10:12am Dec 31 2009 (last edited on 12:03pm Dec 31 2009)
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It was a harsh night in her opinion, cold and unforgiving. Chrome strolled the busy streets, keeping her eyes lowered. She wasn't one for cold weather, and most definately not one for busy streets. She sighed, watching the breath leave her lips before continuing onward. She didn't know what she was looking for or even if she was looking for something. She sighed again, this whole journey seemed pointless... "Its not Chrome. Trust me on this" "Whatever you say, Mukuro-sama" her voice was quiet, as was usual. She felt much better however, knowing Mukuro-sama was still with her, watching over her. She enjoyed his visits, just the reas.surance was enough. She shuddered at the cold and continued on her way. Something was up, or atleast, thats what Mukuro-sama seemed to think. Ah well... Chrome carried on walking, no thoughts in her head, she'd simply continue for now.
11:51am Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 341
((It's great, Lenalee-chan~ Nice bios. Tyki~ Momma doesn't want me to go to the stupid party tonight. She thinks I'll get all of you sick. I'M GOING, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO ME!! I feel great, actually! D:
ferret-read my rules, please. Then yes. RUSSIA! *tackles* Of course. Figured I would be the only nation until you showed up!)) BIC|| "Moyashi~!" Allen suddenly found himself face-down in a pile of snow. Someone was standing on his head, and he knew immediately who it was judging by the current circumstance and the annoying name they called him.
"Lavi!" he cried, flailing helplessly in the snow. "Get off of me! I was thinking very hard, you know!"
"That's a change for you. I knew I smelled something burning~" the redhead teased, removing his foot from Allen's head and allowing the other exorcist to get back on his feet. "What about?"
"It was nothing important," Allen mumbled as he turned back to the happy scene below him, slightly irritated by Lavi's lackadaisical aura. "Just...thinking," his eyes swept back over the village below them as he dusted snow off of the front of his uniform. He could feel Lavi's single green eye watching him, and it was making him very uncomfortable. Lavi sighed, watching his breath fog up in front of him. The activities in the city below them, the joyous feeling in the air, and the time of year itself must have been making Allen remember-- Lavi's single eye narrowed. What a happy time of year this was, yet for Allen it was marred by his past. How tragic, and what a sad way to spend the holidays. Pitiful, really. He sighed again and pushed his headband up on his forehead, scanning the village below them as he stepped up behind the other exorcist.
"...ne, you look cold, Moyashi," Allen flinched slightly as Lavi's arms slid around his middle, "How long have you been out here? It isn't safe to be out tonight--you could catch your death of cold." Allen made a disgruntled sound in his throat at the nickname.
"I'm no Moyashi, I am Allen!" he protested sharply. A chuckle from Lavi, but nothing more. Little sound disturbed the cold air around them but the whistling of the wind and the occasional caw of a crow. Allen finally gave the other exorcist a decent answer, "...an hour or so. I was watching for any signs of akuma, but there's nothing. There has been little movement from the Earl these past few days, and we have been stuck here doing nothing because of the Order's paranoia." "Of course," Lavi spoke back, resting his chin on Allen's head to emphasize the difference in height between them. "It's too cold for the Earl to do anything. He won't set foot outside with this weather, the highfalutin snob that he is...he wouldn't get cold with all of that fat, though." Allen laughed softly. Lavi smiled to himself and continued, "Funny thing is that the Order won't hesitate to send us out; we're like guard dogs for the world. It's so damn cold that I can't feel my fingers! Oh, and have you noticed that it's only us? You know, us? The young exorcists? They didn't send the generals anywhere! Too cold for them, eh? Old Bookman got to stay at Headquarters, too, the lazy old--" he paused, and Allen turned slightly to shoot him a curious look. "Lavi?" "...I had stuff to translate, stuff to read..." Lavi grumbled after a moment. "But he sent me out here with you...you know how much work I get!!" Allen gave a small nod of his head, then turned his gaze back to the village below. "The Noah are probably busy, though. I wonder if they celebrate Christmas...?"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:16pm Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 79
Christmas was coming, time of joy, happiness, peacefulness. Everything that the Japanese exorcist could not show, nor believe. A cold wind blew, blowing his long black hair into his face. "Che dammit...." He grabbed a piece of red rope, pushing his hair back, and tied it up in a pony tail.
