11:30pm Apr 8 2011
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Calyx looked on the other side of the room. "Not much." She said casually. "Well, sopmetimes. But not this bad. I guess he has some.....gas. He get very cranky." She couldn't help but stiffle a giggle. Tom let out a yowl at her, yellow eyes clearly annoyed. How could this stupid human be so, well, stupid?! Here he was, trying to rescue her from the horrible leech, and they were holding a conversation. He would of banged his head against the wall if it didn't make him stupid, like his cousin Bob. Stupid cat ran into the car. Calyx glanced back at him. Why was he looking in the closet, of all places? She thought. Well, I guess its a start...She srugged it off. "My cat?" She asked, tilting her head. "Well, I dunno....I didn't think his gas was that bad," Again, stiffling a giggle. She looked around some more, clearly disguisted by all the stuffed creatures. She looked around the Teacher's desk. Tom was already there, pawing at the chair. "Tom, I don't have time for this. Go, shoo--" She pushed the cat away to reveal the bloodied, mutilated body of a poor bunny. Her eyes grew huge. "Found it." She squeaked.
12:21am Apr 9 2011
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He tried to utter a chuckle at the quip about Tom's gas, but he didn't have time. It wasn't difficult to act surprised about the poor little bunny. Greyson finally unclamped his nose, exhausted from the restrained air flow. Walking up behing Calyx, and grimacing at Tom, he couldn't help but be hungry, especially around her open wounds. She smelled so doused in the fragrant air of blood, and his mouth tried to refrain from watering, but his teeth reflexively grew into pointed fangs. His pupils expanded in a frenzy of complete bloodlust and thirst. He was only centimeters from her unprotected, pale neck... He shut his mouth abruptly, piercing his tongue with his pointed fangs. Was he insane? He could definitely not get away with murdering anyone here, let alone the girl that chased after him. "Poor rabbit," he muttered, all too convincingly. He glared once more at Tom, the infernal beast.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:13am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 322
Sky turned to Karienne, "I am new to this school. I only just moved here with my parents, though." She lied. Well, it was at least half true. She smiled abit. "Have you been here for a while?" She asked. ((Again, not sure what to do >.<')) ------------------------ James watched as Calyx charged after her cat. "Wow, I think I would have killed it by now..." He mumbled. ((Fail...))
9:30am Apr 9 2011
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Calyx let out a sigh, closing her eyes and turning away from the sight. Instead, she glared at Tom. She did this every time she was angry with the young cat, and the glare could send the toughest of men running away crying. Tom layed back his ears and looked away, clearly mad. "All this points to you, Tom." She said. Tom let out a grumble in reply. "Its not like someone came in here and ate the bunny." Tom pawed the air, mewing. Listen, hooman! Listen! He did it! He seemed to wail. Calyx kicked his side. She rested a hand on her forehead. "Thats not the problem here. I'll punish you later." She turned back to Greyson. "Right now we need a replacment bunny. They'll never know what happened. And someone has to pick up the mess..." She couldn't help but look at the victim, then gagged. "Greyson? Any ideas?"
11:39pm Apr 9 2011 (last edited on 11:43pm Apr 9 2011)
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Greyson smirked at the cat, feeling some trace of compa.ssion for it. "Aw, don't be hard on him. After all, he is only a cat." Greyson taunted the creature, showing Tom his inhuman fangs while Calyx wasn't looking. "I am guessing you aren't fond of animal guts. I'll take care of the mess. Oh, and close the door. We really don't need witnesses, now do we?" He chuckled at the double-meaning of his words, smiling at the sarcasm tainting his voice. Greyson gathered the guts and nonchalantly placed them in the first container he could find- a yellow bookbag that some unfortunate student had left in the room. He just as calmly opened the rickety window and hoisted both long legs over, so that he was seated on the window pane. He glanced at Calyx, and smiled as much as he could afford. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He then jumped out the window, the bookbag draped over one arm. He walked to the nearby forest that bordered the schoolgrounds, and looked around to make certain no one was nearby. Satisfied with his results, his superhuman muscles vaulted the bookbag into the deep forest. He then skipped back to the Biology clas.sroom, and climbed back to through the open window. "Okay, the remains have been disposed of," he indifferently bleated. It occured to him that she was helping him get away with murder, albeit of a lesser species. Then again, it could be said humans were a lesser species, too. "Alright., are you deliberately against playing hookie for a few minutes?" He inquired devilishly, his eyebrows arched. "Because if not, we could head to the pet store." He was tempted to offer to just go catch a rabbit out of the forest, but that would be seen as odd, especially since he was supposed to be an average human being.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:52pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Oh wow. That made me laugh. xDD Postin' in a few. ))
12:04am Apr 10 2011
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Tom stared in disbelief as the leech bared his fangs at him. The thing was mocking him. He let out a yowl, fur fluffed up once again. "Heh. Sure doesn't act like it." She said, annoyed. "He screws up everything. Sometimes I think he's...more than just a plain old cat." Tom's fur puffed up as he strutted around, clearly happy with the compliment. "But that isn't exactly a good thing, for me anyway." Tom's ears flattened. Calyx was already walking over to shut the door. "Yessir," She said sarcastically. "I'm used to it. Tom brings me lots of dead things. And there was that time when I had to catch my own food..." She shook her head, not wantint to remember. Tom, on the other hand, was strutting around happily. See? He just knew his human would looooove the 'treasures' he caught for her. He'll catch even more! Calyx slightly tilted her head when Greyson offered to get rid of the carcas.s. Didn't he say that he hated the sight of blood? She grew suspicious. "Sucks for the kid that owned that Book-bag," Calyx giggled. She scanned the floor. Tom's bloodied foot-prints lay all over the floor. She rubbed them off with her shoe. Her naturally cold gaze looked over to Grey. "Fine by me," She purred, icey eyes slightly challenging. "But....I think we might need a plan B, just in case." She said, rotating her shoulders, working out all the kinks. "I did this with my sisters fish once. (Acciently poisoned the poor fish) i found one that looked just like it. But one thing different, one scale out of place....Its all over." She said.
