7:54am Mar 22 2011
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(( Iheart is a published poet? How cool. ;D ))
4:55pm Mar 22 2011
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((Heart you're a published poet? How awesome, I can't write poetry to save my life XD)) "Yeah. I suppose you could say that. I've lived here for a year or so, but I really just started coming to school here. I'm Greyson, but most that knew, I mean know, me call me Grey," The boy, Greyson seemed to stumble over his words. Karienne smiled slightly at that, but that was to hide her surprise. The boy seemed really strange. He was zoned out, then he said those who knew me, not know although he quickly fixd that, but that might just have been a trick of the tongue. He stood took her hand and shook it, as if to stop himself from embar*censored*ing himself anymore. He gave her to quick squeezes before sitting himself down. Karienne pulled on a curl after that, most boys wouldn't bother to get up, let alone sit right back down after the shake. But it was the words out out of his mouth next that Kari found really odd. "Nice to meet you, Allis-- Karienne." Her steady smile faltered for a moment. Had he just nearly called her Alice? Or something that was close to Alice? Probably an ex-girlfriend. She thought as she pulled her hand away and let it rest at her side. Her smile fixed itself and she nervousely tugged on one of her curls, watching it spring up for a moment before looking back at the boy. Opening her mouth to start talking again. "Well I'm you must have gotten the welcome wagon already but Welcome." SHe grinned. "I hope your adjusting well to the school. Its odd normally I would have shown you around the school myself, but Steven, er the Principle never told me about any new kids. I'm student council president, if you didn't know." She felt as if she was rambling. SHe suddenly heard another female voice pipe up. She turned surprised this kid had just walked up and started talking to two kids she didn't know. But Karienne wasn't one to talk. She had just walked over to greyson here. Not to mention maybe the girl knew Grey. Karienne bit her lip, unsure if the girl was speaking to her or Greyson, probably a boy. If theres one good looking new guy it only takes a matter of seconds for girls to flock. ((Lol, Heart when you said wide leg stance do you mean his legs are wide open? My friend Liam does that and its like honey close your legs XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:32pm Mar 22 2011
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((Yeah. I'll post a poem of mine soon. :D That's cause Grey is almost as hot as me. *shot* XD Guys, there are plenty of other characters to interact with. Lol. Actually, Ser, that is the standard for etiquette sitting for males, with hands resting on either kneecap. At least in America, as long as the legs aren't too wide open.)) Grey noticed her uneasiness around him, and attempted to be friendlier. "Yeah, thanks," and Grey eloquently amended, "The school is fairly nice. Although, most strangers wouldn't just waltz up and welcome me, I daresay. You sure are fairly good at welcoming newcomers," he chuckled, frosting his words with an automatic smile. While sitting, his tall figure was still nearly able to talk with her face-to-face, even as she stood. He shook his hair out of his eyes, his squared jaw tightening up slightly as he did so. He couldn't help but grow happier as another pretty girl walked up, and Karienne grew once more tense. It was sadism for him to taunt such poor girls with his handsomeness. He probably should have just led them away, so they never became too close, but Greyson had an uncanny attraction to whichever girls dared to talk to him, quite like that of metal files to an electromagnet. Actually, this girl looked similar to Karienne, with curly black hair and darker, pigmented skin. There was a slight difference in bone structure, however, and clothing styles. If he hadn't known better, he would have confused them to be sisters. However, when this new girl spoke, her voice was smooth and charming, and Greyson compared it to that of a violin's strum. "Oh, hey," Grey responded suavely to the girl's question, almost laughing at how ridiculous he sounded. "Have we met before?" He shot a quick glance at Karienne, who was biting her lip for no apparent reason.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:36pm Mar 22 2011
