10:13am Jun 1 2012
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[[ Exams are all over! :D ]]
"Then how about we get out of here and find a place to settle so no one is around to see this... Episode."
I said, already forcibly grabbing her elbow and pulling her to Ashes.
[[Wahhhh. Fail post. I didn't want to power play, sorreh. :U ]]
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10:29am Jun 1 2012
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Ooc:// Yay~ My exams have been over for quite a while now. I hope you did good on yours.
Sara allowed herself to be led by Travis to his black-coated stallion. She lightly stroked Ashes's neck before hopping up onto the horse, making it successfully onto the saddle with Travis's help.
She then said, "One question, Travis." After a moment of silence she asked, "What are we going to do if we have no money?" She bit her lip nervously.
Love is all we need~
11:02am Jun 1 2012
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[[Thanks I did |DDD ]]
I frowned. The idea of staying in a Inn here with the gold the princess had was starting to grow on me. The idea of leaving now was... My shoulders drooped before jumping onto Ashes, also giving him a gentle stroke, before nudging him forward.
"I guess we could always go back to the woods. Last night wasn't-"
I was going to try and give the princess some encouraging words about how last night wasn't that bad, but before I could try and cheer her up, another voice interrupted.
"Excuse me? I couldn't help but over hear..."
The voice was scratchy, and I turned Ashes around to see a old woman with a hunch back and probably dentures. With a friendly smile, she kept going. "You have no money? No place to stay except 'the woods'? Well that won't do..."
She seemed like the type to be a grandmother to any villager around here, so I felt no harm. But just letting the princess stay at a random woman's home? I was supposed to be her protector, I couldn't trust just anyone. "Don't worry, ma'am. We'll be fi-"
She looked at me with a horrific ex pression before giving the princess a small smile. "You might be a knight, boy, but what I say goes. You're really going to pass up the chance to let Princess Sara sleep on the ground?"
I looked down at the princess with a lifted brow. The 'grandmother' here might say, what she says goes, but I think we all knew that it was the princess's decision.
[[I was thinking, like, she could be crazy or evil. Or something with magic so that the princess can have something happen with her magic again. xD Too cheesy? xD ]]
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11:19am Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 11:19am Jun 1 2012)
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Sara was surprised by the scratchy voice. Her bright blue eyes lowered from the trees that she'd been observing to the old woman who had spoken. She was skeptical of this old lady, but the more that she spoke, Sara found the lady to remind her very much of her Grandmother. She stifled when the old woman said that what she said goes.
However, she didn't expect Travis to look at her for an answer. She had expected Travis to say no, and that she would be stuck in the woods again.
"Sure. We'll stay at your house." Despite the strangeness of the situation, and how the woman knew that she was a princess, the idea of sleeping anywhere but the cold hard ground was tantalizing to the princess. She swept off any suspicions, but she felt something inside of her sparking, tickling her in her stomach like static electricity. She ignored it.
Ooc:// Sure. That sounds good. It may be cliche, but cliche things turn out to be interesting. XD
Love is all we need~
11:29am Jun 1 2012
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The woman gave the princess a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Swallowing any nervous feelings I felt, I turned Ashes around to face the woman, jumped off of him, and gently took Princess Sara off of him as well and put her on the ground. Grabbing Ashes's reins, I turned to the woman to see a glare in her eyes before a smile came as though it never happened. "Follow me, Princess."
She said, before turning and leading the way. I tugged on Ashes's reins, gave him a sugar cube and followed the woman. The woman was a bit farther away from us, so I leaned down to Princess Sara's ear and said, "Are you sure about this? She seems kind of... Strange."
I leaned up and acted as though I didn't say anything as I kept walking forward. The woman gave me another glaring glance. Did she hear what I said? Why did she keep looking at me like I was the third wheel here?
[ Bahahahahahahhahaha ikr xD ]
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11:45am Jun 1 2012
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Sara looked down at Travis. "You're a strong knight, and she's a frail old granny. If she tries to do anything, my screams are so shrill you'll be able to hear them from a mile away. She'd snap like a twig if you hit her. You don't need to worry," she whispered, leaning down so that Travis could hear her. She patted Ashes's neck, and smiled.
