11:50am Aug 3 2012
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Ooc:// Of course you can use Sara. XD Thanks for asking, though.
Sara smiled as Travis closed his eyes. She leaned up and kissed him on the lips. It was a soft kiss, and not particularly lusty or scandalous. It was a lingering kiss, though, and she kept her lips on his for a good five seconds before pulling away. She couldn't help herself. She hadn't kissed him all day.
"Don't open your eyes yet," she said, her voice a whisper.
Grinning like the Cheshire cat, Sara made her way from behind the bush and into a lesser-known garden path. She led Travis along, her hand still in his, telling him to watch his step when she noticed uneven rocks and when there were areas that steps were at.
After several minutes of walking, Sara finally came upon the area that she loved. It was still in the rose garden, but it was hidden behind a line of hedges that were so tall and thick that most people wouldn't know it was there. She released Travis's hand, taking in the sight before her.
It was a medium-sized glistening pond that was fed by an underground spring. The water was cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. Seeing as how it was nearing winter, the pool was warm. The pond was lined with different plants and several deer that had been drinking out of it scattered as they spotted the two humans. She smiled as she looked up at Travis.
"Open your eyes now."
Love is all we need~
4:37pm Aug 3 2012
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Ooc:// ~('u'~)
Love is all we need~
4:55pm Aug 3 2012
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[[ ~('-'~) ... <<< i still find it so adorable. <<< ]]
When she kissed me, all I wanted was to hide behind that bush again and melt in her embrace. After the argument, it was all I could think about. That, of course, and the fact that her father, plus every guest at the celebration, might think she's a witch. Anxiety ate at my stomach at the thought, but I followed her command to keep my eyes closed.
I let her lead me once more, wondering what it was that she planned to show me. An image of opening my eyes to seeing her dress on the ground came to my mind, making my cheeks burn. Hopefully it wasn't that. I didn't have much self control left in me for her.
Finally, I was able to open my eyes. But I hesitated. Oh goodness. My cheeks, neck, and ears were blood red as I hesitantly opened my eyes, waiting to see Sara as every man would wish to see her-
A sigh of relief came from my lungs, though my face was still tomato red. She wasn't going to do that to me, thank goodness. I don't know what I'd do.
Instead - or at least trying to - of thinking about Sara and the things I wished she'd do yet wished she wouldn't do at the same time, I let myself take in my surroundings. I smirked at the sight. "It's quite beautiful, Sara."
I said, hoping the shaking of my hands from my worry for what I thought awaited me when I opened my eyes was not noticeable. "I've never known about this place in all my years living in the castle." I added as I wrapped an arm tightly around her waist.
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6:00pm Aug 3 2012
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Sara wondered why on earth Travis's cheeks and face were as red as the strawberries that filled the pastries at the feast. As he opened his eyes, though, the color in his cheeks began to fade. A smirk curved his lips, and Sara smiled wider. He liked it, too.
She stayed quiet for a while after he wrapped his arm around her waist, biting her lip and looking down at the ground. She put her head against his bicep and let out a sigh, enjoying the feeling of his arm snaked tightly around her middle.
"It's a well-kept secret of mine. I don't think anyone else other than you and I know of it." She looked up to her knight, smiling. "It's not easy to find, either, so we're safe here." She wiggled out of the grasp of his arm, turning so that she was in front of him.
She wrapped both of her arms around him in an embrace, burying her face in his chest. "Travis.... It's going to be a long three years..." She sighed against the muscles of his torso.
Love is all we need~
6:39pm Aug 3 2012
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My mind went to a completely different place then hers probably was at her saying that we were safe here. Safe from people catching us in the pond? Maybe kissing like we had done in the woods? I suppressed a smile at the thought of being able to come out here anytime, with out worrying of anyone coming to bother us...
Except the demon of course. We still had to figure out a way to get that demon out. "I know..." I said, wrapping my arms around her as she buried her face in my chest. So she was thinking about those long three years too? I swallowed, keeping my eyes on the pond. She needed a rock right now, not someone who was sulking at not getting his way. "But it will be alright. We can see each other here once in a while." I didn't know how long, or how many times we could but at least she found us a secret spot. I had forced the upbeatness in my tone for good measure.
