4:31am Mar 20 2011 (last edited on 11:14am Mar 20 2011)
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Posts: 322
((I dont know if I can, but is Sky allowed to be new at the highschool? I'll change this if Sky can't be)) Sky rummaged through her draws and pulled on some skinny jeans, threw on a pale blue T-shirt and her trainers, grabbed her things from her room and stuffed them into her back-pack and yelled "All right, I'm coming!" as Amy, her 'Mum', shouted from outside. Sky sprinted out and unlocked the gate of the electric fencing and ran towards the car. She opened one of the back doors of the car and threw her black back-pack onto the backseats then closed then door and hopped in the front. "Your going to be late!" laughs Amy, to Sky she never seemed to stop laughing. "Who cares, it's just school." replied Sky, shrugging a bit and smiling. When Amy stopped the car outside the highschool, Sky hopped out the front and grabbed her back-pack from the back of the car, "Bye" Sky said as she closed the back door of the car and watched Amy drive off. She felt alone now. She turned around and began to walk towards the highschool and looked around, seeing groups of people all talking or laughing. She didnt look where she was going, she just kept walking glancing at allthe people around her. She didn't like being surrounded by people, so she went and found somewhere to sit. "Max! Get off my shirt!" James yelled as the big siberian husky played tug 'o war with James' white T-shirt. Max growled playfully and shook his head around. James pulled all he could, but Max was not going to let go. Eventually James gave up and let the dog have his shirt and he went off to find another. James looked through his wardrobe and pulled out another T-shirt, but a grey one. He pulled it on and grabbed his things. He ran out of his room and down the stairs. He saw his sister, Izzy, and said to her "Next time, don't let Max get NEAR your clothes!" laughing at her when she stuck her tounge out and giggled. James ran out of the house and started to walk to the highschool because he lived near to it. When James reached the highschool he glanced around to see any new people. He couldn't find any, so he started looking for his friends. ((Was that ok? I wasnt too sure how to get started XP Also, if/when Sky meets Grey, will she know he's a vampire, or will he just seem different to all the other humans to her? Or maybe she just will not have a clue?))

12:36pm Mar 20 2011 (last edited on 12:44pm Mar 20 2011)
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Posts: 9
(It's finally started!)) Natasha stuffed the cereal into her mouth and gulped down the milk. She grabbed some books and stuffed them into her bag ."Late again" she groaned. She wished she had listened to that alarm. "When will you mend your ways Natasha?! You're late again!" her Mom said crossly. "No time for discussing this Mom!" Natasha replied. She grabbed her sweatshirt and shot outside into the car. "Let's go." they reached school, rather surprisingly, just in time. "Bye Mom" she said and walked away. She looked round her and saw people either walking away minding their own business or talking and giggling with each other. She did not like crowds. Specially ones filled with people she didn't know or didn't want to know. She walked inside and went straight to her locker.
Read this if you want to but if you don't want to read it don't.Now I must warn you that you must read it to the end if you are reading it but then you will start feeling stupid. And, by the time you realize that this is useless and a perfect waste of time it'll be too late. ;)
12:47pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I leave for two days and you go on without me. o.o ))
2:07pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet sighed as she walked out the door. "Oops.... " she said almost forgetting her keys as she went into her car. ________________ Dustin grumbled something but kept walking. He thought it was lame he didn't have a car yet. "Why this?! Walking really...." he said to himself softly. ((i so failed xD))
3:46pm Mar 20 2011 (last edited on 3:46pm Mar 20 2011)
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Posts: 17,364
(( What should I post? xDD ))
3:58pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Whatever you want Zozo, we just started. So you can have your characters now coming to school XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:01pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 17,364
((....You do it. o.o ))
4:03pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Wait...Do what? By the way: Your cats freak me out XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:07pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I forgot. o.o ...And thank you. |D ))
4:36pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Lolz xD)) Dustin arrived near the school and sighed, "Wonder how today is gonna be like..." he thought walking forward. Violet drove past Dustin taking no notice and into the parking lot. She grabbed her things and went inside.
