8:16pm Nov 12 2012
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Nope. I don't think there were any more...
Love is all we need~
8:27pm Nov 12 2012
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[[ Oh yeah because then I asked if you were hinting to do something with the prince. I remember. Yeah, I asked. Do you think you could have the king call everyone to listen because he was going to talk about the school? Because I didn't know what to write that was worth more then a couple sentences you know? ]]
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4:52pm Nov 13 2012
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Ooc:// Yeah. I'll post up the beginning of the meeting with the king in just a moment. It'll be a more private meeting, with only those who resided in the castle present.
Love is all we need~
5:11pm Nov 13 2012
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[[ Whatever you want. Thank you!<3 ]]
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1:37pm Nov 19 2012
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"It's a simple matter," the king whispered to his wife. Genevieve was very happy with his decision, but she was frightened that everyone would find out that her step-daughter was a mage. She really didn't like Sara all that much, and she wasn't afraid to make it obvious.
"She inherited the gift from her mother, but her mother was more prevalent in healing magic. I'm sure that with training from a mage school, she'll be able to be as adept as her mother at healing others. Though, for now, it seems that her destruction type magic is out of control..." He bit his lip. this was not an easy decision for him. He'd just had his daughter return barely a week ago, and he was about to send her off again. But this time, he was sure that she wouldn't be all bratty about it. She may even be happy that she would go to a magic school.
"But don't you think that she's dangerous? Shouldn't we lock her-" Genevieve was quickly cut off.
"Genevieve, we are not locking my daughter up like some murderer. She'd go mad."
Genevieve quieted as the rest of the attendees of the meeting gathered. Sara was one of the last ones to enter, taking her seat beside her step-mother. There was an open seat at the king's side for Travis.
Sara hadn't seen him in a few days, seeing as how she had been so busy being trained by the maids, getting ready for queenhood. Her father had even been trying to set up arranged marriages, but Sara shot all possible candidates down- even though some of them were very, very nice, and very, very attractive.
Love is all we need~
6:11pm Dec 12 2012
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[[ <3 I know I took forever to post here; my classes started getting really rough by the middle of November.
But I have a question, as usual. Omg don't kill me. -scurries-
This is still during the banquet right? Just the way you wrote made it seem like you had time skipped a bit forwards but I might have just misunderstood. I don't want to write it the wrong way. |D ]]
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10:00am Dec 16 2012
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Ooc:// Yes. They're still in the banquet.
Love is all we need~
7:40pm Jan 26 2013
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Love is all we need~
4:37pm Feb 4 2013
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[[ Thanks bby for your patience. c: Have you ever just lost muse!? I didn't want to quit all my rps, but for the last couple months, I just had no desire to write really. It's good to get back in the swing of it again. c: ]]
After my and Sara's conversation, I was still a nervous wreck. It was as though ever since I met Sara, I did nothing but worry. What had happened before ( Crap I'm going to have to read through a bit, I completely forgot. ) that made her uncontrollable powers come to life in front of all those guests was still making my heart race. What if her father betrayed his own daughter, hurt her in some way? I was loyal to my king, but when it came down to it, my loyalties will first always lie with my princess. If he did anything to hurt her, I’d have to go against his authority.
And knowing the punishments of that didn’t make me cringe. I’ve seen too much, endured too much, to let something as little as the sting of death keep me from saving someone I loved more than life. I walked into the room where everyone was meeting, still worried as too why this meeting was taken place. It had to do with Sara. It had to do with the incident. My face paled as I sat down next to the king, where my place has always been, my face expressionless and numb from head to toe.
I clenched my jaw, keeping quiet and waiting for those horrid words that were soon to come out of the kings mouth. The words that would most likely be to destroy her whole world, if not her whole life. He’d already banished her once, he’d sure do it again. Wouldn’t he?
Or did he have a soft spot and, though it might hurt to find out his daughter is a ‘witch’, not eradicate her from her royal life? She didn’t choose to have powers. She didn’t choose to be this way. And no matter how much I’d accept her with open arms, how much acceptance will she receive from her father?
I finally willed myself to look her way. Right into the blue orbs of the woman who has taught me how to love with all I had. Who has given me such aggravation, anger, and heartbreak. The princess I plan to spoil the rest of my days. (Can you tell how badly I missed playing him in this rp yet? Lololol. )
Though my ex pression didn’t portray anything, I stared at her with slight fear that only showed in my eyes. Why else would her father bring us all in here? He wanted to take her away. Kill her. Something was going to happen to her and I wasn’t going to like it. My heart started to beat faster and I looked away with a quiet gulp.
