8:58pm May 27 2012
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I frowned, completely confused. "I thought you knew how to..."
I shook my head. Women were confusing and I chose not to associate with their minds very much. They were too... Confusing.
"Alright, Princess."
I said, taking the bloody rabbit from her hands and doing the rest of the dirty work.
[[ - Time skip to after its done since I have no idea how cooking rabbits work D: - ]]
"There." I said, walking over to a canteen filled with water and taking a squirt or two on, my hands as to not waste it. Washing my hands with the modicum amount of water, I came back to the rabbit. "It won't be as good as the food you get back at the kingdom. But at least it's something."
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9:08pm May 27 2012
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Sara let out an audible sigh as the rabbit was taken from her hands, and shivered. That was gruesome, all of the blood. Nasty. Disgusting. Vile.
She looked back to Travis when he had finished cooking the rabbit, and she decided that she still didn't like how the rabbit looked, but she would have to eat it. The very idea of eating that thing, which now looked like some sort of alien, made her nearly gag.
She pulled her lips inward, and swallowed what felt like bile in her throat. "Um... I think I might skip out on this rabbit. I'm not too hungry." Any hunger in her stomach had dissipated when she saw the blood gushing from the rabbit's neck earlier.
Love is all we need~
9:13pm May 27 2012
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I frowned as I took my piece and took a bite from it without a care in the world. "You're going to be hungry later on, Princess." I said with a concerned look on my face. "I mean, I know it's not the best tasting, but I don't think your father wants us to stop whenever we get hungry or need a break. He wants us deep in this forest as possible to stay away from civilization. So we are not leaving here until you eat." I said, lifting my eyebrows and picking up the other piece and sitting next to her; handing her the piece.
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9:23pm May 27 2012
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Sara's eyes widened as Travis sat beside her, and tried to hand her a piece of the rabbit. She scooted away from him, raising her nose. "I am not going to eat this rabbit, and, by golly, I will not eat it." She put her hands on her hips, getting a bit flustered. She stood up from her seating place, and began to move away.
"And my father never said that we had to stay away from civilization. He just said that we had to get out of his kingdom. And we're out. It would never hurt if we went into town. Plus, if he didn't want us near civiilization, why would he have given me," Sara paused, digging around in her shirt for a moment. She found what she was looking for, and she turned around to face Travis again. "Why would he have given me this, hm?" She held her hand out, the gold pieces shining brightly in the sun that filtered through the branches of the trees.
Love is all we need~
9:27pm May 27 2012
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My heart raced just as she showed me what he had given her. "Princess! Why haven't you said anything before! We could have slept in the town, had actual shelter and food..." The list went on. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Maybe this mission was easier then I thought. Just live in a different town until the princess get's her act together. I sighed, those two didn't mix. She'd still be getting what she wants, so she wouldn't learn a thing from being in that town.
And then we'd never get back to the kingdom.
I sighed, and got up. Giving up on giving her the piece of rabbit, I gave her half to Ashes. "Alright then. Where to next Princess?"
I asked, already expecting the words 'the next town around' to come out of her mouth.
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9:33pm May 27 2012
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Sara smiled as she just realized that she'd found her ticket to get out of this darned forest. When Travis asked her where she wanted to go next, she smiled. "The closest town." She placed the gold back in her blouse for safe keeping, and grinned as she moved towards Travis and Ashes.
She motioned for Travis to help her up onto Ashes, given that she already knew that she wasn't capable of getting onto the black steed by herself. She wiped the grin off of her face, and sighed happily. She was going to be just fine, and be in a city for a while.
No more bloody rabbits, or lion beasts.
Love is all we need~
9:36pm May 27 2012
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[[ I have a feeling you have something up your sleeve that's gonna happen with the princess's magic...
If not, of course, what are we going to do? 'Cause they can't chill at the town the whole rp. :O]]
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10:09pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Throw your ideas at me. Yeah... It would get really boring if they were to stay at the town the entire roleplay. They've gotta be like nomads. Yeah, buddy. ;D
Love is all we need~
10:10pm May 27 2012
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[[ Well. The problem is. You see.
I'm really bad with ideas. O_O ]]
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10:16pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Oh. Yeah. You meant that I have an idea for the princess's magic. Not you. Yeah. I totally knew that. -.-' I'm so shupid.
Yes, well, I really didn't have an idea, but I'm amazing with coming up with ideas on the spot, just like I am with making plots, so.... I can have her make herself catch on fire, become a vassal for a demon, or make her conjure up another beast.
I like the vassal-for-a-demon idea. ;D
Love is all we need~
10:17pm May 27 2012
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[[ Do the demon one since we did the other one. xDDDD
Ohhh dear. Another -epicfailure- for Wolfie. LOL. ]]
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10:23pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Dun make funneh of the Wolfeh. She knows she's shupid. XD -epicfailures- are everywhere in my life.
