10:46am Aug 22 2011
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ooc:// While I'm waiting for Steph...
^ Yu Ha Min TTvTT I am so happy... And next: Park Jung Min, played here by KEVIN MOTHER EFFING WOO!
And... Oh, hell I just like looking at ulzzang. :3
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11:55am Aug 22 2011
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((I replied to you, Reina. Did you not see it?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:15pm Aug 22 2011
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ooc:// My phone just ate a very long, well thought out reply. Expletive.
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3:59pm Aug 22 2011
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7:22pm Aug 22 2011
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((did anything happen? I started school...))
10:10pm Aug 22 2011
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((-waits for a post akljdfhkjsdf hnnng-))
11:53pm Aug 22 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:12am Aug 23 2011
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Allie, appeased by the grop's reaction, clapped with excitement, particularly at Chelea's apparent enjoyment of the invitation. "This'll be the best nerd Day Movie Marathon ever! The Patron Goddess of Nerd Chicks will be especially pleased that we are bringing a slammin' gorgeous red-head into the fold. I believe that, like myself, the Goddess appreciates a slammin' gorgeous red-head." Her gaze became almost cheesily seductive, a purr rumbling up from her throat. Yet again the door burst open, leaving a very worried looking fennec fox girl, holding an empty leash, which matched up with the collar around the feline female's necks. "Oh my God guys I swear I looked away for one second and she was gone I can't believe I let her get away while she's in heat this is terri-" She looked around, spotting the cat girls in full on stalking mode. "Jeezus-... Allie, don't make me get out the choker collar." Without skipping a beat Allie turned her gaze on the fox, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Oh, Nina. Kinky." For a split second the entire group shared in an ex pression of absolute terror, until Nina broke it by going "blech" and the spell was broken, returning to (almost) normal conversation. Amber turned to Calla, her ex pression apologetic. "I'm sorry, really. I'd like to say that they aren't usually this weird, but that would be a terrible lie They're pretty much always this weird. If you dont mind sticking around here a while longer, though, we should be heading over to my place as soon as this shift ends. And by the way, since this evening's festivities will be seen as your coming in to our Circle, you have the right to use all of us as slave labor working on your house. They all helped with the house Jin and I share." She shrugged, grinning. The bunch may not be the most normal group of friends, but they took care of their own and could get just about anything done when a goal was in mind. Mulder grinned down at the clouded leopard, stepping toward him with a flick of his tail. "Hey there, Cloud. You're just in time for the coming celebration of Nerd Day. You're looking especially adorable today." He slung his arm casually around the male's shoulders, pulling him a little closer. The fox's ex pression had turned consderably softer, losing some of that boisterousness that was reserved, usually, for the Siamese Dorks. Minnie giggled at Riku, giving the cat boy's tail a gentle tug. "Yeah, but on you the fluff looks adorable." He winked, eyes twinkling. "I bet you looked amazing in your Riku costume." Jin, watching all of this with a quiet smirk, turned to Ice. She approached the beautifully winged wolf, moving with a calm, studied grace. "Hey, Ice. You look a little down. Considering the company we have here, I would hope to see your lovely smile. It breaks me heart that it isn't showing."
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
10:12am Aug 23 2011
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ooc:// Not as good as my first, but I guess it's alright. :S
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11:21pm Aug 23 2011
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Chelsea blushed a bit at the compliment, while Calla rolled her eyes. Smiling, the younger girl ran her eyes over the feline apraisingly. "I have a feeling I might like this Nerd Goddess," Chelsea said. "And probably her followers as well." Calla rolled her eyes and dropped her head into her hands. Giving Amber a thankful look, Calla smiled in thanks. "That sounds wonderful, Amber. But we could not impose. You all are doing so much by inviting us at all. Most people would not welcome two complete strangers into their home." A pale pink blush colored her cheeks. "If we are waiting for your shift to end, perhaps I could do some shopping for you. Is there anything I can do to help?" Calla cast her eyes over to her younger sister, who was now laughing and flirting shamelessly with Allie. "I'll let Chels enjoy herself..." she murmered softly.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:54pm Aug 23 2011
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Riku jumped when he felt the tug. "Ahh.. Don't do that. You may not have seen what it does, but just don't pull the tail.. And thank you for the compliment. Althought I'd say I don't exactly think that myself. But anyways, Min.. You should help us when we do cosplay someday... I mean... You'd make a great Sora and all." He smiled and looked at Kyin. Kyin stood up and walked around the counter, wrapping his arms around Riku's shoulder. "But Brother.. I was gunna be Sora. and what's with the sudden uninterest in me? You've always paid attention to me in the past." He smiled slightly. "Oh.. Is Minnie stealing my brother's heart? How c-" Riku shoved a napkin in Kyin's mouth. "Shut it you.. and You shouldn't make me talk so much.. It's bad for my throat." He pat Kyin head. "Anyways, where is Mordekai??" ((sorry!! Dunno if they know each other....))
