8:53pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// they can work wherever they want. I just like having most of my characters in the same place.
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9:10pm Aug 21 2011
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((Mmk.)) The door rang as two young women walked in. Both were petite little things, one with copper colored hair that fell to her knees in vibrant waves and bright green eyes flashing with mirth, and the other with pale golden hair that fell in a straight column to her waist and sky blue eyes. Chatting happily, they found their way to a booth, dropping their bags to the floor and sliding in. They looked around hopefully. This was their first time away from the house since the sisters had moved in and they were excited to meet new people. Chelsea, the younger sister, was the first to notice the bright personage who was accosting some of the employees here. They looked to be having fun among themselves and she hoped that Camilla and she could find that as well. "Calla, look!" Chelsea said, pointing out the group she had seen. Calla turned her head to watch and smiled. "It looks like these people have fun together here," the older girl said softly. "I wonder... Could they be hiring? Maybe they would know someone who is." "Calla, already? We're ok right now!" Camilla gave her baby sister a sharp look. "Yes, now! Mama and Daddy's money won't last forever! Now hush! I think someone is coming."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:12pm Aug 21 2011 (last edited on 10:44pm Aug 21 2011)
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Altair untied his apron as he stepped out of the kitchen, sighing softly as he fanned himself with his wings. Working back there during the rushes got pretty hot and this was the only time he could cool off. He let out a soft, airy chuckle before he moved to sit on the counter, leaning forward to look around with his heterochromatic gaze, deciding then to let his hair down for a little while. The ebony tresses fell over his shoulders almost like water in a waterfall, though it was soo pulled back once again, this time in a much higher ponytail to keep it away from the back of his neck. "These rushes keep getting harder and harder, or is it just because I'm in the back cooking the whole time?" He brushed his bangs out of his face, allowing a soft sigh.
When he heard the door opn he let out a little chuckle. "Hopefully they order something simple. I just cleaned up in there." When the door opened to the cafe, a pair of clouded leopard ears perked up, the little male known as Cloud poking his head up. Seeing that someone else had them covered, he simply smiled and crawled up to where he could see everyone, his tail curling around him. "Hi Mulder," he said, his voice kind and gentle like it always was.
Ice let out a soft sigh when the customers were led away by someone else, settling herself on a nearby area and pulling her ears back as she stretched out her wings. She knew she was a very...odd-looking person as far as even furries went, considering she was a wolf with strange colors and mismatched wings. Her color-swirled eyes were focused on the floor as she lightly rubbed her arm, her ears pulling back slightly before she started playing with the golden tips of her hair, which matched the fur on her hands. Her rosy-colored pelt and the gold mixed together quite nicely, but she supposed it didn't matter since she was basically a freak of nature. But she guessed weird things happened when a ryuumimi who was born from a feathered dragon and a normal dragon and an okami-mimi had a child. She was pretty sensitive thanks to this, too. Oh well... ((Actually Mordekai will come in in my reply which I have to do now.))

9:30pm Aug 21 2011 (last edited on 9:32pm Aug 21 2011)
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Amber rose at the sisters' entrance, going to their table quickly with a nod to Jin. They were sitting in her section, and were her priority. Jin just watched the action with a laugh, deep black-brown eyes flashing. This was a fun place to work, truly enough. Never a dull moment, even during the down-time. Amber's lighter eyes, still a deep brown, flicked from one girl to the other, as warm and welcoming as her smile, her demeanor relaxed and open. "Welcome to Cafe Diem. I don't think I've seen either of you around. My name is Amber, and I'll be taking care of you today. Is there anything I can get you?" Ha Min turned from Mulder with a snort, looking to Altair. "It's probably just the kitchen, though you simply being in there must heat things up quite a bit." Jun rolled his eyes at Ha Min's open flirtation, not such a common occurence. Ignoring the other boy Ha Min flashed Altair a smirk, eyes lighting up under his bangs.
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9:34pm Aug 21 2011
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((Okay I'm preeeeetty sure Mordekai is a human. So... Two humans and three furries. Okay I got this. INTRO PREPARE TO BE FINISHED.))
9:44pm Aug 21 2011
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((mordekai was a demon... Very powerfuk at that. :P))
Riku heard the flirting and sighed. Nothing was really going to change here. He ignored it though and begged himself not to turn and stab a fork into the wall. The voice in his head repeated that Altair was out of his league and he had to force any feelings that remained out of his mind or surpress them to the smallest niche of his mind. He looked at Kyin and pushed the chair back onto the floor. "You're going to break it little brother.." He smiled.
Kyin snapped forward from the sudden push. "Tch. I'm the same age as you and out birthdays are one month apart.. You're my half brother anyways. So it doesn't matter." He stuck his tongue out playfully. His demeanor changed when he noticed the flirting. He growled slightly but told himself to stop and really think of what he was thinking. He sighed and stood up, pushing the chair back into one of the tables. He wiped it down quickly and gathered uo dishes that people left behind. He walked in the back. "Oh man... It is hot back here... How do you stand it Altair" He placed the dishes in the sink.

