є ѕ ¢ α ρ є

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2:00am Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 10:55pm Jan 28 2013)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
You're running. From what, you cannot even begin to guess. Your head hurts, your sides feel like they're being ripped apart, and  all you want to do is lie down and give up. But you won't. Actually, it's more like you CAN'T. Because if you do, a tiny, insistent pressure starts to build inside your chest. Slowly, it grows, becoming more painful. Even while you run, the feeling isn't anywhere near as bad. You duck to the side, diving into a rather large shrub. You gasp for air. After a few minutes, you suddenly realize... Your chest is fine. There are no aches, no pains... You chuckle quietly (and a bit maniacally if I might add), all feelings of hopelessness gone. You lean back and are startled by a furious screech. You whip your head around and come face-to-snout with a small brown bat. It shrieks again and glares at you, obviously irked at having it's afternoon nap interrupted. You grin at it's annoyance and reach over to pet it. 

"Oi, leave me alone!"

You recoil, bl[injection]inking in confusion.
 "Uh, e-excuse me?" you stutter.

"Did I mumble, dunderhead? I said, don't touch me."

YEAR - 2038
SETTING - The ruined remains of Los Angeles

Science has come a long way - to the point where human and animal DNA can combine in certain situations. 

And not every scientist wants the secret out.

In this apocalyptic run-and-hide roleplay, it is your job to find the other Mixers, as they're called, and take down the corporation that has done this.

Ruddy plot is ruddy.

Post-apocalptical, animal morphing

Dodo: Like okay. You got... Let's say this chick and a pigeon. Idk why I just like pigeons. ANYWAY. So they're like walkin' along la-di-da and (maybe I should mention this next part in the main post) and one the scientist's 'controlled' Mix pops out and is all "grr" So the girl and her bird they like... Love each other, in a friendly nobestial way. Like bffs. 5ever. So they do like this weird little ceremony that may or may not be specific to them it's up to the user. But then they like... The chick gets wings and feathers and I guess turns into an aphroditic pigeon anthro? idk. Something like this.
Dodo: I had it all planned out last night and forgot

Taken from Skype, excuse my lovely grammar. :D

Rules -

  • 1) Don't talk about є ѕ ¢ α ρ є
  • 2) Ignore rule #1
  • 3) A limit of two characters per user. So we don't get like. Swamped.
  • 4) Each animal may only be used once. For instance, someone uses a wolf. No more wolf Mixes are allowed. This is because people love using wolves for everything for whatever reason.
  • 4) No Mary/Gary Sues, for the love of God and all things holy upon this earth.
  • 5) Don't ask to join. Just post your bio.
  • 6) I think following Res' rules is a gimme.
  • 7) Mild violence and romance are ENCOURAGED. <3
  • 8) No one-liners. Small paragraphs (Like three sentences I mean really) are a MUST.

If you think of anymore (Or I do), I'll add them here. c:

This is really a RP for the more veteran rolepla[injection]yers, though newcomers are encouraged to join as long as they promise to use proper grammar and OOC (i.e., ((x)) ~~ //x ~~ or some other form of distinguishing between a post and out-of-character)

Skeleton -

History: (Required, but you don't have to put a whole lot)
Mix's Name:
Mix's Looks:

Please note that a Mix will always be the opposite gender of it's human counterpart.

Name: Olivia Reynolds
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Olivia is shy, thoughtful, quiet... And sassy. She never says much, but when she does it either comes out wrong (When she's attempting to be nice), or just flat out rude. She honestly doens't intend to sound like that most of the time, but the one thing she hates most is stupid people. So don't be stupid.

Looks: Slightly taller than average, with short-cut mahongany hair, freckles, and sapphire eyes. Loves wearing long sleeve shirts, torn jeans, and scarves. 

History: Her father worked for the CIA. Things went on, crap hit the fan, and eventually she was basically sold to Intercorp. While her mother is a drunk, lazy good-for-nothing, her father was quite clever. In exchange for Olivia, he was granted access to the safety chambers. This allowed him to escape the war's deadly results and he's still with the corporation.

