3:25pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
3:51pm May 28 2012
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My eyes never left the demon's as he landed onto the ground. I didn't respond to his ignorant comments about my wording. King Therakin was my king, and Princess Sara was my princess. The last thing I needed to worry about was explaining that to a demon.
"Excuse me?"
I said with a impatient voice. I really wish he's stop with the riddles and come right out and say what he wanted from the princess. I clenched my jaw, irritation rising my body temperature. Then, as I was trained, I easily calmed myself down without a bl ink away from the demon.
"A mage? Listen, I have been ordered by the king to take care of Princess Sara. Give her too me without all these silly games."
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3:57pm May 28 2012
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The demon grinned impishly. "Okay. You can have your princess."
Sara twirled down from the sky, landing in a crumpled heap on the ground. She was still unconscious, but the demon was gone for the moment. She would wake up in a few minutes, and wonder what had happened, and why she'd lost consciousness.
The demon had never answered the question about what he wanted from the princess. The demon could've easily answered it, but demons were tricky. Everything they said was a riddle, and the person they were speaking to had to figure them out to fully understand the demon.
Love is all we need~
3:58pm May 28 2012
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[[ I thought she was already on the ground? O_O -confused- ]]
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4:08pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// She was. XD Another one of my -epicfailure- moments. Lol.
So, just pretend that she didn't spiral down, and that she just collapsed in a crumpled heap.
Love is all we need~
4:13pm May 28 2012
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[[ Bahahahaha! The third one in one day! :DDD ]]
I said, the second Princess Sara fell to the ground. Running over to her, I turned her on her back to check her breathing. Putting my cheek close to hers, I tried to listen for breathing. Oh thank heavens, she was alive.
Sitting up, I put the sword back in it's place on my side. (-dunno what those things are called-) and went back on my knees beside the unconcious princess.
"Princess... Wake up, Princess."
I said, lightly shaking her shoulders to have her wake.
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4:23pm May 28 2012
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Sara woke up with her face in the dirt, and with hands on her shoulders, shaking her. Bandits. That was the first thing that came to her mind. Bandits were going to take her money, and then kill her. She was in the woods, after all, and there was a large possibility that they had seen her pricy silk gown.
"Unhand me you fiend!" Sara thrashed, and turned over, scrambling away from Travis. She then saw that the person shaking her was not a bandit, but her protector. She sighed and put her hand on her chest, her heart beating rapidly.
"Thank God, Travis. I thought you were a bandit."
Love is all we need~
4:27pm May 28 2012
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I leaned back slightly as she turned and tried to get out of my grasp. A relieved smile to see her alright brought me back to my senses before I looked at her in concern. "Are you alright?"
I said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "What happened back there?"
I said, as comforting as I could. But I had to know what was going on to protect her.
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4:42pm May 28 2012
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Sara then noticed where she was. "How on earth did I end up on the ground?" She then heard Travis ask her what had happened, and she raised a brow at him, in disbelief that he actually asked her what happened. She'd been unconscious, how could she know what had happened? Travis should've known that, she though.
"You're asking me what happened?" She brushed her gown off, standing. "I passed out. You should know what happened, Travis. I'm the one that should ask you what happened."
Love is all we need~
4:49pm May 28 2012
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I frowned, standing up with her. Here goes her bad attitude again. I sighed, shaking my head in disbelief. "You have to know what happened. I mean the demon was inside of you!" I said, pointing at her slightly with one finger before looking around. "Do you think it's still here?" I asked, putting my sword out from the case at my side and passing by the princess to look around some trees. "You probably can't see them unless they posses you again, or me."
I said with a frown before looking back at the princess. "You sure you're alright? I kind of want to get to the town before another one of those episodes happens again."
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4:58pm May 28 2012
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The princess frowned. "Demon? What demon? You liar! I was not possessed by a demon. If I was, then what made it leave me, hm?" She let her voice grow louder, her blue eyes shining with fiestiness. She had attitude and spunk, that much was true. "And what episode? I had no episode? I just passed out!"
Sara walked around a bit, and said, "What would compell you to lie to me you little....." She growled in frustration, running her hands through her hair. "You never answered my question, anyway! How did I end up on the ground?" She pursed her lips together, containing her anger for the moment.