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7:14pm Aug 3 2012
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Sara was glad that Travis wrapped his arms around her. He was so strong.... She wanted to just curl up against him and sleep. Or to kiss him until she passed out. Or until he passed out. She pulled her face away from his chest to look up at him with her eyes shining.
"Yeah. At least we can see each other." She smiled and stood on her tip-toes, kissing his jaw softly, and then lightly pressing her lips against his, wanting to get up to his level so that she didn't have to crane her neck. She wanted to forget about everything sad.
She wanted to forget about their quarrels and their small fights. To forget anything negative about this. She wanted to pretend for just a small moment that they didn't have to wait three whole years.
Love is all we need~
12:20pm Aug 4 2012
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[[ I'm not going to be on Res for a bit. I believe you're the only one I actively role play with on here other then Serenity, so if you could just let Blarg know, that'd be great. Once I come back, we can see if you're still interested in keeping our 3 role plays going. I don't really know how long I'll be gone, but I'll be back soon once I get some things straightened out. ]]
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12:30pm Aug 4 2012
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Ooc:// Everyone on Res will miss you~~~ ;~; I'll let Blarg know for you. I'll always be willing to continue our role-plays. ;3
Love is all we need~
12:40pm Aug 4 2012
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[[Thank you, Murr. C: If the staff - or whoever looks at it - likes my application and I get the job for SB Mod, you'll obviously see me around. But only around the SB once in a while around the week. So it isn't really like a Hiatus. c: But, if I don't get the job, well yeah then you can call it a long Hiatus. Until then~ <33333333333333 ]
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3:18pm Aug 10 2012
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[[Homg. I'm back a lot earlier then I thought. I thought it would be like a year thing but hey. I realized I need role playing. ;-;
Plus. Now you can accept my kisses anytime I kiss you now. c: It's worth coming back. ]]
Once again, Princess Sara used her ability to make me forget about my problems. Just a soft brush of her lips against my mouth made the words 'Alone' etched in my head in a dangerous way. I kissed her back just as softly, hoping she knew the last thing I'd be able to do is control myself here. With a romantic, night (?) scene.
Abruptly, I let go of her lips and swirled a blonde curl around my fingers. "How do you think you're father is going to react about what happened?"
I said close to a whisper with how close we were.
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3:25pm Aug 10 2012
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Sara was glad that Travis didn't see this as being as dangerous as it really was. He kissed her back, though it was soft and controlled. She was grateful for that. Less temptation for them both, though Sara must have been being pretty torturous to her knight.
As he pulled away and twirled a lock of her curly hair around his index finger, Sara felt goosebumps rise on her skin. She loved to have her hair messed with. It was part of the reason that she enjoyed it when the maids did her hair.
His question caught her off guard, and she debated on evading it. She didn't really know the answer to it, but she had some ideas on how her father was reacting.
"Perhaps he'll dismiss it as a candle falling on me after the wine was spilled. Perhaps he'll think that I'm a witch, and that I can do dark magic. Perhaps he'll disown me. Maybe he'll support me if he knows about my powers..." She bit her bottom lip and looked up at Travis.
"I don't know, Travis. I don't know what he's going to do about this. I'm scared."
Love is all we need~
11:03am Aug 11 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[[ Do you love my banner? ;-; Or was you throwing that slush at me your reaction to the banner? xDD]]
When she first spoke of ideas, I was relieved she didn't speak of the worst of the worst. Instead, she spoke of my hopeful idea of the candle falling. My hopes were soon crashed as she said the obvious, her father thinking she was a witch, doing dark magic, or disowning him. Supporting her powers sounded like lunacy but didn't I support it? Love is a powerful thing, and if his love towards his daughter was pure and real, maybe he would understand.
"I am too."
I admitted, chewing on my lip nervously. But what if his love towards his daughter wasn't strong? I mean, he did send her away and she almost got killed plenty of times. What if he does disown her?
Well, that's when I would give in to running away with her that's for sure. Take her as far away from him as possible.
"We can't think that way though, love. If we think the worst, the worst will surely happen." I pressed my lips to her cheek, keeping myself close after I did. "Because there is a possibility he'll accept you. I do."
