11:35pm Jul 21 2012
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I waited to see a blush come to her flawless cheeks. Or maybe to back away, saying maybe we should stop. Just like what I was saying in my head, no matter how much my heart wanted the opposite.
I wasn't expecting her to shut me up and kiss me roughly again. But, I didn't pull away. Instead, I slowly found my way to a lying back position, never letting go of our eager kiss. My arms wound their way around her waist, tracing circles on the small of her back the way she had done to my chest. My lips turned to a smile for only a moment before I was able to kiss her again.
This proved how badly she wanted it too. Was she dying to kiss me like this ever since the prince caught us? I held back a shiver when she clutched my hair, but a hum did come from my throat. I kissed her once more, my the tip of my tongue teasing her lower lip before nibbling on her lip. I pulled tighter on her waist before my lips kissed hers once more.
I whispered, letting go of her lips to whisper in her ear and to take a breather. I kissed her ear lobe, my lips finding my way passed her jaw, and down her neck. My lips were tingling but I wouldn't stop now. It felt to great. Lifting my head back up, I looked back at her, my green eyes portraying my hunger before pressing my lips to hers once more.
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11:45pm Jul 21 2012
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Sara's tactic had worked. He'd shut up. He'd stopped apologizing for the wonderful things he did. She shivered as he drew circles on the small of her back. A low moan escaped her lips and she shuddered as his tongue brushed against her lips, then his teeth sank into her lip.
Gosh, he was a good kisser. She felt goose bumps rise on her arms as Travis kissed her ear, down her jaw, and down her neck. When he lifted his head back up, she saw hunger in her eyes- the same look was probably mirrored in hers, too. She took in several shaky breaths and closed her eyes again as he kissed her.
Then she was forced into the darkness of the back of her mind. No, no! She could feel herself slipping away! The demon was wiggling its way through. She didn't pull away from Travis to say what she was feeling before the demon completely pushed her out and settled itself in control of Sara's body.
The demon found Travis's lips on its, and it opened Sara's blue eyes, which were glowing now. The demon didn't make any noise, but it didn't kiss Travis back. "You two sure are having fun," said the voice with several other voices in it, speaking against Travis's lips.
It pulled away.
"I always seem to pop in at the most convenient times, don't I? You're getting a little crazy with the princess, aren't you?" It grinned darkly.
Love is all we need~
11:49pm Jul 21 2012
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[[ Bahahaha yes! I'm going off to bed now. Post'll come for both rp's tomorrow. ]]
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11:50pm Jul 21 2012 (last edited on 11:58pm Jul 21 2012)
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Ooc:// Nuuu~ -clings-
Don't leave me alone... I swear, if you leave, the demon will come into your room and throw things around. And possibly harass you. XD
Love is all we need~
1:33pm Jul 22 2012 (last edited on 1:34pm Jul 22 2012)
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[[ Sorry I'm on so late. Shall I vent?
So. Let's just say, I wasn't in the mood to role play. But it's fine. Seeing as you're not on now. Leaving me all alone. I guess I understand how you feel now.
... |D ]]
Why did something always have to happen when I started kissing the princess? It was like the universe knew I wouldn't be able to control myself and sent someone to stop the make out for me.
I jumped back from the demon as though it was the most horrendous thing to touch. My arms unwound themself from the princess's waist, my ex pression showing my disgust. Once again, I made out with a demon. That was just... Gross.
"What do you want?"
I growled, irritated that he decided to come now. I stood up from the - now - tangled blankets and crossed my arms, my breathing still ragged.
"I forgot all about you."
I said, not being able to look away from his eyes. "What's it going to take to get you out of my princess's body."
I said, more to myself as I clenched my jaw. I never feared this thing in general, I feared for the princess's health. Was it alright to get possessed every once in a while? Will the demon soon do something her body couldn't handle?
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2:02pm Jul 22 2012
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Ooc:// Wow. Your life is like a soap opera compared to mine. The most interesting thing that's happened to me today was when I was trying to explain that the swirling letters in the dust in the Lion King movie spelled SFX instead of SEX.
I yelled the word 'sex' and all of the elderly people at my church looked at me like I'd killed a kitten. XD
The demon watched curiously as Travis jumped away from it, and had a disgusted ex pression on his face. The thing laughed and put on an ex pression of hurt, placing its hand over Sara's chest dramatically. "Oh, Travis, you do wound me!"