White fluff, fell down from the sky. The young samurai looked up and sighed, it had begun to snow. He held out one of his pale exposed, hands to catch the snow flakes as they dropped. The thought of Christmas came back into his head. He couldn't grasp the point of it, how everyone could be so cheery, even when there was a war going on right in front of their eyes. Kanda clenched both hands into fists and shoved them into his pockets, looking back up at the darkened sky.
Closing his lonely eyes, letting the snow touch his face. He went into a meditative state, as the boy stood there in the cold, empty street. The moon peeked out through the clouds, making the Japanese male re-open his eyes. He gazed into the white sphere and thought how quiet everything was.
No Earl, no Noah...no Akuma. Something wasn't right, unless...maybe they too celebrated 'The most wonderful time of the year.' "...that couldn't be possible...." or could it?
3:21pm Dec 31 2009
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((-tackled- :D Axis Powers Hetalia is the greatest. I love Italy. But his brother South Italy is all mean and stuff. And China is like a Pokemon with America. And America's the hero. Yes. <3))
6:46pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 341
((:D Indeed~ I haven't been keeping up with Hetalia lately because of my D.Gray-man fetish. o.o)) BIC|| Allen groaned softly, giving a small shiver as the cold wind tossed his hair and coat. Lavi's arms were warm around his chest, but the rest of his body, especially his face, was going numb from the chill. He sighed heavily, holding his hair away from his eyes as he felt Lavi's chin come to rest on his shoulder.
"Ne," Lavi spoke, his warm breath tickling the side of Allen's cheek, "you feelin' all right? Are you seeing something?" Allen's silvery eyes narrowed against the cold wind, his gaze locked onto a figure standing in the road. "...it's Kanda." "YUU!" Lavi called, giving the other exorcist an enthusiastic wave from his place behind Allen. "Yuu! Come up here! It's coooollldd down there~!" he grinned a grin that made his green eye twinkle with mischief. "Come up here, or we'll come down there~!" "Speak for yourself, Lavi...!" Allen commanded weakly, the cold making his voice soft and fragile like gl*censored*. "I wouldn't go down there with Bakanda even if I was going to receive payment for it...!" Lavi snorted back laughter; he should have known that nothing, not even the prospect of Christmas, could make Allen and Kanda stop hating each other.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:51pm Jan 2 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Jan 2 2010)
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Another christmas. tch. Christmas didnt mean much to Maya. Losing her last family member all those years ago saw to that. No point. She stood with her back against a cold stone wall, the temperature being kept from her body by the thick black overcoat she wore. Thinking. That was all she seemed to do these days. She looked up from gazing into lifeless snow when she detected an unusual aura. Or rather, two. Two in one person. She blinked as the figure p*censored*ed, shorter than her, and moving with a nervous haste. Chrome had done as she had promised Mukuro she would do. Continued walking. There was still no point to it for her yet, this journey, and the christmas celebrations raging around her seemed to close in as she speeded up... she hated crowds, and this time of year was the worst for them. Ack. If only she knew why she was here... She was getting no answers, not even from Mukuro-sama. Maya pushed herself away from the wall and watched the retreating back of the figure before moving herself. That one was unusual. She shrugged lightly to herself. Whatever... Her thoughts drifted back to the time of year and the carefree sounds surrounding her... ah, if only they knew what truly existed in this world. She shook herself mentally and speeded up, strolling through snow, her destination on the outskirts of town.