Mix: Free-tail Bat
Mix's Name: Horus
Mix's Looks:  Body type His fur is a dark silver, with a lighter stripe on his back and the tips of his ears.

Other: Both of these guys speak in a 'country' manner. Just a heads-up.

Mixers -

Olivia Reynolds and Horus - Russia
Angie ??? and Nico - Slyfox
Jennifer Reagon and Hour - Jess
Ray Octavius and Cel - Jess 
Graylan Byers and Ace - Vin
Mik Johnson and Jenko - Vin
Vincent Rhode and Shelilah - Rika
Alex Rhode and Delilah - Rika
Cesalie Nyota and Akmar - Unique
Eloise Johnstun and Jath - Merlin

Post Order


(Picked using a random name generator, so it's as fair as I could make it)


2:29am Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 10:51pm Jan 28 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
Name: Angie Cross
Personality: Angie has slight anger meant issues but she hates to talk about it. Besides that she can be cool and calm. She will do anythingto protect   those close to her. Angie is very brave and hates the feeling of her exeriencing fear. Because of that she usually keeps her feeling bottled up and she is hard to get to know.
Looks: Angie has short brown hair that look a bit ragged but nice too. Her eyes are a bright green and her skin is tan. She likes to wear Aero T-shirts with a hoodie over it. She also wears white DC skating shoes with the logo a green color. Angie wears jeans and black glasses with green lines on the inside of them.
History: Angie grew up in a broken home, her parents constantly fought over Angie "being bad all the time". Her older sister ALWAYS rose above her even if her sister didn't do anything. Angie ran away when she turned 12 and grew up on the streets afterwards.
Mix: Fox
Mix's Name: Nico
Mixes Looks: Nico is a darkish orange with ,of course, black at the tip of her ears and tail. His tail is big and soft. Part of his ear is torn off and he has a scar over his cheek and a few over his body.
Other: Angie will constantly slip into daydream or run away to escape anything concerning her.


2:47am Jan 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ -spamspamspam-


Also, uhm, you want to save me chameleon and ... the black Wallaroo. c: ]]


4:04am Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 4:05am Jan 26 2013)

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Posts: 1,009
Name: Jennifer Reagon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold and distant. Not very social. Hates being near humans, after what she's been through, it's no wonder she doesn't trust others very well.
Looks: Very pale skin, her hair gingery and her eyes, a bright green. Well were bright, they seemed to have paled while she wasn't being feed properly.
History: At one point, Jennifer was sold to the corporation, sticking needles and testing things on her. The only reason she was there, was because she was the oldest of the family. Her parents were dirt poor, when they heard they could get money for sending a child to them, and if they lived through everything they did, by the end of the week, they'd get $1000, for each week alive. Jennifer just happened to be the daughter they decided to send, since they were attached to her sister.
Mix: Tiger -don't mind that it's a dog like pet...His back story is...different and for another site |D-
Mix's Name: Hour
Mix's Looks:

Name: Ray Octavius
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: Very competitive. Loves fighting and especially winning them. Will go out of his way to pick fights.
Looks: Tan man with nice looking abs and mussels. He loves to run and work out. He has short brown hair and hazel eyes.
History: He and his best friend use to live next to each other. Upon meeting they were best friends, they competed against each other all the time, until, his best friend fell ill and soon after, passed away. He goes around still searching for the friend, knowing he was turned into an animal, or so.
Mix: Wolf
Mix's Name: Cel
Mix's Looks: A pure white wolf, with deep blue green eyes.


8:13am Jan 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((You should totally save me giant flying fox and the dhole and african wild dog. The last two are gonna be for twins. o3o Bios will come later. xD;))


6:07pm Jan 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
/Subs. I had my bios posted, and then I accidentally refreshed. ><


6:15pm Jan 26 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((...Poking a little detail I forgot about up on the main post ahaha thank you Shawntel for reminding me. |D))


6:18pm Jan 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((RUSSIA!!! What is your favorite color? :3))


6:21pm Jan 26 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((...Idk I really like black and cerulean. -pokes profile- owo?))


6:24pm Jan 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((that's funny. In my deion for my character, her eye is Cerulean. i love that color.))


