9:27pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// Sorry for poofing for a while. Would you like me to timeskip?
Love is all we need~
9:33pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ Whatever you want. :D ]
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9:44pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// Alrighty, then. :D
Sara slept soundly all night, her head resting on Travis's torso, her arm draped over his side. She didn't stir at all. The moon receded behind the treeline, only to be replaced with the sun, which shone in the room and onto Sara's eyes.
She squinted her eyes shut more, and buried her face in Travis's neck, groaning. There, she could keep the light out of her eyes, but that didn't stop the pounding in her head. It felt like some tiny maniac with a pickax was inside her skull, trying to dig its way out of her temple.
Wait. Last night. She couldn't remember a thing. And she was sleeping beside Travis.
She lifted the sheets. Well, her clothes were still on. That meant they never came off. That was good. She let out a relieved sigh, and lowered the sheets again. Today, she would arrive back at the kingdom.
And she would have to wait three long years to leave again, but she wouldn't ever go back after that. She and Travis would live happily. With children. Tiny girls and big, strong boys to help with the work around the house. They would get cuts and scrapes and bruises and...
"Aaah," Sara said, groaning again as a particular wave of pain hit her in the head.
"Travis..." She murmured, kissing her ear. "Are you awake?"
Love is all we need~
1:57pm Jul 30 2012
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[[ My mom's making me go somewhere so I can only be on for an hour or two. :) ]]
The sound of Sara's groan brought me from my light sleep. I had woken up once last night, the occasional ache in my shoulder from the arrow wound from so long ago sometimes comes back when it's cold. (Dunno what season it is. :u ) My green eyes fluttered open, and I took a deep breath before unwrapping my arm from it's loose grasp around the princess and stretching.
"I'm awake now."
I groaned, turning so my back was toward her. Just one more minute of sleep. Please. If we got up now, Sara would surely be home by this evening. And I couldn't bare the thought. Hopefully she was on board with taking our time, because I refused to move.
I remembered then Sara's drunkenness last night, which made me turn my head so I could hear her, though kept my eyes closed. "How's your head, love?"
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2:23pm Jul 30 2012
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Sara kept her arms wrapped around Travis, even as he turned away from her. She put her cheek against his shoulder, groaning lightly. It was not fun to have a hangover. Maybe it would go away after a while? She sure hoped so. If it didn't, she'd be clinging to Travis all the way home, wanting him to carry her into the castle. That wouldn't go over well, though, much to her dismay.
She put her knees behind Travis's as he turned around, her front fitting against his back. He was so warm.... She didn't want to let go.
Well, at least he was awake. She lightly brushed her fingertips up and down his upper stomach, sighing. She didn't want to get up. Technically, she didn't have to. She could pretend to be a spoiled brat, and then Travis wouldn't take her home.
But she had to go home. She wondered how much the kingdom had changed while she wasn't there. How were the maids? How was Capricornia? Would the servants still flee from her when she walked in the halls?
Ugh. Her head.
"It feels like there's a miner in there trying to dig a tunnel out of my skull," Sara said admittedly, nuzzling his shoulder sleepily.
Love is all we need~
2:51pm Jul 30 2012
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A small smile was on my lips as I felt Sara's touch even as I moved on the bed. I enjoyed the room more when it was dark, with just a dimly lit candle. I guess it was more romantic in my opinion. And I wanted to take every moment we had as romantic, especially since once we came back, there was a possibility that a prince was waiting around for her, ready for the romance.
The idea that a prince will come around, and not only sweep her off her feet but marry him, bare his children and not my own, (Lot's of 'em, woman.)... It made me sick.
My face paled and I gently brushed her off before I lifted myself from the bed. "Maybe we should start getting ready. You're father is probably anxious to see you."
I said, clenching my jaw before starting to put my shirt on. Hopefully she'll just comply. I didn't need her knowing how badly this all hurt, even though she was probably fully aware. "Maybe we can buy you a remedy on the way home for your headache."
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3:09pm Jul 30 2012
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Sara enjoyed the time while they were sitting there in silence, just enjoying the other's warmth. She hoped that she could stay like this for a while longer. She never wanted to leave. She never wanted to move from this man's side.
Perhaps she could throw a fit and that would make Travis think that she wasn't ready to go home.... No. That may also deter him. It may make him not want her anymore. He may leave her if she did that.
