5:54pm Aug 1 2012
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Sara conversed with the princes for a while until they all dispersed. The food was to be served about an hour later, and they played music so that guests wouldn't get bored. Violins shrilled out slow songs, fast songs, and simple songs. Sara got swept up in dancing with several princes, but her mind was on one knight.
She'd watched him glance at her, and she hadn't thrown a single glance his way. However, she caught the longing in his eyes clearly. She had to apologize. If she didn't, they might be ruined. She had to.
She was twirled, lifted off of the ground, and pulled tight against others. She didn't enjoy it all that much, to be quite frank. Nobody stepped on her feet, but she missed dancing with Travis. She had seen him leave earlier in a rush. Perhaps he wasn't feeling well. Either way, between dances with princes and men alike, she made her way to the door that led to the side garden- the one that she'd seen Travis go through.
Just as she reached the door, an older maid that had known Sara ever since she was a tiny baby caught her by the elbow and scolded her for trying to sneak out of the ball. She told her that it was her job to dance with princes and socialize. Sara wanted to throw a fit. She wanted to tell this maid to release her because her love life was in jeopardy.
But if she said that, people would wonder just who it was that was the center of her love life. And then the scandal of the princess and the knight would spread like a wildfire in a drought-stricken forest.
After several more dances, she finally made her way out of the door unnoticed, seeing as how the maids were busy getting the food prepared. She closed the door behind her quietly, taking in the fresh air of the garden. It was a rose garden, though all of the roses weren't blooming, due to how it was at night, and the buds had closed up.
She looked around, her eyes searching the moonlight-lit garden. Upon several minutes of searching, she spotted Travis with his face in his hands. She peeked out from behind a rather tall rosebush, messing with the fabric on her dress nervously. Was he still angry with her? She would never know if she didn't say anything.
She took a step forward cautiously, not sure if he was in the mood to talk or not.
"Travis..." She bit her lip as she called his name quietly.
Ooc:// I couldn't stand it. It's so sad with them being angry at eachother. >.> She's going to apologize.
Love is all we need~
6:08pm Aug 1 2012
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[[ I couldn't stand it much longer, either! I hate it when they're mad at each other. Are you going to surprise me for when the mage thing will happen? Bahahahahaa. c: ]]
It took a while, sitting there on the bench in the cool quiet, but I was finally calmed. I still felt like punching something, but I regretted acting like such a jerk to the servant, My friend Micheal, and any one else that I acted so curtly around. I couldn't help it. I think if they understood the feeling of watching the love of your life meet other suitors, they'd understand why I was acting like a jerk.
The second - maybe even the millisecond - I heard the voice of the Princess, I jumped from the bench, walking over to her with a determination stride and a hard set jaw; the intention of wrapping her in my arms and taking her away; far, far away.
My feet stopped a mere couple inches from hers when I realized I couldn't do it because I'd be seen. So, instead, I looked down at her so close I could just barely feel her breath, looking at her with a intense, passionate, longing filled gaze. Usually the look I had when I thought about her baring my children. (...Lot's of 'em.) Or the makings of them.
I whispered back, forgetting our argument. And remembering the demon's idea that kept repeating in my mind. Hopefully any traces of tears from before were gone, but that was the least of my worries.
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6:28pm Aug 1 2012
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Ooc:// If you mean the thing that'll happen with her powers, it'll be because a servant spills wine on her dress, and everyone starts laughing at her. She'll end up getting really embarassed, and her dress will catch on fire. XD
I think her father will send her to the mage school a few days later.
Sara felt her eyes get large as Travis came towards her quickly. She wasn't sure whether he was aiming to walk past her, or wrap her in an embrace. She hoped it would be the latter. A lump formed in her throat, and her lips trembled, thinking of a kiss, and of how he must be angry at her still.
He stopped a mere few inches away from her, and Sara let a breath out that she didn't know she'd been holding. Her eyes traveled up from Travis's chest, which was at eye-level with her to his eyes. She chewed on her lip as he said her name. Whispered it, really.
His gaze was one filled with longing, and so was Sara's. She was glad that nobody here could read minds. She didn't know whose thoughts would be more frowned upon- hers or Travis's. She would have preferred it if he yelled her name.
It would have made things so much easier. It would have eliminated such thoughts. It would eliminate the chances of her throwing herself at him and kissing him until she passed out, or he passed out.
She cleared her throat and stopped the trembling of her lips. She could feel his breath down on her. She licked her lips before finally speaking. The air felt heavier.
