10:05pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 12:09am May 29 2011)
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Sethera had woke with the sun with his parents and was sitting at their table eating a westernized meal with forks and spoons instead of the chopsticks he was used to. So when he ate, he was clumsily attempting to get the pronged utensil into his mouth. He watched his parents do ie with ease and he frowned; unable to figure it out. Muttering obscienities under his breath in Japanese, he recieved odd looks from his parents. He quickly defended himself. "Nanidesu ka? Anata wa sore ga totemo kantante iru yō ni mieru. Dekinai watashi ga kawari ni o hashi?" he said as his yellow eyes widened slightly as he attempted to lift the food on the fork again. It fell off before he made it to his mouth. His mother flashed a small smile. "Mochiron, Sethera, suru koto ga dekimasu. Watashi wa anata no tame no pea o shutoku shi.te mimashou," she replied as she set her utensils down to get her son the chopsticks he needed. When she came back to the table, she handed Sethera the bamboo chopsticks. Sethera's yellow eyes brightened as he switched the utensils for the chopsticks. "Arigatō!" he exclaimed as he finished eating his food with ease. When he was done, he set the chopsticks on the plate and checked the time. Realizing he was going to be late, he quickly rushed to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and ran his fingers through his black and white hair before grabbing his backpack on the way to the door. He slipped on his shoes and told his parent's that he'd see them after school let out before leaving. He had already memorized the route he needed to take and was already sprinting down the sidewalk to make it on time to school. And when he was half a block away, he slowed down to a walk to regain his breath and to make sure he didn't look like a complete fool. [[ Seth; What? You make it look so easy. Can't I have chopsticks instead? Mom; Of course you can, Sethera. Let me get a pair for you. Seth; Thanks! Just so you know. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:54pm May 28 2011
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Greyson used his unhumanly swift reflexes to intercept the lunging feline midair, grimacing at the creature known as Tom. Grey's ex pression seemed to say, 'I'd kill you now, pest, but your owner is hot.' He dropped the cat on the floor, more calmly than he would have liked to, and muttered sarcastically, "Thank god, he's alive." His eyes then focused on Calyx, and he retorted, "I have reason to be afraid of this posessed cat. Honestly, you're the only reason he's still in one piece." He glared once more at Tom. "I don't know why he could possibly hate me so much," he lied. "I'm not that bad of a guy. Okay, maybe a little, but I never hurt him." Greyson refrained from his crouching position he took before, and once more stood to his full height. "I'd offer to carry your books to your locker, but you don't seem to have any," he murmured. "Oh well. Your bookbag will do. May I?" He asked, bowing exaggeratively, his stature seemingly shrinking, and his arm extending teasingly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:06am May 29 2011
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(( Oh my gawd. I'm officialy freaked out. Something's moving in my room. o.o It reacts to my voice. i call it 'the creature'. The sound sit like a cat clawing at a carpet. -shivers- )) Calyx let out an awkward laugh, stratching her head. Stupid cat, she thought. Your ruining it. "Yeah, well, thanks to you." She giggles. "Your a life-saver." Tom let out a hiss as he was dropped, landing promptly on all four paws. He strode on over to Calyx, taking his place between her legs, resting on her shoe. she glared at Greyson, spitting. calyx gave him a little to friendly kick. "Heh, now I understand your concern." She sighed. "I don't know how he got into my bookbag," Bookbag. She would of face-palmed herself, if it didn't make her look wierd. She had left the stupid thing in the bushes by her bike. She giggled at his remark, before crossing her arms. "Yeah, about my book bag....Left it in the bushes. But I wouldn't want you to be late for class, my handsome gentlemen." She said sarcastically, but she couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, anyways. I'll go get it. Mabye you could look after tom? We all know how you love him," More sarcasim dripping with every word. "Don't want you late for class. Me? doesn't really matter for me, it'd suck for you if you got on the Principle's bad side. He's used to me....Atleast, I think he's a he,"
12:48am May 29 2011
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Greyson laughed sadisticall as Calyx kicked Tom. "Well, my old principal from my other school sent over my discipline records. He doesn't trust me as it is," he laughed. "And I figure I'll come with you. What else do I have better to do?" He inquired rhetorically, knowing that truly, there were plenty of more "efficient" things to do. In fact, this was counterefficient, seeing as his ultimate goal was to not kill any people he particularly got along with. Then again, at this rate, the trip would be very efficient, as he'd at least steal a single kiss. "And I don't know if you'd call me a 'gentleman,' but I am pretty darn handsome, if I do say m'self," he chortled, allowing a Southern accent that he retained from his human years.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:58am May 29 2011
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(( Its still moving. o.o )) Calyx giggled. "Well that sucks for you, doesn't it?" She leaned over and picked up Tom, who didn't fight it at all. He seemed to taunt Greyson. 'You'll never be this close to my human,' He seemed to say. 'She likes me more.' He started to purr, rubbing against Calyx's chest as he did so for empasis. The young teen didn't mind at all. "I guess you two have a few things in common," She chuckled. "Your both pervs and flirts," She petted Tom's head casually. "Hrmm. Your a little bugger, aren't you? Well fine, you can come if you want to." She sighed, but she was secretly happy. Finally, something interesting! "Don't try anything," She warned. But she couldn't help but stiffle a laugh at his not-so-fail southern accent. "Yeah, good luck with that!" The teen said playfully, getting a tighter hold of her cat and running off to where she had left her backpack.
