10:40pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 10:51pm May 7 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,966
: We could focus on one Clan, and just make up the Leader, Deputy, and Medicine Cat for the other Clan as we go along. x3
10:51pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
Sure. Perhaps an argument in one clan, leading to the formation of another? o3o
11:01pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,966
: I 'unno. Maybe: There was once a Clan of warriors, and it was split in half when an extremely important argument took place, creating tensions between all the cats. Slowly, the Clan split in two, and they've never been the same since. Everytime they meet, it can be sure that another argument takes place, sometimes launching into fights, and other times developing into flat out wars between the two Clans. But with the pressure coming from humans who were slowly coming int their forests, and predators like badgers and foxes and wolves are closing in on their prey, the cats. Will they ever get past their differences to face their common enemy? I dunno, a idea?
11:05pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
Sure ^__^ Create the board? And we need to settle on Clan names xD
11:17pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,962
I like it. ^_^ Hm... Clan names could be StormClan and SunClan. xD Those are kind of my defaults. -shot-
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
11:19pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
I don't mind <3 Perhaps the rival Clan could be StormClan? The more.... Uh. Vicious, if I may? o_o
11:20pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,962
I don't really care. x3 That sounds fine. ..If I may, could I be deputy? x-o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
11:25pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
Two deputy spots filled up c: Now we need Leader and Med. cat >_>
11:10am May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,966
: Hey, don't forget about meeeee~ I want to be a medicine cat. <3 Maybe even a leader, if that's okay with you guys.
11:13am May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
Yep, I'm fine with that :3
11:35am May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,966
: Anyway, can it take place in Leaf-fall, where there's still a moderate amount of prey? That way they'll all be getting ready for Leaf-bare and it'll more dramatic? I 'unno. x3
1:23pm May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,962
Sounds good to me~ -scurries to find bios- Hm... Would you like us to make normal Clan members as well (mostly apprentices/warriors)?
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:09pm May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,966
: Only for one of the clans. For StormClan, I guess we only need the important cats for now, like the Leader, Med Cat, and Deputy. The rest of the cats in that Clan will be defaults, I think. Unless you guys want to completely fill out both Clans with characters, of course. I don't mind either way.
2:12pm May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,962
Eh... I kind of fail at having a boatload of characters, so I'd say just fill out one Clan. But the important kittehs we do need to have, I suppose. :3 Will we "control" them too, or just know what's going on with them? -shot-
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:59pm May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,966
: I 'unno. c: You guys figure it out, I have homework to drown myself in. >/
3:08pm May 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,962
Fun. |D
Ah, don't drown. ;-; We need you for the roleplay. I should probably be studying my sc ript, too. >_> -shot- Um... on another non-procrastinating note, who's making the board? :3
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.