She momentarily wondered what her father thought of Capricornia returning without Sara on her back. He probably thought that the horse got tired of her whining or something, she decided, giggling slightly.
Love is all we need~
11:56am Jun 1 2012
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I didn't respond to Princess Sara's encouraging words, even though I agreed with her. I probably could hear her from a mile away, seeing as I could hear her quite clearly in the castle...
Taking my thoughts away from my home to keep the bitterness arising, I looked back at the old woman. The princess was right. I had nothing to worry about. We finally came to the old womans home, which looked more like a ramshackle cabin at the end of this small village. I didn't want to complain; I actually thought the cabin helped with the mood of this eerie woman.
"Here we are."
She said as she took Ashes from my grip and started leading him to a pole to tie him next to. "Oh, you don't need to do that, Ma'am. Ashes is trained to stay by my si-"
The woman gave me a look that said what she already had said. What ever she says: Goes.
"Alright then."
I muttered, irritated that my Ashes had to be tied up. The woman gently grabbed the princess's elbow and took her inside the cabin. "Here's the guest room for the princess. Stay there for just a moment.."
I heard the old womans voice as I walked into the cabin after she already pulled the princess in. The old woman came back to me, her eyes eerily darker then before. "You can sleep on the sofa right there, sir. The princess doesn't need you around every second, she is fifteen now." ...Now how did she know about that? "Thank you. But fifteen is still young compared to my seventeen to I'll be staying close by. Even if it is me sleeping on the floor next to her bed."
I said with a light bow before passing her to go to the guest room. Closing the door, I turned to the princess with sigh. "Don't let her touch you again. We'll stay here for one night, and then we're leaving." My voice rose a pitch - which was odd. I was used to being afraid, especially on the battle field, but I knew how to control myself. Not now though, what was this old woman doing to me?
[I'm not giving you much, so feel free to play the woman too. I don't have much ideas. O_O ]]
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12:03pm Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 12:07pm Jun 1 2012)
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Sara was startled as she was nearly yanked off of the horse, and the old woman tied the horse up against Travis's wishes. It took all of her self control not to smack this woman upside the head with her fingernails for just dragging her all over the place like a ragdoll. She was just left in some sort of guest room, and the woman went to talk to Travis.
She heard mumbles and Travis's voice take on a different, defensive tone, and the next thing she knew he came into the room that she was in, clicking the door shut behind him. She looked up at him, her short height to her disadvantage.
When he began to command her around like her father, Sara was speechless. His voice was so.... sexy like that. She kept the blush from filling up her cheeks, only a bit of pink accenting her pale skin. She cleared her throat and said, "Alright." For the first time in her life, Sara didn't protest when someone commanded her to do something.
Ooc:// Uh oh. Sara's getting the hots now. XD
And I'll play the woman from now on if you'd like me to.
Love is all we need~
12:20pm Jun 1 2012
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I ran a hand through my hair nervously as I walked passed the door and next to her. "Alright?" I said, surprised that she didn't argue this time. Swallowing, trying to not make my surprise shown, I nodded my head and said, "Right. Alright. In the morning, when she's not awake. But-"
The door came open and the old woman looked at the princess with innocent eyes. She didn't look so grandmotherly when it was just me and her. What did this woman want? Why did I not just leave with Princess Sara now?
"I have bed sheets, since the knight is choosing to sleep in here."
I heard her mumble something about how inappropriate it was, but she still looked sweet in this light. What act was she playing? Setting the blankets on the bed where Princess Sara will be sleeping, she said, "Good night, Princess." She looked at me, her eyes darker when her back was toward the Princess. "Good night, Sir Knight."
She said, though it was in a monotone. I was guessing she didn't want me to have a good night. "Thank you. Good night to you too."
I said, my voice overly pleasant since I wanted her out of this room as soon as possible. Closing the door as she disappeared out of the room, I put the latch on lock and grabbed the blankets from the bed and put them on the floor by her bed. Sighing, I chose to slip off my shoulder and leg armor, and took off the over la yer of clothing. Leaving on the clothing that resembled the villagers that I always wore under, I put the blankets down and went inside them.
