10:58pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Lolz okay xD Do we all have the same schedule?))
11:07pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Probably not. We might not even focus on the actual school cl*censored*es. Heart may decide to just skip to lunch then the end of the day XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:35pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Lolz that could work :P))
1:13am Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 9
Natasha turned back. "And, I'm Natasha." she smiled "Nice to meet you Grey. Anyways, I have an *censored*ignment to submit so I must rush." She smiled once again and turned back to walk away. She walked briskly throught the crowd slowly disappearing in it making her way to the teacher's room. "Interesting guy" she whispered to herself. "A little lonely though, maybe, mysterious"
Read this if you want to but if you don't want to read it don't.Now I must warn you that you must read it to the end if you are reading it but then you will start feeling stupid. And, by the time you realize that this is useless and a perfect waste of time it'll be too late. ;)
8:07am Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yay for fail. |D )) Calyx rushed to her room, pas.sing a mirror on the way. Seeing a freaky, screwed up girl int he mirror, she backed up to stare at herself. Her hair was a mess. Calyx groaned, practicallty sinking to the floor. 'Wait,' She thought to herself. 'I brought a brush just incase this kind of thing happens!" She looked through her backpack happily. Because 'this kind of thing' happened frequently. She brushed all the tangles and frizzlies until her hair was silky smooth. She stood up and yawned. Mew! Went her backpack. Calyx's eyes grew big. Mew! It went again. 'Please no...' She thought bitterly. Tom's head popped out of her backpack and happily gave her a swipe on the cheek. Apparently, he was sleeping on the brush. Mainly because every time calyx moved, it would move and scratch his back. Now she had to go home and take him back. She ran out of the school and into the parkingloot. She was so disoriented. Worst day ever! She made a sharp turn left and tripped over her shoe. She tumbled around until she was staring up at some random person, who was apparently smoking. She covered her nose. Then her head and let out an painful groan. Faaaaiiiillll.
6:49pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 3,991
Jethro was leaning against his car, ciggarette in hand. He wasn't really a smoker, it was just time to time for him, mostly to annoy his mother and father. Not that the man cared very much considering he all most always hada big cuban cigar in his mouth, but of course he told Jeth off. And he kinda felt bad for his mother ocnsidering he loved her and all but, she did get on his nerves sometimes. Although he denied it it was becoming a habit for him, smoking whenever he got upset by something. So ther ehe was being Jthro, leaning against his new black car when this chick stumbled up to him. Now he couldn't tell if she was high, wasted or just plain stupid. Her face staring up at him, a cut on her cheek, and of all people she was the one groaning. Jethro put his hand out and pushed the girl away a little. "The hell's your problem kid?" He said dropping his ciggarette onto the cement, crushing it with his foot. He looked at her expectantly.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:32pm Mar 24 2011
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((Yeah, I was planning to carry on the morning for a few more posts. Eventually, I will make the bell ring, and we can skip to lunch.)) "I'm tall... Should I take that as a compliment, or a insult?" He mused, laughing to carry on the conversation. The tension in her voice showed she obviously didn't want to talk about it. "I suppose you were careful to pick an elf as your boyfriend," he finished, hesitant to bring relationships into the conversation, although his voice seemed calm and smooth as usual. He knew he shouldn't be flirting, but he perceived himself too selfish and desperate to lay off. He laughed a little, and as quickly as Karienne brought up the oddity of the girl leaving, she replied. He now knew her name. He smiled sheepishly at Karienne, and turned his head towards the girl, already walking off once more. Natasha. He traced the name on his wrist with his finger, in an attempt to remember. "See you later, Na-tash-a!" He called after her. "Anyways," he chuckled to Karienne, the conversation light once more.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:13pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 3,991
"Elf?" Kariene muttered questioninly. She looked over as the girl called out her name. She screatched the back of her head, as Greyson quickly replayed. He looked back at her, trying to start back the conversation. She smiled and kinda nodded. "Yeah I have no idea what to say." ((Fail))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:46pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Tom bounced away, making Calyx even more mad. She had just done a major face-plant and the only thing that stupid cat could do was prance about mockingly. She nearly grabbed his tail and slammed him into the car behind her, mabye even hit that guy in th face with it-- Wait, guy? She waited until everything came to focuse. Three heads, no, not right. Two? Closer. One. Thats it. She wished she could still see three, because this dude looked Irritated. Really irritated. What she didn;t expect was him to push her away. what a gentleman. And that wasn't it. "The hell's your problem kid?" The strange guy asked. She couldn't help but roll her eyes in her mind. "Well, I've got a headache, I just did a major face-plant into cement, my cat's making fun of me, I'm late for clas.s--Would you like me to go on?" She asked with the same annoyed tone as his. she helped herself up and rubbed her head. Tom jumped up her leg--causing yet more scratched--and as.sumed his spot in her backpack.
