12:38pm Jun 11 2012
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[Res ate my post. So excuse this fail. :( ]]
After forty - five minutes of Ashes running, I could hear his panting heavily. We were close to the exit of the village, by the signs that were by the edges of the street. Maybe one mile more. Slowing Ashes down so he could take a breath, I let go of the princess's waist, and rolled my shoulders from the ache. Rubbing my eyes and stifling a yawn, I shook my head to try to wake up a little bit. I might have slept an hour, maybe less, at the cabin, before the old woman came and hurt the Princess. I hadn't realized until a cold breeze made me shiver that I had left my armor and other over clothes back at the cabin. Oh well, at least I had something on. And I looked just like the villagers now, so if we stayed here, they wouldn't look at me differently.
Putting my other hand back on the reins, I broke the quiet. "Sorry for that, Princess. I didn't want you falling."
I said, referring to holding her the way I had. If the king knew about it, he had every right to behead me. You never touch the princess in such a manner. I shivered inwardly, hoping the princess wouldn't share these previous events with the king.
"How's your leg, Princess Sara?"
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12:47pm Jun 11 2012
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Sara had just gotten used to the feeling of Travis's arm around her when he released her. She shivered slightly, missing the warmth of it. She supressed a yawn as she heard Travis's stifled one. She blinked her eyes a few times and said, "Please, just call me Sara, Travis. I'm not considered a princess right now. Plus, it seems so formal."
She had no idea why she wanted him to stop calling her princess, or why she thought she didn't have to be formal around him or that he didn't have to be formal around her. Tiring slightly, she felt herself lean a bit against Travis, too tired to stop herself.
"And it's alright that you steadied me like that. The ride would've been uncomfortable had you not done that." She pushed a bit of her hair from her eyes. "And my leg aches, though it doesn't burn anymore." She was still fully aware of the soreness from the mark that was there, though she hadn't seen the mark yet.
She just then realized what she had done. She's struck the old woman with a bolt of lightning. If she weren't too tired, she'd probably be proud, scared, and a bit curious as to how that happened. Perhaps the demon had done it.
Ugh. The demon. The stupid thing was lying dormant inside of her for the moment.
Love is all we need~
1:18pm Jun 11 2012
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I chuckled lightly at her request. I was kind of torn. Princess Sara is my princess. My authority. So I should listen to her and do as she requests. But, the king would probably want me to not be on a personal level with the princess. She's royalty, and I wasn't. I had no business calling her by her first name.
"In all due respect, Princess, I prefer calling you what you still are. I've always been told to call you by your ti tle."
I frowned when she said her leg still ached. "I'd check your wound, Princess, but I don't think it would be appropriate." I said, pursing my lips and trying to think if we came across a doctor's care place as we had went through the village.
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1:29pm Jun 11 2012
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Sara was disappointed that he wouldn't call her by her first name, but she guessed that she would have to deal with it.
Sara sighed and said, "Travis, it's a wound. I have on bloomers, and it's not on my rump. It's on the back of my thigh. Under any normal circumstances, it would be inappropriate, but you're supposed to protect me, and part of protecting me is looking at wounds that I receive." She let out a small giggle.
"Listen, I won't tell my father that you're doing an inappropriate thing. You aren't," she said. She tilted her head upwards to look up at Travis. "Okay?"
Love is all we need~
6:42pm Jun 11 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
9:27am Jun 12 2012
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I sighed, jumping off Ashes, and helping her down as well. "Alright..." I said through my teeth, but it wasn't alright. It wasn't right for a man to see a woman's ankles before her wedding night. I don't think the princess realized that I've never seen a woman's legs before, and no matter how much intentions were pure - I was still a man.
I didn't make any move to look, but instead stalled by giving Ashes some feed. As he ate out from my palm, my thoughts wandered. The princess was demon possessed and struck a old witch with a lightening bolt. I saw the burnt mark she put on the blanket I brought as well. "Princess, is there anything you need to tell me before we go on?"
I asked. Obviously the princess was hiding something.
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10:24am Jun 12 2012
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Sara pursed her lips together and sighed. She didn't know what to say, or what to call herself, but the word 'mage' seemed to fit the situation perfectly. She looked from side to side, trying to figure out the wording of how she would put it. After a few moments of silence, she finally turned to Travis. "I.... I..." She paused. The words wouldn't form. She was angering herself, and her face was beginning to show it. "I think that.... I might be a mage." She turned back around, a bit afraid of what Travis would think. Perhaps he would think that she was being childish, and that her imagination was too wild, or perhaps he would think that the demon was trying to deceive him.