She immediately shook that idea out of her head. Even if she did throw a fit, Travis would probably tote her home anyways. As he moved from his spot, Sara frowned, and sat up slightly as he slipped his shirt on.
"Travis," the princess whined, sighing. She flopped back down on the bed, rolling so that she was laying on her stomach, her face in the pillow. She groaned into the white, fluffy ob ject, not getting up from the bed. No way. Her head hurt too bad.
Love is all we need~
3:14pm Jul 30 2012
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[[ They should fight. :u Travis gets scary when he's mad since he's so big. |D ]]
Hearing her whine my name, I looked back to see her groan into the pillow. Gosh, couldn't she understand this wasn't easy for me, either? And I wanted to let the hard part pass through? Three years would be fine. Maybe I'd come across her once in a while. Knowing her stubborn attitude, she might just throw a fit every time any other prince came in. I had nothing to worry about.
The thought of a prince made me clench my jaw. Why had I fallen so deeply? "Please princess. Coming home whining will only make your father send you away again. I promis we'll find a remedy on the way back home."
My tone was deliberately even, forcing myself to not shout. I wished I didn't have such a horrible, impatient temper. The princess dealt with things through whining, I dealt with them through screaming.
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3:20pm Jul 30 2012
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Ooc:// Sara's about to make him fight with her to get her out of the bed. He'll have to like... tote her to the horse. XD
Sara kept laying face-down, listening to Travis's voice. Who said that she would come home whining? For all he knew, she could go home kicking and screaming like she'd said the other day. Of course, she would stop right before they reached the castle. They both knew that, probably.
She rolled over onto her back to look up at Travis, her lips curled downward in a frown. "I'm not getting up, Travis." She pulled the sheets over her head rather childishly, and snuggled down in the bed, closing her eyes again. Her head was still pounding, but she just didn't want to leave.
She didn't want to leave Travis, or the safety of the bed. Once she got home, someone may notice her powers. Her father could get angry at her like Prince Arnold had, and have them taken away. She could end up power-less.
As much as Sara wished that the powers could simply disappear, she felt like they were a part of her now- part of who she was. And they were.
If they were taken away, a part of her would be missing. She would never be the same.
Love is all we need~
3:33pm Jul 30 2012
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My jaw worked as Sara decided to be difficult. I crossed my arms at the end of the bed, staring at the lump under the sheets that I called 'My Lover'. A stubborn princess that I was afraid to touch for she might do something to me with her powers.
"Sara. Get up. Now."
I said, my deep voice rumbling from my throat angrily. "If you don't, I'm going to carry you, put you on Ashes, and ride you all the way to the kingdom with out any remedy to help your headache. Stop acting like a child and get up from the bed." It took everything in me not to scream it. Though I doubt that would make much more of a result.
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3:41pm Jul 30 2012
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Sara listened as a small silence ensued her words. Not long after the silence had started, it was broken with Travis's deep, angry tone. It made her blood run cold, and she stilled under the sheets, not even breathing for a moment.
As he called her a child, she pulled the sheets down from atop her head and said, "A child, Travis? You compare me to a child, when I kiss you until I can't breathe? Children don't make out with knights, Travis. I'm not getting up," she said, her tone equally angry.
Though she was intimidated and quite scared by Travis at that moment- she'd never seen him get angry- she was not about to let him order her around. She was a woman, not a child. Sure, she was a young woman, but if she was mature enough to want to marry this man- though it would be three years until she did so- she was not to be compared to a child.
She pulled the sheets back over her head.
Love is all we need~
3:54pm Jul 30 2012
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I held my breath to keep myself from shouting. Was she serious? She was whining, hiding under the covers, and acting childishly. And yet, she gets angry because I call her a child?
Someone needed to check her head for mental problems.
With out saying another word, I was afraid that shouting would turn to more anger. And with more anger, becomes punches with me. The idea that I could even bring my fist to her face made me sick. So, holding my breath to keep myself from doing just that, I angrily ripped the sheets from over her - a audible tear in the sheets happened in the process of taking it from her grasp - I hefted her up onto my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I winced only a moment. I ignored how it hurt, seeing as both of my shoulders were some how wounded from this whole stupid journey. Bitterness tasted horrible in my mouth and I couldn't swallow it down. If she wasn't such a brat in the first place, we wouldn't be here. She wouldn't have made me angry, and I'd be able to breathe with out worry that I wouldn't be able to control myself physically. And this time, not in a sexual way.