"Good night, Princess."
I said with a sigh, though I doubt it was anyway near a good night so far.
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12:33pm Jun 1 2012
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Sara watched as the woman left. She seemed so grandmotherly, and yet she had this.... creepy air about her that Sara couldn't quite name. She bit her lip and took the remaining blankets, laying them out on her bed. She slipped under the covers, her light blonde hair curling around her face like a halo.
It wasn't too long after she went to sleep when she felt something burning on the back of her thigh. She opened her eyes, the pain not hitting her full force yet. She heard the chanting of one voice, and it was so quiet that it was barely audible.
The old woman was standing beside her bed, her lips moving with the chanting. The spot on Sara's red felt like it was on fire, and she let out a shrill scream of pain. The old woman waved her hand over Sara's mouth, and the girl was silenced even though her mouth was still open in a scream.
She rolled off of the side of the bed, right onto Travis. She shook him by the shoulders, silently screaming for him to wake up. Her leg felt like it was burning, and if you looked close enough, you could see a mark that was being burned onto the skin right below her butt through the fabric of her dress and bloomers. It glowed a ghostly green.
Love is all we need~
12:40pm Jun 1 2012
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I had finally fell into a deep sleep. It was once you fell into bed that you realize how tired you are, and all my worries left me the second I closed my eyes. When I get back to the kingdom, I was going to make sure the king knew that our knights needed more rest.
But, before I could get deeper and deeper into my sleep, a scream brought me to the present. Then something fell on top of me, which made me bl ink once and try falling back asleep. With someone shaking my shoulders, my eyes blinked open wide, easily adapting to the lighting of the room since it was dark. "Princess?" I said, my voice slightly groggy from the sleep. Seeing her be the one beside me, trying to wake me up, I jolted upright and said, "What's wrong, Princes-" That's when I saw something glowing on the back of her thigh. "Whats... What is that?" I said, my heart beating faster as I tried my best to be appropriate as I looked from the mark on her leg to her eyes, and back again at the mark.
[[Is the woman still there? :O ]]
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12:50pm Jun 1 2012
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Ooc:// Yepperz. The old hag's still there, and still burning the fire out of Sara's leg. XD
When Travis jolted upright, Sara had stood back up, and frowned at the woman. She had tears running slowly out of her eyes now, and she screamed silently at the woman, her tears turning to ice as they hit the ground, shattering, and then bursting up into flames as her body slowly got warmer and warmer.
With a flick of her hand, what looked like a bolt of elecricity lit up the room like a flash of lightning, and landed itself on the hag's chest, breaking whatever curse she was doing to the girl. Sara regained her voice, and began to yell obscenities right and left at the woman, climbing back up onto the bed with some newfound strength, now that the burning in her leg had ceased, though it still felt like it was being seared.
The glowing died down, and Sara hurled herself at the woman, who had stood back up. The woman fell to the ground, and Sara landed herself on the woman's stomach, placing her knees on the woman's arms so that she couldn't do any more magic.
"You old hag! You're lucky I'm not beating the crap out of you right now, you wrinkly old turtle! What did you do to my leg?! It burns like someone seared it with the fire from hell!" Sara's face turned red as she yelled.
Love is all we need~
3:32pm Jun 1 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
9:07pm Jun 2 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
3:37pm Jun 4 2012
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I hadn't realized the old woman was here, but now it proved my doubts of her being a nice, grandmotherly old lady. I immediately came to my feet, pushing away the grogginess I felt, though stayed on the side lines when I saw the bolt of lightening came from the princess's hand. Confused, still weary from waking up, and frightened by the sight, I went over to the old woman and princess, not knowing what to do. Who knows, the princess could flick her hand at me and I'd be electrocuted.
