11:15am Apr 18 2010
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OoC: Everyone's bio is accepted ^^ And sure, Siri. It doesn't matter if Alell is in the herd or not. Your choice :3 Shall we start, then? Who's gonna start?
10:20am Apr 19 2010
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11:49pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 11:54am Apr 24 2010)
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Character Skelly Name: Arilyn Gender: Mare Age: 8 years (Teen) Personality: Arilyn loves to run and jump. Whenever an obstacle comes her way, Arilyn faces it head on! That goes for both literally and figuratively speaking. This mare is hardy and exhilarating. No matter the cold or hot weather, she never complains, though she might nip a few foals into their place if they bother her enough. All together, Arilyn is adorably mature. She loves life and expects others to appreciate it as well. Crush: -Open- Mate: N/A Loner or Member: Member Rank: Flank member Appearance: Black-bay mare with two hind socks. Arilyn has a stripe down from her forehead to her nose, though it zigzags like a lighting bolt. History: She does not think it’s of importance…yet. Family relations in the herd: None yet.
Just call me Siri.
11:51pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 11:55am Apr 24 2010)
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OoC:Ok, I think I'm good on charries for the moment. ^.^ Would you like to start, or may I start? I don't mind, either way I'm happy it's going forward!
Just call me Siri.
9:29am Apr 20 2010
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OoC: Accepted, Siri. You can start, if you like ^^
5:18pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Apr 24 2010)
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With a great yawn, Alell swished her flaxen tail at the bothering flies. The sun rode high in the pale blue sky. Clouds as white and fluffy as a newborns tail scattered harmlessly across the never-ending expanse. Tossing her front hooves before her, Alell stood up and shook the nights moss from her coat. Though the night had been loving, Alell had still shivered without the warm comforts of a herd. They will let me in soon I hope. I have given their leader time to realize that I am of no threat to him or his foals. Alell was curious as to why the stallion had yet to choose a mate, but each herd had a different custom. Making the blood flow through her legs once again she trotted over to the stream that drizzled near by. Plunging her whiskered muzzle into the cool depths, Alell drank freely, and snorted the water from her nose when she finished. The breeze was light as is trickled through her mane. It carried the scent of the herd to her, musky and comforting. Deciding that she would dare to come a bit closer today than any other day, Alell set off to locate the herd, and slowly graze her way to them. Maybe they won’t shift away from me today. The stallion might ignore me as a threat and I can slip in, she thought. With a snort of excitement, Alell kicked up her hooves, and bucked wildly for a moment before loping of in the general direction of the herd. Arilyn’s head bobbed in her sleep. One ear pricked off to the side as she heard approaching hoof beats. By the rhythm she knew it was only one, and the horse coming was slightly built and non-threatening. With a stamp of a hind foot, Arilyn blinked awake. Looking around her she saw most of the other herd members sleeping as well. The night had been lovely. Tossing her head so that her forelock was to one side, Arilyn peered down the hillside to spot the intruder. Though, she nickered when the now familiar shine of a chestnut coat. The young filly had been respectfully following them for almost twelve sunsets now. She must have lost her herd. Poor thing looks so fragile. Arilyn arched her neck in a stretch and trotted over to Flame. Pressing her muzzle to his mane, she nickered, “Morning.” Stepping back she shook her ebony mane, “Have you notice the little filly that has been following us? I think she would like to speak with you or…” Arilyn was about to say lead mare, but Flame had not chosen one yet. “I think she is harmless enough,” she continued, hoping to get the filly in good favors so she might join them. OoC:I hope you like it. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
10:50am Apr 21 2010
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OoC: It's fine ^_^ Flame's eyes flew open. "Morning to you too," he greeted genially, turning to Arilyn. Being leader meant responsibilities. He had been awake a good part of the night, standing on the hilltop and looking over his herd, scanning the horizon for threats. Flame stretched his long neck and shook his mane, kicking his legs to get refreshed again. "The little filly, eh?" he asked. "I remember seeing her around for a long time. I'll try speaking to her. Thank you, Arilyn." He smiled at her and trotted up the hill. The Sun felt warm on his back as he stood there, wondering how much they could travel that day. The climate seems okay, he thought, gazing up at the sky. But maybe we won't go much today; this place isn't bad. But the herd had to keep moving constantly, for staying too long anywhere could let humans track them down. Now, he could see the young filly running towards them. His protective nature pronounced itself, but Flame couldn't see what such a small creature could do to harm the herd. Nevertheless, he still had his guard up. OoC: I'll bring in the others later :)