Love is all we need~
9:35pm Jun 13 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
9:57pm Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 9:58pm Jun 13 2012)
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I wasn't disgusted or surprised because I was trying to convince her of this before. How could I have forgotten? "Oh yeah..." I said, running fingers through my hair. "The demon had said something about that, remember?" Well obviously no. She doesn't remember what he says when she's being possessed. "Well, he did. He told me you were a mage when he first possessed you."
Why? Why did the king send me with this girl on some far out adventure that wasn't bringing us any closer to her finding some empathy to poor souls? She sometimes still seemed like the stubborn spoiled brat to me. I sighed and went over to pet Ashes nose. I could tell that he felt the tension in the air from the situation. "What do you we do? For all I know, you could touch me and I'd be electrocuted. How does this mage thing even work?"
I felt silly exploring this idea, but it was the only possible way.
[Hey. <3 I won't be on tomorrow. And if I am, it will probably be for role plays that take a second or two to reply too. Like our other role play. I'm having surgery so I don't know if I'll feel like disoriented or anything, you know? ]]
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10:07pm Jun 13 2012
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Sara bit her lip. Great. Now Travis was afraid of her. Hey, but at least he didn't think she was crazy. And how in the heck did that darn demon know about the mage thing before she did? She crinkled her nose in hatred for the being that was dormant inside of her.
"I don't know how the mage thing works. All I know is that when I feel really strong emotions, things just start happening. Like when that hag ticked me off and burned me, I just felt hot all over, and my tears felt like they were on fire, but cold at the same time. And then I just flicked my hand out like this," she did the motion, "and lightning flew out."
She was just as scared about the whole ordeal as anyone would be. She could possibly hurt herself, or burn off all of her hair or something. She shivered at the thought.
Ooc:// Surgery sucks. Don't eat anything after you wake up. No matter how hungry you are. If anything, take a few sips of water. If you eat anything or drink too much water, it'll make you barf like you ate something rotten. Trust me; I should know. -.-'
Love is all we need~
10:12pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ Omg. They should experiment and have him kiss her for this 'strong emotion' xD But if that's also a cheesy idea from the CHeesy, then we can forget it. xDDD
What did you have to get surgery for? And, I was afraid of eating something but they gave me this packet of Pre - OP things, and they put in bold You are aloud to eat something before this surgery. I was like, OH HECK YES. XDDD ]]
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10:16pm Jun 13 2012
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Ooc:// That would be histerical. Of course, he could probably do that when the demon is possessing her, too. That would pull her out of her little comatose area inside while the demon is in control. XD
And I think that would be cool. And CHarity isn't cheesy. :D
I had surgery to remove a cancerous mass of skin on my forehead. It wasn't very fun. I was young, so they had to put me to sleep because I fought them tooth and nail while I was awake.
Love is all we need~
10:21pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ That's ironic. ^^ I'm getting my surgery on my forehead as well. |D I have a cyst.
Seriously man. I'm prone to random growths. I had two random growths when I was first born that they had to cut off, and now I have two more. O_O UGH. I'm scared of what the future holds, regarding this. lol.
Omg. This will be hilarious. I love making awkward scenes in a role play. Which one would be better? Him saying something like, 'let's experiment this mage thing'? Or when the demon comes, I guess the demon freaks him out and that's his last resort on waking her? xDD You choose. They're both hilarious in my opinion and I'm indecisive. |D ]]
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10:27pm Jun 13 2012
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Ooc:// Let's do the demon one. I'll just have it randomly take her over.
And I'm pretty much Irish, so I get sunburned a lot, which can occasionally turn into cancerous moles, which have to be removed before they can harm me. Surgery's not that bad. They gave me this purple medicine to calm me down when I was a little kid and I started hallucinating. XD
That was some funny stuff.
Sara twitched, like a marionette again, and her hair raised off of her shoulders slightly. Her feet stayed on the ground this time, but Sara couldn't fight the demon off this time. It wanted control. Badly. So badly that she couldn't stop it.
Her eyes closed, and then opened suddely, revealed to be glowing. The demon looked over at Travis. "Oh, you're still following around the little girl, hm?" It put its hands on Sara's hips, tapping her fingernails on the fabric of her gown. "This gown flatters her so well. Though that mark still stings a bit. Even I can feel that."
