1:21pm Jul 28 2012
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Ooc:// And eventually her step-mom will get pregnant, and produce the male heir that Sara's kingdom needs. Which will make it all the more alright for Sara to run away. XD
Sara enjoyed the kiss for a while, but when Travis pulled away... What did she do? Had she done something wrong? Something he didn't like? With her having been on top of him and all, when he got up, she was forced to roll off of him. Her lips curled downward into a frown, though it wasn't too noticeable, and her hand traced her lips as Travis stood and began to pack everything up.
Her brows furrowed and she stood as he changed the subject. He was supposed to tell her what the demon said! And she wouldn't leave until he told her! He'd have to carry her to the kingdom! No matter how much Sara had matured, Travis had given her his word!
She stood also, and planted her feet on the grass so that she wouldn't stop him from cleaning up. "You will tell me right now what the demon said, Travis!" She clenched her fists, and put them on her hips.
"I am not going with you until you tell me. You will have to carry me to the kingdom kicking and screaming if you don't tell me." She narrowed her eyes. "Don't change the subject."
Love is all we need~
1:29pm Jul 28 2012
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[[ Brilliant. |D ]
I glared back at Sara, the mood from before completely vanishing - thankfully. The last thing I needed was to give in at the last minute, and bring home a impure, maybe pregnant princess. She was supposed to mature, but not that much.
I whispered not out of pleasure but out of irritation. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I guess not telling her wouldn't work. If she came back to the kingdom over my shoulder, kicking and screaming, she wouldn't be a different girl. She'd be the same spoiled brat that she had been before.
"Fine. He told me..."
I stopped, looking back at her, my green eyes pleading she wouldn't make me say it. I walked over to her, but didn't touch her. My voice quiet. "He told me we should run away. Get married. And have kids. Lots of kids." I can't remember if the last part was what he said, but it was definitely something I wanted. Lots of kids. Little Sara's with blonde hair in pig tails running around a big meadow to bring flowers home, and boys that'll be as tall and big as me as they grow up. I could see it all so clearly, and I wished she could too. The idea of us growing old together, making a new life with new names sounded grand. "He told me before that I loved you, and I ended up doing just that. Falling in love with you. So, when I first heard him say this, I thought I should listen to him again this time. But, I can't do it. I'm not."
I said more stubbornly before turning my back on her and packing up the blankets. Once done, I looked back at her, pretending like I hadn't told her. "Let's get going." Before jumping up on Ashes, and awaiting for her to jump on behind me.
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1:50pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara was stunned as Travis glared right back at her. She didn't expect that. Well, she sort of did, but she didn't expect him to just blatantly glare at her. Her blue eyes didn't widen with surprise, though. They stayed in their same narrowed position, and glued to Travis's green eyes.
When he whispered, Sara could clearly hear the irritation in his voice. He didn't want to tell her this. His head leaned back, and he moved forward. He would finally tell her. He came close to her, and Sara saw the pleading in his eyes. He didn't want to tell her. What was wrong with what the demon sai-
Run away?
Have kids? Lots of them?
Sara could see it clearly, she and Travis living on a small farmhouse, hand in hand with several children running before them. Sara would chase them around, while Travis would be the one to fix their cuts and scrapes. There would be so many children. So many. She would love it.
The demon had told Travis before he was willing to admit it that he loved her? She hadn't heard of this. The demon could.... see the future?
It was an odd thought. But she had no doubt it was true. But Travis said that he couldn't do it.
He couldn't run away with her? Take her with him? Have children? Get married?
The thought almost made tears run down her face.
As he jumped onto the horse, Sara followed after him, though tears were stinging her eyes quite badly. She nimbly climbed onto the horse, and wrapped her arms around Travis's torso in the tightest way she could, her torso fitting against his back like a puzzle piece.
She leaned her head up to his ear, and she couldn't speak too loud. Her voice was obviously strained due to her fighting the tears off.
"Travis, on my eighteenth birthday, if I'm not married, I'm running away from the castle. Whether you come with me or not will be up to you." She placed a soft, lingering kiss on his neck as her hands trembled. She said it and meant it. She would leave the kingdom if she wasn't married by then. "Believe me Travis. I will do it."
Love is all we need~
2:02pm Jul 28 2012
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[ Omg. ;-; This is too cute. Will we be time skipping to three years later later on in the rp? |D Or if you hadn't thought that much through, it doesn't matter. I was just curious what it was you had in mind. :D ]]
I was hoping we'd be quiet about what I said as she jumped onto the horse and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. No matter if it was too tight, I enjoyed it anyways. I could feel her breath against my ear as she spoke of leaving on her 18th birthday. Whether I came or not. Obviously she wanted me to come, but I had no idea how I'd do it. Living with myself for running away with her, away from her castle, away from her future, away from her jewels. I don't know how she'd do it, but if it was what she wanted - and if she stilled loved me later on. - then I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back from following.