12:50am Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 12:50am Jan 3 2010)
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Posts: 79
The boy looked up the snowy hill, "Che...Usagi..." he whispered to himself, narrowing his eyes. Typical, becoming annoyed at the exorcist who called him by his first name.There was no way he would go up there to see them, he glared at his two 'comrades'; hoping they could see him, and get the message that he wanted to be alone.
A sigh pas.sed his lips, as he stood there having the snow dampen his uniform. Going inside would probably be a good idea, the snow was starting to come down harder; and his fingers were being frost bitten. He ran his hand through his hair, ridding it of any white fluff; turning away from the other exorcists and walked back down the streets.
Knowing Lavi, he'd probably chase after him. Kanda stared down at the white path, not paying any attention to where he was going. The wind picked up, blowing the snow into the exorcist's face; making his visibility nearly zero. He cursed, wrapping his arm across his eyes, trying to block out as much of the blizzard as he could.
The Japanese male groaned, this was probably a sign from god, to turn around and go back. He gritted his teeth and grumbled, turning back around. 'I hate my life....' he told himself, returning to where he was and up the snowy hill to the other exorcists. It definitely wasn't as windy up there as it was down the hill.
He met the two exorcists and walked straight past them, ignoring their existence.
1:02pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 7:40am Jan 7 2010)
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Posts: 341
Allen narrowed his eyes at the other exorcist as he p*censored*ed them. "It isn't polite to ignore people, Bakanda," he spoke coldly, his words icier than the snow falling around them. "Why don't you try some light conversation with us? Come on, don't be selfish." "It's cold, Yuu~" Lavi grinned as he reached out an arm and curled his fingers around the fabric of Kanda's sleeve as he walked by. "Get over here and help us stay warm, eh?" he gave the Japanese exorcist a firm yank, pulling him into their hug. Allen was not happy with Lavi for this, but it would help them keep warm...perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing. Then he would not have to endure Kanda's complaining about being cold. Lavi rested his cheek against the top of Kanda's head, happy that he had jailed the Japanese exorcist. "Don't be like that, Yuu~ Allen-kun and I are cold here. We've been up here on akuma patrol for hours!" he smiled to himself and allowed his single green eye to close...keeping himself and Allen warm was quite a chor.e indeed, especially in this weather. The temperature was dropping by the second, the wind was picking up into quite a nasty gale, and more snow was falling. The Bookman-to-be noted that they were almost completely alone here...not the most pleasant side of town, he as.sumed. This led him to the question of Kanda's presence; why on Earth would the Japanese exorcist be walking around here? Allen Walker must have read his mind.
"...why are you here, Kanda?" Allen asked, turning his eyes onto the other exorcist. "Certainly not out for an evening stroll, are you?"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:32pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I will post my bio now. .3. nd sorry for not being on. I was at my cousin's house. I have no Internet at home. But I'm at my uncle's now, which is wonderful. I can walk here from school every day. Maybe. .3.))
5:40pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
tle="Ivan~">CLICK ME~! NAME: Ivan Braginski / Russia AGE: Well, since the USSR fell in 1991 or so, I guess his birthday changed so he's 18 now. .3. But in reality he's like...REEEAAALLLLYYYY old. GENDER: Male PERSONALITY (try not to put one-word answers here): Well, Ivan is generally seen as a bit of a psycho. He has two obvious personalities, happy and cheerful one minute and fantasizing about torturing and/or killing people the next. He's a very frightening person, and, apparentally, immune to curses since even that one cursed chair that England tried to use on America couldn't handle him. JOB/ROLE (in essence, what are they?): He's the personification of Russia. :D 3 SPECIAL ABILITIES: Hmm.I'm not really sure if Ivan has any special abilities. .3. PAST (if you want to type it out, but it is loved): Well, just ook into the past of Russia. Ivan himself was born during the Mongol age, or whatever it was. I'm not relly sure exactly what it was. It was near the beginning and I'm on episode 36 or something now. .3. OTHER: Drinks vodka like water and sometimes carries around a water pipe. .3.