9:49pm Aug 21 2011
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Jung Min grinned at Riku, shaking his head. "Seriously. That's why I work up front. I'm afraid my hair would get all frizzy." Just out of spite Mulder ruffled the boy's hair, laughing. "You have that awesome Asian hair. It never gets frizzy unless you mess it up on purpose. Totally unfair." Jung stuck his tongue out at the fox, face scrunching. "You're just jealous because you're fur frizzes way too easily." He turned back to Riku, smiling. "That makes four of us boys who get the lucky Asian genes for great hair. I mean, Jin and Amber have it, too, but it's not like either of them care."
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9:50pm Aug 21 2011
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((That's a different Mordekai. xD -reused the name because she's weird- But I guess I can bring him in here as a demon if it's okay with Reina. And wow lol how many like Altair? XD Some jealousy going on from what I can see~))
9:58pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// Hey. Ha Min saw him first.
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10:06pm Aug 21 2011 (last edited on 10:07pm Aug 21 2011)
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Chelsea gave the girl a smile, flipping her long hair over her shoulder. "It's nice to meet you, Amber. I'm Chelsea and this is my older sister, Camilla. We are new in town, just moved into the old house down on Cardinal. I think I'd like... hmm..." "The same thing you always get, Chels." Camilla gently put her menue away and looked up at the server with a soft smile. "One iced mocha, please. With cinamon. And a hot cup of orange tea, for me, please? And please, call me Calla. My friends all do."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:26pm Aug 21 2011
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((Yeah I'll use human!Mordekai here then. :U -shot-))
10:35pm Aug 21 2011
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Amber nodded with a smile, taking the menues. "Calla it is, then. It's nice to have a new face around here, considering that 8nve been seeing the same ones for quite a while. I'll be right back with your drinks." At that moment Allie stormed in, her tail spiked like a bottle brush.
"Guys, we totally forgot that today is Nerd Day! We have to have a movie party or the Nerd Gods will smite us with horribke things like bad luck in video games and cosplay malfunctions for a year." Despite the seriousness about the clearly concerned feline, Jung, Mulder, and Jin all began to laugh. She huffed, turning to see the new faces of Camilla and Chelsea. "You two! To appease the gods, I ask that you join us in this most righteous endeavor."
Chuckling Amber returned with the drinks, setting them on the girls' table. "This is my friend Allie. Don't let her scare you; she just takes nerddom really seriously. Allie, I'd really prefer you not harass our two newest customers. But I do agree that Nerd Day should be properly celebrated with movies and games. Of course, my place is always open. And you both are invited, if you feel up to meeting a lot of colorful locals."
Mulder cheered, eyes bright. "Amber, your house is always the spot for movies. You have a freaking home theater with the roe seating, huge screen, and everything. Freaking entertainment tycoon heirs..." The girl shrugged with a laugh, running a hand through her spiked blonde hair.
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10:45pm Aug 21 2011
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((Oh look I finished my intro and stuff. o: Mordekai will come in in my reply. :U))
10:50pm Aug 21 2011
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Chelsea gave her older sister a mischievious smile as she sipped her coffee. Calla groaned internally, knowing what the younger girl was going to say. "That sounds awesome! Calla and I will be glad to come! What is Nerd Day, again?" Calla took a deep breath and dropped her head in her hands. "Chels, really? Must you embarrass us so?" She lifted her head and sipped at her tea, trying valliantly to fight the blush spreading across her cheeks. Still, she offered Amber a gentle smile. "Thank you for your invitation. It would be good to get out. This is the first we have been able to get out of the house since we moved in last week. Between the two of us, we have had a lot to do. The house still needs to be redone..." she trailed of, seeing the upset look on her sister's face. "But we deserve some time off, before we have to stat painting, I think. So we will accept." Chelsea squealed and lept from her seat to sweap her sister into a hug, swaying Calla back and forth untill the flowing white skirt she wore resembled a bell. "Oh! Thankyiuthankyouthankyou, sissy!" the red-head chanted. Calla simply held on with a plaintive look and hoped she would be set free soon.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:56pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// I'll bring Chriss in to flirt with Ice and have Mulder snuggle Cloud once the others have replied to my babies.
I just realized that we have the Siamese Dorks without Nina to keep them uner control... @.@
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10:58pm Aug 21 2011
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((I could bring in Helena too? o:))
11:08pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// If it pleases you. :3
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11:21pm Aug 21 2011
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((Works for me. -draws while she waits lol-))
12:19am Aug 22 2011
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((Riku likes Altair in the past... But still there slightly. Until Mordekai or Minnie comes to make him forget the past. XD.. Kyin is all for... dunno... Kentaro is just oblivious. XD)) Riku watched the display and overheard the whole nerd day thing. "Well yes. I rather not be cursed for a whole year. My other friends decided to cosplay as the whole Kingdom Hearts crew for Halloween and just to go out and fight as them in the park or something." He chuckled to himself, since he was going to be Riku. Kind of ironic since his real name was Riku. He looked at Minnie. "My fur frizzes too.... and since it's the black cat fur.. it's a lot more noticable." He put his fingers on his ears and let his tail wrap around his leg. A lot easier to keep in control. ((oh yeah! Riku=black cat, Kyin=wolf, Kentaro=dunno yet.. dragon maybe?))
12:19am Aug 22 2011 (last edited on 12:20am Aug 22 2011)
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((ew double post!))