It dropped the act quickly. "I came here to speak to you. You should be glad I did, too. At the rate that you two were going at it, you would've had the princess pregnant before long." The demon laughed histerically. "And then the king really would kill you."
"Anyways, I just thought I'd pop in and say hello, you know, see how you and the princess were doing. Because the last time I visited you, you said that you had no romantic interest in the princess. And then you kissed me and forced Sara into control." The demon growled the last part. He mumbled, "You stupid bastard."
"It seems you have more interest in Sara than you had realized..."
Ooc:// I think the demon is histerical. XD
Love is all we need~
2:07pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ HAHAHAHAA! Omg. That's hilarious. |D Are you kidding me? The demon is my favorite character. o.o ]]
My jaw worked again and again until my teeth ached. No, the demon didn't come in here just to say hello. He didn't stop that kiss just to 'pop in'. Because, if he did, I would have strangled him. If he weren't in the body of my princess, of course.
"I... "
My cheeks burned at his remark. Okay, so at the time I was hiding the growing feelings from the princess. But they've changed. People can always change.
"At the time, I wasn't ready to admit the romantic feelings. But now..."
I frowned, my face turning back to a scowl.
"Never mind. I'm not going to talk about my feelings towards the princess to a demon. Even if you are the princess, temporarily."
I growled, meaning every word. Whether this demon liked it or not, he was staying here temporarily. Somehow, some way, some day... I'd figure out how to get the thing out of her.
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2:25pm Jul 22 2012
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Ooc;// The demon is probably my favorite character, too. XD
The demon allowed itself to float Sara's body up in the air playfully, crossing her legs like it was sitting in a chair, putting Sara's elbow on her knee, and her chin in the palm of her hand. "Ah, you see, I knew you had feelings for her before. I can tell things that aren't all that noticeable, Sir Knight..."
"I can predict your future, see into your past, and watch you in the present. And, I must say that I can't see you and Sara's future. It just won't pop up in my head. It's a bit strange, really." The demon tapped its chin, levitating so that it was lying on its back in mid air.
"And I'm not here for you to talk about your feelings. I was here to say that, if you wanted, you could take Sara away. You could run away with her, marry her, have children with her." The demon wiggled its eyebrows.
"But yet you're so hesitant to do such a thing..." It sighed, closing Sara's eyes.
"The princess's powers are getting stronger. Without someone to teach her about what's going on with them, she could hurt someone quite badly. But that problem will be solved soon enough," it said before letting Sara's body float back to the ground.
"Remember what I said, Travis. You could run away with her," the demon said before letting Sara come back into control. The demon could feel her lashing out, fighting for her body back.
When Sara came back into her body, she dropped to her knees on the blanket, which she'd been set back down on, and gasped for air, clutching at her chest. When she'd been pt back into her body, the breath had been knocked out of her. Her eyes were no longer glowing.
Love is all we need~
5:55pm Jul 22 2012
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I came to the princess the second the demon gave her back control. On my knees, I put a hand on her upper back lovingly as she caught her breath, glad that her eyes were going back to her baby blues.
"Are you alright, Princess?"
I said, my voice a mere whisper. After what I just heard, I felt as though I couldn't speak, my mouth was dry. The demon suggested I run away. Run away, get married, and have kids with her. My mind went away from the princess for a moment, imagining us living in a village far from here, with different names, and a bunch of kids running around. Yeah, with the way we are, we'd have a full house and I'd be happy with that. A small smile came to my face at the fantasy before I looked back at the princess. That couldn't happen. I couldn't take her away from all she could do as a queen. Right?
I swallowed, sorrow laced around my heart. I was torn. I loved her with all of my being, but I couldn't tell her we should run away, no matter how wonderful that sounds. We will always be in two separate worlds, and instead of thinking about things that will never happen - like getting married - we should just enjoy it while it lasts.
That smile immediately turned to a frown, sitting down so I could pull the princess to my chest. I have no idea if she heard what the demon said but I wouldn't ask. I wouldn't want to put the idea in her head.
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8:39pm Jul 22 2012
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Sara was still catching her breath when she felt Travis's hand on her back. She slightly flinched, and felt air swirling around her- an effect of her mage powers going out of wack after the possession. Her eyes closed and she put her arms around Travis as he pulled her against his strong, sturdy chest. She could hear his heart beating.
When she caught her breath, the wind died down, and the princess replied to Travis's earlier question.
"I'm fine, Travis."