1:17pm Apr 21 2010
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Name: Dawn Gender: Female
Age: Mid Adult
Personality (no RP -it-outs): She os usually loving and respects others, if she doesnt like someone, or something she simply ignores them. She can be agressive if you are rude, or harm her friends or her. Crush (if any): OPEN Mate (if any): OPEN
Loner or Member?: Member
Rank (if in the herd): Just a plain ol' member Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> History (optional): She was born in the pack, her mother was fairly old and died after she gave birth to Ablaze and Dawn (twins). It was suprising that they both stayed alive, and looked pretty normal. She never knew her father either, for he was just a p*censored*ing male. Family relations in the herd: Ablaze is her brother Name: Ablaze
Gender: Male
Age: Mid Adult
Personality (no RP -it-outs): He is sweet and kind to his sister, and sister only. he is bitter to other horses and never seems happy. The only thing that makes him smile is whenever he see's his sister happy. Crush (if any): Arilyn Mate (if any): OPEN
Loner or Member?: Member
Rank (if in the herd): Ordinary member
Appearance (Use a deion if your pic will stretch the page, or use a link): click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> History (optional): (Same as Dawn's) Him not knowing his mother affected him greatly, unlike his sister who is usually care free. Family relations in the herd: Dawn is his sister
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:58pm Apr 21 2010
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Paka was awoken by the slight whinnying of the awakening horses. His spotted coat was slightly ruffled after the warm breezy night. Trotting lightly away from the herd he bucked iup and reered a few to times to stretch out his stiff legs. Kottur lloked over at Dawn, his ebony mane blowing in the light breeze. Shaking his head so his forelock was on one side he trotted over to her and nickered softly, "hello"
5:23am Apr 22 2010
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OoC: Accepted, Nono ^^ Vixen basked in the morning Sun, watching the eagles fly overhead. She tossed her forelock back, which was fallen maddeningly down her nose. Vixen could see that most of the horses were awake, and Flame standing atop the hill. Kicking her legs, she trotted over to Arilyn. "Had a nice night?" she nickered pleasantly, swishing her white tail. Echo's mane flew in the wind as he galloped wildly over the meadows. He hadn't hoped to go so far, but he didn't feel like turning back now. Smiling to himself, he surged forward, tossing his head. His hooves kicked the dirt as he sped past the few trees, and with a sharp turn, he decided it was time to go back. He felt like he was running with the wind, and he closed his eyes for a few seconds. When he opened them, he saw, to his shock, that there was a young filly just ahead and just about managed to halt, with his face a few inches from hers. "A thousand apologies," he said formally, looking worriedly down at her. "I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you okay?"
12:00am Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Apr 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Wolf, is Echo posting to Alell? I'm taking it that why, so if not, I can easily edit it. ^.^ Also I changed my style to yours. I'm writing their speak in color and their thoughts in only italics. Arilyn’s black pointed ears pricked when she heard Vixen’s question. “I slept well. Flame protects us so well over the night.” With an adoring glance at Flame, who was perched atop the hill watching the filly’s approach, Arilyn turned back to Vixen. “How was your sleep? No interruptions?” As the breeze swept through the gentle valley, Arilyn breathed deeply. Warm summer scents filled the air; honeysuckle, rosemary, and jasmine. Arilyn had always loved the smell of flowers. Though, the true reason for her breath was because she was cautious of the ever persisting twoleggers. With no acidic scent of them on the air, Arilyn sighed happily. The wind whipped in her mane, and Alell only noted that she had galloped too close to the herd when a black colt burst out of nowhere. With a whinny of fright, Alell leapt to the side. Tossing her head, Alell stamped a hoof and snorted. As he formally apologized, she relaxed her tense muscles slowly. “I’m fine,” she replied quickly. “You were going as fast as the wind! Where did you come from?” He was so fast! Where did he come from? Does he come from the herd? Could he introduce me?
Just call me Siri.
9:50pm Apr 23 2010
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OoC: Yeah, he is ^^ You can keep your style of typing, Siri :3 It's fine. Vixen glanced up at Flame, then back to Arilyn. "No interruptions at all. The night was pure bliss." Vixen breathed in deeply, just as Arilyn did. "Isn't it great here? I'd never leave this place for anything." She gazed at the coniferous trees lining the hills, the great mountains rising above them all. They had nothing to rule them, save the Circle of Life, and Vixen was content. Echo smiled at the filly. "I belong to this herd. You see, I was just going for a run, something I always do in the mornings. I never pay attention to where I'm going," he grinned sheepishly and swished his black tail. "I'm Echo. Nice to meet you. And who are you? Where do you come from?" Flame could see another young horse with the filly, who seemed to be somewhere around her age. He frowned, recognizing him as Echo.
