4:08pm Aug 27 2011
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((I've been ready. And I pray to god it is like your usual posts so it can cheer me up a bit more.))
5:07pm Aug 27 2011
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Ice's question softened Jin's tough-girl ex pression, and a warmth came into her deep, fathomless eyes. She smiled, nudging the wolf girl's shoulder with her own. "Not strange. Exotic, maybe, but not strange. Are there a lot of winged okamimi with one feathered wing and one leathery? No. But that's what makes you beautiful. You're special." She shoved her hands in her pockets, a little embarrassed by her outburst. It wasn't that Jin wasn't a loving person, she just... didn't show it a lot. Mulder, on the other hand... He pulled Cloud to him, grinning. "It is. Super duper fun. I think it's one of my favorite holidays, right up there with International Talk Like a Pirate Day." Allie continued to flirt mindlessly with Chelsea, much to the chagrin of Nina, who shook her head and smiled at Helena and Mordekai's entrance. As was expected of a true local, she knew everyone. And that meant EVERYONE. "If Helena didn't pull you out of the house every once and a while, you'd become a total recluse. I'm really glad both of you are here. We're just about-" The end-of-shift bell rang, and seconds later the replacement shift meandered in. There was a lot of hustle and bustle, not to mention merriment, as the workers clocked out, going through the last of their transactions and briefing the incoming shift. It was quite a hubbub, and by the end of it, somehow the soon-to-be revelers were ushered out of the cafe. It was around 5:30, and Allie took it upon herself to pause flirting with the smokin' hot redhead long enough to address the pack. "Alrighty, lovelies. For those who've never been to my place, it's really close. Walking distance. Like just about everything in this rinky-dink town. So if we could keep our gooey joy-juice from spilling over into traffic that would be great. Find your walking buddy and stick with them. It's only like a five to ten minute walk, but safety first, right?" Some jostling went on as walking buddies were chosen. Allie went straight to the redhead, Minnie to Riku, Ha Min to Altair, Mulder to Cloud, Jin smiling somewhat hopefully to Ice... Nina and Amber shared wayward glances, then an awkward laugh. Amber turned to Calla, grinning sheepishly. She ran a hand through her spiky bleached-blond hair, chuckling as the mass of people began moving. "Be prepared for what might be the sweetest house ever to not be owned by a celebrity. Allie has a super rich extended family and they spoil her rotten. It's cool though, 'cause she doesn't act the least bit spoiled and since we all share what we have it's pretty chill." Ha Min shrugged, finally relaxing a little as he turned to his 'walking buddy'. "Despite this whole holiday being completely ridiculous, it's kinda fun to be around people and just be able to hang out, don't you think? And with this bunch at least we can say it's never boring." Before long they came upon what looked more like a mansion than a house, complete with a gate and everything. Allie flung the door open with unceremoniously and led the way into a massive living room, with walls of pale gold and a plethera of loveseats, couches, and chairs. "Okay, so everyone just chill in here while I make the Party Usual of pizza and a crap-ton of chips. Drinks are in the fridge, so just grab what you want. I've got pretty much everything. Once we've gotten that out of the way, we can move on to the MOVIES!" The last bit she said with a little cheer, flicking her tail. Nina went to the fridge, which was, smartly enough, in the corner of the giant sitting room. She grabbed herself a root beer, looking around. "Anyone want me to grab them something?"
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9:59pm Aug 27 2011
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Chelsea smirked at Allie as she approached. "You gonna keep me safe?" the red head asked, tossing her hair. The other female was quite attractive. And she had been the first to welcome them. She bagan moving with the others, and was amazed by the home. It was immense! She gave Allie a disbelieving glance. When Allie left, she followed. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Calla gave Amber a soft smile. "So you are all a very close knit group then? I'd like to know more about everyone." She sedately took a seat next to Amber, watching Chelsea move after Allie. She was very happy to see Chelsea fit in so quickly. She had been very worried, untill she met this group. Now, she felt like things might work out after all.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:10pm Aug 27 2011
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((okay wait.. Are they at her house already? XD i got lost like halfway through readig.))
