10:22pm Aug 12 2012
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[[Oh wait, I remember this conversation. You have to remember it's close to midnight where I am. -facepalm- I gotchu. |D -loves on-
SO. How's that banner going?
...Post coming. :I ]
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10:24pm Aug 12 2012
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Ooc:// I'm giving up on making the banner for now. Photoshop keeps screwing me over. :I Yeah.
So, I'm not messing around with photoshop until my computer decides it wants to be nice to me. And that may be a while, knowing my computer. >.>
Myeah. It's like.... I'm in sync with res-time.
Love is all we need~
10:30pm Aug 12 2012
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[[...OMG. Remember when I was like 'None of my names for the creatu are working and they are green! D:' on the SB. And then I told you and GingerNut how I put the name as 'Schmexy Murr' just to try it and it randomly worked?
The creatu has vanished. I can't find him/her. -weeps and dies in a hole-
Aw that sucks, Murr. :c I hope you get it fixed.<33333 ]]
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10:43pm Aug 12 2012
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Aww mess...... Well, I'm sure it'll show up. Stuff like that's happened to me before. The creatu showed up a week later on my profile. XD
Well, I hope you find him~ And I'll be awaiting your post.
Love is all we need~
10:46pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ I'll post tomorrow. <3 I'm getting off soon.
I know, I'm really sad. That was my favorite one. ;-; I'll make a creatu with the name it after you again tomorrow when I hatch. c; ]]
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10:47pm Aug 12 2012
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Ooc:// ;~; Wat. Wait. You can't leave me~~~
I have insomniaaaaa~~~ Please~ Just one post? And then I'll leave you alone.
Love is all we need~
11:07pm Aug 12 2012
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[[You're lucky you got possessive of me in the SB, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside like I just swallowed a hamster. Or I'd be sleeping right now. >.> ]
I smiled against her lips as she accepted my kiss. I was hoping she'd be the smart one and tell me to let go. I guess we both needed to let the wall down a little and enjoy what we could. Either that, or we just couldn't resist well.
I kept one hand caressing her cheek as the other one slid down the curve of her neck that I have yet to explore fully, over her shoulder, and started going up and down her arm in a slowly. I growled as her teeth sunk into my lip, my hand that was touching her arm up and down slipping under her arm and around her waist, pulling her against me until there was not an inch left of distance.
Once again, I let myself find the passion I had in the woods, forgetting my surroundings. Forgetting the beautiful scenery or the fact that her father could be looking for his daughter right now. I forgot we could be caught - even though it was a low possibility, with us so hidden here. I explored her mouth like I had before, nibbling her lip, when I got the chance to let go of her lips, with a playful grin on my face.
My heart was racing, and my lips were close to hurting, yet it was too pleasurable to notice much, with how hard and desperate I kissed her. She'd tell me if she wanted me to stop. But what if I couldn't? I hummed, my fingers tracing small circles on her back the way she had done to my chest. Pay back, you could say. But pleasurable pay back.
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11:30pm Aug 12 2012
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Sara's lips started to ache after a few moments of kissing. Though, the thought of being able to continue for a few more minutes made her forget about the pain. She just wanted for those three years to hurry up and pass by. She didn't want to have to wait anymore. She wanted to be married, and have children on the way.
She felt her thoughts diminish as her knight nibbled on her lip lightly, and a soft moan suppressed her lips. She clenched his hair in her hands as he decided to explore her mouth for a while. When she could, she did the same, and she slowed her lips eventually, finally realizing how they were aching.
She pulled her lips from his slowly, moving to kiss his jaw once, nipping the skin there, and then placing her cheek on his collar bone, her face buried in his neck. She nuzzled the crook of his neck slightly, and then let out a sigh, her breath dusting over the skin there.
"I had to stop. I was getting out of breath," she said, licking her lips. It was half of the truth. She was out of breath, as indicated by her rising and falling chest as she inhaled and exhaled. She was fully aware of how close she and Travis were, and she liked it. This way, he would never end up in a dungeon.
Love is all we need~
10:50am Aug 13 2012
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[[ Post coming. But. Here. Look!:
Blonde Female Roditore hatched on 2012-08-13 10:00:12 
Congratulations! You have successfully named your creatu SchmexyMurr.
xD I guess it never really worked because when I wrote SchmexyMurr, it was green. xD ]]
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11:07am Aug 13 2012
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Ooc:// Ermagerd.
You named.
A blonde rodi.
After me.
I feel so loved. ;~; <3
Love is all we need~
11:44am Aug 13 2012
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[ YUP. <3 'Cause you're that amazin'. LOL. "Have children on the way." Is that all our characters can think about? xD ]
I was no where near ready to slow my lips but I mirrored hers, not wanting to be pushy. My arm tightened around her waist, the other hand pulling away from her cheek and onto the back of her head, my fingers twisting gently in her hair.
I said in a husky voice, but I think it was obvious I was not apologetic, that playful grin off of my lips but in my eyes. It was kisses like those that told me I could wait three years. But it was when we broke apart that reminded me three years was a long time.