3:24am Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 322
((Grr, computer crashed >.<)) Sky saw the boy smile at her, so she smiled slightly back. She hadn't planned on him spotting her, but since he did, she didn't want to be rude to him. She looked away after smiling at him and began twirling a finger in her hair. -------------------- ((James is still doing the same thing))
5:40pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 3,991
"Well, I've got a headache, I just did a major face-plant into cement, my cat's making fun of me, I'm late for clas.s--Would you like me to go on?" Jethro raised an eyebrow. "Kid I didn't want to know you whole life story. Hell I didn't even expect you to answer." He said shoving his hands into his pockets. He watched as he saw a cat jump into the girls backpack. "You brought your cat to school? ((FAIL))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:49pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx brushed the dirt off her pants. "Kid? Huh." She snorted to herself. "Well, this kid has a name," She tucked stray hair behind her ears. Tom waved his tail around happily. Calyx nearly strangled him. At the word 'cat', his head shot up. He purred. "Shut up," She hissed to him, pushing him off of her shoulder. She turned back to the strange guy. "Well yeah, but I didn't mean to....He just snuck into my backpack...." She said quietly. Tom scratched at her pant leg. "Stop it, Tom! This is my only pair of jeans without scratched in them!" She shook her leg until he came off. He llet out a hiss, climbing up her back and scratching her cheek. Again. Calyx grabbed him and threw him into a tree. She practically forgot about Jethro. The two started to hiss at eachother, until Tom jumped up and did a face-hug. Calyx flailed around.
8:22pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 488
((Where is everybody Dx))
8:31pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Doing there own thing. Calyx is being attacked by her cat in the parkinglot, Jethro is there too XP Kari is talking to Greyson. SilentSteps characters are all by their lonesome, as are Sitaras. And I havenèt even introduced my other character yet XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:36pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Lolz you can make your characters bump with mine. Take your pick, boy or girl?))
9:01pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yep. ^^ Poor Calyx. Tom just gave her a face-hug. Hopefully he won't scratch out her eyes. ))
3:10am Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 322
Sky continued twirling a finger in her blonde hair. She stared up at the sky. She thought about Amy and what she might be doing. Probably laughing while washing. Sky blinked and then stopped thinking about Amy and began watching the crowds of people again. ------------------------------------------ James was laughing when his friend pointed behind James and laughed. "What is it?" James asked turning around. At first he saw nothing different, then he saw a girl flailing around-- Wait, with a cat on her face? "I think she's having some trouble with that cat..." James pointed out, "I'll see if she needs any help." James walked over to the girl and then realised she must have been scratched several times by this cat. He observed the goings on, then said, "Excuse me? You seem to be having a little trouble with that cat, do you want any help?" Wow, first day of school and I find a girl with a cat for a face. James thought.
9:31am Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 3,991
"Well yeah, but I didn't mean to....He just snuck into my backpack...."
Jethro raised an eyebrow as the girl started explaining. "Hey I didn't want your whole life story. He'll didn't even expect you to answer." he said giving her a weird look. Although once he finished saying those words the cat attacked her face. It looked like something out cheesy comedy show. He leaned against his car and watched not bothering to help as the girl flailed around. He smiled and shook his head. Looking up when a boy walked over an offered to help. Jethro chuckled shaking his head once more. "Looks like your lucky kid. Your boyfriend has come to save you."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:25am Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx feebily tried to get the cat off her face. "Well this is awkward." She said to no one in particular. Tom mewed in responce. "Eww...." She pouted. "I have fur in my mouth." Tom waved his tail and tickled her. She held in a giggle. She turned to Jethro. "Well if you ask something, sure I'm going to answer," She said matter-of-factly. "I'm not rude like you--" She paused to turn around at the sound of another voice. Again, awkward moment. By the sound of his voice, this kid was male. Or a freaky bearded lady. She went with male. "I can't get him off." She said quietly. "Now I'm going to be late for clas.s, and I'll be a laughing stock if I can't get this cat off. Well I'm used to being a laughing stock but....." She stoped. Rambling again, she sighed. "Hey!" She snarled. "He is not my boyfriend!" She waved her arms around madly. "I don't even know heeem!" She crossed her arms. "And I'm not a kid!" Then she thought--A small girl wearing creepy clothes, a cat on her face, and her arms crossed. Okay, mabye she did look like a kid. She frowned under the cat's fur. worst day ever.
12:44pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 322
Sky glanced once more in the direction of the boy that had smiled at her. She stood up and then began walking into the school building to look for her locker. She stoped and thought for a moment as she stood up. What number is it? 56, no, 54, no, 57. Yeah, definatly 57. She thought, then began walking slowly towards the school building. --------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, so shall I just.. pull the cat off?" James asked, glaring at the boy that seemed as though he didn't care. James held back laughing at the girl when she crossed her arms and shouted at the other boy. James was about to say 'Your just like my sister on a bad day.' but then her realised that she didn't even know him. "You'll have to stand still and stop sulking though." James added.