7:30am Aug 24 2011
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Cloud's ears perked up, then pulled back slightly as warmth rose to his cheeks, the rather vertically challenged male looking up at Mulder with slight curiosity. "Um...Thank you, Mulder," he said softly, offering him a cute little smile, flashing his little cub-like fangs. Yeah, he hoped that soon enough he would be at least a little taller and have actual fangs.
In the meantime, though, he was a little clouded leopard scurrying around with a whole bunch of people taller than him. But he gessed he didn't mind, seeing as his cute looks and sweet attitude kept some of the cafe-goers coming back. A soft chuckle escaped the little male, followed shortly by a wide smile as his pale blue eys focused up on Mulder, his dark-grey-tipped silvery hair falling into his eyes. "Nerd Day actually sounds kind of fun!" he said, his long tail moving to curl around his waist so he didn't have to worry about tripping anybody. His ears perked up again, however, when the door opened up and two more people walked in, one a male human with short strawberry blond hair and a warm smile, his eyes, which were a rather pretty shade of almost molten amber, focused onto his companion as he spoke to her. The other one was a batgirl with brown fur, yet she had long snowy white hair that fell partially around her face while the rest draped itself over her shoulder. She laughed, a row of small teeth made more for eating fruit and such rather than meat being shown as she laughed softly.
"Mordekai you need to relax more. Nobody in here is going to bite...Well, they won't bite hard," she said, moving to lightly push against her human friend's shoulder, her wings folded tingly against her back.
"Helena, I don't see why you insist on taking me everywhere with you anymore," replied the male with the red-blond hair, chuckling lightly.
Altair looked up when he heard someone talking to him, then chuckled a bit. "Hehe, well I do do the cooking," he replied to thr flirt, grinning in an almost mischievious manner. Then he let out a sigh, stretched his arms, then headed back to the kitchen to get ready to cook whatever the girls ordered. Beforehand, though, he stretched out his wings, letting otu a light yawn. "It's a good thing I like making food, huh?"
Ice jumped, her ears perking up when she heard someone talking to her. She lifted her head, blinking once before she gave a light smile. "Sory, I was just thinking is all," she answered, moving to brush her hair back over her shoulder. "I'm alright, don't worry." At this, she ave the other girl a warm smile, her color-swirled eyes soft. "Oh, I do have a question, though... Do you think it's strange for an okamimi to have wings, especially one feathered and one draong-like?" she asked, her ears pulling back slghtly. ((Alright off to school I go you guys. See ya latersss~!))

12:58am Aug 25 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:36am Aug 25 2011
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((I don't wanna go to school, and yet at the same time I do...
11:35am Aug 25 2011
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ooc:// Whatwhatwhatwhat?
By the way, I'm sorry about my delayed posting. My friend is leaving for school Sunday so I'm spending as much time as I can with her.
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1:17am Aug 26 2011
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((We got a foreign exchange student from Germany! He's really nice too. Cx))
10:14am Aug 27 2011
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1:41pm Aug 27 2011
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((mmh... I don't think i can post..))
1:46pm Aug 27 2011
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((Gotta wait on Reina.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:40pm Aug 27 2011
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ooc:// Okay, this one was so long, I had to write it out on paper first. I would like you all to mentally prepare for this post.
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