She was still breathing heavily, her chest moving up and down with each breath noticeably. She buried her face in Travis's chest, and fought the shakes off. One minute, she was making out with Travis- quite happily, mind you- and the next, she was in the back of her head. This time, instead of blacking out, she was pushed to the back of her mind. Just made so that she was out of control.
She hadn't heard the demon's conversation, but she had seen several scenes from the demons' earlier possessions. A possessed body terrorizing a town, tearing a man in half, seducing others, and raising hell all around. She had to get rid of this thing. As soon as she got to the castle, she would speak with a priest.
"I can't do this..."
She balled her hands in his shirt after thinking about the image of a possessed woman tearing a man in half with supernatural strength. She couldn't do this.... She couldn't be around Travis. Not with the demon. She couldn't be this close to him.
"I can't do this..."
The girl began to shake, a few tears rolling down her face. Her hands were still tremulous, so she balled her fists tighter in Travis's shirt. As much as she wanted to, she was too selfish to let Travis go just yet. She didn't want to let him go.
But, if the demon really wanted to, it could kill him easily.
Love is all we need~
9:21pm Jul 22 2012
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My eyes widened at the air that started swirling around us - actually it was probably focused on swirling around her, seeing as she was probably controlling it with her powers - but it was swirling around me too all the same. Though I held onto her, I couldn't help but be a bit frightened. The demon was right when he said the princess could hurt someone badly with out learning how to use her powers, but I didn't really understand what he meant about that problem being solved. I guessed it had something to do with his being able to see the future.
That brought me back to the conversations true topic. Oohh! Why couldn't he see our future together? Did that mean there was none? Sorrow latched itself at my heart, I was guessing it found a new home.
"You can't do what, Princess?"
I said, worry etched in my features as I loosened my grip and leaned back to look at her. She clutched at my shirt, shaking, and crying and I wondered if the demon was still possessing her somehow, making her act odd.
"Tell me what's wrong, Sara."
I said more lowly .
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9:36pm Jul 22 2012
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Sara didn't raise herself from Travis when he loosened his arms and looked down at her. She didn't want to let go yet. For as long as she could stand it without making herself feel terrible, she felt her tears being soaked into Travis's shirt, but they just wouldn't stop. It was a wonder that she hadn't cried herself out these past few days.
She chewed on her lip and finally let go of Travis, stepping out of his grip and made her way to the opposite side of the fire. She looked down nervously, trying to figure out how to word this. She clenched her fists. "Travis... I can't do this. Being this close to you. The demon can kill people. I saw him kill someone in my head. Well, it was more like I could see what he had done in the past."
She let her voice drop to a deadly serious tone. "He ripped a man in half, Travis. Using a woman's body as his vassal." Her voice cracked near the end of her sentence, and she looked down again, breaking her eyes from Travis's.
"I love you, so I'm preventing myself from hurting you. Well, not me, but the demon. And my mage powers." She added that on. She knew very well her powers were dangerous. She could singe someone's arm off if she could melt a doorknob.
"I love you so much, Travis."
Love is all we need~
9:46pm Jul 22 2012
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I watched the princess with a confused ex pression as she made her way to the other side of the fire. I stood up too when she left my arms, never letting my gaze leave her.
When she spoke, it was like someone ripped my heart in half. Maybe that was the demon's intent. Rip me in half emotionally instead of physically.
"That doesn't mean you will, Sara."
I said, my tone pleading. I took a step forward, but the idea that she would back up would be a sign of rejection and I wouldn't be able to bear that thought. So I stepped back again with my head shaking in disbelief.
"No, Sara. You don't have to stay away from me. You wouldn't hurt me."
I said, as though in denial. Actually I probably was in denial. I clenched my jaw to keep from my own tears to let go. Someone needed to be strong here, if I cried with her we wouldn't be able to figure anything out.
"Sara. What are you trying to say? That we shouldn't kiss? Or that you should go the rest on your own? I'm not leaving you. You can't make me stay away."
At first my tone was soft, but by the end it was with stubborn rage at the demon. My voice also cracked when I spoke that I wasn't leaving her. I bit my lip to keep it from quivering.
"You wouldn't hurt me, Sara."
I added again, as though I couldn't believe the idea that she would.
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10:14pm Jul 22 2012
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Sara broke down as Travis spoke. It was true. Sara wouldn't hurt him. But the demon could. Still, since the demon hadn't harmed him yet, her instincts told her that it wouldn't hurt him. It was the small possibility, though, that the demon would hurt Travis scared her.