I used the other hand to open the hotel door, going out of the tavern. The cool breeze did little to keep my anger at bay. Putting her on Ashes as gently as a angry man could, I fed Ashes a sugar cube for being so compliant - unlike someone... - before jumping in front of Sara onto the horse and kicking the side with out any more words for her. It was for the best, if you thought about it. If I said anything right now, it'll only be harsh words to keep the argument going. I didn't want to hurt her, even if bitterness towards this whole situation was angled at her at the moment.
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4:02pm Jul 30 2012
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Sara's eyes widened in surprise as the sheets were ripped away from her body. She was terrified in that moment, and she actually cowered. She expected the man to pin her down or something. To hurt her. To ravage her. After all, she'd done so much to him to anger him. She'd teased him, seduced him, tempted, and tried him.
But as he simply picked her up with rough hands and tossed her over his shoulder, the princess felt a bit of anger rise with her fear. She was still scared of him. If Travis wanted to, he could easily hurt her. He was large in comparison to her. Luckily, there were no customers in the tavern in the morning, so she kicked and screamed without many eyes on her, other than the serving girls who were cleaning from the previous night.
As she was roughly set onto the horse, she felt angry tears slide down her face. Travis didn't even look at her. The sun made her head hurt all the more, and she didn't wrap her arms around him as he sat in front of her, and Ashes began to move. Sure, she was tossed around a bit, but she went out of her way to ensure that she did not touch him.
She wouldn't touch him for a while. Not after that. He'd scared her too bad. She was still shaking. The view of his looming, angry figure over her as he ripped the sheets away from her body still lingered in her mind. She didn't sob, so other than the occasional sniffle, her tears were unnoticeable.
She crossed her arms and sniffled again, trying to keep herself from touching him. If she touched him, she was actually scared he would get angry.
Love is all we need~
4:28pm Jul 30 2012
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The anger from before wasn't as bad - as in I didn't feel like shouting or hitting anything - but the anger was still there. Everything in me wanted to turn my head and ask, "So tell me Princess, why am I taking you home if you keep acting like a spoiled brat?"
But I couldn't. I may have bitterness toward this whole situation, but I couldn't act like a jerk. I did love her. Times like this showed when you really did love someone. When you couldn't handle hearing their voice yet still wanted to make sure they were okay.
I wished I hadn't scared her but it was the right thing to do to get her on the horse. If not, we wouldn't have gone to the kingdom at all today.
10 minutes into the silent ride, I went to a little shop and came out with the remedy to help her headache. I allowed my green eyes to glance over at her, much more softened then they were before. But I couldn't apologize. I was angry as ever still.
"Here." I said quietly, putting the remedy bottle in her lap before going back on Ashes and riding to the kingdom.
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4:46pm Jul 30 2012
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Sara was silent the whole ride. Without holding onto Travis, the ride wasn't so smooth, either. Her backside would be bruised when she returned home. She didn't want to return home, though. No matter how scared she may have been of Travis, or how angry he may have been at her, she didn't want to go home.
She still wanted to throw herself at him and hold onto him and cry until she couldn't cry anymore. Just go ahead and let it all out. She wanted to so badly. But she was a woman. Not a child. She wouldn't prove him right in his comparison that he'd earlier said. The sound of those sheets being ripped away from her still echoed in her ears.
She gulped down the remedy as it was handed to her, not looking Travis in the eyes. She didn't even thank him. If she would've spoken, she was afraid that it would've been some sort of noise like a wounded animal, and then she'd cry. She wouldn't speak until he was far away from her- out of her sight.
Her headache faded, and she wasn't fazed by the bitterness of the concoction that time.
She hadn't touched Travis until they reached the gates of the castle, and that was only to hop off of the horse. She used his leg as leverage, placing her small, delicate hand on his knee to steady herself as she jumped down. She didn't look back at him, but instead ran into the arms of her father, who had been waiting for her to arrive.
Word had spread from a tavern that the princess had been spotted heading towards her home. A ball would be thrown for her return, and she would be dressed up prettily. Princes from surrounding kingdoms would come that evening and celebrate for the princess's safe return.