"And believe me, Sara. I promise you I will be ready to follow at any time you leave."
It was the truth, though I didn't like it. I didn't like how I knew how badly it'll hurt once we came back home. It'll hurt to know that she will be married by her 18th birthday whether she realized it now or not. It'll hurt the rest of my life knowing I had to give my lover away. I swallowed hard, before tapping Ashes's side with my heel to get him going.
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2:10pm Jul 28 2012
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Ooc;// I'm thinking that they'll end up running away on her seventeenth birthday. Partially because the kingdom has an heir, and partially because Sara can't stand it any longer. XD
A sad smile spread onto Sara's face as Travis answered with just what she wanted to hear. She would be eighteen, and he would be twenty. The perfect age to get married. To start a life. To have children. She let her hands loosen around Travis's torso so that the embrace wasn't quite as tight, and she clenched at his shirt, burying her face in his back.
She cried, but the tears were a mix of happy tears, sad tears, and tears of nothing. He had agreed that he would follow her if she left. But until then, this love wouldn't work. She would be stuck at the castle for another three years, having suitors pushed at her right and left. Well, since she would be at her own kingdom, she wouldn't have to worry about Travis being hurt by her suitors.
That was a plus-side.
Her shaky hands released Travis's shirt and she placed them on his stomach, letting out a shaky breath. It was a breath of both relief and anxiety.
Ooc;// You can timeskip to when they get to the kingdom if you'd like. THough I think they should spend one more night in a tavern or something. And this time Sara's going to get like..... hurricane drunk. XD
Love is all we need~
5:55pm Jul 28 2012
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[[ Omg. I absolutely love the idea of her getting hard core drunk again. So I shall time skip to a tavern. ]]
I had noticed her shaky breath but I didn't say anything about it. I think she just needed silence for a bit, seeing as I didn't really understand why she was crying. Woman.
I rode Ashes in quiet, enjoying the feel of her hands on my body, the weight of her torso against my back. We didn't need words anymore. We could just bask in the others presence.
The sun was just about to set on the horizon when a village came into view. I stifled a yawn and took a deep breath before saying, "Princess? Would you like to stop for the night or keep going?" Even though I was getting pretty tired, I'd keep going if that's what she wanted.
[['Cause he's just that amazing. :u Anyways, short post. |D ]]
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6:03pm Jul 28 2012
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Ooc;// This time, she's so going to try to seduce Travis. XD And not for answers.
Sara felt the warmth of Travis's body leaking through his shirt and lending itself to her. It was a comforting warmth. At least he was there. He was there. He was hers. Her knight. She hoped it would stay that way for forever.
But sometimes forever wasn't an eternity.
The sun kept sinking lower and lower in the sky, and she was beginning to get tired. She was half-asleep on Travis's back when he spoke.
She hadn't noticed the town, so she lifted her head to peer around Travis, seeing if it was a clearing or another tavern. As Ashes kept moving, she spotted a tavern in the village, and smiled.
A tavern meant food.
A tavern meant wine.
Perhaps she could drink some of the pain away. Maybe even get herself drunk enough to get bold again. Travis had supposively gotten drunk to get the pain away, hadn't he? Well, she could do the same. Except instead of multiple bottles, it would only take her a few glasses.
"Let's stop for the night. I've still got plenty enough gold for a night at a tavern."
Love is all we need~
6:09pm Jul 28 2012
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[[ LOL omg. You make me chuckle. |D ]]
I sighed in relief at her response. I was dying to go to a tavern and get some rest. "Great." I responded before kicking Ashes hard enough for him to ride to the tavern close by. Once coming to it, I jumped off of Ashes and put him where they put all of the horses. (Wherever that is. O.O) and grabbed Sara by the waist to pull her down. I knew she could get down by now but...I just took every opportunity I could to touch her. I couldn't help it.
Grabbing her hand, I took her inside the tavern, motioning for the restaurant part of the tavern. "I'm guessing you're hungry by now?" My own stomach growled quietly at the thought of food. My mouth watering at the smell - this time not at looking at Sara's mouth. "We have enough gold for some food plus a room?" I asked, my thumb rubbing her knuckles lovingly.
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6:16pm Jul 28 2012
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Ooc:// I try. :D
Sara was glad that Travis was ready to rest, too. She just hoped that he wouldn't get drunk, too. She needed someone to tell her what happened while she was drunk the next morning. It would be terrible to not know what went down.