7:45am Jan 5 2010
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Posts: 341
((Other than scaring the crap out of people with a look and threatening them with that sink pipe of his? Yep, that about sums Russia up. o3o Welcome. I'll post Iggy's intro when you post Russia's.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:41pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 79
It all happened so fast...how did he manage to get jailed into a tight hug. Kanda gritted his teeth, sandwiched between the two people who annoyed him the most, "Che...." not something he thoroughly enjoyed.
"Let go of me, Baka Usagi." he hissed glaring at the red-head and squirmed to break free. Yes he had to admit, it was quite warm being embraced between both exorcists, but it certainly was too close for comfort. Lavi's grip was too tight to break, leaving the Japanese exorcist stuck in the middle. He scowled at the bookman-to-be; then to the other exorcist that he was sandwiched between; being this close to the cursed one, he felt sick. Kanda tried his best to reach for Mugen, or at least make use of his limbs for weapons. He needed to break away, some how.
Those two always asked so many questions, wondering where he was and what was he up to, it was as if they were his parents that he never had. Kanda narrowed his eyes, why must they want to know everything about him. Well he knew that answer for Lavi, he was a bookman after all...had to keep track of everything, even if it were never to be written down. "....I was coming back from a mission." he finally growled to them "Now let me free, before I separate us, by slicing you in half." trying to push away once again.
3:38pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Snow. It was everywhere. Not that ti was anything new to the Russian making his way through it, a large water pipe in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. The water pipe he brought just in case he needed it, and the vodka...well, he was thirsty. He lifted the bottle of vodka up so he could see what was left in it, brows furrowing when he saw that it was nearly gone. He sighed, lifting it to his lips and tilting his head back to take a drink. He really should have thought to bring more. Then again, where was he supposed to put it if he had brought it? Oh well. No use in whining over the almost empty bottle, he thought, violet eyes closing for a moment as a gust of cold wind blew, making his ash-blond hair whip against his face. Being the Russian he was, he was used to the snow and the cold, having lived in it his entire life. And, not only was he a Russian, but he was also the personification of the country itself. He had been born in the age of the Mongols, so his first impression on the world was violence, something he has carried with him all the way to the present. He was originally thousands of years old, but since the fall of the USSR back in the '90s, his age had changed, so he was now 18. Not that he cared. He was still a fearsome person to be against. That was something England knew full well. When the island country had tried to summon a demon to take care of America, Ivan, which is Russia's human name, had been the one to appear. Then there was the cursed chair that shattered when he sat on it. Guess he'd been to much for it to handle. While thinking upon all this, he tilted hsi head back to take the last drink of his vodka, tossing the bottle into the white snow as he kept walking, big leather boots crunching with every step. After adjusting his scarf and tan coat, he finally opened up his eyes, taking a chance to look around at all the snow around him. Which reminded him of the time he had jumped out of that plane without a parachute because the snow was soft. After breaking a bone, he had decided that he wouldn't be doing that ever again. ((That good? .3.))

9:37pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 341
((Enough to work with. :D)) BIC|| "Russia." His voice was rough from the cold, but should not have been unrecognizable to the Russian. His lips, chapped as they were, formed a small smile of greeting as he approached the taller nation, green eyes narrowed against the cold of the wind. His thick eyebrows would serve him well today...his forehead and eyelids would not get cold, at least. His gloved hands rested upon his hips when he came to a halt in front of Ivan, and he tilted his head down in a small bow. "You're late," England spoke, his voice not much chillier than the air around them. He hesitated, then added, "...but I'm bloody glad you've come. It's getting colder and colder here. No one knows the cold better than you do, eh?" he quirked an eyebrow, happy with himself for his sharp words. ~*"*~ Allen frowned. "Best let him go, Lavi," he growled, tempted to activate his Innocence and cut Kanda into bite-sized pieces with his sharp claws. "He can be cold if he wants to." "Hai, Allen-kun~" Lavi giggled and ruffled Kanda's hair before releasing the Japanese exorcist and relocating his arms around Allen. "I won't let myself be as cold as Yuu, though. I can stand the wind now, being close to you and everything~" Allen gently hit the Bookman-to-be on the side of the head, glaring at Kanda all the while. Stupid Kanda. He narrowed his silvery eyes coldly. Lavi had not let the situation go un-analyzed. His single green eye had recorded every exchange, every action, and every suppressed emotion...even his own. He grimaced; was he starting to care about Allen and Kanda? He would most certainly be hanged for it, if he was...
