9:47pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara chewed on her lip and looked down at her pillow, then back up at Travis. His voice was comforting, and so was his light touch. She leaned into his caress, her lips still not smiling. She blinked a few times, and finally spoke.
"This..... this is our last night together, I think." She didn't even feel tears brim on her eyes. She didn't cry. Her voice showed her sadness and longing, though. Longing for more nights. For more kisses and shared glances and conversations. For more alone time, and more time in general.
"I'm just..... Really sad." She looked back down again.
Love is all we need~
9:59pm Jul 28 2012
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When I saw her blue eyes turn glassy, I knew part of it was because the wine was getting her emotional. But it was the truth. This was our last night. It made my own hazel eyes glassy, but I blinked the tears away before I made myself look like a wimp. This was my time to be the strong one in the relationship - like she was in the physical way.
"I know, Sara. I know it's hard. But things will always work out for the best. If we're somehow meant to be, don't you think we'll find a way to be together?" (So...CHeesy... -punny-)
I ran a hand through her hair, my lips meeting her cheek. "But, for now, we should just enjoy each other while we're together. Alright? Please don't cry." I whispered, pleadingly.
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10:06pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara sniffled as Travis ran his hand through her hair, kissing her cheek. It was a sweet gesture that made her want to hug him, and never let go. Her eyes closed as he ran his hand through her hair, and she sighed, her lips curling into a smile.
"I'm not going to cry, Travis." She opened her eyes again and moved even closer to him, so that she was right against him, her body fitting against his like a puzzle piece once more.
"But I'm not sleepy. Not yet, anyways." She leaned up and kissed his neck, up to his jaw, nipping it like he had done to her earlier. "I don't want to sleep. Sleeping makes the time go by faster," she whispered near his ear.
Yep. Totally drunk.
Love is all we need~
10:21pm Jul 28 2012
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When she moved closer to me, I inwardly groaned. I couldn't push her away from me. I couldn't do it. I wanted more and more wasn't alright. I swallowed, trying to keep my thoughts on the conversation at hand.
But I couldn't with her nipping at my jaw.
I whispered with pleasure, absentmindedly wrapping an arm around her waist as she kissed me, keeping her tightly against my chest.
"I can't. I can't go to far, and I can't see that demon again. We should really just sleep."
Something told me that was far from her mind.
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10:29pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara smirked as Travis whispered her name, his tone one that told her to continue. She had her lips pressed against her jaw when he said that he couldn't. He just had to go and ruin all of her fun. She wouldn't let him get that far. Heck, even in her drunk state of mind, she had some consciousness of the consequences that would follow.
She trailed her fingernails up and down his torso, stopping when she reached his belly button, and then going back up to his chest.
"Travis," Sara groaned, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout. "We won't get like that. Not now. I just want to kiss you. Like we did back at the castle. And on the blankets in the forest." She kissed his ear, nuzzling his neck.
She didn't stop what she was doing. She kissed back down his neck, and then looked up to him again, smiling.
Love is all we need~
10:50pm Jul 28 2012
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We won't get like that? How did she know? She was drunk and won't remember a thing tomorrow. I swallowed, about to push her away but her touch made me freeze, I wasn't able to respond. My princess was still my weakness. I was speechless, closing my eyes and enjoying the feel of her fingers on my chest. Even a small smile on my lips. Why did she do this to me?
"Sara. I don't know."
But even as I said it, I lifted my head, my forehead pressed against hers. My hand reached up, two fingers grabbing her chin and lifting her head up so I could look into her eyes.
"I love you, Sara. Even when you hit me because I forced you to run when the bandits came, I loved you. I loved you even when you didn't listen to me about going into the old woman's house. I loved you when I denied my love at Prince Arnold's castle. I loved you when I was starving in a dungeon, thinking you lost your love for me and found another with the prince. I loved you then, I love you now, and I'll love you until the end. Understand?"
Seeing the hurt in her eyes tugged at my heart, making me want to promise that I'll never let her feel that way again. I wanted her to be sure that even when she was not with me, she was on my mind and in my heart. She was my love, and even if we didn't end up running away, that'll never change. So if taking that pain away meant kissing her until dawn...
Then so be it.
I leaned closer, letting my lips just barely brush against hers. I'll try to keep this slow, this time.
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11:00pm Jul 28 2012
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Sara's breathing hitched as Travis tilted her head up so that he could look her in the eyes.
He had loved her all along. He had loved her when she slapped him, even though he was already hurt. He had loved her when she didn't listen to him. He loved her when he lied about it. He loved her while he was locked up. And she loved him during all of those times, too.
He would always love her.
She let a small smile spread on her lips at the end of his speech, letting out a small nod when he questioned her with one simple word. He was so caring. So loving. She wouldn't leave him. She would not leave him. Why had she even agreed to court the prince? She loved Travis.
She loved her knight.
As his lips ever so slightly brushed against hers, she moved her lips against his slowly, her head angling to the side so that she could be more comfortable. Her hand still traced up his torso, and back down, while her free hand moved up to lightly rest against his neck.
Love is all we need~
5:47pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc;// Bump.
Also, here's your banner.
Love is all we need~
6:34pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ HHAHAHAAHAHAHA. Alright. I'm done.
But. Seriously like. Omg. HAHAHA.
I can't stop laughing. That's hilarious.
I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting the 'Murr like Ch's Kisses'. So when I saw that I was like...
Okay. Now, the adventure of how to get that to be my signature...? :) ]]
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6:43pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// Alright, Gimme a second.