"So, how have you two progressed? She's blushed quite a lot lately. I've been watching her." The demon let out a giggle worthy of a horror film.
Love is all we need~
10:35pm Jun 13 2012
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[[Omg I love those videos people post on youtube of people acting all crazy after the medicine that makes you fall asleep. xDDDDD
Alright. I'll let him talk to the demon a little first, if you know what I mean. xDD ]]
Oh gosh, not again. The second I saw her hair start moving a bit, it reminded me of the first time she was possessed. Her hair stood up all the way, and I hadn't known what was going on. Now I know what is going on, and I still was of no help to the princess.
"Princess, stay with me..."
I whispered as she closed her eyes, but when she opened them, the glow in her eyes showed that she didn't obey. Not that she had much control anymore, it seemed. Oh for heavens sake, the riddles again! What was this demon talking about? "Alright. I'll play. What are we supposed to be progressing in, exactly?"
I said, feeling less afraid then before. Now that I understood what was happening, I felt like the knight I was trained to be. Less frightened, and more vigilante then ever.
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10:44pm Jun 13 2012
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The demon grinned wickedly. A question returned with a question. What a cunning boy, it thought, laughing some more.
"You don't know what you're progressing in? I do. All boys have the same thing on their mind. And this girl's a princess. But, alas, she is of royalty, and a royal heir she must produce...." The demon bit its bottom lip, looking up at the sky wistfully.
"So it seems that you haven't progressed at all." The demon made a tisking noise as it allowed Sara's hair to fall onto her shoulders. Though it was still painfully obvious that the demon was still in control. "Golden locks, bright blue eyes, a small girl. So innocent-looking..." It wrapped a lock of golden hair around its finger.
Love is all we need~
10:57pm Jun 13 2012
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My eyebrows furrowed as I waited for him to explain. But, I should have knew this was coming, his answer came in more riddles. This time I knew what he meant. "I'm not... No. No. Princess Sara is exactly that. The princess of the kingdom. I would never take advantage of her that way. "
And not only because her father would behead me without hesitation for doing such. "I've never looked at Princess Sara in a romantic way whatsoever."
I said, before clenching my jaw. I knew it was lunacy, but the question came out before I could think of what would be smart to say to get this over with. "Why would you care if I did or didn't want to get romantically involved with the kings daughter, anyways?"
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11:02pm Jun 13 2012
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The demon laughed. "So many questions. Don't you know that I'm supposed to be the instigator?" It released Sara's hair and sighed. After a few moments of thinking, the demon figured out on how to word the answer.
"I am simply here to watch in this world, for I do not belong here. I wish nothing from the princess but to feel alive again, and I do. I feel alive. And young love is so beautiful that watching my own vassal become a flustering, red mess every time a handsome knight touches her makes me unbelievably happy."
Love is all we need~
11:09pm Jun 13 2012
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I shook my head the whole time as he explained. I was going to throw a comment back, saying to go find another vassal that isn't the princess, but his last statement caught me off guard. "You obviously haven't been seeing clearly. She doesn't do that at all when I touch her - which is rare. There's no... 'Young Love' going on here either."
To think this... Demon had the audacity to say something like that. If I even wanted to look at the princess in a romantic way, I'd only get hurt. She wants a prince that can make her a queen some day. Not some knight that was obligated to go on this adventure with her. "I just want Princess Sara back so we can go... Wherever were meant to go from here. Can't you go find some other person to possess? Someone less valuable?" I had a lot of added stress now, so I felt the demon might enjoy it if I pleaded, and I didn't try to sound tough in the least. I just wanted one night of pure peace and sleep... With out this crazy mess in the way.
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11:15pm Jun 13 2012
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The demon grinned and giggled. "See, this is why I chose this vassal! It's so entertaining!" It paused and sighed in glee. "The reason that I love this very vassal is because I can watch what you two are doing. It's like watching a little flip book."
"And the way that you're so obligated to keep protecting her is amazing! She's possessed by a demon, she's a mage, and she's had numerous things try to attack her." The demon put its hands over Sara's heart. "You could go back to the king and tell him that Sara was possessed by a demon. Surely he would dismiss you from this job for that. He might even promote you for noticing such a thing, and keeping her safe."
The demon had a grin that would put the cheshire cat to shame on its face by then, and Sara's white teeth were shining in the moonlight, the demon rocking back on its heels.
Love is all we need~