[[Faillll. There was nothing he could do, sorreh. :u ]]
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5:13pm Jun 4 2012
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Sara didn't have the heart to kill. As much as she felt like killing this woman for burning her, hexing her, or whatever else she had done, Sara couldn't bring herself to do it. Once she was sure that the woman would be incapacitated for a while, she released her grip on the granny and stood, her eyes glowing ghostly blue as the demon spoke up.
"Puny mortal... You will not harm my vassal. Her value is lessened if you scar her skin," said the voice that didn't belong to Sara. The demon shamelessly lifted up the edge of the dress, lightly moving the bloomers that layed underneath to peer at the mark. It looked strange, being in the shape of an intricate arrow that pointed downward to her feet, and blood was dripping down. So it wasn't a burn, but a cut that felt like a burn.
The glowing left Sara's eyes and she felt all wobbly again. She looked down to the woman, seemingly unfazed by the short amount of time when the demon took over. She had fought it off like before. "You'd better stay away from me, you old hag. I swear, if I ever see you again, I will make you regret whatever nonsense you did to my leg. It burns like mad."
She walked over to Travis, gathered the blankets that the woman had provided them with, and left the house.
The whole time, the woman had just stared with wide eyes. She hadn't expected the princess to be a mage, or even possessed by a demon. It seemed like that knight had his hands full. Either way, he would be free of the girl soon. The bandits that she had worked with previously would locate the girl due to the target mark that the woman had inflicted upon the princess's leg.
Sara arrived beside Ashes, and immediately turned to Travis. "I am sincerely sorry. I did not expect for the woman to be some spell-casting hag. Let's get out of this part of town, and see what's up with my leg. I should have listened to you when you said that we shouldn't have stayed here..."
Love is all we need~
5:14pm Jun 4 2012 (last edited on 5:19pm Jun 4 2012)
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Ooc:// Stupid double post. - 3-
Love is all we need~
9:30pm Jun 10 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
12:15pm Jun 11 2012
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Being too in shock from the current events, I didn't realize I should have tried waking the princess while the demon possessed her body. I had turned my head when he lifted her skirt, and when Sara walked away, I quickly followed her out of the house to Ashes. Seeing Ashes alright made me sigh in relief.
"No apology is necessary, Princess Sara."
I said. Obviously, it was fine. What was I going to do, scold the princess? She should be scolding me for listening to her, she was technically my authority.
"You're right. Let's get out of here."
I said, picking her up and putting her up on Ashes, untying Ashes, and jumping up behind her on Ashes. I knew she was able to get on him with no help by now, but I was just in a hurry to get out of this freaky part of town. I reached by both sides of the princess to grab the reins, and leaned against her to whisper right against her ear, "Hold on tight, Princess."
Slapping Ashes's rump until my hand stung, my stallion ran as fast as he could out of the town. I easily stayed on from being so used to Ashes running this fast in battle. My knees pressed against his sides, keeping me steady, but I was worried the princess's more frail body wouldn't hold as easily. Not thinking clearly enough to realize what the king would approve, of, I kept one hand on the rein, my other wrapped around her waist as tightly as I could and held her against my back, easily keeping the small girl steady from the speed of Ashes with my arm.
[Ahhhahaha. I couldn't help it. ^^^ xD Sorry this took so long to post, I was procrastinating I guess. O_O ]]
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12:23pm Jun 11 2012
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Sara was glad when she was placed atop Ashes. She could get on him now, but she was tired, and her leg was still burning from the spell that the old hag had cast on her. She readjusted herself when Travis hopped onto Ashes behind her, and froze when he spoke into her ear. Why did he whisper? There were no people around.
Her cheeks filled with color, and she felt her face warm up like it was on fire. She pursed her lips together and tried to even out her breathing. She had just succeeded when Travis wrapped one arm around her waist, and held her against him. She could understand why he did the motion. It was to keep her from being bounced to and fro on the horse's back, but she still couldn't help but feel the redness return to her cheeks.
She gulped and bit her lip, closing her eyes. She couldn't dispell this redness from her cheeks. Now if only that hag had cast a spell that kept her from blushing like an idiot... Sara wished that she would have done that instead of burning the fire out of her pale leg.
Love is all we need~