6:35pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 7:10pm Jan 26 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Editing in pieces so I don't accidentally lose things

Just noticed the...thing. o3o))

Vincent Rhode
Sly, troublemaker, and a bit of a pest, he does pretty much nothing but drag his poor, sweet twin brother into all sorts of shenanigans. He's the -risk taker' of the two, the bad boy twin, despite him constantly being mistaken for his twin.

History: (Required, but you don't have to put a whole lot)
Mix's Name:
Mix's Looks:

Alex's twin brother.

Alex Rhode
The shyer, more innocent of the two, Alex is usually just around for the ride. He's constantly dragged around by his brother, despite just wanting to curl up with a good book and read for a while.

History: (Required, but you don't have to put a whole lot)
African Wild Dog
Mix's Name:
Mix's Looks:

vincent's twin brother. Also yes he does need glasses to see. :UU


6:58pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 8:25pm Jan 27 2013)

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Posts: 1,786
Name: Graylan Byers
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Graylan is the person who wants to know about everything, everyone, and why things are the way they are. His constant questions can make him annoying, but even so, if he feels he can't pry and answer out of you, he'll sneak around to get it instead. He's very, very good at staying hidden, a theoretical wall flower, when searching for information. He's also not one to get embarrassed or ashamed of his actions. They are what they are. And, if you were to inquire about girls, he'd be confused. He's never really fully had strong feelings like THAT for another, of either gender for that matter. That's about the only time you'll find him to be confused. 

Looks: Graylan is a... petite kid. He stands at about 5'5" with long, about middle of his neck, shaggy blonde hair, that's sometimes held back by a headband or something of the sort. He's got large, hazel green/yellow eyes that are surrounded by his thick fr[injection]amed glasses. [Think hipster glasses] He has fairly pale skin, [under 'white' in the dictionary, there's a picture of him.], and freckles splattered over his nose and cheeks. As for clothes, he's usually wearing a black, long sleeve sweater, and some form of black or gray skinny jeans. On his hip lays a large man satchel, which is not embarrassing as he thinks it would be. 
History: WIP

Mix: Chameleon 
Mix's Name: Ace
Mix's Looks: [Click] Her color will change depending on her background(s). 
Other: She's female. ^^


Name: Mikayla Johnson [Mik or Micky]
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Mik is a girl who tries to avoid conflict, but always fails. Once she's challenged, she can't help but say no. She also can never keep her mouth shut, and is always making smart ass comments under her breath. It's known that she isn't afraid to call you out on a lie, isn't afraid to call you out in front of everyone so you're super embarrassed about it, too. Let's just say she has a lot of enemies, and very few close friends. 

Looks: Mik is tall, and has a very athletic build. She was the girl in the gym who did boxing and lifted weights, not Pilates or Zumba classes. She's fit, very fit, and because of this, she's often considered intimidating. I mean, a girl who could be hired as a bouncer at a rough bar? Who wouldn't be intimidated? Mik doesn't help her intimidating look by having dark, thickly defined eyebrows [I imagine they look like this [x] ] Framing her usually squinting dark brown eyes. She has a very thin face, and thin lips as well. 
History: -WIP-

Mix: Black Wallaroo
Mix's Name: Jenko
Mix's Looks: [Click]
Other: Wallaroos are very dense, low gravity creatures. Much like the kangaroo bypart they come from, they're very strong and muscular. They're not ones to pick fights, but if introduced to a problem, they will handle it. 


10:58pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 9:45pm Jan 31 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[This looks very interesting... I think I shall join!]]

Name: Cesalie Nyota
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Cesalie is a very quite girl. She appears to be very fragile and shy. She always has a lost look in her eyes, for she day dreams quite a bit. However, despite the accusation of being fragile and shy, she isn't really. She may be quite, but she will never be shy. In actuality  Cesalie is very conceited, she doesn't think anyone deserves her brilliance and her input because her words are far too im[injection]portant for unworthy people. It is true that Cesalie is a bright and intelligent girl, but isn't the wisest. As to being fragile, the accusation is due to her appearance. She has very soft and gentle features and her ex.pressions always display themselves as a different emotion; a scowl on her would appear to be a gentle and vulnerable ex[injection]pression, sorrow possibly. Cesalie hates how innocent she looks, and she hates how her personality doesn't match up with how she appears to others. And on top of all of this, Cesalie is also very possessive over her belongings and things that are her "own".