And I'm not making one that says, "Murr likes Ch's Kisses". >.>
Just... no.
Copy and paste that entire thing into your siggy. It should work.
Love is all we need~
6:52pm Jul 29 2012 (last edited on 6:53pm Jul 29 2012)
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[ I was serious when I said someone else will make it for me...
Thank you, Murr.<3 Edit: It...Doesn't work. ;-; ]]
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6:58pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// Ohmaigawd. What happened to our thread? o.o
Love is all we need~
6:59pm Jul 29 2012
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[ I put another link down when your link didn't work and it made it stretch. ;c
What do I do? D: ]
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7:00pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// I..... dunno. I'll upload the banner to a different site to see if it's the url that isn't working. o.o
Love is all we need~
7:23pm Jul 29 2012
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When she smiled, I knew I got passed her drunken state of mind and somehow let the words go to her heart. Hopefully she'd remember them even as she was sober and the rest of her life, so she would know that even if we don't see each other for three whole years, I was definitely there. Just on the other side of the castle.
There was the possibility that I died in battle during those three years, but I'd somehow have someone tell her. I don't know how, but I will. (Omg. There should be some kind of battle to take up some time for those three years. :u I dunno why or where it would go though. |D)
I welcomed her as she kissed me back, absentmindedly rubbing my thumb against her cheek as I kept my hand up to caress her face. I allowed myself to move closer to her on the bed, remembering her leg hooked around mind. It brought me goosebumps on my arms and hopefully she wouldn't notice. It might make her want more. Like me. (Lots of kids. O.O)
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7:31pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// Wow. The banner looks pretty good, I must say. o.o
Sara didn't think all that much in that moment. The things that were running through her head, though, were quite interesting. Some of them she couldn't say- and would never say, for fear of being considered a harlot. Hey, even a princess's mind could wander to places it shouldn't go.
The fact that she was drunk didn't help that at all. It only made it all the more easy for her thoughts to roam to dark places.
She felt chills rise on her arms as Travis's thumb brushed against her cheekbone, a low hum coming from her throat. She lightly bit on his bottom lip, parting her lips a bit more afterwards. This was the last night for three years. Three entire years. The last night.
Sara didn't know what she'd do afterwards. On her eighteenth birthday, she may grab him and tote him off to some country home grinning all the while.
They would have lots of children then. So many children.
Ooc:// Children. XD
Love is all we need~
7:59pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ The banner is great! :D I love it. Definitely my favorite. |D ]]
My eyebrows furrowed in concentration as I tried my best to ignore the way her hum brought chills to my bones - oh yes, in a very good way. But as she bit onto my lip, a series of moans came from my own throat. I loved it when the kiss turned into this. Just the sound of our bated breath, the sound of our lips parting and crushing again, our moans, when one of us finally can't take it anymore and takes the kiss to a deeper level, exploring the others mouth until they couldn't breathe. Because, when the kiss turned like that, it showed how badly it hurt to wait. It showed how much we hated out limits but we would take what we could get. It showed that we were close to breaking with how badly our physical needs wanted to be held.
But, maybe, I could keep my respect for her while still enjoying her. So, knowing that, I forced myself to not give her back a kiss of desperation, but kept the kiss slow and controlled. We needed control, or that demon will come back. Maybe her mage powers will go all wacko. And she was drunk so she may do something she would regret. Either way, no matter how tempting she was, I kept the kiss sweet, innocent, completely pure. I tried, I really did, but I couldn't stop myself from putting my hand away from her cheek and slowly find it's way around her waist, pulling her against me as I tried with all of my might to keep the kiss close lipped.
[[Travis is trying. :c ]]
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8:17pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// He won't have to try for much longer. Sara's about to pass out. XD
Sara's breathing stiffened and became more heavy as she continued kissing Travis. His moans didn't help her situation. Drunk, kissing the man she loved, but couldn't have yet, and both of them trying their best to control the lust that was lashing out inside of them. She moved her hands up to his head, running her fingers through his hair, allowing herself to be pulled tighter against him.
She began to feel more tired, but she wouldn't pull away. She kept kissing him, moving her lips against his at a more gentle pace, trying to follow what Travis had said earlier. This was dangerous. They were dangerous- a volatile combination.
She eventually pulled away, resting her head on Travis's chest, her breathing heavy, trying to keep up with the pace of her heart. She closed her leaden-lidded eyes, and let her breathing even out, then slow to a pace that indicated that she was knocked out.
The wine had knocked her out cold, indeed.
Love is all we need~
8:25pm Jul 29 2012
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I felt like I was about to burst, forcing my lips to press against hers so gently and softly. No matter how much I loved any kiss she gave, gentle and soft kisses compared to rough and hard kisses were... Easy to choose from. Especially in this bed, in her drunken state.
Finally, though, she pulled away. I couldn't' breathe, even though the kiss didn't require me to hold my breath, I was doing so, so I wouldn't press forward. I swallowed as she leaned against my chest, wondering what it was next she had in mind. (|D)
After a couple moments, I realized that as my breath slowed down, hers was slower, deep breaths coming from that tempting mouth and exhaling just as slowly. She had fallen asleep. I laughed at the irony. Did I make the kiss so slow, it made her bored? I chuckled again at the thought before stopping myself, not wanting to wake her. Keeping my arm around her, I kissed the top of her head before laying my head back on the pillow and closing my eyes.
One last night. Three years of waiting. A love that will last for eternity. In the end, I think we'll make it.
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8:26pm Jul 29 2012 (last edited on 8:26pm Jul 29 2012)
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[[ In a hurry. Got to go. ]]
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