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(( Who should Zozo interact with? :D ))
7:01pm Mar 22 2011
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((Oh Lol know heart, But My friend spreads his legs wide open sometimes, but He does it on purpose XD And Zozo can interact with my characters. William or Jethro, take your pick XD)) "Yeah, thanks, The school is fairly nice. Although, most strangers wouldn't just waltz up and welcome me, I daresay. You sure are fairly good at welcoming newcomers," Greyson chuckled smliling. Karienne grinned, and the boy shook his hair. She noticed how tall the guy was, she didn't mind much she had always been around tall people, Jethro was around 6'2 while her mother being a model was pretty hude standing at six feet even. Not to mention her dad was around 6'4, Must have made him such an easy target. She thought, a sudden pain in her eyes as she remeber all those times they had gotten called saying he was shot, and him returning in a casts. Her hand rose to her chest where she fiffled with a gold locket momentarily. She dropped her hand back to her side and her guard went back up and the the pain faded from her eyes. She remember the boy had said something about her earlier. "Well thats me, the schools social butterfly. I'm pretty much friends with everyone, although that doesn't mean I necessarily like everyone." She said. Her eyes wwent wide for a moment as she realized what she said. "That came out wrong." She chuckled slightly. She was zoning out, chewing on her lip when Greyson spoke to the other girl. She felt his eyes trail to her for a moment then back to the other girl.She nonchalantly look down at her many gold bracelets and spun them around a bit. She looked up at Greyson then at the new girl wondering what she was gonna say.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:26pm Mar 22 2011
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(( I sit with my legs open and my hands on my knees. :P Where are they, Serenity? ))
8:05pm Mar 22 2011
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((Psh, lol mI sit with legs open too, but thats only if I'm leaning forward XP And Jethro is probably smoking in the parking lot and I Haven't introduced Will yet, so I fail XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:19pm Mar 22 2011
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((Waiting for Sitara to respond. ._.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:10pm Mar 22 2011
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((-Waits with Heart-))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:17pm Mar 22 2011
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((For your amusement, here are some of my unpublished poems. Night The silken shroud clings desperately to Atlas' heels; The bane of young child to which clouded realm steals; Afternoon's tomb, o'er which humble cloud looms; Who steals the day as a thief hoards his wealth And flees the scene, the epitome of stealth; Which turns hymn to dirge and jubilance submerge And casts a shadow upon monuments below... Tears the veil of the morn, allows stars to be born; Cajoles the dagger from sheath onto every man's wreath; Fills the gauntlet till brims, condones callous sins; Sends earth into plight, O, behold the dank night.
Dreams Vivid dreams are but desirous lies, Delicate whispers through breaths of night. Whimsical ponderings of those who sleep, Some forgotten, others latch-keep. Sonnets of pa.ssion, tragedies of woe, Ballads of servants turned fabled hero. Taste of whiskey upon scarlet tongue, Spawned yet another melody sung. Little faeries prance afoot, ‘Round fire, dancing with ashes and soot. Seize life, ye young travelers, roam; Spring from decrepit past-life’s tomb. Spend golden treasure you greedily reap From miser’s realm of dreaming-sleep.