12:35am Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 488
"New freshmans trying out this year?" he asked bluntly. Violet sighed and looked at the table bored obviously.
6:55am Apr 10 2011 (last edited on 6:57am Apr 10 2011)
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"Yeah, well, we don't have a surplus of options or anything. We could just forget the whole thing, y'know. Go back to lunch, lie and say we took a detour through the hallways. In fact, if you really wanted to, I'd love to take you on a stroll around the portables," he teased. "Of course, your fleaball might try to kill me during the trip... Or I might try to kill him. Whichever comes first." He considered gleefully. "Speaking of the cat...." Greyson looked around the room, examining that the evidence all pointed to the cat. "Well," Greyson purred back, flirtatiously, "We could always just blame it on the **** cat, couldn't we? I think he deserves a little hard time, don't you?" He laughed, giving Tom a harsh noogie, which resulted in his fur being ridden with static. He bit tiredly at the dried blood that lay underneath his fingernails, reminiscent from his run-in with the rabbit. "I mean, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime, right?" He babbled.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:06am Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 17,364
((Posting now. <33 ))
11:16am Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx shrugged. "But that just takes the fun out of it," She huffed, crossing her arms and sticking out her bottom lip jokingly. "Well, its not like they'll take finger-prints," She picked up Tom and touched his head to greyson, emotting a mild shock. She set him down. Tom looked at them furiously, static running through his fur and making it stick up unnaturally. He plopped down and began to lick it furiously. "Hrmm. That is a possibility, isn't it Tom?" Calyx purred to the cat, who was done with his fur and was glaring at Greyson, claws flicking in and out. "Okay, he's starting to freak em out. do you have a dog or something? Mabye a Penguin? Tom hates penguins...And Dogs, naturally...." She asked. Then and made a 'pfft' sound. "Stroll around the protables? Pfft. Oh wow." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway," She said. "I guess we could blame it on Tom. But....Because of you, he's bound to come with me to school every day now. What if they spot them?" Tom, not liking the idea of being framed, started to claq at Greyson's shoes.
3:16am Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 322
((I'll edit this when Serenity posts so that Sky does something)) .... ---------------------------------------------- James turned back to the girl next to him. "I'm James by the way." He said. ((Sorry, my brain is dead >.<))
7:47am Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 17,364
2:59pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Soeey for taking long. I will try and have a post up later, once I'm in a better mood. Learned I failed English, so thats kinda dampened my mood XP But I will try and have a post up, sometime today XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:50pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Bump. :(
6:43pm Apr 18 2011
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((Haven't been on, sorry. Is this still alive? I want to continue, but I don't know how you all feel. Who's ready for super-tacky drama? 8D Like oops-I-tripped-smooch-time? Lolol.)) Greyson laughed. "Nope, I can as.sure you, I do not own a penguin." He laughed, his eyes dancing with hilarity. "Ugh. This cat..." He whined, gesturing to kick the cat jokingly. He was mid-kick, when his foot superhumanly pushed against the ground, all the strength welled into the toe of his shoe. He carelessly tripped, his foot pointed while the other bent crookedly. Of course, he didn't feel the pain a.ssociated with posing his foot in such an unnatural position. However, vampires are not able to defy gravity, contrary to popular belief. In a swift sweeping motion, his face jolted-- straight into Calyx's. His lips were inches from hers. His stared gently into her eyes, regaining his balance... Part of him wanted to close in and tilt his head, and let the sparks fly. But, the more dominant part of him remembered the mutilated remains of his old girlfriend, in the forest clearing. His head jerked back in alert, as he remembered he wasn't suppose to torment any girl ever again. He stood tall once more, and attempted a sheepish smile. "My bad..." he murmured awkwardly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:46pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yay~! Posting now ))
6:48pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( wait-- Can't post now. :( ))
7:28pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Dude, why would you do that heart. Kari will kick me in the face if she ever read that XD And sorry I've been to lazy to post. I will post immediately XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:39pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 7:40pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
"I am new to this school. I only just moved here with my parents, though." The girl, Sky said. "Have you been here for a while?" Karienne nodded. "Oh yeah, we've all been here since 9th grade." She said as she looked over at the other boys. "Yeah except for blondie, he only came what grade ten?" Jethro added as he looked over at the other boy form confermation. William nodded. "Yep straight from New Orleans." he said making his accent even more noticle be flashing the girl a smile. Karienne shook her head slightly and rolled her eyes. God what a flirt, she thought to herself. The boy did it all the time, hal the time he wasn't interested in the girl but he did it because he could get away with it. Her green eyes strayed back to the doors. "What you looking for Kare? You excuse?" William asked non-chalantly. "Yep, I bet his necking Kitty-Kat right now." Jethro added punched Kari lightly in the arm. "Oh shuddup." she muttered. "and necking seriously? What is this? The 1920s?" she scoofed shaking her head. She turned the attention back to the girl. "So uh, where'd you move from?" ((FAIL))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.