7:27pm May 28 2012 (last edited on 7:28pm May 28 2012)
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Sara's face turned red with anger, and she threw one of her world-famous fits, babbling on about lies angrily, half of her sentences remaining unfinished or making no sense at all.
She grabbed small rocks, and threw them at Travis, some of them nailing him, and some of them missing him, all the while talking as fast as she could.
Ooc:// One hundredth and first post! <33333
Love is all we need~
7:37pm May 28 2012
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Alright. This was kind of cute. Little rocks being thrown my way. They stung my cheeks a bit, but I ignored it. It was when a slightly larger one hit my face that I was irritated. I growled at the pain, hoping there wasn't a mark before standing up and crossing my arms. "What's wrong, Princess? Not getting your way again? C'mon, that's why we're in this mess. Maybe if you just cooperated and acted like a normal human being, we can leave faster."
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7:52pm May 28 2012
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Sara frowned when he mentioned her not getting her way, teasing her about it, even. She set her face in a straight line, and somehow contained the anger that was burning a hole in her stomach. She threw a final rock in Travis's direction, and stuck out her tongue at him.
"I told you that I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the truth." She allowed herself to acquire a challenging grin, almost daring him to do something about it.
Love is all we need~
7:57pm May 28 2012
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"Princess, I've told you the truth a couple times now. Don't exhaust me with saying the same thing a third time." To late. I thought as I rubbed my temple from the last thrown rock. I could feel a bump forming on my head.
"Until you come to your senses, I won't waste that time to relax." I said as I made a 'clicking' noise with my tongue for Ashes to come with me, then layed back against the tree like I had fallen asleep last night. "Wake me when you're ready to go, Princess Sara."
I said, leaning my head back in a relaxing position.
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8:57pm May 28 2012
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Sara growled in frustration. Fine, if he wanted to keep lying, he could, but she would let him think that he won for the time being. She stood from her position, and smoothed out her gown, sighing in what seemed like defeat.
"C'mon. Let's go, then." She moved over to Ashes, and motioned for Travis to get up with her.
Love is all we need~
4:08pm May 29 2012
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I sighed as I stood up and walked over to Ashes. Jumping behind her on the horse, I grabbed the reins without another word other then a mumbled, "As you wish, Princess."
[[Lalala~ fail. They're going to the town still, right? :)))) ]]
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4:12pm May 29 2012
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Ooc:// Yep. I don't know what to post until they get to the town. XD
Love is all we need~
4:15pm May 29 2012
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4:22pm May 29 2012
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Ooc:// YEEESH.
Love is all we need~
4:27pm May 29 2012
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[[ - coughs - it's your turn to post... ]
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4:39pm May 29 2012
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Ooc:// Dad blame it. I guess I'll just have an -epicfailure-. :DDDD
Sara was surprised when a town came into view. It was relatively large, and it had many shops that she could buy from. There were inns scattered here and there, and people working on making swords and weapons. Carriages were drawn past with well-dressed women, whom Sara envied.
There was a sign a ways back that had said, "Welcome to Chera," and Sara immediately knew that this was Chera.
"Travis, this is a nice town," she said, looking at a blacksmith that was hammering away at a red-hot piece of metal.
Love is all we need~
5:00pm May 29 2012
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I frowned the second the town came into view. This wasn't the reason why the king brought her out here. When we get back to the kingdom - if we do - I would have to ask him why he thought she would learn to not be such a spoiled brat by living in another town. Why would he give her gold!
Clenching my jaw and keeping my worries to myself, I was glad her back was towards me on the horse. I wasn't the happiest camper right now, knowing being in this town was just keeping us from getting to the kingdom faster.
Maybe I should have said I was lying about the demon thing, then we could have stayed in the woods longer.
"... I bet."
I said in a monotonous tone as we came through the entrance of the town. I had Ashes slow down to a comfortable walk so that we wouldn't run any commoners over and also so we could observe the town easily. Some villagers gave me a smile as a welcome, I was guessing, but the second they saw my armor, I noticed a couple of the girls gush in awe. [[ I just had to flatter my character some. It's fun. xD ]] My cheeks turned a hot red , keeping my eyes straight ahead to keep from looking at them. How embarrassing. For the first time, I wished I was wearing the villager men's clothes.
"Where was it you wanted to stop, Princess?"
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5:08pm May 29 2012
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Sara thought a moment, and then said, "Let's go to that food shop over there." She could feel her stomach starting to ache with hunger, given that she hadn't eaten the rabbit that had been offered to her earlier in the day.
She didn't get many envious looks from men, given that she wasn't wearing her finest clothes, and that she hadn't showered in about a day or two, thanks to being exiled from the kindom. She then smiled and searched her blouse for the coins that she'd had stored in there.
Her hand came out empty. She became frantic. "W-where did the coins go. Travis, my gold is gone!" Her eyes were wide as she looked back to the knight.
Love is all we need~
5:22pm May 29 2012
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Just as I was leading Ashes to the food shop close by, I could almost smell the panic from the Princess. "... What?" I thought, my lips forming to what felt like a never ending frown. I didn't dare say it out loud, but did the demon have something to do with this?
This wasn't the time to ask.
"Are you sure? Maybe you put it somewhere else."
I said as I jumped from Ashes in a more secluded area as I searched the bags I had attached to Ashes. This poor horse was probably exhausted; I would make sure to give him extra sugar cubes at our next stop.
"They're not in here, Princess..."
I said before looking back at her with concerned eyes.
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5:43pm May 29 2012
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Sara searched around in her blouse again, only pulling out stones that were in the vague size of the gold coins that she thought she had. "Some trickery! Witchcraft, or demons, or something!" She began to get angry, and her eyes started to glow again as she lost control, and the demon began to peek through her eyes.
Sara felt it this time. She fought it. She growled, and pulled on her hair. Eventually, the demon left her for the moment. She tried to catch her breath, falling to her knees. "This is terrible. I thought I would be okay. I thought I would be able to rent a comfortable room."
Love is all we need~
5:51pm May 29 2012
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As her eyes turned a different color, my worries over the gold being stolen was gone. Instead, I went on my knees next to the princess, my hand on her shoulder. "Princess... What was that?"
I whispered. I knew what it was. It just caught me off guard. The demon was back again.
Clenching my jaw, I offered my hand to help the Princess up. "How do you fight a demon without harming your body?"
I mumbled more to myself, but it was a question for her as well. She could always surprise me with a brilliant solution.
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5:54pm May 29 2012
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Sara frowned, her eyes wide. "Travis, you weren't lying! I felt it inside of me, like it was trying to cover up my heart and push me out of my head. It's evil, and it hurts." She balled her fists up in her gown, not wanting to cry. She'd cried way too much in the past few days.
"Maybe you can try to make me overpower it. When it takes over, I start to black out, and it feels like I'm asleep. Try to wake me up when it takes over, Travis. That might work." She nodded, and stood on wobbly legs, still angry about the false gold.
Love is all we need~
3:56pm May 30 2012
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I nodded my head in response to the Princess's idea. Seeing as there was no other option, I chose to take her up on that suggestion. "Alright Princess."
I said, putting a hand on her elbow gently as she stood up. "Does it still hurt, Princess?" I asked, thankful that we were in a area that only had one or two people around.
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5:54pm May 30 2012
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Sara was glad that her logic made sense to someone else but herself. She put a hand to her forehead, her eyes slightly squinted due to having nearly been possessed again just mere moments ago. She looked up at Travis, grateful for his support.
"It hurts a bit, but I'll live," she said, nodding curtly.
Love is all we need~
8:58pm May 30 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~