1:11am May 29 2011
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((You okay? o.o)) "I wouldn't try anything, Cal-yx," he chimed. "You and Tom are obviously a couple. I wouldn't sneak anything past him." He chortled. "He's a jealous little runt." He chuckled halfheartedly. "So 'perv' and 'flirt,' is it? Those are the words that come to mind when you think of me?" He inquired. "Although, I deny neither, I wonder what mindset you must have to think of me that way." He sprinted towards the door, which he held open with his back. "Coming? Or shall I fetch it by myself?" He rose an eyebrow again, his mouth configured into a mishapen pout. ((Fail.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:20am May 29 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I am now-- it stopped. o.o I think its sleeping. And omgwhatdoor. She slung it into the bushes. xDD ))
1:40am May 29 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((The door to get outside.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:58am May 29 2011
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Posts: 322
((It started! =D Where shall I jump in? I could make it that Skye's mom forgot to wake her up, so Skye is late for school. (Just so you know, Skye likes her sleep ^^) ))
11:07am May 29 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Dude, I need something to do. Can Ellowyn be friends with Calyx Zo? And Tom crapping on Jeth's shoe? That would end up with him being skinned alive XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:14am May 29 2011
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OoC:// Seth is going to be all alone...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:33am May 29 2011 (last edited on 11:35am May 29 2011)
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(( Like I said, we all need our daily supply of Tom-luff. But Greyson. He's not loved. -pouty fais- And sure she can. :D Calyx is now loved also. ))
11:41am May 29 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx, with Tom crossed in her arms, giggled. Tom didn't find it so funny. He dug his claws into Calyx's arms, but her jacket covered her skin so she didn't feel anything. "Yup, you thought right. Love at first sight, man." She said, snuggling her cat with a laugh. "Humpth. Deny all you want, it won't matter. When I first saw you I knew you'd be a heap of trouble." She teased. She picked up her pace. "Of course I'm coming. Its my bookbag," She allowed another small smile and walked out the door. "Hmm. I guess I slung it in the bushes by my Bike," She sighed.
12:15pm May 29 2011
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((Aww, I'm sure I can get one of my characters to talk to him DragoXP)) When the girls pulled into the parking lot, they didn't see any sign of Jethro's bike anywhere. "Good god." Karienne said as she stepped out of the car, she slung her backpack over her shoulder. "What?" Ellowyn asked looking over at her sister a small smiled playing on her lips. "We're not late, you set my clock forward didn't you." Ellowyn smiled and shrugged. "Gee I don't know." She chuckled slightly her lighter brown curlse bouncing. Karienne rolled her green eyes and started walking away, she felt her sister fall into step beside her. Now, if you didn't know any better you would think they were twins, which is what they liked to tell people when they were younger. When Kari told people she was the oldest people assumed by a matter of minutes not be by months. While they were walking ever single jock stopped for a few minutes to talk to Kari, Elle guessed that what happened if you were the school social butterfly. Now Ellowyn on the other hand, wasn't as popular as her sister was preparing to just hang around with her few good friends. Kare was the same way, her really only two good friends being William and Jethro, how the hell those guys were friends were beyond her, considering they were like polar opposites. As Ellowyn was walking she noticed her friend Calyx with her cat of course, but also when another guy she had never seen before. Without taking her eyes off them she punched Kari in the arm. "Hey!' Karienne said rubbing the sore area of her arm. She was just about to punch her sister back whens he noticed where her sister was looking at. "Mon Dieu, who is that?" "Calyx, my friend remember?" Ellowyns aid bluntly looking back at her sister. Karienne rolled her eyes and made a face. "Yeah I know that, I mean the guy. I have never seen him before." Ellowyn shrugged, and started walking towards her friend. "CALYX!" she called waving her arm to get the girls attention. She smiled as she neared her friend. "Hey whats up?" she grinned, bending down a moment to pet Tom, her cat. "Hello Tommy boy." she said the the kitty scratching him under the chin. She stood back up and but her hands in her back pockets, she looked over at the other guy before back at Calyx. "Who's this?" she asked raising an eyebrow, she was normally never this forward. She looked over at Karienne who laughed slightly and rolled her eyes before she looked over and saw a motorcycle tearing through the yard, the man purposly swerving to try and hit people over. She rolled her eyes and sighed before looking back at her sisters friend and the boy. ((Fail))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:34pm May 29 2011
