2:15pm Aug 18 2012
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[[ Whenever. You deserve some procrastination as well. :I ]]
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7:27pm Aug 23 2012
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Just bumping up. I found internet at my random vacation. But it's so slow I'll be posting on role plays when I get back. But I just thought I'd bump. ;D
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8:36pm Aug 23 2012
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Ooc;// Since all they'll be doing is walking to Sara's room, perhaps we could time-skip to a better time in the roleplay?
There should totally be a banquet, and that's when Sara's father will announce that she'll be leaving the castle to go to the nearest school of magic, which is far, far away from the kingdom. And he'll also announce that Travis will go with her. :D
Love is all we need~
11:11am Aug 27 2012
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[[ Ohhh yeaah. Do that. ;D I started classes today so I won't be on as much. Just lettin' you know, I can't remember if I already told you. D; ]]
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7:06pm Aug 29 2012
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Ooc:// I'll just skip to the ball, then.
Sara had been dreading this ball. It was a larger event than her returning home banquet, and the food was more extravagant, with flower-shaped fruit and trays of various cooked sea-creatures that had been imported from a good ways away. She looked curiously at a creature that had claws, which had been set on ice. After a moment of unsuccessfully trying to put a name to the thing, she turned around and sighed.
She wasn't wearing much makeup, much to Genevieve's dismay- her stepmother had tried to get her to wear full makeup. However, Genevieve made sure that Sara had on enough to where her eyes popped, and her lips looked beautiful. Her eyes had been shaded in with a dark brown colored powder, and lined lightly and thinly with a soft black pencil. Her lashes were naturally dark, so she wore nothing over the thick, fluttering hairs that sprouted from her lids.
Her full lips were stained a dark pink by some sort of concoction the queen had made up. She claimed that it lasted longer. Her dress was beautiful, being a light shade of blue that matched her eyes perfectly, with ivory-colored lace that accented the light blue fabric. It was long, as usual, going down to her ankles, and modestly covered her chest, though it left enough to be seen so that she wouldn't be considered a nun of sorts.
Her curly blonde hair had been pulled back into a sort of braided bun, with her bangs, which had grown out since she had left the kingdom, and needed trimming, in her face. Though, she didn't want her bangs to be trimmed again. She would let them grow out, she decided.
She leaned against a wall impatiently. Why she was always required to be at these balls so early was beyond her. It wasn't like the people would miss her so much they would die if she showed up on time, right? Her father and step-mother's logic evaded her, but she didn't argue. She hardly ever argued with her parents now that she had matured, though Genevieve sometimes tempted her.
She'd been told that not as many princes would be attending, and that only the ones from the closest of kingdoms would come. Of course, several had spent the night at the castle, too, so.... She wasn't sure how many would be here. She just cared about Travis. Would he be arriving soon? She sure hoped so.
Ooc;// So, for a plot twist, I think that while Sara's at mage school, Travis should be called by the king via a letter off to a battle. And he'll disappear for a while, and Sara will think he's dead. And then one day he just shows up, and it turns out that the king's men were betrayed by the knight commander. >D
Love is all we need~
9:45pm Nov 11 2012
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Love is all we need~
10:15pm Nov 11 2012
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I shall update with all of our posts tomorrow. I am on my kindle. c8
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11:58am Nov 12 2012
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CH :
My worries had kept me awake the rest of the night. Before Sara came into my life, I could easily push something like this out of my head with out a problem. I didn't have so much feelings, and it made me kind of sick with myself. I mean; when was the last time I had cried before leaving with the princess? Right; never. But the idea of waiting three years for her hand made me blubber. Where was my masculinity? I guessed it was the idea that she'd find another man in those three years. Or the idea that her father would find out what was going on between us and have a fiery rage. Though we were both upset about the circumstances, I didn't think of the princess staying up half the night with the same worries as my own. I think she's in a state where she believes we will be together no matter what. She never said such, but I like to believe that she is still the naive girl she was before.