9:59pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Ser- Actually, Greyson is rather new to the school, although he has been seen around town on multiple occasions. Silent- Go ahead, and that is fine. Also, she's probably have a feeling something was different about Grey, but not be able to quite tell what exactly it is. Also, everyone, feel free to interact.)) Greyson was surrounded by thriving examples of human life, tending to their various morning activities. Some were digging frantically in their lockers for the homework they had misplaced, some were obnoxiously gossiping with peers, and yet some were sitting alone on cold benches like he was. He realized any moment he could go into a manic frenzy and kill them all without effort, visualizing newly-laid tombstones drifting gloomily over their youthful bodies. He wafted the gruesome thought from his mind, reminding himself he had just eaten... and again frowned. Greyson scanned the cliques of people drowsily looming through the ivory halls, and identified with them all. There were those who seemed to fit in with no one, those who were hidden within large swarms of "friends", and still those who seemed in the middle of things. The group he'd generally mill about were the popular, trouble-making type, but he was too upset to grace them with his appearance. He opted to stare at the unforgiving linoleum ground, wondering what pathetic microorganisms dwelled within the cracks of the tiling. He subconsciously took out a pen, and wrote upon the floor's unending plane. He never realized what he was writing until he had completed the monotonous task. He read the messily scrawled ode to his dead girlfriend: I'm sorry, Allison. A rebellious tear coursed it's way down his porcelain visage, but he wiped it quickly away.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:27pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Yay, I shall intereact with Hearteh~ And maybe someone else, I got two other characters XP)) Kairnne walked around the school ground, looking around. Although Jethro calls it people watching. She was looking at how many of the groupd were talking. The cheerleaders gossiping, the jocks making a rukus, hollering and whooting, and a couple of kids just sat by themeselves on the benches and under trees. Her green eyes finally resting a boy who sat by himself on abench, by the look on his face he looked as if he wwas almost, crying. She looked him orver, the htough of a girl breaking his heart just didn't look right, he was too good looking, he looked like more of a heart breaker. She about to just p*censored* when she realized that she had never talked to him before, she had seen him around p*censored*ing in the halls maybe once seeing him at the movies. She sucked ina breath, well never late to make new frineds. She thought as she pulled up the sleeves on her jean jacket. She pulled her backpack and walked over to the boy. "Hey." She said looking down at him. "I know I don't really know you, but - are you alright? You look kinda, I dunno down." After those words left her mouth she felt like an idiot. Felling as if she should have never talked to him.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:53pm Mar 21 2011 (last edited on 4:44pm Mar 21 2011)
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Posts: 322
((Heart- Ah, ok)) Sky continued then wander around the crowds of people, trying her best not to bump shoulders with any or get any kind of attention onto her. She looked around in one last attempt to find a bench to sit on, and sighed as she found the last of the benches taken by a boy with pretty pale skin. She frowned a little as she noticed him writing something, but was not close enough to see that he had wiped away a tear. She stopped walking and then noticed another girl had stopped by him. They must know each other Sky thought, then continued walking around. ------------------------------ "Over here!" James yelled as he spotted one of his friends, Jack, and waved at him trying to get his attention. He began walking over to Jack. "I need to borrow some of your books for homework, I didn't have time to do it" James said, taking out a book from his bag and flicking through to a page half filled with scruffy writing. "Alright, you can have it tonight, I don't need it today." Jack replied, handing over one of his books and handing it overto James. "Thanks, mate" James said, taking the book and stuffing it into his bag.

4:11pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 488
Daichi sighed and made his way to the school. Late again but he didn't care. He thought about skipping again but walked into the building. ____________________ Violet sighed as she got out of her car and went to the west side of the building going faster to her locker. Late. Late. LATE!!! was all she could think getting her things from her locker.