She felt her lips begin to quiver, and took several slow steps back toward Travis, around the fire. She would go insane if she wasn't able to kiss him, or be close to him. Her steps sped up slightly. She wouldn't travel without him. She was running, now.
When she was three feet away from Travis, she shut her eyes tight, and flung herself at him with open arms. She wrapped her arms around his torso, and buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry, Travis. I'm just so scared that I'll hurt you. I don't know what I'd do if I hurt you."
She didn't cry anymore, but her voice was apologetic and sad.
"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
Love is all we need~
10:20pm Jul 22 2012
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As she slowly started walking around the fire, I stayed put. I didn't know whether she was going to make a run for it, but if she did, I could easily out run her short legs. I bit my lip, confused at her intention when I noticed it was me she was walking too. By the time she was running, understanding blossomed and I wrapped my arms around her like I haven't seen her in centuries, kissing her hair and enjoying the tight embrace.
"It's alright, Princess. I could never be mad at you."
I said, feeling like that was too sappy but feeling as though I spoke the truth as well. After long beautiful moments of silence and just enjoying our closeness, I broke the silence.
"We should probably get some sleep if we're going to ride out to the kingdom again."
The thought reminded me of the idea of running away. I loosened the embrace once again, swallowing. I couldn't do it. No matter how excited I get when I think of running away with her, I couldn't do it to her. Not when she had a life ahead of her being queen.
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11:00pm Jul 22 2012
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Sara was glad that Travis returned her embrace. She held onto him tightly, his words comforting her. She sure hoped he could never be mad at her. She wished the same could be said for her, but she'd been mad at him several times already- just at the castle. Of course, he hadn't been willing to admit that he liked her then.
Now, saying, "I love you," was as easy as kissing eachother. Well, it was easier to restrain themselves when simply saying "I love you." When they kissed, Sara wasn't sure who had a harder time controlling themself- Her or Travis?
She loosened her arms as Travis loosened his, and slowly broke away from him. "You're right. We'll leave out again in the morning." She leaned up, and gave him a short peck on his jaw.
She went back to the blankets, which were a tangled mess from their make-out session, and picked one out. She brushed some sticks and dirt off of it, and layed it back out straight, still only a short distance away from where Travis's blanket, which was still wrinkled, was.
She patted the wrinkled blanket beside her, motioning for Travis to lay down. She wanted to try something. And it wouldn't be scandalous. She would sleep closer to him than she had the previous night. Perhaps she would lay her head on his chest.
That was, if he didn't ob ject.
Love is all we need~
2:04pm Jul 23 2012
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Ooc:// Badump.
Love is all we need~
4:16pm Jul 23 2012
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[[ Guess what? From page 1 - page 11 in this role play, in a document page we have 52 pages of posts, and 28,670 words. Imagine how much we have now. o.o ]]
I loved the feeling of the princess's lips against my jaw, but it was smart for her to walk away. One of us had to not give in here, and I knew that I easily would if the demon hadn't come. I reminded myself to thank him next time he came around.
Though, I prayed with all of my being, that there wouldn't be a next time.
I hesitantly went to the blankets next to her. The blankets had wrinkled and tangled from our kiss and that made my own cheeks burn - a rare thing. "We should be more careful." I murmured, looking down at the blankets as I layed on mine, smoothing it out and laying on my back.
[[Short :c ]]
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9:01pm Jul 23 2012
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Ooc:// Holy shat! That's a lot of words! We probably have around three times as many now, seeing as how we're almost on page thirty-three.
Sara watched as Travis layed down on his blanket, and said that they should be more careful. The princess completely agreed. The next time they started kissing, lord knew what would happen. Her mage powers might go crazy again. The demon may come back. She wanted to know what he said to Travis.
But she would save that for in the morning.
"I agree, Travis." She scooted on the edge of her blanket, and looked up to Travis. "Do you mind if I..." She couldn't make a gesture that would be obvious. "Do you mind if I lay my head on your chest? Or do you think that's too reckless?"
Love is all we need~
9:07pm Jul 23 2012
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[[ I can't wait to copy and paste all of the role play and see how long it is. |D It takes forever though. -_- ]]
A smile came to my lips at her question. She thought that was reckless? That kiss was more reckless then her snuggling on my chest during the night.
"How else will we keep warm?"
I said with fire in my green eyes.
[Short. :c Shorrie. ]]
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