That wasn't the only thing keeping me from sleep. My old friends kept me up, asking me what it was like being alone with the princess for so long. I had simply rolled over, my back to them, and tried falling asleep in the cot as they chuckled. But I wished I could explain the thrills. Even the low times, like our first dillemma, a beast coming out of nowhere and all I had was a sword to protect us, was like a memory to me. We lived, didn't we? Or, when we rode on Ashes after Capricornia ran away, the first time I held her...
If the guys heard this, they'd be laughing up a storm. A couple of them expected I hated the journey, being with her once big mouth and all. Others had mischievous looks, like they thought I had my way with her or something else. Though they were close, they were wrong. I brushed them all off, and tried falling asleep. Though, as I said, I couldn't with the worries clouding my mind.
I now walked with two other knights as we made our way to the ballroom. We were dressed up in our 'knight gear', and I gladly wasn't in a dressy outfit the way I was at Arnold's kingdom. The thought of the place in general made me squirm. Walking into the ballroom, my eyes immediately focused on Sara. She was like a glinting mirror, catching my eyes anytime she was in the room. A goofy smile came to my lips at the sight of her, like a teenage boy first learning how to look at a beautiful woman and acting casual at the same time, before looking back at my friends who had already started walking to their spots by all of the doors in the ballroom. I went to my usual spot, my eyes once again easily finding the princess once my hands were locked behind my back. I smirked at her from across the ballroom, but from our distance, it looked like I could be smiling at anyone to the knights beside me, thankfully.
My mind went back to a couple weeks before ( I mean, she just had a banquet, so I'm guessing the king waited awhile before giving another?) when she was completely humiliated in more ways then one at the last banquet. I hoped she wasn't thinking back on that after seeing all of the familiar faces from the last banquet. From what I know, her father gave no inclination that he was going to suspect anything else other then a candle falling on her.
I wondered what this banquet would be for, anyways. The king gave random banquets, but not so soon. Yet again, the king sent his daughter away from months, so he was a bit... Odd in the head with his ways.
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11:59am Nov 12 2012
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Murr: Sara hadn't been standing there in the room for long when she caught sight of a certain black-haired, green-eyed knight. Travis. Her Travis. She grinned and couldn't help but immediately compose herself afterward. She didn't want any of the maids seeing her all smiling and happy for no apparent reason. They'd think she had wine or something. Though, wine did sound nice. Despite having been a part of numerous banquets and royal get-together's, she was nervous about this particular one. She had a strange boiling feeling in her stomach, as if something was about to attack her.
Still, she knew that wouldn't happen.
As more and more guests came in, she found herself being surrounded by princes, as usual. They all asked her questions about herself, as if she were some bachelorette up for auction. She answered them sincerely, with a fake smile on her face. All of them were fake. Every single one of the princes. Plus, she was a bit afraid to marry a prince now, after the whole fiasco with Prince Arnold and such. She felt an involuntary shudder go down her spine at the thought of how he locked Travis up in a cell, making him suffer while he knew that his love would marry another.
She swallowed a lump in her throat, and angled her head down to look at her feet. And, as a few songs started, Sara made her way away from the princes, though they would occasionally catch her by the arm and ask for a dance, which she obliged to do, but she wished she wasn't required to. After the third or fourth bout of song, she wiggled her way over to a door that led up to a balcony above the dancing area, and sat down against the wall, completely out of sight.
Her stomach was doing flips. Maybe her father was going to send her off again? Perhaps he would announce an arranged marriage? She wasn't sure. She just wanted to curl up until she was required to go back down. No. She wished that she had Travis right there so that she could wrap her arms around him, and his arms wrap around her. And they would hold each other. But such fantasies as that rarely came true for Sara. She was a princess, and Travis was a knight.
The only way that they would ever be able to do things such as that would be if she were to run away with him, which she fully planned on doing some time in the future. But, until then, Sara was stuck dancing and smiling at princes, all in the hopes that her love for someone of a lesser ti tle would be overlooked until the very day that she ran away with Travis.