History: Cesalie grew up in a chaotic house full of people. There were so many family members and children growing up under one roof that the im[injection]portance of each being started to whither away. So since each of the parents, aunts and uncles couldn't keep track of their kids and their nieces and nephews, they left it up to the children to take care of, and worry about each other. Since the adults were always out working, the children started to do what ever they wanted. Alliances formed along with rivalries, the whole bond and "family love" was gone, and the house literally turned into a small country. It was chaos, and Cesalie didn't care for chaos too much, so she would often day dream, and while doing so she would walk around subconsciously. 

Mix: White Deer 
Mix's Name: Akmar
Mix's Looks:


8:26pm Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ I'm very, very slowly updating my profiles. ><

They'll get done eventually. xD ]]


6:03pm Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
Name: Eloise Johnstun (Skits for Short)
Age: 15
Gender: F
Personality: Rebellious, likes to do daring things. You know, YOLO. She likes to have fun, get into trouble and try not to get caught, and if she does, she is an amazing actress. She has anger and depression issues, but she can hide her emotions through her acting.
Looks: Picture coming soon...
History: Eloise used to be the perfect daughter, always did what she was told, never talked back, and dressed 'modestly' so to speak. She grew up a poor kid, always wearing hand-me-down clothes and shoes. She went to school with kids who were always dressed to impress, and it made her long for fancy things. She asked her parents for some nice Converse shoes, and they denied her because of money issues. She went to her room sad and crying. Her little girl dreams had been crushed.   She continued to go to school looking like a rag doll, and the other kids made fun of her for years, and she kept on putting up with it. At about age 13, she decided she wanted to live with her mother. Her dad said no, but her stepmother said yes, so Eloise went. Although her mother couldn't afford Converse shoes, she bought Eloise newer decent clothes. A year later, her father wanted her back at his house, so she had to go. Her father suddenly became overbearing, because Eloise had learned to speak her opinion, and not just take it and say OK Shyly. They considered that as disobedience and rebellious, and threw poor Eloise in Detention a lot of times, because they had seven other kids to deal with, and they didn't want to take the time to counsel her. They became controlling- and Eloise didn't like that. She tried to deal with it, but the emotional pain became too much. She then turned to physical pain as an alternate. She started to slash at her wrists, and cover the scars behind a fake smile and long sleeves. She is that way now still today. (Sorry, long, haha)
Mix: Barn Owl
Mix's Name: Jath
Mix's Looks: 
Other's: I should drink some milk. :/


9:55pm Jan 28 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((Is this everyone now? c: If so, we can go ahead and start~))


10:53pm Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( Sly reporting to duty! o3o Also i edited my BIO already :P))


11:51pm Jan 28 2013 (last edited on 9:03pm Jan 31 2013)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((Front page updated with post order c:))

Olivia bl/inked, trying to clear her eyes. She was hallucinating, right? This bat was freaking talking to her. Was this normal? She was pretty sure it wasn't.

But whatever. The little thing was pretty cute. And heck, if it was a dream or some weird acid-trip... Well, she'd been through worse.

"HEY!" The bat whined, slapping her with a wing. "Are you even listenin' t' me? Oh my God, all you no-wings 're the same. 'Oh John look a little bat!' 'Don' worry, Mary, I'll save you!' An' all I ever did was eat that mosquito flyin' around her face. Lousy ingrates, all o' you."

Olivia rubbed her nose, trying not to grin at the animal's indignant speech. "I'm sorry, I've just... Never talked to a bat, I reckon. I suppose introductions are in order first though, before you go on?" She allowed herself a small smile. "I'm Olivia. Olivia Reynolds."

The bat pouted, then growled, "Horus."

"Well, Horus. Let's say you an' me get outta this bush, hm?"

