It's a new year in Maple High, a high school designed specially for Anthro creatures. Whee... No real plot, really.
Maple High is a prestigious high school, with dormitories, two seperate ones. To the right of the school, there is a blue building for the males. To the left, there is a pink dorm for females. On the first floor of Maple High, there is the caféteria, to the left of it, is the library. The second floor and third contains lockers and cla-sses, while the fourth is more of a recreational/leisure area.
Rules - Ohboy! Tld's favorite part
-Gender ratios even. Eeeven. If it's not, I'll make you MAKE IT EVEN. Is a THREAT, DOODS D:<
-Be active! I will rMail you if you do not post in 3 days.
-Nobody is allowed to go two pages ahead and leave a fellow RPer behind.
-Don't you dare put any Mary Sues/Stus. I will check
-Don't you dare have a same character romance
-To prove you have read the rules, post the word 'Anthro RP' in your bio
-No bisexual/gay/lesbian romances. Sorry. I find it cliché
-Just kiddin' about the Anthro RP bio thingy. Post 'Worms are yummeh' to prove yourself worthy of joining this RP heehee
- I also prefer your character to not be handicapped/idiotic. By idiotic, I mean, coming from a stupid psychotic sociopathic family who died in traaaagic car wreck. Oh noooo.
-Romance is encouraged.
Appearance: [Pictures preferred]
Personality: [2-3 words describing your character, at least. No RP outs. I suggest you put your character's preferences in the opposite gender on here too.]
Crush: [Romance is encouraged.]
Room Number: [Ask to be roommates first.]