2:28pm Jul 24 2012
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[[ To be completely blunt, she even said -rub rub-. LOL. She's going to get banned from that place sooner or later. c: It's okay. We love her weirdness. But I rejected her, so it's okay. :u I'm still a virgin. ]]
I opened my eyes from the feeling of the princess moving and snuggling against my chest. Groaning, my fingers went up and down her back absentmindedly, giving her a sleepy, crooked grin when she kissed me.
"Good morning."
I said, using the hand that wasn't on her back to rub my eyes.
[[Fail. :u ]]
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2:35pm Jul 24 2012
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Ooc:// OAO Dirty, dirty Vin!
Sara smiled and let out a small moan when he rubbed her back. It was so early in the morning that it stretched out the muscles there. It felt nice, really. She sighed and smiled back at Travis.
"Did you sleep well?" She was still snuggled against him, with her arm draped over him, so she tapped her fingers on his stomach muscles lightly, a smile still on her face. She hoped that he slept well.
She had slept better than she would have in her own bed back at the castle.
Love is all we need~
2:43pm Jul 24 2012
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[[ I know right. D| ]]
I smiled when I heard her small moan. It was funny how easily we effected each other. It was dangerous, also. Being alone out here. The only thing keeping me from trying another kiss was knowing the demon was there, watching. It kind of creeped me out, to be honest.
"Very well. What about you?"
I whispered, keeping my head back and closing my eyes, enjoying our loose embrace. It was like we both knew why we were taking a long time to get up. Because, when we got up, we were already one step closer to never seeing each other again. My eyebrows furrowed, why did that always have to ruin my happiness? I stopped rubbing her back, wrapping my arm around her fully to hold her tighter. I didn't ever want to let go, even if that meant changing names, moving far away... The demon's suggested kept ringing in my head.
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3:07pm Jul 24 2012
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Sara felt good, knowing that Travis slept as good as she did. When he kept his head back and closed his eyes, Sara fought back the urge to kiss him again to try and wake him up. They were such an odd couple. A tall, muscular man, and a short, small, thin girl. Still, they were complimentary towards one another.
She sighed and said, "I slept better than I would have in my own bed." She smiled sleepily, fighting the urge to close her eyes, too. She kept her eyes on his face, and cocked her head to the side slightly when his brows furrowed. His arm snaked around her waist, holding her tighter against him, causing Sara to nuzzle her head against Travis.
"What's wrong?" she asked. It wasn't normal for someone to just furrow their eyebrows for no particular reason. If he didn't tell her, she could always torture it out of him by drawing circles on his chest.
Love is all we need~
3:28pm Jul 24 2012
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I almost barely heard her question, so lost on the conversation with the demon. He was right about us loving each other. That meant he could be telling me the best thing to do - run away. But, he was a demon. How do I put my trust in a demon - something that was possessing my love every day.
"I'm fine."
I said, my voice groggy from sleep. She didn't need to know my worries.
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3:32pm Jul 24 2012
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Sara pursed her lips when Travis denied the fact that something was bothering him. He could tell her some other lie than, "I'm fine." She would get the answer out of him. With a grin spreading on her features, she wiggled upward, not breaking Travis's grip around her waist.
She whispered in his ear, "C'mon, Travis... Tell me."
She trailed her hand up his stomach, feeling the muscles under her fingers, and stopped when she reached his chest. She drew small circles there, the grin never leaving her face. She hoped that the simple touch still had the same effect it had on him the previous day.
Love is all we need~
3:49pm Jul 24 2012
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[[ She's so... Evil. >.< ]]
I swallowed as she wiggled upward. What was she planning to do? When she whispered in my ear, I held her even tighter, her torso pressing against mine in a way that made me shiver. She wanted me to tell her what was wrong? Well... How would she react?
Just as I chose not to say what it was, she decided to be pure evil. Maybe it was the demon again. My breathing hitched at her touch. "Sara the only thing wrong with me is that fact that I haven't kissed you yet this morning."
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3:55pm Jul 24 2012
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Ooc:// Sara's simply just trying to get an answer out of Travis. She knows his weakness. XD
Sara grinned. She was so close to Travis that she could feel the rise and fall of his breathing. The thing that caught her attention is how it hitched when she touched him. Luckily for her, drawing circles on his chest still had the same effect on her knight. All the easier to get an answer out of him.
Travis gave her an answer, and while Sara didn't think that was what was wrong, she wouldn't press him further. Maybe later she'd try to get an answer out of him. It would take them a few more days to get to the kingdom. She wanted to stretch those days out into a long, long time.
"Well, Travis, you could fix that problem, you know..." She smiled and nuzzled his neck, much like she had done when she was drunk.
Love is all we need~
3:59pm Jul 24 2012
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A relieved sigh escaped my lungs. So she wasn't going to keep prodding. Well, prodding sounded nice, but not in a conversation wise.
"I thought you had to stay away from me."