"I wanted to apologize for acting like a child in the tavern."
Love is all we need~
6:47pm Aug 1 2012
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[[ Bahahaha that's brilliant. cx ]]
My ex pression softened at her statement. Like we were really wanting to talk about the argument right now. Her gaze reeled me in, and I took a tiny step closer, our toes touching, which practically made me press her against a tree behind her. (Pp? Sorry. D: ) Everything in me wanted to pin her down and kiss her when she licked her lips. Why must she tempt me?
"You have nothing to apologize for."
I kept my voice at a whisper, the heavy air surrounding us making it hard to speak, my mind on something entirely different then an apology from her.
"You just didn't want to go home. And I got angry."
I finally tore our gaze and looked down at our feet. I smirked at the warmth she made me feel and pressed my forehead against hers. I missed her so badly and I only gave her to her father only a mere couple hours ago. I lifted a finger up to twirl a blonde curl, my head still close to hers, my eyes closed. This was my favorite part of our moments, when all we wanted was each other.
Except, obviously, we couldn't have each other. Which made it a more depressing moment then anything. ( He just can't win. :u )
"I should be apologizing, love. I can't imagine hurting you."
I was referring to how angry I was. How close I was to snap. If I was so close then, what if we ran away and I got too out of control? What if I did hit her? I lifted my head, afraid someone from inside might see us through a window or from the balcony.
"You should probably go back inside."
I said with a frown. I gave her a sad smile as I stepped away, giving us both some room to breathe.
"The prince's are waiting."
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7:05pm Aug 1 2012
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Sara took in a sharp breath as she felt a tree behind her press against her back. She was trapped, and Travis's breath ghosted over her face. He told her that she had nothing to apologize for, but she did. She had tons of things to apologize for. Though, with him being this close, her thoughts strayed from an apology.
Had she been drunk in that very moment, she would have already been kissing Travis. But she hadn't had a sip of wine that day.
She still couldn't stand how he was whispering. He was tempting her, daring her to kiss him, wasn't he? At least that's what she thought. She just wanted to kiss him. So, so badly. She bet that he wanted to kiss her, too.
But that couldn't happen here. Out in the open. They'd have to find a special place for that. A place that nobody else knew about. Sara had just the place in mind.
As Travis stepped away, and said that she should go back inside, she was grateful that she was no longer tempted to do something forbidden. Well, she was still tempted. Ridiculously tempted. So tempted, in fact, that she debated on completely ditching the party to spend time with Travis.
But, her father would go crazy if he noticed her absence, and even crazier if he noticed Travis's absence, too.
"Don't mention the princes," she said, rolling her eyes, crossing her arms. "They're all nice, but I don't like how they look at me. Especially that one that can't keep his eyes from wandering away from my face," she said, laughing.
"What do you say that I meet you back out here at midnight? We won't have to worry about people watching us, then."
Love is all we need~
7:22pm Aug 1 2012
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For the first time since I watched the princess disappear behind the castle doors, a toothy grin came to my features, a weight lifted from my heart. I realized half of my heart ache was because we were mad at each other, not because we had to wait three years. Knowing the stubborn princess across from me, she'd somehow force me to have alone time with her. But, sneaking around her father? I didn't want to be the source of all of these problems with her father. Running away. Sneaking around. Keeping things from him... It wasn't fair. But, I couldn't complain. If this was the only way we could see each other, then maybe we should try it out.
And if we were caught? I'd be beheaded for sure.
When she mentioned the men that couldn't keep their eyes on hers, I clenched my jaw and murmured a "I saw."
I crossed my arms back at her, the smile still on my face. "I guess I'll see you then."
I noticed how she said that no one will be watching us. How great it felt to know that she wanted to kiss me just as badly just a moment before - and maybe even still. My green eyes sparkled with the idea of just one more kiss.
"You should probably get inside, Sara." Why did I keep slipping up on her name/ti tle? Well, now I kind of liked it. But in front of people that didn't know our relationship, I'd have to be careful. "Your father might want to make another announcement about sending you away."
I teased before taking a couple steps to walk back to the side door, waiting for her to take my outstretched elbow. We could always say that the princess had asked to have some air, and took me with her as protection. It was a reasonable excuse for us to be out here. Alone.
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7:46pm Aug 1 2012
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Sara returned Travis's grin as his lips curved. She realized that this was the end of their quarreling. Now they could act as happily as they always had. If he met her at midnight that night, she would show him the secret spot that they would meet at from then on.