"Oh gosh," She mumbled to herself, rubbing her temples, which were exposed due to her bangs having been pulled back with several jewel-encrusted bobby pins.
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11:59am Nov 12 2012
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The second Sara disappeared from the ballroom, I had already taken my first step towards her. A knight beside me gave me no mind. I was the king's best knight, no lower leveled knight would question me. Still, I felt like I had to be careful. If anyone noticed the Princess's disappearance, and then mine, who knows what they'd think. And the last thing I wanted was for her reputation to suffer.
It killed me to watch the princes to go the princess. They were like vultures, eating every word she said, eyes gorging in every detail of her face. It made me sick. I wished I was a Prince for just one day to be able to go to her and claim her mine, so no other would even think of taking her. But, as a knight, all I could do was watch with envy as they took her hand and danced.
But, finally I saw her disappear and I immediately followed. Going to a door, I opened it and followed her up, though she was already out of sight, I knew this was where she disappeared to. Walking up the stairs, the dancing, laughing, and music were slowly fading away as I finally came to the balcony. "Sara?" I whispered, coming deeper in.
I went to the edge of the balcony, knowing she was up here so not even trying to look with it so dark. Putting a hand on the railing, I waited to finally hear her voice that was so busy with the other Princes downstairs just moments before.
[[Short. :o ]]
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11:59am Nov 12 2012
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Sara sat up on the balcony for a while, listening to the dancing down below. The subtle movement of feet, the soft sound of chatter, and the floating, spindling music that filled the room. Her eyes were closed, and she didn't hear anything. The doors were well-oiled, so when Travis entered the balcony, the hinges didn't squeak or screech or squeal in protest of metal grinding against metal.
With the music downstairs playing softly, she could barely hear her name whispered. But she didn't even need to open her eyes to hear who it was. She knew good an well who that voice belonged to. That sexy voice that belonged to a particular black-haired, green-eyed, tall, brave knight that held her very heart in his hands. She was in the shadows that were caused by the lights not being too bright up in the balcony, so she was sure that Travis couldn't see her.
And, deciding to be a bit devious, she moved forward, making sure to stay behind Travis, and suddenly wrapped her arms around his stomach, pressing her cheek against his back, letting out a long sigh. If he would have struggled, she would have easily been thrown off. Though, she doubted that he would struggle against an embrace of hers. Especially a hug that held such warmth and longing as this one.
Her voice was just barely audible over the humming violins. "I knew you'd find some way to me," she said, rubbing her cheek against his spine. "You look nice in those clothes. Brave. Handsome." Her voice turned warmer on the last few words. Not that she meant for it to do that, anyway.
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12:00pm Nov 12 2012
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For a moment, I thought that Sara truly wasn't up here and somehow I had gotten lost. Either way, I stayed where I was, staring over the balcony, gladly rid of the people downstairs. The images of those princes sucking up every word Sara said, stealing every chance they had to get just a glance from her. They all made me sick. A knot rose in my stomach at an image of one catching her eye, sweeping her off her feet, taking her to the alter, marrying her and having her become his bride.
I leaned my elbows against the railing of the balcony. Three years... I closed my eyes, just about to cover my head in my hands in a show of desperation when slender arms wrapped around my waist. I knew it was my Sara the second I felt her. A soft smile came to my lips of contentment, and all stiffness in my body from my previous thoughts soon relaxed; only thing being on my mind was her.
"You look nice in those clothes. Brave. Handsome."
I smirked, turning to face her, but keeping my hands on her arms to keep them tight around my waist. I smiled down at her, leaning down to kiss her forehead but just as my lips just barely brushed against the skin, I hesitated and looked at the entrance way of the balcony warily, unwrapping her arms from me. "Maybe we should be more careful." I murmured, green eyes staying on the entrance. What was I thinking, coming up here? I missed her, that's what. I missed waking up every day to look forward to another one of those tempting kisses we tended to have every day through out our journey. I missed being alone with her; talking to her; ha! Even getting drunk with her. I missed her. When it was just me, her, and Ashes, I didn't have to worry about stupid princes - other then Arnold. But he was history now.