11:46am Aug 28 2011
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Ice's ears perked up at thte mention of being beautiful, lifting her wide color-swirled eyes to focus onto the other female, her fingers immediately moving to trail lightly against the scars on her face. How could anyone still think of her as beautiful with these marring her face? It was simply something she couldn't believe, which became obvious when an almost pitifully sad smile formed on her lips, her eyes focused onto Jin. "I appreciate the thought, but...I'm not sure beautiful is a word that would really fit me... I'm really not all that pretty, especially since I got these scars..." Cloud felt his cheeks turn bright red when Mulder pulled him close, looking up at the fox almost curiously, and also quite shy and innocent like. Though he did give the most adorable smile, his little fangs poking out from beenath his upper lip to just barely show. "That's good, then," he said, his tail swaying lightly back and forth before he let out the absolute cutest little giggle, grinning wide. "Then let's go have fun!" he said happily. Helena laughed as Mordekai sighed and rubbed the back of his head, his other hand shoved into his pocket. "Staying at home leaves me with a lot less migraines." And qwith that, each of them left with their respective walking buddies, looking around the house curiously upon their arrival. ((And so Rika had the most glorious brainfail of them all, and all was good.))

12:29pm Aug 28 2011 (last edited on 1:45pm Aug 28 2011)
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Ah, the hunter becomes the hunted. Allie smiled as Chelsea followed her into the professional kitchen, a testament to how many parties were thrown in this house. The inquiry made her chuckle a little, and she shrugged as she set to work. Despite being a total goof, put Allie in a kitchen in it was all business. "Well, you can help by continuing to be stunning. Not like that's difficult. And..." She motioned to the marble island, ringed with stools. "I like having someone to talk to while I cook." She pulled out the Emergency Pizza Shells that she made in large quantities, set the oven to pre-heat, and began topping the pizzas. "So what brings you two into this tiny-as.s town?" Amber smiled warmly at Chelsea, looking around to the group as people began to descend into chairs and couches, filling the space easily with presence and atmosphere. Seeing her watch her sister, she felt a little spark of pride. Allie would be good, no matter how insane and over the top she was. "Yeah, close-knit is a good way of describing us. Most of the people here have been here all our lives, and those who haven't were sucked in. Like... The Mins. They came in their freshman year of high school as exchange students, and chose to stay. I came in second grade when my parents moved from Thailand." Mulder almost fainted at how completely obliviously adorable Cloud was, nearly tripping himself. Instantly he felt the un-paralleled need to hide the boy away, keeping him all to himself. This was serious. As soon as they found their way into the massive sitting room he ushered the boy to a loveseat in the corner, all up in his 'mine' mode, which was instantly recognizeable to anyone and everyone. "You, Cloud, are so ridiculously cute that it might give me a headache. And the only cure for that headache will be more of your cuteness." Jin shook her head as they made their way into the room, finding a nice couch to perch herself on, waiting for Ice before reaching out, tentatively brushing the girl's scars with the tips of her fingers. "Scars are a badge of survival. I think there is nothing more beautifui than someone who can go through something terrible and come out still breathing. You should be proud of them." Partially raising an eyebrow the petite young woman met the wolf's dazzling eyes, pulling her hand back into her lap. Nina threw herself onto the largest and softest of the couches, sighing. "It's been such a long day, and it hasn't even started yet."
ooc:// This is NOT done. My mom is being a snot and won't let me back on until I go into our dark, spider-infested basement and clean. Blech.
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1:37pm Aug 28 2011
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ooc:// Oh, hey. Rika. Altair never responded to Ha Min.
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4:04pm Aug 28 2011
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((Hm? You mean the flirting? o: He did respond to that. o3o))
9:17pm Aug 28 2011
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ooc:// No, in my extremely long post he interacts again. He will probably interact in every post. That's how this whole 'role playing' thing works. XD
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