11:23pm Jun 13 2012
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I hadn't thought of that before. I could take her to the king. I could be done with this mission, and the king could deal with the princess and her demon. So why wasn't I jumping for joy at the solution?
"I can't just... Send her back. She wouldn't..."
I didn't want to sound stupid to this... Demon. Especially since I know he'll be watching every move I make from now on. But I now didn't want to be done with the princess just yet. I sort of... Liked her company. I've never spoken a word to her before the king told me to come to the banquet and sent us off. I didn't care of the king brought me to a higher position back at the castle, I was fine where I was. I liked being captain and telling others where to go for the battle plans. It was almost as if I was disappointed on the realization I could bring her back home.
But I think we all knew I should. "I guess that's true..."
I said, my lips obviously turned to a frown. Then I realized what I was talking too. Was I seriously taking advice from a demon? "No. That's not true. Princess Sara would have learned nothing if she just got her way and was sent back home." I said more fiercely.
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11:28pm Jun 13 2012
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The demon sighed. So the boy was being resilient even more. A smile played on its lips, curving Sara's pink smile.
"Ah.... You have a point, too. I may be a demon, but I do have my moments where I do not argue." It scratched Sara's chin, and pursed its lips together. "But another reason that I'm in this human body is because I can feel things again."
It took Sara's fingernail and roughly drug it across her wrist. Blood began to drip down due to the pressure exerted on the thin, delicate skin there. When the demon finished, blood was dripping onto the grass. "I can feel pain, for instance, though this is minor compared to what I felt in the pits of hell..." It sighed, and began to go to work on Sara's other wrist, dragging its fingernail across the thin skin there.
Love is all we need~
11:34pm Jun 13 2012
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The second I watched his finger nails bite into the princess's skin, the anger burned a pit in my stomach. "Stop it!" I finally roared as I watched her blood drip down one wrist and he reached to do it to another. I ran over and grabbed the wounded wrist gingerly, though was careful not to touch the wound, and glaring back at the eyes of the demon. "Don't you dare hurt her."
I didn't care of his intentions. The fact that when she wakes up, she was going to be feeling this pain was what I was worried about.
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11:37pm Jun 13 2012
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The demon looked up with a neutral look. "And what are you going to do about it, Sir Knight? You can't hurt me." It let out a series of demonic laughs. "Because you can't hurt her."
It didn't shake itself free of Travis's grip, but it continued to drag its nail across Sara's skin, blood dripping down to the ground now and then, dying the grass crimson.
Love is all we need~
11:46pm Jun 13 2012
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Finally, as I angrily grabbed Princess Sara's other hand so he couldn't scratch her already - bleeding wound, I remembered what she told me. About waking her up when she got possessed. "Wake up, Sara..."
I whispered, looking at the demons eyes - or trying to look passed them to somehow find Princess Sara's endearing blue ones - and let my fingers tips trail from her wrists, up her arms to her shoulders. How was I to wake her?
"I don't know how to do this..."
I clenched my jaw as I whispered miserably to Princess Sara somewhere inside there. I was hoping she'd hear me, at least. Shaking her shoulders, I said it again, "Come on. Wake up, Sara..."
I couldn't tell if it was working, but I was getting impatient. I let go of her shoulders and grabbed both sides of her face and forced her lips to crush against mine in a kiss that would even wake Sleeping Beauty up. I don't know why I did it and I didn't want to analyze it now. Because my mind was too wrapped up on the fact that her lips were softer then I thought they would be. For a beautiful moment, I completely forgot that this was the princess. I forgot we were all by ourselves out here in the dark of the night, probably the worst smelling creatures ever coming from the palace from the lack of showers these past days in the woods. I forgot that I had just told the demon that we had no romantic thoughts toward each other.
I even forgot that I could possibly be kissing a demon right now.
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11:54pm Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 11:54pm Jun 13 2012)
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The demon debated on striking him for touching it so roughly. Though it didn't feel much pain, or wasn't affected by the shaking, but it was annoying. It felt like it was being rocked on a rickety boat on a stormy sea.
However, the demon didn't expect for Travis to kiss Sara. It couldn't help but smirk into the kiss, and didn't pull away. Its eyes closed, and when they opened abruptly, the glowing was gone, and Sara was back.
She was first aware of how close she and Travis were, and how his hands were on her cheeks. And then she noticed how her lips were crushed against his in a kiss. She tensed up, but didn't move.
She actually enjoyed it quite a bit, if it weren't for the fact that this situation was never to occur. Princesses had arranged marriages with princes. No other romantic things were done. No kissing until the wedding. No real courting occured.
But Travis was kissing her, and it felt very real. He was a knight, she thought, and she wondered where he had even learned to kiss like that. Squeezing his bicep a bit, Sara tried to give him a signal that she was clueless as to what was going on. She just knew that one minute, she was standing there, and the next, Travis was all over her.
She felt a stinging in her wrists, but it was miniscule due to the shock of being kissed by a knight.
Ooc:// Bahahahahhahahaha. XD Pffft.