He seemed so irritated about the men eyeing her. Did he not know that all of her attention was saved for him? It was almost funny. What would happen if she actually flirted with the princes? She didn't want to know. She would never try it anyways. That was, unless Travis made her angry again. Then she would do that just to make him jealous and apologize.
What could the princess say? She was torturous.
Her facial features visibly brightened as he agreed to meet her. It made her so happy. She wanted so badly to just kiss him right then and there. If there was some way to make the time pass by faster, she would do it.
She took Travis by the elbow as he offered it to her, knowing that people would ask, and that she would tell them that since Travis had protected her so well that she wanted him as her personal guard. Hey, she could ask her father about that. That would work perfectly. Her own personal guard.
She walked to the door with her elbow in Travis's, and entered the room again. People were moving from the designated dancing area to the dining table, which was elongated and in the shape of a horse-shoe to accommodate hundreds of people. Sara would sit beside her father, as usual, and Travis would sit on the other side of her father.
Except, instead of sitting beside her father, Sara would be sitting by Genevieve this time. While she was gone, her father had put another chair beside his to seat his wife.
Love is all we need~
7:52pm Aug 1 2012
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[ I don't wanna give you a fail post but I seriously have no idea what to put. :D Can you time skip to when she can make a big scene with her powers and such? |D ]]
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8:19pm Aug 1 2012
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Ooc:// Sure. :D
Sara had been sitting quietly through the dinner for the majority of the time, and had gotten her fill of the food when the servants began to bring out the wine. When the wine was first brought out, Sara's eyes went to Travis. He would probably look at her, too, though.
All was going well until the wine came to her, and a rather boisterous prince reaching for a glass of wine, causing the serving girl to trip and spill the wine directly on the top of Sara's dress, staining the light ivory fabric an odd purple shade, and making Sara blush furiously.
She felt her body heat up as people looked at her, waiting for the prince to apologize or the serving girl to apologize or for someone to speak. Half of the room was still speaking, though.
Her eyes turned fiery, and her father reached out, his hand touching her arm just too late. He pulled back as the flesh on his hand was seared and Sara's blouse caught fire. Within a matter of seconds, the fabric was completely on fire, burning away.
Screams sounded and women covered their hearts as a prince with good intentions, but bad actions, used his napkin to throw on the fire on Sara's chest. The fire was put out just as the napkin burned off, and Sara covered her chest with her arms crossed just in time to save herself from being exposed.
Genevieve looked at her husband, and then at the girl. The king knew what he had to do. Sara's powers were going crazy.
The princess got up from her seat quickly and made a mad dash for the halls, running into servants, never moving her arms from her chest as she did so. Her cheeks were still burning, but her eyes had gone back to normal. Tears fell from her face. She had been completely embarassed.
She made it to her room after a moment and retreated inside, closing the door and sitting down against it behind her. She put her face in her hands and simply cried. Never in her life had she been more embarrassed. Several people nearly saw what was meant to stay covered. Several princes.
Love is all we need~
8:45pm Aug 1 2012
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[[ You would make Sara go through every girl's night mare. ;-; Travis shall save the day~ ]]
When Sara's gaze looked back at me as the wine came out, a small smile came to my features, though I didn't look back because the king was next to me and I didn't need him questioning my intentions of looking at his daughter. My eyes couldn't stay off of her ever since I sat down, so any time the king wasn't looking, I would let my green eyes travel to see her slender fingers on the table, or her blonde locks once in a while coming into view over the queen and king.
I watched as the servant tripped, wishing I could have stood up in time for the wine to hit me instead. Instead, I stayed in my seat beside the king, in full shock at the next incidents.
The second Sara ran from the room, I jumped from my seat, making the chair go flying else where. "Princess!"
I called out, thankful that I hadn't called out her real name. I heard a couple snickers from the more immature princes that were younger, which made me want to snap their little necks. Instead, I ignored them, running after where the princess had disappeared.
I said more softly as I started to walk down the hallway she had disappeared from. Coming to her door, I knocked. "Sara. It's me. Open the door." Obviously, we should be more worried about the fact that her powers were shown to everyone at the party. But I didn't even think of that right now. I thought of her face when she realized what was happening, the embarrassment written on her cheeks as she fled the scene. To be completely honest, everything in me wanted to be a human male that I was and get a good look like the rest, but the respect I had for her had stopped me.