Three years. Three years was a long time.
And her father was not going to make me wait the rest of my life to see her again. She was neither dying today nor any day if I could help it.
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10:04pm Feb 4 2013
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Ooc:// It's fine, love. And I've lost my muse before. It's not a good feeling. ;~;
Sara was seemingly confident, looking more mature than she'd ever been. her eyes were set forward, though she was experiencing some serious inner turmoil. Travis was only a few feet away from her, and she could feel his eyes burning into hers. When she felt his gaze leave hers, she let out a silent breath.
She hadn't looked at him, for fear that he would see into her fear. She had a new way of seeming stronger now- instead of acting like a spoiled brat, she had developed a new tactic; it was to cover up all negative emotions with either a positive or neutral one. Hey, it worked, didn't it? She could say that she was actually quite proud of herself. Still, despite her new tactic, she was still more mature than she'd ever been.
The king quieted the chattering guests with a clap that boomed through the room.
"You're probably wondering why I all gathered you here today- why I gather you here often, and for small matters. I want everyone to feel as if they are equal in my kingdom. Though we are run by a hierarchy, and a dynasty, we feel that all people should be treated fairly, and be informed of what is going on in the kingdom.
Today, we gather to wish my daughter on another trip."
Sara felt like she'd been punched in the gut. She'd returned, only to be sent away again, and she felt like she had been betrayed- it was almost as bad as when she had realized that Travis was not dead. Except this feeling had no relief in it, or joy. It was pure hurt, and betrayal.
"This trip will be a bit longer than the last," the king continued.
Sara just felt worse and worse, her gaze beginning to show the hurt in her mind.
"You," the king said, turning to his daughter, who quickly looked up at him, ex pression borderline happy- she'd covered the hurt up easily with a look of happiness, though, if you gazed deep enough into her eyes, you could spot the negativity. "Sara, you will be sent to the next kingdom over-" Sara could only pray that it wouldn't be in Arnold's territory. "- into Prince Arnold's territory."
She felt her lips quivering, but her ex pression didn't falter.
"You will attend the Mage School there for a few years- I know of what you're capable of. I wish for you to harness your magical gift, and to use it for good. Like your mother did."
The whole shock of the situation fully hit Sara when he said the 'Mage School' part. So they knew? They knew. And they didn't care? Well, as her eyes skimmed the guests, she could see different opinions scattered in their faces. Some were angry. Some were disbelieving. Some were in awe. Others were indifferent.
"Travis will accompany you as a personal escort, like he did during your last outing. He will serve as your guardian, seeing as how I cannot leave my kingdom."
Well, there was one small reassurance. At least Travis would-
No. Travis would be in the same area as Arnold again. She felt sick at her stomach.
"You'll leave in two days' time."
"Please excuse me," she said, abruptly getting up from her chair. She felt like the world was spinning- like she couldn't breathe. "I need some fresh air." When in reality, she just wanted to get away from the seriousness of this for a moment.
She made it a few wobbly steps towards a corridor, and, whether it was from her corset, the news, or simply her lack of being able to breathe, she swooned to the side, and landed in a crumpled pile on the floor- fainted.
Ooc:// I thought I would add some more drama to the rp by making the Mage school in Arnold's kingdom. I think it would be cool if he would return, and be all nice and stuff- but for real this time. Then Travis would have real competition. Or he could just avoid Sara like the plague.
Or he could have been exiled from the castle for the mark on his arm, and for what he did to the princess, because everyone knows.
You decide.
So many ideas. o.o
Love is all we need~
1:32pm Feb 5 2013
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[[ It most definitely is a horrible feeling. ;~; Gah you are always good with ideas, my friend! I love how it's in his kingdom. I think he should stay. He could easily cover up the mark, right? No one has to know but him and Sara, which gives them a special bond when he's the good guy now. Maybe later on in the rp he could be exiled; as another point in another idea, but I like the idea of him apologizing and being pleasant and such. Squeeeee, I love when Travis is jealous. ]]
Way before the king had opened his mouth, my stomach was on a roller coaster. Now that he spoke, I was about to excuse myself with the taste of bile in my throat. I had no idea what the king would choose to do, but I knew that he had no limits. He did send his daughter far away from him just to learn a lesson or too.
My eyes looked back to Sara, no matter how nervous I was, a small smile came to my features. Look at her now; more beautiful then she was when we first left the kingdom. Maybe because she wasn't such a spoiled brat anymore. To think that after all this time, I was now head over heels with the princess. She's grown so much in such months. Pride ballooned my chest as I looked back at the guests.