As Travis tied Ashes to the post where other horses were also tied, Sara prepared herself to get down, only to be met with Travis helping her down, placing his hands on her waist and keeping her steady. It was a good feeling. Plus, it reminded him how strong he was.
"We have plenty of coin for the food and a room. We could spend the night at a tavern for a week if we wanted, Travis." She looked up at him, giving him a smile. She slightly hoped that he would agree to her discreet proposition. If he did, it would make her day.
Well, that, and the wine.
She walked inside of the tavern, her fingers still laced with Travis's, and sat down at a table, handing over gold for the nights' stay and for some food for both of them. This was the kind of tavern that didn't let you order your food, but you just got what they were serving.
By the way it smelled, Sara guessed it was deer meat and some sort of vegetables, with bread.
Whatever it was, Sara would be glad to eat it.
Soon, the food was brought out, two plates- one for her and one for Travis. The tavern girl set down a bottle of wine and two goblets, and Sara immediately poured hers full, sipping at it as she ate.
Love is all we need~
6:27pm Jul 28 2012
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I sat down across from Sara, lifting an eyebrow as I watched Sara pour herself a whole glass of wine. As she sipped it, I grabbed her wrist just before it reached her mouth. "Just because you had it once, doesn't mean you have a tolerance for one glass." I warned before letting go of her wrist and eating off of my plate. I eyed the wine and finally decided to have one glass. Nothing really happened to me with one glass since I was so large compared to Sara.
The words she had said before still replayed in my head. Stay here for a whole week? Goodness, that sounded great. Just me. And her. With food and shelter. And a bed upstairs... I blinked and shook the thoughts from my mind as I ate my food. I couldn't think like that. I couldn't. The king had every right to kill me with thoughts like that, even if they were innocently meaning I wanted her to sleep next to me.
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6:33pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara nearly yanked her hand away as Travis ceased her wrist right before she was about to put the glass to her lips for another sip. But he let go just as quickly as he'd grabbed it, and Sara completed the action of sipping her wine. Who was he to think that she couldn't handle one glass. She could handle one glass, right? Even if she couldn't, she'd still have another.
She cleaned about half of her plate, being unable to eat it all due to being so small, and refilled her glass of wine, which was about three-fourths empty.
The buzzing in her head returned, and Sara fought back a happy smile. The pain was starting to go away, to be replaced with that hazy feel. Before long, her newly-refilled glass was half empty.
And she was still sipping at it.
Love is all we need~
6:40pm Jul 28 2012
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As I finished the plate, I looked at Sara with wary eyes. "Sara, are you sure it's alright to be drinking so much...?" I said, chewing on my lip and leaning on the table with my arms to get in her line of vision. "We don't want you having a headache tomorrow. I have no remedy."
[[...So. Short. :c ]]
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6:47pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara pursed her lips as Travis spoke to her. Her wine glass was nearly empty now, so she set it down and leaned across the table, too, smiling. "You're such a worry wart, Travis." Her voice was calm and serene, and had that drunk-ish tone to it.
"I don't need some 'remedy'." She let her grin spread into a smirk. "You're my remedy." Whoops. Did she say that out loud? Well. Yes. Yes she did. She hadn't meant to, but now that it had left her mouth, she couldn't correct herself.
All that was left was to wait to see Travis's reaction.
Love is all we need~
7:42pm Jul 28 2012
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At the tone, and what Sara spoke, I realized the wine has already gotten to her. I groaned, leaning my head back and closed my eyes. "You do realize I now have to deal with you being drunk and throwing up, right?" I said, lifting my head back up and lifting an eyebrow at her. In this state, that's the last thing she probably cared about. Finishing my plate, I drank the rest of my wine.
"I'm not going to be able to take the hangover away, tomorrow, Sara." I said, referring to when she said I was her remedy. No matter how great that sounded, we knew the truth was that she was going to have a big migraine tomorrow. And I was going to have to deal with her complaining with kisses on her forehead, and arms opened for comfort. And 'I told you so' on the tip of my tongue but not being able to say it out loud.
"How about we go to the rooms soon? If you are about to throw up any time soon, I'd rather you do it away from people."
I said it in a loving way, even though the words were more like 'Great now I have to deal with you'. I tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ears, my greens eyes memorizing every part of her face while I was closer.
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7:48pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara cocked her head to the side. She wasn't going to throw up, was she? She didn't even feel queasy... Perhaps it would come later, or something. She grinned and rolled her blue eyes when Travis said that he wasn't going to be able to take away the hangover. Bull crap.
She kept her mouth, closed though. She could say many things that would make Travis's cheeks turn a bright red and cause him to stumble and trip over his words, but she would save that for later.