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Calyx opened her mouth to say something, when she heard her name. She looked around. 'Were people spreading rumours again?' Was the first thought that came into her head. Tom started to squirm happily. Tom being this happy meant one thing; Ellowyn. She rubbed her head. Her friend was no where in sigh-- "CALYX!" She nearly jumped out of her skin. "Man, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Ever heard of walking over like a normal person? Without yelling?" She laughed. "The clouds," She answered casually. Tom started to purr like an engine, leaning ever so slightly over to Ellowyn. She turned over to look at Grey. "Oh. Him. He's Tom's new best friend. He attracts cats like a magnet," She teased. At the sound of a motorcycle coming near, Tom fluffed up uncontrolably. He started to claw at Calyx's arms in escape. She flipped the cat over a few times before he finally stood still, his claws deep into her jacket.
3:31pm May 29 2011
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Greyson laughed merrily. "Love at first sight, huh? I wouldn't doubt it. He's quite the catch," Greyson chimed, ruffling up Tom's fur teasingly. He glared at the cat. Have you ever had all the blood syphoned from your body, Pus.sycat? It's not exactly comfortable. He absorbed the hatred he had for the stupid animal, mainly because he supposed Calyx wouldn't like to see her kitty-cat being drained, either. He looked at Calyx, feigning insult. "How could you say that? I am most certainly not a 'heap of trouble.'" He chuckled at the sarcasm that was rich in his voice. "And righto. I'm sure we'll find it," he affirmed confidently to Calyx. Just then, a couple of what seemed to be twins came into view, one screaming, the other just standing there. Of course, Greyson didn't mind. Cute twins was the equivalent of Christmas to Grey. The girl, who he would later learn to be Ellowyn, asked who he was. He smiled abruptly, and nodded his head sharply. "Oh, hey. I'm Grey. Nice to make your aquaintance. I suppose you have a name, as well...?" He inquired gently, examining the girl and who he as.sumed to be her twin very closely. "We just walked back from the school to get Cal's bookag." He slung an arm around her shoulder, and smiled at her exaggeratively, holstering his arm back by his side. "Who's your twin?" He asked, curiously.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:47pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Turns out the mysterious sound was s sketchpad under my dresser moving by the fan and scraping the floor. xDD ))
3:50pm May 29 2011
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Tom glared at him, tail slightly fluffed up and bristling. "Stop it you too," Calyx sighed. "If its that bad I'll ride back to my house and drop him off. You two are both acting like children," She shook it off. " (( Will edit later. Hot, sweaty, brain-fried and tired. xDD ))
4:00pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Wow bad things just always seem to happen to me Xp first I dropy iPod in the toilet, now my laptop has been hijack by *censored* who doesn't have a life and I can't access my Tap Tap account. -rambles-
Anyways I'll try and type up a post on my new iPod.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:23pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 3,991
"Oh, hey. I'm Grey. Nice to make your aquaintance. I suppose you have a name, as well...?"
Ellowyn smiled but then she felt her shyer nature finally creeping in. Her cheeks grew a light pink and Kari as if sensing her distress grinned to herself. The guy was watching them intently as if waiting for an answer before speaking up again about how he was helping Calyx for for her book bag.
"Who's your twin?"
At that both girls looked at each other and smiled, used to being asked that. But it was Kari who spoke. "Her twin," she started, smiling. "is not her twin but her older sister. My names Karienne, but you mon Chou, you can call me Kari." she reached out her hand for him to shake. "So we're not twins. I'm older by what eight months?" she looked to her sister for confirmation. She nodded and fixed her gaze on the cat. Karienne smiled. "Plus we don't look alike, my hair is black, my skin darker and my eyes are prettier." she joked, getting her a light punch in the arm.
((Fail XP I'm in a bad mood. And their might be random words/typos))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.