12:19pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Ooh, Dinosaurzzz <3 *lurk*
12:20pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Mommy, when can we start? D:))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:22pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( *shrivels* We should start xD ))
12:22pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( *prods shadow* JOIN. D:< ))
12:23pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Yay! Im so happy. :3 *Happy dance*))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:28pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( i shall make intro ))
Zekra's claws pulled up the ground as she trotted over the feral parts of the land. This part was hot and humid, making her open her muzzle for more air. The cracked ground was shakily unstable, especially with hooked claws pulling it up. No time to rest out here! she thought. Picking up her pace, it was noticeable she was some sort of raptor.. Judging by her speed.
Soon the hot ground below her thickened out into cement, letting a sigh release her chasms. She slowed down, claws now turning into a click on the slick side-walks.
12:29pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 8:49pm Jul 27 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
Name: Auciments [Auci]
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Uhm... Sorry, I'm no dino expert XD
Looks: Personality: Logical and calm, extremely smart, partially thanks to the machinese attached to his body. Gear(such as a jet pack, bionic wings ect.): Laser eyeeee. And yes, bionic reinforced claws.
Mate/Crush: Open Eggs: None
Other: None.
--- Name: Vite Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Velociraptor Looks: Personality: Hyperactive and extremely quick. Friendly and cheerful.
Gear(such as a jet pack, bionic wings ect.): Steel raptor claw. For extra speed, he has a small, but effective, little engine attached to both his legs.
Mate/Crush: Open
Eggs: None.
Other: None.
--- Name: Hyein
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Durh. Looks: Personality: RP out? Sorry, kind of braindead.
Gear(such as a jet pack, bionic wings ect.): Poisonus claws, but the poison only comes when she wants them to. She's supposed to be a land animal, but has water tendencies because of her mutations.
Mate/Crush: Open
Eggs: None.
[[I have to go now -.- Sleepy time. And yes, all of these are from Evelon, because I have no other place to find cool-looking fantasy dinosaurs x.x]]

12:33pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Omg LAWL XD ))
12:40pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Raisa walked until she had found an area with rocky and sandy land. She puased for a moment, just to rest, and began again. "Im famished..." She noted, listening to her stomach rumble with desire for meat. She kept walking, looking for smaller dinosaurs, smaller ones without spikes and horns. As she walked many lizard like creatures scurried away from her, "They would barely be a snack..."
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:57pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Amanakru was feasting on a large Hadro aurid.The taste was new to him he never tasted this species of dinosaur before.He stuck his muzzle in the belly of the beast and tore its inside consuming every last piece of meat it had.He was covered in the blood of the animal.He finnaly picked up the remains and gobbld them down satisfied.
12:59pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:59pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(9awww ok))
1:13pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Zallion crushed the land underneath him in his chase after a Parasaurolophus. He claws where like cleats on the ground, his height looming over the gras.s. He was gaining on his weakened prey, and soon was in biting distance. He feet-first lunged forward, claws making the creature trip in a loud rumble. At the sound of a leg cracking, he pushed the beast down and ripped inside for the feasting to begin.
1:20pm Jul 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
(i changed my girl dinosaurs species)) Amanakru smelled blood but not coming from the one he had eaten.He huffed ans licked the blood from his muzzle.A piece of meat hung from his muzzle but he licked it off.He walk steadily making low roars as he walked.
1:33pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( KK :3 ))
Zekra leaned back against a tree and kicked out her legs, only to be disrupted by an loud grumble. She hissed at her ignorant stomach, and rose to her burnt feet. Walking from the more civilized part of the terra, she walked out onto the hunting plains. First thing she smelled was a bloody big kill, an delicacy to the nose. Picking up her pace, she was lightning over the gras.sy field. She soon came upon Zallion, hidden with his kill behind a ring of tree's. She quickly hopped up one, and hid in the shadows of the leaves, licking her lips.
Zallion ripped at the kill and trashed at it madly. Suddenly he heard rumbling in the tree's around him, taking his guard away from the food. He walked over to the tree and parted it open, only for a blue blur to speed out of the shadows. "WHAT THE!?" He hissed.
Zekra grinned and snapped her jaws around the thick kill, using her gear to pull it away. Finally, she got it into a shallow cave on the base of neighboring mountains. Panting, she lied down next to the kill and took her time before eating.
1:43pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Lakara slept soundly on top ofthe egs that she adopted.She ouldnt wat for them to hatch.She had her fill and was now a little tired but she stayed alert for anyone could come and try to kill them for foodHe made a low sigh and snuggled on the ground adamantium teeth making sparks as she buts down Amanakru walked slowly he smelled another dinosaur nearby and it was a male.He mad a low growl and kept walking he was a bold dinosaur and very curious his ruby red eyes gleamed as he looked at the sky.
2:07pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Jul 27 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Raisa sniffed around her, recognizing a familiar smell. She was quite far away from it, but the scent was strong. She began walking and encountered oter scents of many different reptiles. Raisa spotted an ornithopod crossing her path. She chased it down, her legs moving quickly and steadily. She bit down onto it's back and tore it's flesh open. She swallowed most of the meat whole, and chewed the rest. She left the bones their for the scavengers.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:59pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Hyein's head burst from the water. "Well, that was refreshing." She mumbled, her claws gripping a rather large fish, larger than her whole head. It was still struggling vigorously. Hyein glanced down at it, barely noticing its strong flaps. She tightened her grip, her claws penetrating the scales of the fish, allowing the poison to seep in. Slowly, the fish's struggles grew weaker, until it stilled. Satisfied, Hyein emerged from the water, settling under a tree. She began to feast on the fish, since she was the only one resistant to her unique poison. --- Vite was strolling along the forest, though technically, he was running at top speed. Running was something that was done effortlessly to him, as he whizzed by many different trees, turning and ducking in time. He had snagged a few very surprised mammals by running, satisfying his hunger. --- Auciments lay down in his self-made cave. It was the only home he had, and the most comfortable too. He sighed, wondering if he should venture out again. To answer this question, his belly growled. Auci sighed again, even louder, and got up, slowly making his way out of the cave. [[Blehfail.]]