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9:45pm Aug 1 2012
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Sara kept in her room for a while, actually letting the tears flow down her cheeks. From then on, she'd be teased by the princes. People would wonder if she was a witch. She kind of was, but not completely. She was a mage, and a powerful one at that. She had somewhat collected herself when she heard a knock at the door.
Tears were still coming down her face at a good rate, but she wasn't histerical anymore, at least. She quickly slid a silk camisole over her top half, her bottom half still wearing the luxurious skirt of the dress that she'd burned. It was Travis.
She knew who it was, and she was embarrassed to let him in. He had nearly seen her exposed. He had seen her powers go all wacko. They'd gone even more crazy than they'd gone before. She was quite frankly scared of what everyone thought of her now. Did they think she was evil? Or perhaps just strange?
She unlocked the door and opened it, still crying. She knew that she didn't have to stop crying for Travis. He knew what to do when she was crying. Plus, she couldn't stop crying. Her cheeks were still a bright scarlet, and they were glistening from tears.
"Travis, I... It. My dress... the fire," she said, unable to complete a full sentence.
Love is all we need~
9:44am Aug 2 2012
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The second she opened the door, I didn't respond, I came in with one stride, forcing her in a tight, hard embrace before I even made sure she had covered her chest from the scene, slamming the door behind me to leave us in the darkness of her room. I could feel a silk fabric on her back as I clenched her tighter. I was at least twice her size, so I was practically wrapped completely around her, pressing her against the now - closed bedroom door while I nuzzled her hair. Oh how embarrassing that much have been! And realizing that her powers were shown only made the incident worsen. She'll be the talk of the year. Or the century.
"It's going to be alright, Sara." I whispered in her ear soothingly, loosening my hold just a bit so she could breathe. Obviously, just seeing a woman's ankles could make a man swoon and sigh, when I saw Sara's thigh for the mark, I already felt like I was on top of the moon. Seeing a woman's bodice and corset be burned off of them, knowing what lay beneath, could kill a man. (lol..) So I hoped the princes in the ballroom were holding themselves together.
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2:28pm Aug 2 2012
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Sara wrapped her arms around Travis as he wrapped his arms around her. She put her head against his chest, clenching at his shirt, sniffling. The door slammed shut as she was pressed firmly against the wood. Travis's embrace was so tight that it was hard to breathe, but she didn't mind. Just so long as he was hugging her, she didn't mind.
As he pressed his face against her hair, nuzzling it, she calmed slightly, her frantic breathing slowing, but stiffening at the same time.
As he whispered a small reassurance in her ear, Sara wished that what he said would be true. But she had been exposed- in more ways than just one. She had revealed her powers, and nearly revealed what lied beneath the top of her dress. She was humiliated. Humiliated.
She took in a shaky breath and spoke back to Travis, though it was hard to complete the sentence. "Everything's not going to be alright, Travis," she said through short, shaky breaths. "They," she shuddered. "They'll think I'm a witch."
Love is all we need~
5:56pm Aug 2 2012
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[... My post was just deleted because I was fixing my siggy. >.> (Hint Hint, clicky? ) ]
I was hoping I'd hear something like her agreeing that things will blow over soon. Instead, she didn't ease my worry for her by telling me they'll think she's a witch.
"Don't think like that."
I said, letting go of her to see her face. We both knew it was a possibility but thinking negative won't get us anywhere. Twirling a curl of her blonde hair once more, I gave her a reassuring smile. "Or, maybe they'll think that while they weren't looking, a candle fell when the servant tripped." I said, hoping my words were more reassuring, though I doubted it. She was just completely exposed to the princes - her suitors. I didn't blame her for hiding into her room.
Sighing, I stepped even closer to her like before, our toes pressed together. I kissed her forehead hard before looking down at her. "It's not midnight yet, but what do you say we start our date a little early?" I asked as I grabbed both of her hands, intertwining them and pressing her hands against the wood of the door, pinning her down so she won't say no.
"It might make you feel a bit better to get out of here for a bit." I said, the intensity of my gaze growing stronger and stronger with every glance.
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7:13pm Aug 2 2012
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Ooc:// I've already clicked those eggers today in the SB, Kissy.
Sara sniffled when Travis told her not to think like that. It was hard not to think like that. Did he not understand that some mages were capable of killing others, and that they willingly did it because their powers drove them mad? That mages were dangerous. Unbelievably dangerous. They were so dangerous that people avoided them.
Why Travis didn't avoid her, she didn't know, but she wasn't complaining. She loved him, and he loved her, seeing as how they'd admitted that several times now.