What do you think? Be honest.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:30pm Mar 22 2011
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((Well because I'm super biased because I only like rhyming poems so the ones about dreams I absolutely loved. But the night one is really good too. You're lucky you can write so well. Everything I write is morbid, but that's probably because I'm a violent person XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:08am Mar 23 2011 (last edited on 2:45am Mar 23 2011)
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Posts: 9
((I don't think I'll be able to post for a while now. School's reopening in a few days and I've got other important work as well.You guys better carry on. I will pop in whenever I can though)) Natasha looked on at the boy. "You look new." she said "I hope you like it here." She was beginning to like this guy. He didn't seem half as strange as she had thought. She smiled. "See you later. " She said and walked away with steady but nervous steps. She felt strange. She had never got nervous before. She was not that kind. Maybe it's because of the Biology test today. She tried to convince herself. ((Can't think of anything else right now. XD))
Read this if you want to but if you don't want to read it don't.Now I must warn you that you must read it to the end if you are reading it but then you will start feeling stupid. And, by the time you realize that this is useless and a perfect waste of time it'll be too late. ;)
3:54am Mar 23 2011 (last edited on 3:26am Mar 25 2011)
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Posts: 322
((Heart- The Dream one is my favourite, but Im not too sure on the Night one. But then I suck at poems and such XD. But yeah, I think the Dream one is great!)) Sky sat silently on the old bench trying to figure out why that boy was different. She decided it was just her in the end and looked back in the direction that the boy was. She saw him when a gap in the huge crowds of people appeared. There was a girl walking away, and the other one was still there by him. She seemed nervous, but Sky ignored it. Sky was sure that she was nervous, here in a new school, on a bench, on her own. Not to mention she had a secret to hide. ------------------------------------------- ((Can't think of anything for James to do... =/))
8:00am Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Should calyx do a fail and trip over thin air infront of Jethro? xDD ))
7:43pm Mar 23 2011 (last edited on 7:45pm Mar 23 2011)
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((Lol, thanks guys. <3)) Greyson observed Karienne was desperately tugging upon the golden locket, a mournful ex pression in her jaden eyes. He supressed the urge to hold her hand and comfort her, reminding himself that he was but a stranger. She began speaking, and he laughed loosely at her slip-up, trying his best to hide his worry for her feelings. "Well, social butterfly, don't get too comfortable," he teased, hoping he never went overboard. "I may have this intense hatred for you," he sarcastically amended. The girl had quickly said something, and snuck off. He tried to hide his sadness. People were so busy around here, or maybe they were avoiding him. He hoped he hadn't scared her off. He obnoxiously called out after the girl, "The name's Grey!" She had already gotten quite a way's away before he said it, though. He didn't know whether she had heard him. After the girl left, it was just Greyson and Karienne. He looked over at her politely, and smiled slightly. "Kare... You okay? I saw you looked upset..." He whispered, attempting not to embara.ss the poor girl. He knew what it was like to be sad, with all of the turmoil that poisoned his eternal existence. I called her Kare. And I just met her. This is ridiculous, Grey thought, reminding himself not to fall for her. It'd only end up ugly in the end. Another girl looked over at him from a bench, and he slipped in a welcoming smile. He would have tried to talk to her, but Karienne was obviously upset.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:08pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 488
(( So lost -_-))
9:13pm Mar 23 2011
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((Why so?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:37pm Mar 23 2011
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Karienne was still in her little reverie of memories when the girl said somethig about Greyson looking nice, or maybe it was new. She wasn't quite sure. But the girl said something about liking it here before sneaking off. Now normally Kari would have thought that odd. A girl coming over starting a conversation for about a minute before walking off. But Kari was too into her own little world to notice. But Greysons voice broke her thoughts and brought her back to her senses.
"Kare... You okay? I saw you looked upset..."
Kare? She had just met the boy and she already had a nick name. But it wasn't that that surprised her it was her answer. "You're tall." she said softly. After saying this she broke out of her zone and looked back down. She flushed, suddenly feeling embarr*censored*ed. She dropped her hand from the locket and looked down at him her smile back on her face. "Sorry about that. Just zoned out." she said as she pushed all prior thoughts from her mind.
"That was odd." she said pulling on a curl. "The girl I mean. Coming over like that then leaving." she said trying to cover for her earlier slip up. Trying to start a conversation again. If it didn't work she could always go find Will or talk to Jethro. That was always entertaining.
((Sure Calyx can fall infront of Jethro. But don't expect him to do anything beside laugh at you XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:07pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 488
(( i dont know what happened Dx where should i come back in?))
10:21pm Mar 23 2011
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((Nothing really happened Hiba. We're pretty much in the same spot. School hasn't even started. Most kids are just chilling around the school. My character just started talking to Hearts and that's about it. Nothing much has happened sadly XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.