Yay~ I get to do the demon one. <3
Yeah. I'm gonna go ahead an timeskip to when they're on the horse and junk, travelling in the woods to get to a nearby city.
Sara could feel the movement of Ashes's moment below her, and she began to almost feel her heart become in sync with the hypnotic tapping of the horse's shoes on the trail. She then felt the strangest sensation she'd ever felt.
It was like someone had just dunked her in a pail of ice. She felt her hair travel upwards, almost like she was being held up-side-down or something. And her blue eyes began to emit a ghostly light.
She felt herself rising up in the air, and she couldn't do anything about it anymore as she felt herself lose consciousness.
Ooc:// Ohnoes. She's gunna get possessed. I'm so evil to my character, and to Travis, forcing Sara to conjure up mythical beasts and become possessed.
Love is all we need~
10:34pm May 27 2012
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[[ I gotta go soon. I'll post tomorrow. :c ]
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10:35pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Nuuuuuuuuuu~
Love is all we need~
8:14am May 28 2012
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[[ Bahahahahahahaaahahhahah. Being evil to characters is what makes role playing so fun. :U ]]
It was in the afternoon now, not as cold as it was last night, so I wished I would have brought some different clothing then the armor shielding me from the sun's heat wrath. I wiped some sweat off my fore head. The weather changes down here were agonizing.
There was a comfortable silence between the Princess and I. Just as I was about to get Ashes to go a little faster so we could find civilization quicker, Princess Sara's hair blocked my view. Blinking and leaning back, I watched as her hair stood up. I wanted to laugh at first. Maybe it was the static from my armor or something. But, as she rose up in the air, I felt more panic.
What was going on?
I reached up just one millisecond too late to bring her back down. "Princess!"
I screamed, concerned laced in my voice. My heart raced as I stared up at her in the air. I've never been in this situation before. Maybe it was normal for the princess to... No. This wasn't normal.
"Princess?" I said, more of a question. She wasn't even reacting to being put up in the air. What was going on? Keeping my worries out of my mind and focusing on what was happening, I jumped from Ashes and landed on my two feet before looking back at the princess.
"Princess, I'm not sure what's going on. Answer me!"
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11:54am May 28 2012
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Sara's body floated up into the air a bit further, about five feet above Travis's head, and she went further up the path, stopping about ten feet away and turned around, her arms swinging with the sudden movement like a rag-doll's. She focused her glowing blue eyes on Travis and twirked her body parts around awkwardly, almost as if she was a marionette being controlled by a puppetmaster.
After a few seconds of that, the demon's voice came through. It sounded like a thousand voices all speaking through one mouth, the deepest voice stronger, and a voice similar to Sara's weaker.
"That's much better. Now I can control her limbs efficiently," said the demon, turning around and looking back down at Travis. "Ah, pitiful human, how scared you must be in the might of such a demon as I." Sara's lips twirked up into a smirk.
Love is all we need~
1:37pm May 28 2012
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I was trained to fight other knights. Even beasts. Never before was I trained to fight a demon - possessed Princess. "Wh-... What?" I said, my voice caught in my throat as, for the first time I was ever in battle, my knees quivered nervously. "What's going on here?" I demanded, with my sword out in the air, though I felt like a fool as I stared up at the Princess. Though I don't think it was the Princess talking to me any more.
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2:19pm May 28 2012
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The demon laughed, a sickening sound. "You're so stupid as to not recognize a possession when you see one. You and I both know what's going on here. This girl has become my vassal, and she will remain as my vassal for a while. You must have obligations to her, if you're so worried."
The demon laughed. "The brave knight and the helpless, spoiled, unempathetic princess. How cliche..." It looked down at the gown that Sara was wearing. "And I can already tell that you don't know exactly what the princess is. If you did, you probably wouldn't be with her right now." The demon smiled, revealing Sara's shiny, white teeth.
Love is all we need~
2:25pm May 28 2012
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I may have been looking at the face of Princess Sara, but now I was sure I wasn't speaking to her. "Stop with the riddles." I demanded, as my grip tightened on my sword. "Just tell me what's going on and give me back my Princess!" I yelled angrily, as I stepped forward once. I would threaten to cut the demons throat, but that throat just happened to be Princess Sara's. That wouldn't go down well with the king.
Then, the demons words came to my head again. Maybe the only way to get this over with and get back the princess was to go along with whatever the demon was doing. "Alright. What is Princess Sara then?"
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2:34pm May 28 2012
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The demon laughed sadistically. "Your princess?" It fell into a series of giggles, and Sara's hair came travelling back onto her shoulders, but her eyes were still glowing. "So she's one of your possessions? You must think that she's yours or something." It ran its hand through Sara's hair, and pulled a lock in front of its face to look at the strands.
"She really is pretty. I'm glad to have chosen such an attractive vassal."
"Oh, you don't know what she is? You really don't know what she is!?" The demon paused, moving forward to stand on the ground in front of Travis.
"This girl, 'your' princess, is a mage."
Love is all we need~