((Idk what happened))


12:14am Jan 29 2013 (last edited on 10:34pm Jan 31 2013)

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Posts: 1,786
"Hm, marble. Such a waste," A young boy sighed, picking up a small marble block from a chuck of an overthrown statue. He looked down at the once delicate, but now cracked, features of the woman's face, wondering why, or how, someone would knock over a beautiful statue in a park, especially since it was firmly bolted down. It had to be a real work of art when it was whole. 

"Well, Graylan, let's check this baby out some more," The boy muttered to himself, dropping the small piece to the ground. He reached towards the face and instantly recoiled when its cheek moved. "What in the he-"

"You've disturbed my slumber." The cheek said, as it cracked open one eye. 

Wait. What? Statue cheeks don't open eyes. They don't even have eyes!

Graylan knelt down to examine the face. Slowly, the barely visible outline of an animal came into view, along with it's one blue eye. With a sudden burst of confidence, he poked the creature. It squeaked and fell off of it's previous perch. The boy watched with pure curiosity as the creature turned from an off white color, to a yellowish green to match the grass. Huh, a lizard type creature that changed its color from its surroundings? Why, he had just found a chameleon. 

"Excuse me, sir," a very disgruntled voice piped up from the ground. "But not only have you awoken me, but you've seemed to assault me as well. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Graylan sat there, stunned. He quickly picked up the lizard and examined it, looking for any wires or microphone or anything to make it logically possible for the animal to be talking to him. And yet, despite his looking, he found nothing. 

"Ahem, sir. I'm still awaiting an answer."

"I'm afraid I can't answer your inquiry, Mr....?"

"I'm known as Ace, and that is what you shall call me. I feel you should also know that I am in fact a female. And it's Ms. to you."

"Well, Ms. Ace. I'm known as Graylan. Not sir."

[[ Vin doesn't even know where she was going with that. xD ]]


Mik found herself kicking a long pebble down the cold street, not bothering to look where she was going. It was still early morning, just past dawn really, and no one worth mentioning that she knew was up. She made her way to the end of the block, then took a right. She didn't know where she was going, she was just going. Wherever she ended was her destination. Granted, nowadays, that could be anywhere. 

The woman rubbed her eyes for a quick moment, cursing herself for talking the walk instead of going back to bed. Though, she doubted she would have done more than just laid there. In frustration, she kicked the pebble a little harder than necessary. She flicked her head up quickly when she heard an 'oomph' noise come from the direction of her kicked pebble. Slowly, a weird, kangaroo looking creature popped it's head out from behind a trashcan. 

"Oi, chicky." The animal muttered. "What'ya think ya doin'? Coulda knocked my eye right out, ya could."

Mik stood there, dumbfounded, staring at the mini-kangaroo with pure shock. Did it just speak? She MUST be lacking on sleep or something. Or, maybe it was the meds she took earlier? The dude said there were no side effects, but she was hallucinating something awful. OH CRAP. The thing was pointing at her now!

"Yah, you girl. I'm talkin' to ya. Listen up. I ain't gonna say this twice. Watch where you're walkin' next time.

Mik's jaw just dropped. This was way too real to be a hallucination, or a dream. Even lucid dreams weren't that realistic. She cleared her through and muttered an apology to the animal, which got her a baffled look in return. 

"So, uhm... What in the hell are you?" She finally asked, staring down at the... thing. "And what should I call you, little guy?"

"OI! Missy! Listen up right now. I ain't no 'little guy', ya hear? Name's Jenko. Better remember that. And I'm a Wallaroo. Best animal you'll find around. Granted, you won't be findin' more than me 'round these parts."

"Oh." Was all Mik managed to get out. A weird ass creature was telling her that it was a 'Wallaroo', whatever that was, who was named Jenko and had a horrible accent. "Well, Jenko... Are you hungry?"

"I'll tell ya what I am, girl. Thirsty. How about you bring me to your place and get me a drink?"

Mik couldn't help but chuckle, thinking she was going entirely insane. Taking a wallaroo back to her apartment for a drink. Hah, whatever happened to her sanity? 
"My name's Mik, by the way... Jenko."