Love is all we need~
5:12pm May 28 2012
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[[Hahahaha this is so funny. xD ]]
I frowned at the princess, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Princess... You passed out when the demon left." Sighing in frustration, I chose to say the whole story. Since apparently, she didn't remember. "We were riding. And all of a sudden, your hair stood up. And you just... Flew from Ashes and in the air. It turned around 'inside your body' and told me it was a demon. And... And it called you a mage. And... I don't know. It was just weird. And when it left, you collapsed. I..."
I shrugged, before looking back at her with disbelief. "You really don't remember?"
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5:17pm May 28 2012
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Sara listened to Travis's story, but it was so outlandish that she didn't believe it. She simply got even angrier, and clenched her fists so hard that her nails dug into her palms, drawing a bit of blood. Her blue eyes stared at him angrily and she began yelling.
"Lies! Lies! Lies! All you say are lies! You lying little idiot!" She began to storm off, not caring that she had no clue where she was going to storm off to. She could get lost, maybe even get attacked by an animal, but Sara's anger made her not think about that, and she let her feet stomp angrily on the ground beneath her.
Ooc:// If you think this if funny, it just got funnier.
Love is all we need~
5:28pm May 28 2012
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I frowned, completely at a lost with what just happened. Did she really storm off, because she thought I was kidding around or lying? Did I seem like one to lie for the fun of it?
Rolling my eyes, I let her walk off. Princess's liked attention. She'll come back when she realizes that I'm not kidding.
Or, of course, until something comes out to eat her alive. Putting the strange thought aside, I said, "Go ahead and walk off. I may not be there to catch you if you get stuck somewhere, or an animal attacks you or..."
I let the sentence fade, wanting her to finish it in her head with her own imagination. Maybe I could just scare her back to me. Leaning my hip against a tree, I twiddled my thumbs and waited for my princess to accompany me once more.
[Lololololol! xD <43243423422 ]]
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6:29pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// <3
Sara didn't make it very far into the forest before she got scared. She knew she wouldn't last long without Travis, and everything that moved seemed to look like a bandit to her. She bit her lip nervously before she turned around and headed back onto the path, sitting down a few feet in front of Travis.
"Alright. I can't go far, but I'm not leaving this spot until you tell me what really happened." She crossed her arms, and furrowed her brows. "No lies."
Love is all we need~
6:52pm May 28 2012
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"If there should be one thing you learn about me during this whole journey, it's that I don't lie." I said as I left the tree I was leaning on to give Ashes some sugar cubes.
"There was a demon. Who possessed you. And told me you were a mage. Do what you will with that information. I'm just the messenger. A really creep-ed out messenger."
I said the last part more to myself before looking back at her and crossing my arms. She was a stubborn one for sure.
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6:55pm May 28 2012
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Sara growled. "Quit lying!" She slammed her hands on the stones of the path, the side of her hand catching against a jagged, sharp rock. She felt a stinging pain, and a trickle of blood. She looked down and frowned. Great, just great. She'd hurt her hand.
However, she wouldn't move from her spot, as she'd previously stated. She shook her hand, sending blood flying to her right side, splattering on the rocks. "Tell me the truth."
Love is all we need~
6:59pm May 28 2012
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I shrugged, now clearly irritated she refused to believe. "Whatever, Princess. I don't lie, and I guess we'll have to wait here until that hollow head of yours get's it."
Sighing, I sat down across from her and crossed my legs. Putting my elbows on my knees, and my palms under my chin, I stared back at her and waited for her to come to her senses.
"So... You really don't feel any different after that episode?"
I asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"Do you feel any... Like evil spirits inside you?"
I didn't know how all this mage stuff and demon possession worked.
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7:10pm May 28 2012
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Sara sighed. So it would be a battle of wills, it seemed. He wouldn't tell her the truth, so they would just sit there for a few more hours until he finally gave up, she decided. She yawned half-heartedly, bored of this already, and narrowed her large blue eyes at Travis.
"Listen, knight." She pursed her lips together. "I didn't have an episode, so I don't feel any different. And I don't feel like there are any evil spirits inside of me, because I was never possessed." She smiled fakely at the knight across from her.
Love is all we need~
7:24pm May 28 2012
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I smiled fakely at her, before letting my hands fall to the ground. Playing with the grass, I kept going. This was fun. Annoying the princess.
"Does your soul feel like it was ripped out of you?" I said with a small smirk. "Or... Are you hearing voices?"
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