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:56pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Maya stopped suddenly, raising her eyes and facing the storm at the voices she'd heard. It took a short while for her eyes to adjust to the bite of the wind, but once they had, she made out the forms out in the blizzard. The other exorcists. She smiled lightly as she listened to their exchange... She'd been watching awhile when that aura permeated the air around her a second time. She turned back the way she had come, looking down the streets she had previously emerged from. It was that girl again... the one with the strange two-part aura. She wasn't sure whether it was a threat or not... and she kept her eyes on the girl as she approached... she didnt seem all that dangerous. Chrome kept walking. It was all she had to do, or atleast, thats all Mukuro-sama had wanted her to do. He'd given her direction, that was all. She still kept her eyes to the floor, even on the edge of town she wasn't too comfortable where she knew poeple wandered in large numbers. Maya raised an eyebrow at the oncoming figure, how strange...
11:57pm Jan 10 2010 (last edited on 12:06am Jan 11 2010)
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Posts: 79
It grew colder, the frost bitting his neck, and sending shivers down his spine. The storm was getting worse, as the wind threw snow particles in the Japanese male's face. He turned around, lifting the collar up on his uniform; trying to cover any bare skin he had exposed. How long were they going to stay out here...he looked at them with his cold, lonely eyes. There was no way in hell that he would wait for them, they could freeze to death for all he cared.
He sighed and shook his head, shaking off all the contrasting white off of his black hair. "Leave me be..." his tone was harsh, walking towards the entrance and pulling on the handle of the doors to the Order. A wave of warm air hit him before even stepping into the building. He walked in, having the door close behind him and headed down the hallway, to his room. The Order was decorating for Christmas. Garland dangled down the walls, all along the hall and bright lights were lit on the ceiling. It was just too much for the Japanese exorcist.Why must they rub that cheerful holiday in his face. The boy scowled, there was no need to be this happy for one day.
He opened the door to his room and quietly closed it after entering. Kanda leaned against the door of his dark and depressing room. He pulled out the red rope from his black hair and searched through his draws for different clothes to change out of. Once settled in his new attire he sat down on the edge of his bed and stared out the window to watch the snow fall.