I looked back down at her though, giving her another one of my fake smiles that I had lately. "You look beautiful, Princess. I couldn't take my eyes off you."
Well, her beauty sure. And the fact that those vultures were unclothing her with their eyes. I clenched my jaw, my chest visibly moving as I breathed heavily. They just made me angry. I just wanted to marry Sara. Envy was such a sick feeling. Leaning back against the railing, my head lay low, looking at my feet. "This is going to be a long three years, Sara." I said, all traces of a fake smile gone from my lips.
[[I missed playing Travis. |D So I probably repeated the same thing as before. lolololololol. ]]
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12:00pm Nov 12 2012
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Sara let out a loud sigh when her love relaxed in her arms. He turned around, still managing to keep her arms wrapped around him. Her eyes closed as he pressed his lips just barely against the crown of her head. He had hesitated, and then pulled her arms off of him. She felt suddenly disappointed as he mentioned being careful.
Pah. Being careful was for people who didn't have fun. Still, she wouldn't argue with Travis. The last time she'd argued with Travis, he'd gone all mad and scary on her. Though, he hadn't harmed her a bit. She was glad of that aspect.
She glanced over at the door- the one that Travis had been looking worriedly at. With some concentration, and a lazy flick of her hand, the latch to the door locked, keeping any outsiders out of the balcony. Her eyes became half-lidded as she looked at Travis again, a smug smile on her face. Seeing as how he'd probably have questions about what she just did, she decided to explain.
"I've had a bit of time to mess around with magic. I learned that if you concentrate on an ob ject, imagine what you want it to do, and then do a motion to imitate you want it to do, the ob ject will do just what you wanted. I learned that when I had gotten into bed and forgotten to lock the door. It was so wonderfully warm under the covers that I just didn't want to get up. And that got me thinking." She concluded her explanation soundly, taking several steps towards Travis.
Seeing as how he was leaning back against the railing, she was in the perfect position to torture him a bit- it had become almost like a sport to her. And it wasn't like Travis didn't enjoy it or anything. She took several more steps forward, her toes touching Travis's before she placed her hands on the railing, too, leaning against him. "Now, we don't have to be careful. Nobody can get up here, now."
Oh gosh Sara's so evil. XD
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12:01pm Nov 12 2012
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When her hand lifted, my eyes looked down at Sara, surprised when I heard the door lock. At first I thought it was someone playing with the door to open it up, but once the realization struck me, a wide grin vanished any features of depression from my face. The happiness that she was accepting and learning how to use her powers was soon forgotten as she started stepping towards me. I swallowed, leaning as far back as I could against the railing and hoping she'd understand by the signals I made that this was not the place. With her father right down a stairway and tons of guest and princes that'll soon be looking for her.
My breathing hitched as she leaned closer, her arms stretching out to grab the railing. So close to me. Oh so close... Swallowing, I bit on my lip. "Princess." I said shaking my head. "They could easily unlock it. And... And they could catch us. And that could ruin your reputation. And..." She made me flustered. Clenching my jaw, I looked down at her; my defenses failing. Honestly, the only reason why I was resistant was because the more I kissed her, the more I wanted her. And the more I wanted her, the more I realized how long three years was. And once I realized how long that was, I noticed a little bit more how easily she caught another mans eyes. And when she caught another mans eyes, I wanted to kiss her and claim her mine.
It was a horrid cycle that had me dizzy.
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12:01pm Nov 12 2012
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Sara was surprised that Travis was resisting. She had thought that he wouldn't resist at all. That he would actually enjoy this. But, he gave a good point. The door locked from the side that they were on, but still- if there were a person with enough of a knack for lock-picking, they would easily be discovered. She wrapped her arms around her knight, allowing herself one indulgence. She took in a deep breath, and then let it out.