12:25pm Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 10:22pm May 3 2010)
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OoC: I want to change it though. I like yours better. =3 Arilyn was already nodding her head in agreement before Vixen could finish. With the abundance in grazing, plentiful fresh water, and protective high mountains, she never wanted to leave. These were dream lands. All herds wanted their domains to be like theses. Flame did well pushing us hard to get here. The reward is more than any herd member could imagine. Now Arilyn, being the mare she is, couldn’t help but shift the topic to gossip. “When do you think Flame is going to take a mate?” she asked with a sly bat of her ebony lashes. “He seems content enough to settle down for a whole season, which we haven’t seen in a long time.” Since those twolegs have gotten more persistence in catching us. “Do you think he will choose a lead mare and sire a foal?” Alell flicked an ear when Echo smiled at her. She knew he was a charming colt, but she was far more interested in his relations to the herd. “I am called Alell.” She stated with pride, even though Echo wouldn’t know what her name meant. “Come from an isolated herd…” She didn’t quite know how to continue because if she told him, she was cast from the herd, he might not want her near his. I don’t want to seem like a trouble maker. So she fell back onto the polite conversation, “It’s very nice meeting you as well. I would like to race with you one morning.” She continued gently, “Though, it would help if I was in your herd.” No matter how kind the land was, Alell longed for a herd. When her mother denied kinship to Alell, it hadn’t hurt this much because there were others to be loved by, even if it was an illusion. But out here, Alell was truly alone. Her sweet amber eyes gazed into his as she asked with barely suppressed desperation, “Would you introduce me to your herd? To the…” she took a deep breath, “leader?” Her tail swished from side to side, revealing her anxiety. The sweat on her chest and shoulders, from her gallop, had cooled and she began to shiver, but the scent of lilac that always followed her filled the air. As she sighed, the sweet, flowery scent relaxed her, but only a bit.
Just call me Siri.
1:20am Apr 25 2010
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OoC: 'Kay ^^ Vixen turned back to Arilyn. "I wonder if he would anytime soon. If he is to have a foal, it would be in a rather vulnerable position with the two-leggers after us. And Flame might find it hard to protect the herd and sire a foal with those creatures in hot pursuit." She looked up at the tall figure standing elegantly on top of the hill, his dark mane swishing against his neck in the wind. "But personally, I think he's quite ready for the responsibility. Besides, the herd needs a lead mare." Echo felt sympathy for the young filly. "Of course I will." he nickered soothingly, his gentle brown eyes locked with Alell's. "I'm sure Flame will take you in. He's very kind." Echo flicked a ear in the direction of the herd and took a step towards it. "Follow me," And with that he began to canter, glancing back to see if Alell was following.
7:38am Apr 28 2010
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1:00am May 1 2010 (last edited on 10:19pm May 3 2010)
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Alell wasn't about to hesitate. This was what she had been waiting for! With a capriole of excitement, Alell raced up beside Echo. I can’t believe I finally get to meet the herd, and Flame the stallion. With a shiver of anticipation Alell knew that fear-scent must be radiating off of her, but she knew that her eyes sparkled with hope. Tossing her head, and prancing with her knees up almost to her chin, Alell couldn’t suppress her foal-like nature. “Do you think he’ll let me stay?” she asked hesitantly. “I will try my best to act like a mature mare, but I can’t make any promises.” With a snort of nerves she continued, “I just don’t want to be alone anymore. I miss the warmth, and empathy of a herd.” Her flaxen mane billowed in the wind, as she kept pace with Echo easily. Their leisurely pace made her want to race, but she held herself in check because it wouldn’t be polite to go charging up to the lead of the herd. Alell felt her sand colored hooves become lighter and lighter as the hill came closer. Soon Flame went from a brown spot on the horizon to a proud, tall stallion. He’s bigger than I thought. With a quick lick of her lips, Alell broke into a trot and huddled closer to Echo. She slipped a little behind his left shoulder to show respect for the hierarchy, and fear, though she would never admit it. Holding her head high, Alell hoped that she wouldn’t have to speak first. Arilyn nodded in agreement. Those pesky two-leggers just need to leave us alone. “Don’t you think it’s safe here?” she mused. “I find that this territory is much nicer than the last. The mountains seem to be protecting us from behind, the streams are pure, and the grazing if wonderful.” But Arilyn knew that the foul creatures were desperate, and were most likely tracking them at this very moment. Flame is a great leader though, and the two-leggers seem to be getting behind. “It’s well past his time to choose a mate,” she nickered. “Besides, if he doesn’t choose soon, I might just have to kick some of these mares into shape. The young ones are too proud, and think they should get first grazing.” With a friendly whish of her tail, Arilyn snorted, “They need some rules.” As she finished one of her ebony ears picked up the beat of loping hooves. Peeking over to Flame, Arilyn saw Echo and the chestnut filly approaching him. “Oh, look what that silly, young colt brought home.” She whinnied with delight.