"Going to the rooms sounds good," Sara said, waggling her eyebrows. Yep. Way more drunk than last time. And she wasn't letting Travis leave her alone in her room. "But, I don't think I'm going to throw up yet." She gave him a dazzling smile as he tucked some of her hair behind her ear, though her cheeks turned bright red.
She turned into a blushing, giggly mess when she got drunk, though she hadn't started giggling yet. She stood up on wobbly legs and moved over to Travis, giggling as she did so. So much for not giggling.
She grabbed him by his hands and tugged him up, though she ended up losing her grip and falling backwards onto her rump, still laughing, her cheeks a deeper red now.
Love is all we need~
8:00pm Jul 28 2012
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The tips of my ears turned red at her comment about going to our rooms. I swallowed. I can't imagine the princess getting drunk just to reel me in to have another kiss like before - and so much more to follow. Right? No, I couldn't see it. Sara knew that she could reel me in with out drinking wine. Though this giggling, blushing princess was quite arousing.
When she fell, I hid my smile until I saw her giggle once more. That's when I chuckled, now my own cheeks red at seeing others watching, and got up to kneel down next to her. "I guess I'm going to have to hold you again."
I said, kissing her cheek before lifting her up to cradle her once more in my arms. I walked out of the restaurant and through hallways before we came to our rooms. Unlocking her room - again, we got adjoining rooms.- I walked inside the darkness, and set her on the bed. I went on my knees so I could see her better in the dark. "I really don't think you should have drank all of that wine, Princess." I whispered against her ear before kissing her cheek once more and lifting myself up to see her.
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9:12pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara giggled again as Travis picked her up, cradling her in his arms, and took her to her room. It was dark- only a few candles were lit, and they didn't give off much light at all. She rolled so that she could see Travis as he spoke, blushing again and giggling as he kissed her cheek.
As he stood, the princess, reached for his hand, sitting up on the bed. She laced her fingers through his and stuck out her bottom lip. "Don't leave me alone in this room, Travis. It's dark..." It was true. Sara was a bit scared of the dark, but it was mainly the fact that she wanted Travis to stay with her.
He hadn't left her sight for long since their incident with the prince. She didn't plan on letting him leave her sight, either, though that would be difficult when she got back to the kingdom. She looked up at him with her blue eyes, the dim candlelight reflecting off of them.
The very essence of puppy eyes.
Worse come to worse, she could just seduce him into staying in the room with her. As much as she wished to do more than just kissing, they were limited. If she returned to the kingdom, only to have a bulging belly a few weeks later, her father would immediately find the culprit.
"Please, Travis..."
Love is all we need~
9:25pm Jul 28 2012
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I clenched my jaw as she used her beauty in a evil way. To convince me to stay in the bed with her. Once again, she easily reeled me in. This time, I didn't walk to the other side of the bed. I didn't argue or respond to her. I climbed over her slowly so I could enjoy the closeness as much as possible, nipped her jaw, before going to the other side. (It's not his fault, she's tempting. :u) I lay on my side, facing her, leaning my elbow on the pillow so I could lean over to her ear to whisper, "I shouldn't stay here, Sara. It's..." I kissed her ear lobe. "Dangerous." I growled, forcing myself with much reluctance to lay back up to lay my head on the pillow a foot away from her. A foot. Even a foot's distance was killing me.
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9:35pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara was thinking that he was going to refuse. He didn't say anything, but then he climbed right over her, nipping her jaw in the process. The little nip caused Sara to let out a small surprised yelp, bumps to rise on her arms, and for her cheeks to turn ten shades of red. She was such an easy person to make blush when she was drunk.
She shivered when he whispered in her ear. The heck with "I shouldn't stay here". He would stay there. Sara knew it. She shivered again as he kissed her ear. What they were doing was dangerous. That much she knew. But she hadn't hurt him so far. And he hadn't hurt her.
She frowned as he moved away from her, laying a full foot away.
She layed back fully, moving to him. She hooked her leg with his, and rolled over on her stomach, peering over at him with both curiosity and longing in her eyes. The hurt was still there. It had faded, but it was still there. This would probably be their last night to spend together.
"Travis...." She murmured, waiting for him to say something.
Love is all we need~
9:42pm Jul 28 2012
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I was hoping she'd stay put. Even in her drunken state, I was hoping she'd notice that I didn't want to hurt her. That I didn't want to sleep here from the temptations so great. My heart skipped beats as she rolled over, hooking her leg with mine, and I almost didn't look her way. But, I couldn't help myself.
I was a idiot for looking back at her. Because the second I did, I saw pain in her eyes, even in her drunken state, which pained me. My eyebrows furrowed, my wishes and desires put on hold and completely forgotten at knowing she was hurting.
"Sara... What's wrong, love?"
I whispered, lifting a hand to caress her cheek with my palm.
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