Love is all we need~
12:08am Jun 14 2012 (last edited on 12:09am Jun 14 2012)
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The intention of the kiss changed from wanting to wake her to wanting to never let go. I hadn't realized how badly I had been wanting this kiss. I still was keeping myself on analyzing the real reason why I liked it so much.
As I felt the princess - at least I sure did hope it was the princess now - squeezed my arm, my lips slowed and - as slowly as I could possibly do it - let got of her own. It was probably the hardest thing a man could do.
I was so shocked at what I had just done that my voice left me and it was close to a mere whisper when I said her name. "I'm sorry. You were... Possessed. You weren't... Waking up."
I said, knowing she'd know what I was talking about. I abruptly let go of her shoulders and took a couple steps back. My lips were tingling and warm and it took everything in me not to touch them and remember that kiss. It was then that I finally remembered her wounds. The awkward tension in the air was palpable. I went over to Ashes and got the first aid kit out before walking back to the princess and avoided her eyes. Taking out a concoction that cleans the wound, my eyes lifted up to look at hers, but they found her mouth instead. My cheeks burned and I looked back down and said what I had planned to say to her face.
"This'll hurt a little."
I said, still breathing a little heavier from the kiss. Or maybe because the air had just thickened. I put the medicine on her wounds and quickly wrapped bandages around both to try and take away as much pain as possible. "How's that?"
I asked, still not looking at her face. Wouldn't want to try and look at her eyes but stare at her mouth again. I blushed again, and I was so glad it was dark out so that she wouldn't notice. This was humiliating. I shouldn't have kissed her.
[[This is so awkward! YESSS. <333 xD ]]
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12:19am Jun 14 2012
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Ooc:// Yeah!!! <3333333 ;3
Sara waited for him to release her, and when he did, she immediately missed the warmth of how close he had been to her. But she wouldn't admit that easily. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she simply nodded. She couldn't talk right then. Lord knew what would come out of her mouth.
Either the words woudn't make any sense at all, or they would make so much sense that she would embarass herself. Perhaps she would end up lying, or even tell the truth. All she knew was that her cheeks were ablaze, and the darkness hid it well, she hoped at least.
As Travis began to tend to her wounds, she averted her eyes from his, but occasionally allowed her blue orbs to flick to look into his, quickly looking away shortly afterward. She winced when the salve was placed on her cuts, hissing slightly in pain. However, the wince dissipated when he wrapped her wrists up.
She cleared her throat, and forced herself to clench the bottom half of her gown. She knew that her hands would be shaking if she didn't. Where did he learn to kiss like that, she still wondered. She bit her lip and slowed her breathing, which was still ragged.
Finally, some words came from her mouth. "That's fine." They were tiny words, but at least they made some sort of sense.
Love is all we need~
4:57pm Jun 14 2012
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Ooc:// I hope that your surgery went well, if it's already occured, and this post also serves as a:
Love is all we need~
5:00pm Jun 14 2012
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[[ It went way better then I thought. The numbing needles hurt bad, but then I didn't even realize he was cutting me open. lol...
I'll get a post up soon. I'm watching Psych online and trying to keep ice on my forehead, which is very difficult. LOL. ]]
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5:02pm Jun 14 2012
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Ooc:// OMGHEEE. I love Psych! Even though I haven't watched it lately... :(
And the numbing needles hurt the worst. They actually had to put me to sleep, because I wouldn't let them come near me with that big syringe, especially if it was aimed at my head. XD
Love is all we need~
4:55pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Oh yeah. Psych is the best <3 And the guy is hot too... LOL. That's hilarious. xD Sorry this post took so long to get to you. I think you're starting to get that I procrastinate a lot, but I don't really forget the rp. Especially since this is one of my favs. <3 ]]
This was probably the most awkward situation I have ever been put into. And this was coming from a knight - one who didn't get too many luxuries or privacy with other knights around. Swallowing hard, I kept averting my eyes no matter how much my desire was too look back at her. Maybe even ask if she liked that kiss as much as I did...
Why would I even like it? This was the princess. My princess. Royalty. This was all so absurd. Finally hearing her soft voice, the stress on my shoulders was appeased. "Good." I said before going back to Ashes. "What's the plan, Princess?"
I said, my voice husky and low. What had I just done? What will be my punishment for kissing the princess? I inwardly shuddered when my imagination roamed on the possibilities of my death.
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5:08pm Jun 15 2012
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Ooc:// It's fine. I have a lot of roleplays now, so I don't mind if someone procrastinates. Especially because I have a tendency to procrastinate an unreasonable amount in reality. XD And I don't really think that the characters on Psych are all that attractive. The main character's personality is histerical, though.
Sara was wondering why he wasn't having as much trouble speaking as she was. It seemed like someone had cut her vocal cords, and that they only sewed themselves together when they wanted to. Her eyes closed and she took in a deep breath.
"I say that we sleep, and then find a source of water to bathe in." Her voice was quiet and soft, because she was afraid to speak loudly. Speaking loudly may make her say something unwanted. She shuddered at the thought.