The king looked up to Travis, who was still on his horse, smiling. "Thankyou, Sir Knight, for my daughter's safe return. She doesn't have a scratch on her, and she's obviously much different. You will have a room of your own from now on. Consider it a gift for taking care of my daughter." He gave the knight a nod.
Sara gave Travis one last look over her shoulder before she disappeared into the castle.
The princess didn't smile.
Love is all we need~
12:17pm Jul 31 2012 (last edited on 12:30pm Jul 31 2012)
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My heart ached by the end of our silent journey home. Seeing as we didn't dilly dally like I had thought we would, we got there by the afternoon, not evening like I would have liked. She didn't say a thing to me as she got off the horse and ran to her father. Though, like any other time, her small touch on my knee brought waves of unexplained pleasure. Even when we were angry at each other, and hurting, she still could affect me in the oddest ways.
I got off the horse as the king and the princess went inside. It was done. My duty as a guard to the royal was done. I stared after her until she was out of my sight, feeling like someone ripped my heart out. A tear slipped down the corner of both sorrow filled eyes as the door closed. I wasn't expecting us to be done like this.
It all felt like a dream. When we first started, her mage powers first developing, and I saved her from the horrid beast that I thought at the time would be the worst of our journey. My lower lip quivered as I thought of how she was going to show me her way of skinning, cleaning, and cooking the rabbit, only to give up. She was still a brat at the time.
I pressed my lips together as I stared at the door, waiting for Sara to come out and gave me one last kiss. Like the one when the demon took over her body. Or at the castle. Or in the woods...
I swallowed, another tear slipping down my cheek. Why, after all of that, did we let on spat keep us from giving each other one last embrace? I had planned on stopping before we got close enough to the castle to where they would see us, too tell her I was sorry. That I loved her with all of my heart. She probably didn't even remember last night when I told her that, so I wanted to be sure that she understood that my love wouldn't be taken away, even after a argument like the one we had.
My anger was easily diminished as I stood there with Ashes for a full ten minutes, waiting for her to find away to sneak around her father and come back to me. I let her go. I could have ran away with her like the demon had said, but I decided to do something that only hurt me more. Letting her go.
If only I could have one more smile. One more glint in her eyes that told me what she couldn't for how forbidden it would be. To hear her voice whisper in my ear how she loved me. If only I could have one more night.
I grabbed the reins of Ashes and trudged to the stable. No one was near, not even the knights. All of my old friends will soon find out I was home and probably ask me how I dealt with such a brat for so long. I dealt just fine. I allowed silent tears to stream down my stubbled (This is apparently not a word. -_-) cheeks, wearily feeding Ashes with better food then I had the whole trip.
I knew this was coming. This heart in my very core that was eating away at me. I leaned my face against Ashes neck, feeling any masculine part of me completely ripped away as I sobbed against his black coat. The princess would always be my weakness, and the weakness I would be proud to have. Even if I had to watch her fall in love with a man that wouldn't get so easily mad at her, wouldn't frighten her so terribly. Would give her things that she needed and liked. Wouldn't have to make her run away.
Such a fool, I had been! To believe her when she said she'd run away. We were so caught up in each other that I hadn't realized that those were words of today. But tomorrow, her mind could change. And I would understand. For now, I had to believe I would never have a future with her.
I cursed that demon. The demon that brought such romantic notions to my mind. My heart ached and I finally let out a sob against Ashes coat, glad that it was too late for any knight to come in here.
It took me a full hour to get a hold of myself - appearance wise. I was dying inside, and I couldn't help the slump of my shoulders, the permanent frown on my face, my weary eyes droopy with no emotion. I had plenty of emotion, but they were sucked dry when the princess disappeared through that door with out no hint that she still loved me. Did she change her mind so soon? If her love was real, I doubt she did. But doubts were so easy to have in a situation like this.
After giving Ashes one more pat, I disappeared from the stable, giving no acknowledgment to a old friend of mine who had the night shift. He waved to me, called my name, gave me a friendly smile and called out that he missed having me around. I didn't respond. I didn't look at him or give him a nod. I trudged to the side door of the castle, hoping that whatever room the king planned for me to have would be one that was as far away as the princess as possible. I couldn't handle the pain of seeing her with a man right now.
Maybe he'd allow me to not go to the ball tonight for celebration. Maybe he'd say that I worked so hard and so well that he would let me sleep. Even a love sick, sorrowed knight could dream, right?