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3:55pm Aug 11 2012
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Sara's confidence about the situation didn't rise when Travis said that he was scared, too. Travis was large. Possibly twice Sara's size. What was he to be scared of? After all, she was the one that this was being centered around. She could be disowned. She could be declared a witch. Travis had nothing to worry about.
But she doubted that her father would disown her or declare her a witch. Her father loved her- she had seen it in the way that he hugged her when she returned. Her father's warm arms had never been so welcoming. She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed him.
As Travis kissed her cheek, she bit her lip, and kept close to him. He was more welcoming than her father. Though he had his quirks, so did she. He put up with hers, and she put up with his. They were complimentary to each other.
"You have no clue how hard it is not to kiss you right now, Travis," she said, looking up at him.
Ooc:// Your siggy. I want to burn it with fire.
But I'll get you back. >D
Love is all we need~
8:36pm Aug 12 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[[ I'm really scared about this banner. I can't think of anything I said that was embarrassing to you. D: WHAT WILL YOU PUT?
...Post... Coming... ]]
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8:54pm Aug 12 2012
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Ooc:// I'm going to put, "Ch- That awkward kiss-scene person. Yeah. I support her awkward kiss scenes. ;D" Not really all that embarrassing, but I think it's funny.
Love is all we need~
9:09pm Aug 12 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[[... HHAAHAHAHA. YES OMG. That's epic. For the win. Do eeet.
You really think my kiss scenes are awkward? :O WHY? D:
Alright. That's it. No more kiss scenes for Travis and Sara. :I ]]
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9:19pm Aug 12 2012
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Ooc:// It's not me that thinks they're awkward. It's Vin and Blood that make fun of you.
I'm the one that told you that your kiss scenes were epic.
But I have to make fun of you somehow, since your banner is teasing me.
So why not do it over kiss scenes?
Love is all we need~
9:55pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ I'm still wondering why they make fun of me. Like. I just don't get it. We all do kissing scenes 'round here. :O
B-BUT... Okay. Well, Travis may not be able to resist, but I'll be feeling self conscious the whole time. :I]]
"You have no clue how hard it is not to kiss you right now, Travis,"
I shivered, brushing my nose against hers once. I don't think she realized how badly I wanted to kiss her either. But it was so dangerous.
And we are alone.
But it was just asking for trouble.
And we are alone. We could get caught! But, we're alone right now...
But what kind of respect would I have for her if I took every moment we had alone to kiss?
But we were alone...!
In less then a second, both palms were pressed against her cheeks, a desperate groan escaping my lips as I let go of resistance of self control, my lips finding hers in a rough kiss. I pressed her against the tree behind her ( He seems to be always pinning her down somewhere. :I), keeping my open mouth against hers in a delicious angle.
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10:20pm Aug 12 2012
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Ooc:// I already told you that people are always going to giggle with kiss scenes. You're just willing to delve into them more than others are. Therefore, your kiss scenes seem more personal, which isn't a bad thing, and are interesting.
Sara listened as the silence ensued. It was a nice silence, and she'd expected an answer from him sooner or later. She looked into the eyes the entire time the silence went on. She couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from his.
As Travis's hands were placed on her cheeks, and he let out a groan of desperation, she noted how that groan brought chills to rise on her skin. They were a truly volatile combination. Like fire and oil. Like lightning and a metal sword. A combination just bound for something bad, or terribly good, to happen.
As his lips pressed against hers, and she was pinned against a tree behind her, she was very aware of where they were. Nobody would know they were there. Nobody would see them. Nobody would hear them. Nobody knew. She put her hands on his chest, clenching the fabric of his shirt in her hands, and wrapping her leg around his.
She moved her lips against his and let her hands roam from his chest, to his biceps, to his neck, and up to his hair. She angled her head upwards and sank her teeth lightly into his lower lip, forgetting about any consequences for a moment.
For once, Sara was just a normal teenage girl. She was no mage. No demon-possessed child. No brat. Just a girl. A girl that was madly in love.
Love is all we need~
10:20pm Aug 12 2012 (last edited on 10:20pm Aug 12 2012)
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Stupid double post.
Love is all we need~