Just call me Siri.
11:12am May 1 2010 (last edited on 11:14am May 1 2010)
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Echo gently flicked his tail over Alell's back in a comforting gesture. "I'm sure Flame will let you join the herd. He's the empathic sort, although he can be a little slow to trust other horses. You see, he's my uncle, so I know him well." His mane whipped at his neck, and he shook it away. Now, the colt could see Flame scrutinizing the chestnut figure beside him. He did not respond to the stallion's questioning glance, but began to quicken his pace, feeling considerably excited himself. "Yeah. It sure's been a real long time. And I doubt if he's the picky sort; maybe he'll choose you." Vixen nickered teasingly. Hearing the sounds, she followed her companion's gaze. "It's that filly! D'you think she's come to ask to join our herd? How awesome!" Her nostrils flared in her excitement, and she could see them draw closer. Flame gazed at the two figures long and hard. Oh, you little fool of a colt. Who is that waif with you? Flame could clearly remember the time when Echo had taken a lost wildebeest calf to Windrider. Him being so insistent, they had to keep it in the herd until they met a wildebeest herd. He shook his head and chuckled, knowing he'd have to let the filly in, if that was what she'd come for.
10:42pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 10:43pm May 3 2010)
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Arilyn snorted at Vixen’s quick retort. “Oh, come now!” she nickered. “I’m a grouchy mare that would rather munch lazily in the sun than look around for respectable grazing lands!” With a shake of her ebony forelock, Arilyn thought seriously about finding a mate. I am in reasonable years, but am I really ready? Stamping a hoof Arilyn chided herself for such selfish fox-brained thoughts. Sparing another glance toward the approaching pair she whinnied, “A flashy little filly, wouldn’t you say?” Then with a mischievous glint in her eyes she continued, “I remember using my own charming ways on Flame to get into the herd. Surly this youngling has Echo hoofing after her without any work at all!” Swishing her tail in pent-up anticipation, Arilyn hoped that Flame would accept the filly as no threat. A filly joining our ranks would be wonderful! With the two-leggers trailing us so steadily, another in our numbers will help with the watching. Alell didn’t think she had ever been so nervous or excited in her life! The closer they got to Flame the more she wanted to turn around and run away. But that wasn’t in her. I will fight for what I want. She was prancing so high her knees touched her chest, her nostrils were flared, and her tail was flipped over her back because of all the swishing she was doing. With Echo by her side, Alell decided to barrel on forward, much like she always does. “Flame,” she whinnied with her head held high and proudly, “I am Alell. I am honest and to the point, so would you please let me join your herd?” With an anxious lick of her lips, Alell hoped that she wasn’t too blunt. It was one of her faults, but truly part of her so she saw no point in changing. As she stood proudly before Flame, Alell hoped he didn’t see the slight fear in her amber eyes.
Just call me Siri.
9:59am May 4 2010
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is it too late to join
10:15am May 6 2010
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OoC: It never is. But please use some form of OoC ^^ Vixen nodded her head, her black forelock swishing with it. "Your charming ways." she snickered. But that is true. She watched the filly with interest. "She sure looks cute." Vixen listened to the young foal's words silently. "Do you think that's enough to let her gain acceptance?" she asked dubiously, glancing up at Flame, who was watching them without uttering a word. Flame was a little surprised when the young filly introduced herself without being asked. He smiled to himself. She is quite a confident little creature. Running his eye over her again, he said. "You are Alell, eh? I see you are quite lonely at the moment. I shall let you stay in the herd for a few days; I might make you a permanent member later on." Let me get to know this Alell. She looks trustworthy, but. Echo was euphoric. "Hear that?" he whinnied to her. "He's accepted you!"