6:57pm Jan 29 2013 (last edited on 9:44pm Jan 31 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Oh! Its my turn >.<
By the way, I've updated my bio and it is now complete; her history is done and I cleaned up her personality.]]

They were at it again. The house was far too small to hold thirteen bratty brothers, sisters and cousins; a shabby one story house with only three bedrooms and two bathrooms weren't enough to hold the twenty people it contained. Isiah! Be prepared, you have broken the treaty, the consequences will soon bring doom upon you! This was the current issue in the small 'country' that Cesalie lived in. Every one scampered around the rotting house beating each other up for the 'crimes' they committed. 

Cesalie drew out a anxious breath, this had been one of the times where she was attentive to the real world and where her day dreams seemed to be transitioning. However, she couldn't find the concentration to jump back into a day dream. Is there no peace in life? She thought, utterly annoyed at her 'family' who were beckoning her to join their side. You see, no one saw Cesalie as a real threat to their made up country, so they deemed her as neutral and ignore her. They only acknowledge her when they go into 'war', and this was one of those times.

She had hardly gotten any sleep through out the night and it was already past dawn, their bickering had kept her up all night, and she was clearly agitated. Cesalie had gotten off the rusty old barrel that she had been resting on and looked at the 'war-zone' in front of her. The faces of the people who were related to her looked at her with hope in their bloody ex[injection]pressions. She glowered at them, but instead of the harsh emotion she intended to give them, it was delicately soften. It had no affect on them, and with annoyance shoved in her mind and heart, she stormed out of the rotten house.

Cesalie walked for a while trying to clear her head. Once it was cleared, day dreams started to flood into her mind, and she was now walking subconsciously into a dense wooded area. She walked for quite a while, and when her day dream finally ended, she noticed that her surroundings were quite unfamiliar. Darkness surrounded her, green enveloped her sight and an overwhelming sense of helplessness washed over her.

There was no reason for Cesalie to be worried or even care that she was lost, though she couldn't help herself. She sank to the mossy forest floor and sat back on her heels while she pushed the palm of her hands to her eyes. "I reckon that you are lost, Princess." A voice sounded behind her. Shocked by the surprise of another life form being this deep with in the forest, Cesalie quickly stood up and was in a defensive position.

A deer strode gracefully out from behind a large oak tree. His white pelt seemed luminescent in the dark forest. Was he the one to speak? Cesalie was unsure, she stood wide eyes at the creature who stood tall. "Milady? I can lead you back the way you came, if you will let me."

Cesalie's question was answered and for a while she just stood dumbfounded. She tried to make sense of the situation, but came up short, for there was no explanation. For a short while she pondered on the idea of this just being one of her day dreams, but that was a such a silly suggestion, not once has Cesalie had a day dream that took place on Earth.

Seeing as there were no logical explanation, Cesalie decided to accept things as they were and see where this all went. So, in her moment of acceptance, she decided to treat this creature like she treats her relatives. She scowled at the beast knowing her ex[injection]pression wouldn't reach him the way she wanted.

The majestic white deer took a few steps back, "Milady, if you would be so kind and not make such assaulting ex[injection]pressions, for I was just trying to be a faithful savior." The deer extended one of his legs and lowered his head. Was he...bowing? This all seemed so insane. Cesalie scoffed and rolled her eyes, she didn't need help, she got in this forest herself and she would get herself out. However, with a few more strange and persuasive words on the animals end, she reluctantly allowed him to escort her out of the forest.

"I am truly honored that her highness would allow me to escort her out. It may be out of line for me to say this, and I am deeply sorry if I offend you, Princess, but my name is Akmar. Milady, if you would be so kind and allow for me to know your name? Again, I am sorry that I am being so very much out of line."

For an animal he sure does like to talk a lot, and what is with this 'Princess' and 'Milady' nonsense? This is getting really annoying. Cesalie thought to herself, though those thoughts weren;t necessarily true. Even though she wouldn't admit it to herself, she was glad someone was paying attention to her. "Cesalie is my name!" She said with brimming confidence.

[[Okay. Yeah. Don't ask why the mix calls her of such high class, that's just him ^-^]]

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