"Alright, alright." She kept him in an embrace for several seconds before loosening her arms and finally letting Travis go. She kept her toes pressed against his, not wanting to move too far away. "I'm sorry about that. You're just. So fun to mess with." She gave him a mischievous smile, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear.
"So, Capricornia is doing well." She thought to start up a new conversation. "My father is trying to find a worthy stallion to breed her with. He's considering Ashes as a sire for Capricornia's spawn, but he hasn't mentioned it to you yet." She licked her lips. "Though, he's also considering importing one of Prince Arnold's white stallions to breed her with..." She looked down, and her hands shook momentarily. "But I don't think he'll have a horse moved all the way from the prince's kingdom just for Capricornia..."
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12:01pm Nov 12 2012
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When she wrapped her arms around me, I thought she wouldn't listen. And I wanted her to so badly not to listen to me; yet I wanted her to at the same time. I wrapped strong arms around her, my cheek laying on top of her head as I enjoyed the scent of my wonderful princess's locks. "Alright, alright." I smirked, letting her go as she said that. The funny thing was, when she tried to not tempt me, she was the most tempting. She licked her lips and I almost missed half of what she said; my eyes transfixed on her mouth so close to me still.
At the mention of Prince Arnold, though her mouth was always on my mind, my eyes did snap back up to her eyes. "Ashes would be a better suit. We can't have anything to do with that kingdom, Sara." I said, my voice getting just as low as hers had when she first spoke to me. Wrapping a protective arm around her waist, I ignored how I'd just said that I didn't want to do anything with her tonight. "I don't care if it's just a horse. We can't have any part of Prince Arnold's kingdom here. It's... Dangerous ground." Just thinking of Prince Arnold reminded me of when he locked me in that dungeon, telling me how the Princess was to get married. The thought just made me more angry. If I was ever with in sight of that horrid man, I'd take my sword and track him down, slice his head off, and keep it as a trophy.
[[Baby sitting so I can't edit this. Sorry for mistakes. 8I ]]
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12:02pm Nov 12 2012
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Tis fine.
Sara agreed silently with Travis as he said that Ashes would be a better match, and that they couldn't have anything to do with Prince Arnold's kingdom. What he said was so true. So ridiculously true. Her blue eyes closed as she listened, not saying a word in response. Just the thought of Prince Arnold made her want to go back and burn the word 'Liar' on his forehead, too. Then he wouldn't ever be able to hide it. The thought made her lips curve upward slightly.
As she felt Travis's arm wrapped around her slender waist, she was startled. So now he wanted to touch her? It was confusing, but Sara wasn't complaining. She wasn't complaining at all. She pressed her cheek against his chest, blinking several times to keep herself calm. When he repeated how they couldn't have anything to do with that kingdom, she nodded, nuzzling herself closer to Travis. Her arms wrapped around him again, and she bit her lip.
"I completely agree with you."
And with that, Sara prayed that the topic would die off. She regretted even bringing it up in the first place. It brought back nothing but sorrow, despair, and fright. That man had locked her knight up, convinced her to marry him, saying that Travis wanted her to do just that, and drugged her in order to ensure that she was cooperative.
Never again did she ever want to have dealings with that blonde-haired prince.
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12:06pm Nov 12 2012
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[[ Did you ever get my email that responded to your post? ^^ I don't have it. -flails angrily- I'm looking through my email, but it's not showing that I sent it anywhere. it's saying that your post is the last post. D8< ]]
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4:13pm Nov 12 2012
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The thing about my old e-mail is that it somehow screwed up, so I had it deleted. Every time I would log in, my computer would crash. Stupid spazzing computer.
So, in short, no.
I don't have it.
I did have it, though. If that makes you feel any better knowing that.
But blame it all on my spazzy computer.
All because of it, I had to make a new e-mail. :I
Love is all we need~
5:49pm Nov 12 2012
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[[ ;-; I just realized I never posted LOL. After your post, I told you I didn't know what to post that would be worth putting down and asked if you could time skip to the father announcing about the school. Do you by any chance remember if there were any posts after that? c: ]]
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