7:19pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Greyson was just barely conscious of the unfamiliar girl's presence. Her hair cascaded past her chocolate visage in luscious ebony ringlets, and her gentle jade eyes fell right above her upturned nose. Her delicate demeanor contrasted heavily with her strong, determined voice, which was similar to that of sharp missles of rain striking the tender earth. Her serene air gave him a light embrace of comfort, quite like a brisk gust of wind undernath the sweltering sun, or the monotonous chirp of cicada at the brink of midnight. He looked into her vivid green eyes, and gave a struggling, halfhearted smile to politely introduce the girl who so nonchalantly came forth. "Yeah. I'm okay." Despite the re*censored*uring grin plastered on his inviting ex pression, his eyes flickered cerulean with a keen sense of cynicality, as if he didn't believe she was actually there. His shoulders rose as if he had just awaken from a bizarre, distant dream. He tried to hide that it was more of a sadistic, horrifying nightmare.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:29pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Normal people would use an alarm clock of somesort to wake themselves up. The problem with that for Calyx is because one, she wasn't normal, and two; There was no possible way to wake up Calyx. Other than pain, or course. And thats just what woke her up. The youth let out a wail before falling out of her bed and flailing around. Blood tinkled down her cheek, a scratch beginning to form. "Mew?" Went her cat, who was promtly sitting on her desk. Its eyes glimmered micheviously. She let out a sigh before scrambling out of her covered and scooting the cat out of her bedroom. She quickly pulled on her normal school outfit--Blue jeans and her favorite jacket. Because it was a little big for her, it covered most of her jeans and covered her arms completly. She didn;t bother to put a bandaid on the cat scratch (or as she called it Tom's way of showing that he was the boss)Instead, she and slung her small backpack over her shoulder and set out for school. Soon enough, she made it. She nearly turned around to the park, but decided against it. She didn't need to get crappy grades and detention again. She scurried into the building and quckly whiped the scratch with her sleeve. (( Lol. She's got like, five other scratched on her cheek she's already recovering fdrom. xDD Stewpid Tommeh. ))
7:56pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Wow Heart, the first pararaph, how...poetic. It made me smile)) "Yeah. I'm okay." Karienne raised an eyebrow when he said that. He sure didn't look alright, he looked kind of dazed, as if he was waking from a dream. She pulled on one of her curls self-conciously, she watched it spring back. She looked back down at the boy. "I've seen you around. You're new right?"She flashed him one of her smiles and stuck out her hand. "I'm Karienne. But you can call me Kari." SHe hoped this would snap the boy out of whatever reverie he was in.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:44pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Haha. Well, I am a published poet/ m'dear. ;D Plus, me and Kari have become close friends over the year or so... XD)) Greyson clasped her hand, surprisingly gently, compared to his strong exterior. He had well-worn hands that had intercepted others' several times previously. "Yeah. I suppose you could say that. I've lived here for a year or so, but I really just started coming to school here. I'm Greyson, but most that knew, I mean know, me call me Grey," he stumbled over his words slightly. Though he was a proficient liar, Karienne spoke so similarly to Allison he couldn't help but stutter. He stood up as he shook her hand, giving the handshake two firm pulses before sitting down once more. Being so ancient, he had archaic tendencies, including manners. He resumed seating in his original position, a courteous, wide-leg stance that seemed much to polite for his popularity. "Nice to meet you, Allis-- Karienne." He inwardly spurned his tounge for making such a ridiculous error.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:56am Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 9
Natasha looked on at Karienne and the other guy she didn't know. She found the boy odd. She had never seen him before. He was tall brown haired boy. She found his demeanour a bit odd. She went up to the two. She couuld sense a certain guilty grief in his eyes. "W*censored*up eith you?" she asked
Read this if you want to but if you don't want to read it don't.Now I must warn you that you must read it to the end if you are reading it but then you will start feeling stupid. And, by the time you realize that this is useless and a perfect waste of time it'll be too late. ;)
3:32am Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 3:56am Mar 22 2011)
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Posts: 322
((Wow, Grey certainly is the center of attention XD)) Sky thought about the boy she had seen on the bench as she walked around. He seemed different, but she wasn't sure why. When Sky looked up from the floor she saw an empty bench. At last! She thought, sitting down on it. There wasn't too many crowds of people here, but Sky just wanted to sit down. She felt that if she was standing, people were more likely to notice her, and that's not what Sky intended to happen. She sighed, and then thought through what she said say if anyone did say anything to her, but she decided she would just say what came to her, as long as it was within reason. -------------------------------------------------------- James turned and made is way into the building. He went to his locker and threw all his things in there, then walked back outside to his friends. When he reached them, he took out his phone,"Look at this photo of my dog" He said, tapping a icon on the screen of his phone.