"You will attend the Mage School there for a few years- I know of what you're capable of. I wish for you to harness your magical gift, and to use it for good. Like your mother did."
I took a deep breath. Mage school? He wasn't going to have her killed? No banishment? Just a school. A school to help her learn her powers to use for the good. My shoulders slumped in a form of feeling more relaxed. She'd be okay.
I looked back at Sara as I heard I was coming. Clenching my jaw, I realized that this was a mistake. All of it. If we went into Prince Arnolds kingdom...
What would he do to us? I didn't know what was going on in Sara's head, but I knew it had to do with Arnold. The man was a lunatic. Sara couldn't go back there!
The second Sara fell, I jumped from my chair so fast it fell to the floor with a loud crack. I ignored the guests and came to her side. "Sa-... Princess?" I purred, gently pushing her so she'd lay on her back. Resisting the urge to brush the hair from her face, kiss her, tell her that things will be alright, take her away from here and from everybody's stares; resisting to touch her once more, I stood up and looked to the king. So, to everyone else, my reaction was nothing more then a guardian worried about the one I am to guard.
"With all due respect, sir... " I was his best knight; he'd say so himself. He trusted me with his own daughter. But I still had to choose my words carefully. He was still my king. "Arn-... Prince Arnolds kingdom was not the most welcoming when we went through on our journey a few weeks back."
I swallowed, once again ignoring the urge to go back to the princess. I had to make our relationship look platonic; no matter how hard that was to be.
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4:24pm Feb 5 2013
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The king was startled with Travis's reaction, but he suspected nothing of it. The boy was just taking his duties very seriously. The king quite liked it, honestly. It made him sure that his daughter would be fine in this young man's hands. Now, if only he could find a prince with such a protective manner...
Genevieve, as the queen, quieted the guests with a few reassurances that the princess was fine. It was obvious that the woman didn't care much for the girl. Luckily, though, Sara hadn't hit her head on the floor.
The king looked down on Travis from his seat, which was a bit higher than the rest around him. Plus, there was the fact that the king was a very large man- larger than even Travis. Though, the king's graying hair gave hints at his age.
"The princess will be fine so long as she has such a guardian as you with her. She made it home safely last time, and I have no doubt that she didn't encounter difficulties along the way. Plus, with what happened at our last banquet," he said, hinting at the fire, "she seems to be quite capable of defending herself, now. You are still her protector nonetheless."
The king's voice was calm. "The Mage School is guaranteed to be safe. Many master magi study there. Their talents range from healing magic to destruction magic. Nobody would want to start trouble there, lest they be turned into a frog."
Sara was still passed out on the floor, and the king looked at her, and then at Travis. "You may touch her. You, as her guardian, are in charge of her safety for now. I must update my people on the news of the issues with Queen Elise's kingdom," he finished off, reminding the citizens of what they really came here for- to hear news of the battles with the tyrant Queen a few kingdoms over. So far, it wasn't too large of a deal. Just some skirmishes here, and some banditry there.
Ooc:// So, another idea that we had a while back was that Travis would be sent off to war, due to the king running out of knights, and that Sara would end up thinking he died, but he would show up. And during his absence, she can get more well acquainted with Prince Arnold.
Love is all we need~
3:34pm Feb 6 2013
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[[ Not able to post today but I just wanted to come on to tell you, Murr. ... We have a lurker among us. hi kelly ily. ]]
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4:19pm Feb 6 2013
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Love is all we need~
4:22pm Feb 6 2013
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[[ I KNOW YOU'RE HERE KELLY COME OUT. She says she's on some page in the 20's. Isn't this so exciting. come out come out wherever you are Kelly so we can love youuuu. ]]
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4:39pm Feb 6 2013
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Ooc:// Oh, so she's just reading the whole thing?
That's awesome!
Love is all we need~
4:53pm Feb 6 2013
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[[ Yeah she's on page 22. She said that she loved our snogging moment. :I Which is making me kind of embarrassed, tbh. |D ]]
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5:12pm Feb 6 2013
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Ooc:// You should be glad~
At least she's not making fun of it like a lot of people are doing. >.>
Love is all we need~
5:16pm Feb 6 2013
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[[ They always made fun of us on those scenes. :( ]]
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5:46pm Feb 6 2013 (last edited on 5:53pm Feb 6 2013)
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((It takes a lot of skill and confidence to post something like that. ;D It's amazing okay. Detail is seldom found these days in those particular scenes. But they're made so much better because of it.
YOU. ARE BOTH. AMAZING. Carry on. I'll catch up.
*Page 30*))