10:10am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Don't worry, blood is thicker than water. XD And yes. She is pretty wierd. >_>' She copies me and stuff, I once *censored*umed her to be my stalker....*Shivers* But it's cool now. :D)
Isn't this fun?
12:52pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 1,210
'she never roleplays anymore, but la di freaking da' (FFFFFF ,yes i do D< just not on so much on Res ;c well,just for the heck of it,ama join ;o but i might flail out and leave....so dont get mad plz |D Bio coming soon.prolly just gonna edit this later with one.)
2:27pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(You bad mommeh! DX)
Isn't this fun?
2:39pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Pshh, I totally meant that. :D I'm glad that you're joining. C:))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:47pm Apr 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
(( Lol, cool. So now it's KiaPet, PaigeyFais, and Flasheh( Mind if I call you that?)))
2:49pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 10,925
(( Hahaha. Don't forget Kink, I think. Omg, that rhymed. lD...Anyway, Who wants to start? -hides-))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:17pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 15,067
3:26pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((-Whispers- Haha, now Kia has to start. Or Mommeh. o3o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:27pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( e.e My sister made ask to join this roleplay, Paige. Six is afraid of seven because I'm seven. >D )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:27pm Apr 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((Lol. You can join of course. :P))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:58pm Apr 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( Okay. ^^ Let me come up with a bio first, though. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:55pm Apr 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,557
Fine, I can start. >_<')
Isn't this fun?
5:08pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Name: Raph Sharp Age: Nineteen, 'bout to turn twenty. Personality: Raph is blunt and quite rude. He definitely doesn't like to flatter people, and prefers to stay away from them. He is a sociopath, and he has a bit of a napoleon complex. Also, he seems to have hypersensitivity. Appearance:

Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:27pm Apr 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,557
"Not much of a voice on you, eh?" A blond asked, blue eyes glancing at the boy beside him. "I always get stuck with the talkitive ones," He said sarcastically, standing up and putting his hair in a ponytail. "May I ask your name, or ya just going to give me death glares?" He asked, squatting down in front of the other to look into emerald eyes. "I swear...If you do not take this off me, I'm killing you," He finally said, after thinking of several ways he could and wanted to kill the other. "Ahh, so it really *does* have a voice. Good," He said, taking a small br*censored* key out of his back pocket. "Now, why not be a little mroe friendly?" "What do you want?" Alexis asked, resistign the urge to asnarl, just barely. "Now, now, I'm not here to hurt you. If anything, I'm here to help you," He said, looking at the straight jacket the other was forced into. "So, was it a good party you were at?" He questioned, lookign at what the dark-haired man was wearing. He was wearign black boots with flames on them, and tight black jeans that barely went up to his navel area. The black shirt he was wearing showed off his stomach, and he had a bangle on his right hand. "I mean, I've heard of wild parties, but you looked liek you were tryign to sell, mroe than anything? C'mon, you can tell me," "None of your dam,n buisiness, pig," He spat. "Okay, look. Obvioudly you did soemthign to wind up here. I'm a cop. The good kind. Now, please fix that attitude of yours, or I can gladly do it for you," He said calmly, tiltign his head. "Fine..." Alexis said, no longer glaring, but still pissed. "Good. Now, my name is Lake Winters. Do you want to be let out of that jacket?" He asked wavign the key. "I swear to 'god' I'm killing you, you sonuvabi....." "Yes..." He said strained calm. "Okay. We can start with a name," He said smilign a little. "Forced, but progress none the less...." Lake thought to himself. "Alexis....." He fginnaly muttered. Lake just looked at him, nodding his head a little, and then muttered "Hn hnn?" "Brimmings..." He said the last bit reluctantly. "Good!" He praised, unlocking the jacket. "Now, why not keep that on, it's liek a funny shirt," He chuckled, standing up, grabbing Alexis' jacket by the shoulder pullign him up. Lake was skinny and slender, but Alexis towered over him by at least five inches. "Fine..." He said, lookign around in the dark cell he was in. "Good. Welcome to the Asylum, Alexis Brimmings. I'll have your new roomie, Qent Winters, to come take you out, and shwo you around," He said wlakign out of the cell asnd lockign it, Alexis not even makign a move to it. "Wait...I'm in an Asylum? How did-" "Don't worry, you'll make tons of friends," He said dissmissivly, walkign otu of the room. "...$hit!"
