempted to tell her that when she said 'as much', it meant 'not at all'. She won't see me! Won't she get it? Knight's didn't talk to the princess. They fought for the safety of the royals, but they didn't go in and have meetings with them. You're lucky if you get in yards of the royals. Other then me. I sat at the tables with the king at her banquet, since I was one of his most trusted, loyal men. But still, I've never even spoken to the princess before now.
"I guess we'll have to enjoy what we have now while it lasts."
I said, more to myself as I forced Ashes to go a bit faster once grabbing the reins with both hands again. I didn't want to ruin the nice mood, so I added,
"I kind of like you when you're drunk, Princess."
I said, teasing laced in my tone.
"You know what you called me? Your knight. You told me you wanted to marry me.You're getting kind of possessive, don't you think?"
Again, I was teasing. I wanted her possessive of me. I wanted to be all hers. I liked it that way.
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10:00pm Jul 21 2012
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Ooc:// Tru dat.
Sara felt a grin creep onto her lips as he forced her hand away from his chest and to wrap around him again. She really did have an interesting effect on him, she thought to herself. Still, he had an effect on her that she couldn't describe, either.
Sara made herself not get too sad when he said to enjoy it while it lasts. Sure, she would try to make it last as long as possible- forever, hopefully. If that meant sacrificing sleep to sneak down to the knights' barracks every night to speak to her knight, that's what she would do. She didn't even have to sacrifice sleep, really. She just had to visit him, and then make her way back to her room.
Her blue eyes widened as he that he liked her when she was drunk. Oh, goodness. What was he going to say next? She could smell it in his voice- he was planning on teasing her.
Her cheeks turned a vibrant red when he spoke. She.... claimed him? Surely not... Well, she'd called him her knight before, but he hadn't commented on it. Her cheeks turned redder and redder with each sentence he finished. She'd said she wanted to marry him. And then Travis called her possessive.
She chewed on her lip. "Well, now we're even. You got drunk, did some crazy things. I got drunk, did some crazy things." She grinned, tracing circles again on his chest, teasing him back. "Does this bother you?" She asked, her voice fakely innocent.
Love is all we need~
10:11pm Jul 21 2012
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I could imagine the embarrassment on her face after what I said. Even just in my imaginations it was adorable. I even had that sly smile back on my face. That was until she started tracing circles on my chest again.
"N-no. I just can't really concentrate when you do that. And I have to guide the horse."
I said slowly, choosing my words carefully so I wouldn't just admit flat out that it made me go crazy. My breathing hitched and I forced her hand to go back down again before grabbing the reins with both hands again.
"I guess that's true. I said some pretty crazy things when I was drunk."
I added, changing the subject. It's funny how that's how things went in the open between us. She didn't know I really loved her until I told her when I was drunk. And, now I'm finding out she wanted to marry me, because she said it while she was drunk. Of course, I think it was obvious that we wanted to marry each other. But the fact that the words were said made it much more tempting.
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10:16pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara fought off giggles as he spoke slowly, but stuttered on the first word. So when she did that, he couldn't concentrate. Well, she'd better stop, then. Wouldn't want the horse to go off of the path, would she? She stopped the tracing for now, and settled for tightening her grip around Travis.
He had said some pretty crazy things when he was drunk. It was humorous, really. Hilarious, actually. When it had all happened, it wasn't funny, and Sara thought it was more sad than anything, but looking back on it, it was pretty darn amusing. He'd tried to flirt with her when he was drunk, but the alcohol pretty much made flirting useless.
She wondered what happened while she was drunk. Oh yeah, she said she'd wanted to marry Travis, claimed him, and acted all possessive. Yeah, Travis gave her a re-cap on what happened.
Ooc:// You can timeskip to when they come to the broken bridge if you'd like to. They'll set up camp in the woods, and then it'll be time for kissy-kissy, then demon-demon.
Love is all we need~
10:24pm Jul 21 2012
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Hours passed, and everything in me wished somehow time could stop and I could just enjoy the princess with out thinking of how we were one second closer to forever never seeing each other again. It was really sad, if you thought about it that way.
So I tried not to. I licked my lips in determination to be positive, though I didn't say much else to her on the ride. I felt depressed though I hoped it wasn't noticeable. I wouldn't tell her now, but I just really wanted a kiss again. A kiss like we had before. Our secret kiss in her room, before that stupid prince came in. Those kind of kisses made me forget about how impossible it was.
I smiled at the thought. That was a good memory. One I'd keep. One I wouldn't look at and ever regret. Ashes whinnied, bringing me back to the present, just as we came across a broken bridge. I stopped Ashes and looked around.
"The bridge is broken in the middle, and it's a long way down. We'll have to go around."
I told the princess as I turned Ashes towards the woods.
"It'll be dark soon. Would you rather keep going or camp out?"
I asked as Ashes made his way through the trees.
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10:31pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara enjoyed the silence, though after several hours, it began to press down on her chest like a fifty-pound weight. When Ashes whinnied, she immediately knew something was up.
That was when her knight caught her up on the situation. The bridge was broken... It was nearly dark, anyways. Why not just go into the woods and camp out for a while? It would let them get a bit of rest.
"I think that we should camp out for the night. Predatory animals start roaming around at night, and one might spook Ashes." Plus, there was the fact that she wanted this trip to take as long as possible. And there was the fact that she wanted to be close to Travis. Have him lie next to her like he had the night before, though she didn't remember much of it.