She let her eyes travel to the sky. "I won't tell my father." She felt the need to say it. Sara knew that trying to court a princess had serious consequences for the offender, and she didn't want Travis fearing what wasn't going to happen. Plus, it wasn't like he was trying to court her, was it?
Love is all we need~
5:19pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Sean has a weird lookin' nose, but over all I find him very appealing ;). ]]
The sound of her voice saying we should sleep almost sent me too my knees. Oh yes. We should sleep. I was exhausted So exhausted, in fact, that I had just kissed the princess. I scolded myself once more for the action before finally finding the dignity - any I had compared to her - to turning around and looking back at her. My green eyes swam inside her blue ones for what felt like an eternity.
What was I to say to that? I didn't think it was smart to keep the conversation going so I chose not to respond at all. "Sleeping sounds like a great idea right now."
I said, my voice becoming just as quiet as hers as I kept my eyes locked in her stare. I finally tore my eyes away, no matter how hard the action, and went to Ashes to get the blankets we used before to sleep.
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5:26pm Jun 15 2012
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Ooc:// Mneh. I'm more for the artsy-looking guys. XD Or guys with nice muscles.
Sara was caught off guard when he locked gazes with hers. She couldn't break the stare. She hadn't noticed how interesting his eyes were. They were such an intriguing shade of green.
She heard his voice, but she wasn't sure whether it was her lack of concentration on his voice that made it so quiet or the fact that they had just kissed. She would've started shaking had he stared at her for any longer, but, to her advantage, he looked away, and Sara was both relieved and disappointed at the same time.
She watched him move and get the blankets. Her eyes watched how the muscles moved under his skin. And then she turned away. She couldn't watch him. She would do something stupid or get caught. She felt sorry for him. They hadn't got much sleep the last few nights, but he had sacrificed his sleep for her.
And then her thoughts went back to the kiss. Why was she so stupid as to simply freeze up? Why hadn't she taken the moment and kissed him back? She knew she wanted to do it. Her blue eyes were downcast.
Love is all we need~
5:56pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Oh geez. The muscle thing is a no brainer. What girl doesn't want a guy with muscle? xDD That's why all my characters are built... O_O -especially Travis. Cough. Cough.-
LOL. I love how this kiss has affected her. xD]]
Grabbing the blankets from the bag, I gave Ashes a light pet on his neck before walking over to the princess. I think we could both feel the awkward tension in the air, and it made me wish even more that I hadn't kissed her. No matter how it made my mouth feel, my mind knows it was a stupid move. What had I been thinking? At least she was possessed and didn't hear the rest of the conversation with the demon.
I swallowed hard at the memory as I gave the princess the blanket that I had slept on before. The one she slept on made a burn mark and I didn't need her making more marks. "Try to be careful this time, Princess. I don't need another burned blanket."
I said with a slight smirk though still didn't look her way as I lay the blanket down where we stood and lied on top. I was trying to cool this tension, but that kiss was pretty strong. How could I make us friends again at least with out feeling this way?
My thoughts went back to the demon's conversation. This thick air was not young love to me. It was awkward. A mistake. Another reason I shouldn't have come. Now that I've felt how wonderful her lips felt against mine, how long will I be able to hold back any more temptations? I may be a knight. I may know she was royalty. Young royalty at that. But, I was still a man. I sighed and rolled to my side so my back was toward her. Maybe we just needed some time to not speak to each other. Sleep was a good idea, I could run away from this night mare. And tomorrow when we wake up, this awkwardness will go away for sure.
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8:46pm Jun 15 2012
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Sara took the blanket graciously and frowned at his remark. "I can't control that." She sighed and layed her blanket down, trying to ignore the heaviness in the air. She'd never been in a situation like this. She was royalty. She shouldn't be in a situation like this.
She layed down with her back to Travis, not wanting to embarass herself by allowing her eyes to linger on his muscles or his eyes. She pursed her lips together, closing her eyes and trying to force herself to go to sleep.
She just hoped nothing else would happen soon. She didn't need Travis to do anything else to save her. Lord knew what he would do next. But Sara was actually curious about that, wasn't she?
Ooc:// XD Yep. All girls love muscles.
There was this weightlifter dude that came to my church. He was friends with my best friend ever, so I just asked him up front if he could carry someone. In the end, he ended up carrying me around like a princess. XD
And I got to squeeze his bicep. <3
Love is all we need~
8:54pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Something should happen while they're sleeping. :U Because they just can't get one night of peace. xD
Omg. YOU GOT TO SQUEEZE IT? O_O Lucky... ]]
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9:13pm Jun 15 2012
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Ooc:// Yep. I got to squeeze the weightlifter's bicep. It was awesome, and he laughed. He said nobody had ever had the audacity to ask him that. He was like.... seven years older than me, though. XD It would never work out. </3
And should I have the bandits come in this early, you know, because of the target mark on her leg? I mentioned in one of the previous posts that that's why the hag put the mark there.
Love is all we need~
9:26pm Jun 15 2012
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[[... I bet that killed you, inside. D|
Yeah I was waiting for you to go on with that idea! Yeah, do that. |DDDD ]]
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