As he let go of her to look at her and came up with something that the princes could have thought, like a candle falling, she was slightly reassured. Some people may think that, but those that sat closest to her would know better. Genevieve and her father, especially.
But when he stepped closer to her again, their toes touching, she felt her breath catch in her throat as she attempted to gasp. He always surprised her when he got that close. She looked up at him after he kissed her forehead.
As he took both of her hands and pinned them against the door, effectively trapping her between him and the wooden ob ject, she felt her cheeks flush. She couldn't say no. People were probably all in their rooms by now, anyways. They wouldn't look outside.
"Um...." She bit her lip, staring up into his green eyes. "I guess we can start our date early," she said, smiling. "We'll have to take a secret passage out to the garden. I have to show you something."
Love is all we need~
7:17pm Aug 2 2012
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[[... Oh. Sorry, I'm trying to get as many clicks as possible. c: Apparently I can't post them in the SB anymore. :C ]]
When she bit her lip, I thought she was going to say no. If that were the case, I could easily persuade her with a kiss. Or ten. Sadly, I didn't have to go down that route because she gave me a smile that took away my breath, agreeing to start it early.
"Great." I whispered, my lips pressing against the tip of her nose before letting go of her hands and stepping back to give her some space. I lifted an eyebrow at her last statement. "And what is it you are going to show me?"
[[...So... Short. :C ]]
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7:26pm Aug 2 2012
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Sara smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose. As he released her hands, and gave her some room to breathe, she was both happy and sad. She was happy that she wasn't tempted as much, but sad that he wasn't close anymore.
She slid her hand through his and let out a light laugh. "If I told you what I was going to show you, Travis, it wouldn't be any fun. Just follow me, dear." She leaned up and lightly kissed his jaw, almost skipping towards a corner of her room.
She pressed her hand against a stone that looked particularly loose, and a panel on the wall slid down, revealing a secret passageway lit by torches. She looked back at Travis and gave him a small smile, heading into the passageway.
Ooc:// You can powerplay them walking through the passage and coming out behind a rosebush that's close to the castle. The rosebush is in the garden.
Love is all we need~
7:42pm Aug 2 2012
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I smiled at her as we intertwined our fingers, willingly letting her take me to the corner of the room. I was hoping she had something completely different in mind as she took me there, but that didn't mean curiosity wasn't aroused.
I was just about to ask why she took me over there when she moves a loose stone, showing a passageway lit by torches. I lifted an eyebrow before going inside the tunnel, following her through it.
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9:49am Aug 3 2012
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Sara walked through the tunnels, which twisted and turned. Travis probably had to stoop down in some areas, but Sara was fine. She finally came upon a spiral staircase and smiled. She hadn't used this exit in forever. It was used for emergency exits in the times before her father was king, or so she was told.
She walked along the outer edge of the staircase, making sure not to trip, her small, pale feet, which were bare now, carried her quickly and easily. She came to the bottom of it after a while, and looked around on the wall for a pull chain.
She found the chain she was looking for, and pulled it quickly, causing a part of a wall to sink down into the ground.
She smiled and walked out into the open air, coming out behind a bush that had rosebuds all over it. She turned to Travis, a smile on her face. "Don't tell anyone about the exit. You can use it to come visit me, too, if you want."
"Now, close your eyes. Don't open them."
Love is all we need~
11:37am Aug 3 2012
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I was speechless as she led me through the tunnel, ducking my head so I was at Sara's height. So this is how Sara see's the world? I smirked at her though her back was facing me, before I could finally stand up straight as the wall sank into the ground, both of us coming from the rose bush.
"Now, close your eyes. Don't open them."
I lifted an eyebrow but complied to her command, my eyes disappearing behind my lids, though I was very tempted to open them a crack to see what she was going to do.
I knew Sara would be stubborn about us being around each other, even though I knew it was wrong. But, realizing how much it hurt just to watch her go into the castle made me realize three years wouldn't be as easy as I thought, and not being around her would kill me. And if having to sneak around through this tunnel was the only way to see her then so be it. Even if I was practically asking for a death sentence doing so.
[So, I'm finally starting to do my summer goal -I'm such a fail, starting now. - by writing this role play, obviously with my own stuff and such. But, right when I was about to start, I felt the need to ask something, even though I doubt you'd say no. I'm able to use Sara right, even if she's not my character? If not, let me know. I would hate to start it and realize you wouldn't want me copying your character. ]]
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