I whispered by her ear, before placing a kiss on her neck by her ear. Gosh, all she had to do was give me a simple touch, and I couldn't handle myself anymore. Maybe I shouldn't get that kiss...
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4:04pm Jul 24 2012
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"I thought you said that I didn't have to stay away from you," she said, quoting the previous night's conversation. She felt chills rise on her arms when he kissed her neck, and she grinned.
She sighed and moved the hand that had been draped over Travis's torso so that it lightly ran through the hair above his ear. "But," she said, her voice quiet, "if you want me to stay away from you, you're going to have to beat me off with a stick."
It was true. Poor Travis would probably never get rid of the blonde-haired princess.
Love is all we need~
4:59pm Jul 24 2012
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A crooked grin came to my lips once more as she twirled the hair by my ear. "I don't want you anywhere but here." I said, squeezed her waist to show where I was referring to. With me. Here. Alone. In my arms. It sounded perfect.
[[..So... Short. :c ]]
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5:07pm Jul 24 2012
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Sara smiled as a light blush came to her cheeks. She blushed so easily when he said things like that. When he squeezed her waist, she felt the color in her cheeks deepen, and she took in a shaky breath.
"And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." But she had to be other places. She had to go back to her kingdom. Well, she thought she had to. She put her head back on Travis's chest and sighed.
"I don't want to get up. Do you?"
Love is all we need~
5:16pm Jul 24 2012
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I clenched my jaw at her question. It made me realize we had to get up sooner or later. Later would be better. Or never. Never sounded great. The idea that never would never happen made me tightened my hold on the princess, on leg wrapping around hers loosely to keep her next to me.
"I'd rather listen to what the demon said."
I murmured, not really realizing that she didn't know what the demon said until after I said the words. (Lame way to make the topic come up of the demon's idea, but hey. At least it's here, finally. |D )
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5:21pm Jul 24 2012
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The princess wondered why Travis kept tightening his hold on her. She had no objections. She quite liked it, actually. She tangled her leg in his as he wrapped it around hers. He'd already seen her legs- virtually all of them. The thought made her blush.
Sara's brows furrowed at what he said. He had said it in a murmuring voice, but she still heard it due to their close proximity. She turned her head to look up at Travis.
"What did the demon say?" Her brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
Love is all we need~
5:32pm Jul 24 2012
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My cheeks paled, though I hid a smile at her burning cheeks. Maybe I shouldn't have wrapped a leg around her. I couldn't help it though. We were so close, so alone...
Swallowing, my mind came back to the topic. "Oh, it's nothing really." I said quietly, chewing on my lip nervously. I couldn't tell the princess. She might like the idea and want to try it. And then... Well then I'd be the reason she wanted to leave her duty as a queen. Leave her family and friends.
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5:39pm Jul 24 2012
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Sara pursed her lips as Travis said that it was nothing. Nothing, her arse. If it were nothing, he wouldn't have mentioned it in the first place. Her blue eyes narrowed and a playful grin spread on her face. It seemed as if her knight wanted to do this the hard way.
She rolled so that she was virtually on top of him, her legs still tangled with his. She was light, so she hoped that she wouldn't cause him any pain. "Travis.... You're such a bad liar." She drew circles on his chest again. "I'm not moving until you tell me." She was deadly serious.
Love is all we need~
5:52pm Jul 24 2012
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Ohh, why did she have to seduce everything out of me? Well, I kind of enjoyed it. I wasn't complaining at the fact that she was on top of me. I was complaining at the fact that I couldn't give in.
"That isn't much of a punishment."
I lowly growled, my breathing heavy at her touch.
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6:25pm Jul 24 2012
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Sara grinned, though she was slightly frustrated. It was true. It wasn't much of a punishment- If anything, what she was doing to him was a reward. Still, she could try and get the answer out of him if she seduced him a bit more.
She noted how heavy his breathing had gotten, and the growly tone to his voice.
"Oh, come on.... Just tell me. I'm not trying to punish you." Lie. That was a lie.
She moved her hand up to his collar bone, tracing the structure of the bone lying under the skin.
Love is all we need~
6:49pm Jul 24 2012
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I swallowed convulsively, though didn't pull back. "It's really nothing, Sara. I was just talking to myself." Inwardly, I hoped she would stop - not because I didn't like it, but because I knew how dangerous it would be if I gave in. Would I be able to let go? - but I didn't show it. I acted nonchalant, as though she wasn't touching me. Though, I couldn't help how she effected my breathing.
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7:05pm Jul 24 2012
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Sara pursed her lips. Still, he insisted on lying. He could have been talking to himself, but she still wanted to know what the demon had said. And she didn't want to get off of him. This was amusing. She was evil.
The blonde-haired princess grinned down at Travis and said, "Just tell me what the demon said." She moved her hand back down so that she was tracing circles on his chest again, her other hand tucking some of her hair behind her ear.
"Please?" She stuck out her bottom lip.
Love is all we need~