"Up ahead is a small clearing. I can see it from here. That'll be the ideal place to set up camp."
Love is all we need~
10:41pm Jul 21 2012
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At her suggestion to go to the clearing, I kicked Ashes side a bit to get him to move to the clearing she spoke of. Once there, I - gently because of my sore shoulder - jumped off of Ashes, picked up the princess with out consent before dropping her gently to the ground, and found some sugar cubes for my horse. Petting him on his neck, I looked around the small clearing.
"This seems nice."
Also nice to sleep in, I hoped. My back and legs was quite achy from the long ride. I started setting up camp, grabbing out blankets and setting them a little far away from each other, but not by much. She would be in arms reach. Just because I had a respect for her doesn't mean I wouldn't get tempted to... I shook the thoughts from my mind. Once we were back in the kingdom, I'll miss her terribly. I should take advantage of every second. I scooted my blanket just a little bit closer, now more in 'elbows reach'. I couldn't get any closer with out feeling like I had no right to get in her space. Her father could behead me for just sleeping this close.
It took only minutes to start up a fire. Once that was finished, I grabbed some rolls from a bag that I brought from the Inn.
"I took some rolls with me before we left. You hungry?"
I said, throwing her a roll before grabbing one for myself before sitting on the blanket again.
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10:51pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara, once she was placed on the ground, watched Travis set up camp. He seemed to readjust the blankets several times. She liked the way that they were finally set up, with the two of them sleeping no more than six inches away from each other.
She watched him as he started the fire curiously. She never had learned how to start a fire, though she would bet everything that she owned that if you angered her, she got that hot feeling, and you put her in the middle of some dry sticks, she would start a fire rather quickly. After all, she'd been able to melt that door handle.
"I'm a little peckish," Sara said, catching the roll as she walked to her blanket and sat down on it, facing the fire, watching the flames dance over the wood. "You were smart to take the rolls."
She took several bites out of it, savoring the flavor of the bread.
Ooc:// Fail post...
Love is all we need~
10:56pm Jul 21 2012 (last edited on 10:56pm Jul 21 2012)
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We both chewed on the bread, the sound of the fire crackling being the only sound surrounding us. It was dark out now, the only light being the fire. It made it a more romantic scene, and that wasn't good. For me.
It wasn't this hard before. I'm just a human man and all, but that didn't mean I didn't have respect for her. I think the idea that I'm not going to see her after this journey back made me want her more. Savor her.
I turned my head once again to look at her, memorizing every part I could see. A smile came to my face. "I love you, Sara."
I whispered, both hands going to the back of my head as I relaxed, though kept my eyes on her in a intense, longing gaze.
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11:02pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara finished off her roll shortly after Travis did. The crackling of the fire was subtle, and the light it gave off wasn't too bright. It was a romantic scene at its best. It made her breathing more difficult. Did Travis want to kiss her again as much as she wanted to kiss him? That first real kiss they'd shared in her room still burned in the back of her head.
I love you, Sara.
The words broke her from her thoughts. She focused her eyes on Travis's. The firelight was reflecting off of his green orbs beautifully. He looked like a god of some sort. She could see the longing in his gaze, too. He could probably see the longing in hers, too.
She moved a bit closer to Travis, laying down on the edge of her blanket closest to him. "I love you, too, Travis," she said, only breaking her eyes from his to steal a quick glance at his lips.
Love is all we need~
11:14pm Jul 21 2012
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When she looked back at me, that tension in the air from long before came back. It spoke of the desire that was written all over her eyes. My breathing grew more heavy as she told me she loved me. And stole a quick kiss from my lips.
Oh, but I've been waiting to long to give in to my fantasies. So, after the quick kiss, my right hand shot up, capturing the back of her head and forcing her to come down for another kiss. I couldn't help how rougher it was then her quick one.
I kept my fingers tangled in her hair, angling my head to the side slightly for a more comfortable position. The hand not holding her head, found her waist, pulling her closer to me. The sound of my blood rushing roared in my ears, but all I cared about was giving in to one more kiss... And one more... And one more...
Finally, though, I had separate our lips for a breath. My right hand let go of her head, coming to my side.
"Sorry. I..." I looked down at her plump, red lips from how rough my kiss had been. "I couldn't help it, princess. I'm sorry." I opened my lips to catch my breath, but what I really wanted was another kiss.
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11:23pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara felt the tension boiling in the air, and she knew what was coming. She could almost smell it, sense it. Before she knew it, she was laying on her side, her body pressed against Travis's, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.
Well, technically he was kissing her. Rather roughly, too, but she didn't care. She kissed him back full-force, angling her head as he angled his. Blood rushed in her ears, and she couldn't even hear the fire any more.
She could feel Travis's hand on her waist, holding her against him. She didn't fight. She gave in. She'd been waiting for so long for another kiss like that. When he pulled away after a few moments, Sara's breathing was ragged, but she caught it as Travis spoke. He was... apologizing?
He was sorry?
"Shut up," she said, pressing her lips against his like he had done to her before. That was her way of telling him that he didn't need to apologize. She clenched his shirt in her hands, so tempted to just rip it off of him. She wanted to be able to look at his muscles without his shirt in the way, to trace them like a maze, to feel them against her arms while she hugged him.
She moved one hand from his shirt to the back of his neck, clutching his ebony hair in her hand.
Love is all we need~