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12:27pm Aug 13 2012
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Ooc:// That blonde rodi- You shall love him forever. D< YOU HEAR ME?
Sara shivered as Travis twirled her blonde curls around his fingers. She let out a small smile, wishing that they never had to move away from one another. That they could just enjoy eachother's warmth for years. But it would be years until they could do just that. Three of them.
She let out a small giggle at his apology, wondering why on earth he was apologizing. She had sort of asked for the kiss, and she enjoyed it quite a bit. There was no need to apologize. Though, by Travis's husky tone, she knew that he didn't really mean it. She didn't mind.
"We have to go back in a few minutes, Travis," Sara whispered, her tone a bit sad. She didn't want to go back. She wrapped her arms around him, enjoying their closeness.
Love is all we need~
9:13am Aug 14 2012 (last edited on 9:13am Aug 14 2012)
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[[... This is me to you. I'll put my reply on a different post. I just found this on facebook this morning and thought you'd appreciate this.]]
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9:16am Aug 14 2012
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[[ I will love him forever. :I I promise! ]]
I hated the reminder. We had to go in a few minutes. Probably sooner then that because her father. How long had we been out here? I practically forgotten how we had gotten out here once that kiss started.
I squeezed her waist tight one moment before letting my arms go to my sides. "Yeah, we should probably go."
Her father will want to talk to her, I guessed. I swallowed, worry for her etched in my features. "It'll be alright, though."
I said, but only for encouragement for myself.
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11:08am Aug 14 2012 (last edited on 11:22am Aug 14 2012)
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Ooc:// You better. D< He's got my name~
And that picture. Is pure adorableness. I love bulldogs. <3 They're the local college's mascot.
Sara smiled as Travis held her tighter, then slowly released her, his arms brushing past her waist and returning to his sides. She moved her arms from wherever they had traveled to and placed them back at her own sides. Her blue eyes looked up into Travis's green ones.
"I guess I should go back. My father may be looking for me.... He won't ask where I've gone. He respects my privacy that much," she said, not moving her eyes from his. Her eyes traveled down to her feet slowly, and she bit her lip.
"I'll find a way to tell you when we'll be able to meet here again, okay?" She moved her arm from her side to place her palm on his cheek, a light smile playing on her lips. "Perhaps I'll get a servant to do it. Tell them that since traveling for you, you've become a close friend. A male servant won't suspect a thing, so I'll be sure to get a boy to do it."
Love is all we need~
11:40am Aug 16 2012
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[[I'm so not used to your avatar having anything but blonde hair. :P |DDD ]]
I smiled back at her, wishing I could get lost in her blue orbs for just a couple more moments. Oh, how I wished we were still in the woods. My ex pression was sullen, though I kept my smiling eyes. How I wished she wasn't the princess, how she had nothing here to look forward too, so we could run away with out any worry of ever being found.
I shook away the thoughts. Though she has said she will run away no matter what, I would do my best not to believe it. Three years is a long time. Three years could change the woman before me. Only a couple months has changed her from being spoiled, what would years do to her?
I frowned, my lips pressing hard against her forehead before backing away. This wasn't the time to worry. We'd see each other here; and she needed time to be with her father, whom she hasn't seen in way to long. All I could do now was hope that someday we'd find a way to be together, with out me taking her from all she had here.
"Sounds like a plan, love."
I said, a small smile on my face. Close friends we were. Grabbing her hand, I gently pulled her, though not to lead her to the door of her staircase. But to lead her to my chest. I once again wrapped my arms around her in an abrupt embrace. I wouldn't tell her my worries. Of how three years could be the death of me. Of how the battles I would be put into could take my life. Of how running away was not the best thing for her. Of how three years could lead her to a prince.
I couldn't tell her. Because we had just made everything alright. I tightened my hold on her, hiding my face in her hair before being just as abrupt as I had when the hug started, letting her go, grabbing her hand, to take her to the bush where we had appeared from the staircase before.
[[ :I You can power play him leaving her room to go to the knight quarters if you need to. ]]
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12:02pm Aug 16 2012
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Ooc:// Before, she had white hair, but white hair didn't look right with the Reiflem Rocker bangs, so I switched it to black. XD
I'm currently braindead at the moment for this rp.
Will post later today.
Love is all we need~
12:12pm Aug 16 2012
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[[ Right, not blonde. That's what I meant. xD Whenever you can. xD This role play being momentarily paused gives me the opportunity to post on other role plays.
On a side note, do you remember how Sara's mom died, by any chance? I don't think it was ever clarified, but I know she's dead. ]]
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11:30am Aug 18 2012
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[[ Bump. Post whenever, love.<3 But. Since I had to get my fix of Sara x Travis somewhere, I FINALLY started the prologue. |D And, I'm going on vacation for the whole week, so you have a long time to post. Keep this bumped, love? D: Plus, those other rps. I really wanted to keep them going. I will get to them when I get back. :I ]]
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1:41pm Aug 18 2012
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Ooc:// I'm going to procrastinate for a while. Perhaps I'll post tomorrow or the day after. XD
Love is all we need~