6:23pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 341
Lavi gave a shiver, then squeezed Allen slightly and said, "Ne, Moyashi, let's go inside. Getting too cold out here, eh?" Without waiting for the silver-haired exorcist to reply, the Bookman-to-be released his captive and turned away, making for their headquarters. Allen tarried a bit longer, keeping his eyes to the sky and his hands close to his chest. How beautiful the sky must look beyond the storm...wait, when did he ever think like that? He shook his head and pushed his hair out of his eyes before following Lavi into the headquarters of the Black Order. Once Lavi was aware that Allen was following him, he grabbed onto the younger exorcist and dragged him down to the cafeteria, where he promptly ordered three hot chocolates from Jerry, the head chef. He handed one to Allen and, grinning like a loon, explained what he was planning to do with the extra one. "We're taking it to Yuu~" he thanked Jerry and practically sprinted out of the cafeteria, rushing down the hall to Kanda's room. Allen followed more slowly, trying hard not to disturb the la yer of whipped cream on top of his warm drink. A smile appeared on his lips as he watched Lavi knock on Kanda's bedroom door with his head; the Bookman's apprentice was a silly one, but one whom he could not replace in his heart. That smile, however, quickly turned into a frown when Lavi opened the door, walked into the Japanese exorcist's room, and announced that he "came bearing gifts of warmth and chocolate," using Kanda's first name to address him. The silver-eyed exorcist stood in the doorway, glaring daggers at the black-haired exorcist whom Lavi had forced the spare hot chocolate upon. "Jerry made it with love," he spoke quietly, stepping carefully into the room and cradling his hot chocolate in both hands. "You'd best drink it, Kanda." "We got it especially for you, Yuu~" Lavi grinned and sat himself down in the space between the interior of Kanda's room and his single window. He took a sip from his cup, then looked out into the snowy night absently, his gaze soft and content. Wow...what a feeling.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:57pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Ivan tilted his head a little as the English male walked up, blinking his violet eyes once. He smiled in return, though his smiles were less than comforting. His smiles made one think more along the lines of murderer than they did friend at most times. "I'm late because I was trying to get Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia to come along, but they didn't want to," he stated, frowning a bit. He shrugged it off after a moment, staring down at the shorter blond male before him as he shifted his pipe to his other hand. All he really wanted at this point was to go somewhere where it was warm and there plenty of sunflowers that he could take back home with him. ((Ffff. -read about Russia on Wikipedia- He is afraid of only two other countries, one being his crazy sister Belarus. -giggle- And sorry for the fail on my part. -working on watching more of Hetalia-))
4:21pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Maya tore her eyes away from the lone stranger with some effort, before heading towards the headquarters herself. Darn this weather, she sighed as she pushed open the main doors and entered, shrugging the snow from her shoulders. Once only slightly less wet, she headed into the cafeteria and sat at table by the windows, here eyes on the swirling weather outside. Chrome had lifted her head just in time to see the young woman walk away. Who was that? She shivered as another blast of wind cut through the layers of clothes she wore, and she continued trudging forward, more or less following the direction of the blonde female, and only looking up when she entered the shadow of a large and formidable building. She blinked a few times, then walked over to the wall, sitting herself in a small area sheltered from the wind and freezing snow. She wouldn't go inside, she wasnt like that... this would do for now... "Your going to catch your death out here-" "I wont, Mukuro Sama... im fine" She brought her shoulders forward slightly to cover more of her face and sighed. Really... why was she here?...
7:20pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 341
((I'm using the headquarters pre-Level 4, for those of you D.Gray-man fans.)) BIC|| England frowned, his intense green eyes narrowing slightly at the Russian's words. "Why would you waste your time with them?" he spoke, drawing the heavy cloak on his shoulders more tightly around his slim body. "They're not big in the world. Well, not as powerful as we are." he shrugged slightly as the cold, snowy wind tussled his hair. "We'd best make for some place warmer. As you know, I live in London, not here. Come this way, Ivan dear--I've arranged for us to stay with the Black Order. It is dangerous to wander these little villages these days without protection..." he grumbled the last sentence as he turned away from Russia and began marching through the snow. He hoped the Russian wouldn't ask questions...this was his country, after all, and no nation knew the Black Order better than he did. UK kept trudging through the snow, not looking back to check for his ally. As he neared the gate to the Black Order's headquarters, his green gaze landed on a girl shivering beside the Gatekeeper, who greeted him enthusiastically. "Welcome to the Black Order's headquarters, England-sama!" he cried. England nodded slightly and glanced down at the girl. "Who is this?" "I dunno," the Gatekeeper would have shrugged if he had arms. "She just hunkered down here to hide from the snow, I guess." "Hmm. We'd best take her inside. Russia will be along shortly, let him in when he comes." Without asking her any questions, England gripped Chrome's arm, yanked her to her feet, and unceremoniously dragged her into the warmth of the castle. The Gatekeeper chuckled, then waited for this so-called 'Russia' to appear.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."