[I'm such a girl. My eyes got watery while I was writing this. ;-; ]]
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6:21pm Jul 31 2012
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Ooc:// oAo You made me cry.
Like... srsly.
That was beautiful.
And sad.
Anyways, now that the majority of the depressing stuff is over, should I timeskip to the ball?
Love is all we need~
9:12pm Jul 31 2012
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[[ I'm so glad I wasn't the only one, omg. >.> My eyes were literally watering. This is so depressing. D: I can't take it. Yes. Time skip to whenever you want. ]]
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10:35pm Jul 31 2012
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Ooc:// Okay. I'll timeskip to when the ball is. Something really wacky is going to go on with Sara's powers. Just to warn you. XD
The sorrow that followed their parting sent Sara into a sort of emotionless daze. She hadn't smiled since she left Travis's side. She hadn't frowned, either, but a neutral line was plastered onto her lips, which were being painted a red by Sara's new step-mother, who was fussing over her blue eyes and how they weren't being used to their full advantage.
Her eyes were lightly lined with a black pencil, and tinted powder stained her cheeks a light pink. Sara didn't usually need blush, but her cheeks were pale and she looked like a shell of a being since she'd left Travis. Why hadn't she simply ran away with him then? Why hadn't she turned around, ran to him, tackled him, and kissed him until she couldn't breathe?
It was a question that even the princess herself couldn't answer.
Her step-mother was a relatively nice woman to others, but it seemed that she didn't like Sara. Though the princess would never know, it was because her father spoke of her so much, and spent much time worrying over her- the woman was jealous. She had won Sara's father over with her dark hair, creamy pale skin, and dark eyes. That, along with her ability to make the most beautiful crafts.
To try and impress the king a bit, Sara's step-mother, whose name was Genevieve, had made a dress especially for the princess. It was an off-white, pearly color, and the fabric was of the finest silk that could be bought for miles. Blue stones and ribbons decorated the vast brightness of the dress, and Sara's hair had been left down this time. Her step-mother hadn't wanted to bother with the curls.
Genevieve leaned down so that she was eye-level with Sara, who sat in a chair. The older woman's face wasn't marked with many wrinkles, and it was obvious that she was a good deal younger than her husband, due to the lack of grey hair. Sara's bright blue eyes stared into her step-mother's as she spoke.
"You're all done, dear," she said, giving the girl a pat on the back. The new queen had a tendency to call others 'Dear'. It wasn't disrespectful, nor a sign of respect. It was simply a habit of the queen's that couldn't be shaken. Sara didn't mind it. She actually thought it would be nice to have a motherly figure in her life. The girl hadn't ever met her mother, due to her father's first wife, Sara's mother, dying while giving birth to the blonde-haired princess.
She had actually always craved to have a mother. But Genevieve had no intentions of being the so-called 'motherly figure' that Sara wanted so badly. She was there to put up with the child until they could pawn her off on some prince as his bride, and then she would live happily with Sara's father until the man died. Then she would assume the throne and her children would eventually become the throne-takers.
Little did Genevieve know that there was already a child inside of her.
Sara stood from her chair and smiled- a fake smile, mind you. She had to go visit Capricornia that night. If she didn't her poor horse may think that she died. She wondered what her beautiful white mare would think of the change in her attitude. She was actually a bit glad that she hadn't brought Capricornia along on the trip. The horse could have been stolen. White horses were worth more money, and were considered to be holy.
"Thankyou, Queen Genevieve," the blonde princess said, giving her superior a slight curtsy. "You did well in making me look presentable for the feast." She still kept her princess-like speech, lest some people think that she socialized and lived with peasants, which was only half true. She spent half of a night in that hag's house, and a ton of time in Prince Arnold's castle.
"I suggest you go and meet the princes. They should be in the dining hall already. Perhaps you could even thank that knight again. I believe your father told him to come to the event. Yes, he did. I remember now," Genevieve said, placing a hand between Sara's shoulder blades and guiding her out of the door and into the mazes of halls that made the castle up.
As much as Sara didn't want to socialize with the princes, she had to It would be terrible if she were to be caught with a knight. Though she would much prefer being with a knight. A particular knight. He had made her angry, but she guessed that she had made him equally angry. If she could get him alone, she would apologize. She would tell him that she was sorry for her childish actions, and plead with him for his forgiveness.