Isn't this fun?
7:38pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"God damnit, if this idiot doesn't shut up, I'm finding the next sharp thingy and stabbing him in the neck! I don't care if it's a toothpick!" Jack growled inside of his head, glaring at the man in front of him. "Hello, Joker. How about you tell me your real name?" The man pressed, raising his eyebrows. "How about you go shove a stick up you-" "Hey, language,man. I'm Cymen." The man said, smirking at the restrained Joker who was attached to the wall for Cymen's safety. "Hello, Semen." Jack grinned, the paint of his face moving with him. He wouldn't let them touch his paint. He "Promised" to be a good boy if they left his paint. Oh, how they were wrong. "Listen. How about, you let me down, and I won't kill you..." Jack proposed, putting on his best lawyer face. Oh, how he lied. "...I dunno," The young man groaned, scratching his head. Jack smirked, reading off his thoughts. "I know you, you're a fan of me." "How'd you know?" "You just have that look. So please, let me out." Jack whined, shaking around in his shackles. "Alexis probably doesn't know he's here..." He thought, making him laugh. Cymen looked at him sideways, unlocking the clamps for the straitjacket. "I'm sorry, Cymen, but that was a poor choice," Jack laughed, as he used his double-jointed shoulders to place the now undone metal clasps in front of him. He easily broke off a piece, as he slid off the suit. He made a quick movement with his arm, driving the point of the metal across Cymen's throat. Cymen looked to him with a horrified ex pression, and he fell to the floor, his blood pooling around him "Now, to find Alexis," He muttered, as he walked through the stupidly open door. He whistled an unknown tune, all but skipping down the white hallways.

7:54pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 10,925
“Ow!” Jayden pouted as she received another injection from the man in the white coat. “That hurts, you know. A lot.” The man in the white coat said, “Jayden, it stings for a second.” “No, it stings for two-point-eight seconds.” The man in the white coat rolled his eyes. Jayden was mad. She wanted to break free of the chains, but they were too strong. “How’s about letting me out, Doc?” She said. “No way.” “But I thought you were my friend!” “I only say that to make you stop squirming when you get your injections.” “That’s really mean. I’ll never let you try to keep my visions blurry again now.” For the second time, the man in the white coat rolled his eyes. She would probably keep that promise, too. “You know, you really shouldn’t rub that needle in my face. I’m considering stabbing you right about now,” Jayden said. The man in the white coat left then. Jayden was lonely. She saw Joker walking outside. “How’d you-” She looked at his cell, “Oh. Nice.”
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:02pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Helloo, Jay." Jack said cheerily, walking into her cell. "How has your day been?"
7:12am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 10,925
"Terrible," Jayden said, looking up at him. "They gave me those stupid injections again-I really don't even need them."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:05pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Semen?! XD You made me laugh so hard, and my brother tried to look to see what it was. XD) "Okay, okay, okay...Let's try this," He mumbled stickign a bobby pin his had in his back pocket in the lock, but jumped at puleld hsi hand back as he felt a slap. "What the hell was that for?!" He growled at the man that had doen it. He didn't even see him walk into the room. "'Sup? Name's Qent. You must be Alexis. Nice to meet cha!" He said sticking his hand through the bars to shake. Alexis glared at it for a minute, then grabbed his hand and yanked it in the cage bendign it down. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, hey! I'm lettign you out, let go!" Alexis didn't stop, in fact bendign it more. "Let me out first, then I'll let go," He said watchign the man with long red hair to grab the keys frpm his pocket and unlockign it. "Liek your style, kid," He smirked as Alexis let go. "Whatever," "Hey, didn't Lake say he'd only let you go if you perked that attitude up?" Alexis smacked him in the face, sendign him to the floor, where he was quickly kicked into the cell and the door was shut and locked. "Didn't I say for them to let me go or heads woudl be rolling?" He asked, leavign the hallway. "Great..In a luney bin, and I'm lost.." He mubmeld, rollign up the sleevesd of the straight jacket.
Isn't this fun?
4:18pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack laughed at the girl, shaking his head. "Want a joy run?" He asked her, undoing her jacket. "I smell... Alexis." He added, bolting out of the room and around the hallway. "ALEX"