After navigating the halls for a few minutes, Sara arrived in the dining hall, and was met with the faces of several princes from surrounding kingdoms. They ranged in ages from a year younger than her to four years older. The eldest reminded Sara of Travis, she decided. He was tall, and had black hair, though his eyes were a rich brown.
Had she not been already in love with a certain knight, she would have giggled and flirted and swooned. The princes all had failed attempts at getting Sara to return their flirting. She simply kept it friendly. If she were to be rude, they may end up being enemies in the future. The last thing that she needed was an enemy, though she would easily be able to deal with them once she was queen.
She reminded herself that she wouldn't be a queen. She was running away at age eighteen. Hopefully with Travis.
Though, now that they had argued and he had laid his hands on her, toting her to the horse, she wasn't sure if he would still follow through with his words of promise to follow her when she left.
Love is all we need~
5:17pm Aug 1 2012 (last edited on 5:25pm Aug 1 2012)
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I had been led to a room that reminded me of Athena leading me to Prince Arnold's guest bed room. Which only brought back more memories of the journey with the princess. Once in the bed room, I had done the same thing I did when I was hurting over the princess at Prince Arnold's castle. When I found out I was in love with her.
I kept the lights off. I wrapped myself in the covers of the bed and wallowed in depression. Thinking of wine.
A couple moments later, a servant had knocked on my door. Getting up from the bed angrily, I stormed across the room, opening the door with a fast, swift motion, my eyes glaring at the servant.
I said, close to a roar, green eyes only showing rage. The servant was shaking in his boots, forgetting for a moment what it was he wanted to tell me. I realize now that my large stature compared to his frail frame was more then slightly intimidating. Finally, his meek voice said,
"Th-the k-king wants you t-to join the celebr-ration of P-Princess Sara's r-return."
Without a response, I slammed the door. I guess you could say, emotionless for me was gone. And anger for everything happening was back.
I had freshened up, found some better clothing meant for balls, (Like this sexy man: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25800000/Prince-Charming-once-upon-a-time-25823049-600-750.jpg) and now stood by the entrance doors with the other knights. My jaw clenching, every man and woman that came inside and gave me a small smile as greeting, I couldn't return. The friend of mine that had called my name before, now isn't talking to me. Let's just say, when we were passing by in a hall way, he asked me what was wrong and I shouted a bit. He told me something about when I'm calmed down to talk to him, that he was here for me and then walked away, unfazed at my angry rage and shouting. Later on, maybe when I wasn't so depressed and angry, I'd realize he's a friend I should keep.
My green eyes kept going back to the princess surrounded by rich, handsome Princes. The only time my eyes would turn away from sorrow or rage, would be when my eyes once again found Sara on the other side of the room, this time filled with longing. So much longing, my eyes held.
I closed my eyes when I heard another guest arrive, this time giving them a tight lipped, fake smile that was quite obvious. At least I was trying. Once they came deeper into the room, my lips went back to a straight, angry line, my eyes staring at the floor, my arms crossed like I was being forced to be here. Obviously, I wasn't interested in being here tonight. I looked up again to see a prince coming closer to Sara, saying something that I guessed was flattering, giving her a wink, and his eyes trailing down her body before walking away. I've been watching that prince; he seemed to have his way with the ladies in this party but his mind set on having Sara. Not on my watch.
Seeing him turn around to say something else to Sara - his back towards me so I couldn't see her small stature- I realized I felt like I was suffocating. I needed some air or I'd go over to that princey boy and slit his throat with the sword at my side. Slipping passed guards and guests, I found a side door that led to outside. By the garden path. Slamming the door behind me, once again I felt tears slip down my cheeks. Angry tears or sad tears, I don't know. Maybe both. I angrily wiped my face, and walked deeper in.
I knew this was going to be hard. Watching another prince sweep my Sara off her feet and make her swoon and sigh. My breathing all of a sudden became very difficult and going back to the stables to lean against Ashes to lose any manliness I had once again sounded like a great idea. But, soon, the king might be looking for me, expecting me to be inside, since he was the one who asked me to be here. So I had to stay here.
I found a bench, sat down wearily before pressing my elbows against my knees, covering my face with my hands as I tried to get myself together. The cool air softened my rage a bit, replaced with jealousy at whatever attention the prince's were getting from Sara inside. And sadness like I've never felt before.
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