12:10am May 7 2010 (last edited on 12:11am May 7 2010)
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Alell just about leapt for joy, but pulled herself in at the last heartbeat. Amber eyes shimmering with sheer delight, the chestnut filly bobbed her head in acceptance. “I will show you that you have not made a mistake in taking me in, Flame, for I will earn my place.” She nickered boldly. One ear flicked to the side in nervousness, but that was all she gave away. With a deep dip of her neck Alell turned to Echo. Alell knew that her eyes were expressing excitement, so when Echo repeated the fact that she was in the herd, even if it was for the time being, she could help but paw at the ground. “I am so happy!” she whinnied with absolute feeling. Alell didn’t notice how truly alone she had felt until now. I want to run until my heart is content, but at the same time, I don’t want to leave my new herd. “My new herd,” she repeated aloud with awe. Her body finally demanding release had her moving, she was loping away from Flame and the others, though not too far, only to leap and buck in the air like the four summers she was. Dirt and clumps of gra.ss flew as the blazing filly bounded for the sky and kicked at phantom annoyances. Arilyn nickered in laughter at the youthful display. “Flame was wise in letting her join.” Swishing her tail at a pesky fly she added lightly, “She seems to be the mane-full of energy we need right now. With the twoleggers beating down on our tails like sun-high, we’re all a bit cynical and warn.” Arching her mahogany neck to stretch out the kinks, Arilyn flicked an ear in Flame’s direction. “I think I might go talk to Flame, to soothe his worried look before he gets his forelock in a knot, would you like to join me?”
Just call me Siri.
8:31am May 14 2010
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Vixen grinned. "Aye, he sure looks a little worried." she grunted in pleasure, walking to the majestic figure on the hill. Flame sighed softly. Why am I so worried? It's just a little filly, that's all. Maybe it's those two-leggers; I think I sense them closing in on us. He gave a little snort, then began to calculate mentally how much they should travel that day. Having done so, he turned to the direction of the other horses and announced. "We shall start northward in an hour's time. I don't know how far we'll be travelling today, for the enemies, I should think, are not quite behind us." He glanced back at the spirited filly, then gave a quiet chuckle of amusement. Echo gave a soft whinny and followed her, frolicking carelessly in the spirit of celebration, rearing and kicking his legs high in the air, as Alell did. "How about a race now?" he nickered, his forelegs back on the ground again.
8:23am May 16 2010 (last edited on 8:23am May 16 2010)
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Arching her neck to the point where her nose touched her chest, Alell pranced gleefully, and her knees nearly went higher than her snout. “I would love to!” she whinnied. With a wicked grin, her amber eyes shone delightfully, she whickered, “I say we gallop around that holly bush over there, and all the way back to…there.” Flicking her tail at a boulder, Alell snorted with excitement. Her legs were lethally long, and her lungs seemed to never burn with exertion. I wonder what it’s going to be like racing Echo…Pacing over to the ebony colt, Alell lined up fairly with him. “Ready…set…go!” she whinnied. Leaping into the air, tucking her leg, and tossing her head, Alell felt wonderful. The moment her hooves hit the ground she was off. Nodding to Vixen, Arilyn listened intently as Flame nickered, “We shall start northward in an hour's time. I don't know how far we'll be traveling today, for the enemies, I should think, are not quite behind us.” Snorting distastefully, Arilyn wished that they could stay longer. It was lovely in the meadow, plenty of food, clean water, and more territory than any stallion could need. But those cougar-minded twoleggers have to follow us where ever we go. Stamping the ground in vexation, Arilyn trotted the rest of the way to Flame. “Must we leave so soon? I have yet to see, smell, or hear any warning of twolegs catching up with us.” A bright whinny interrupted her, and she looked over her shoulder to see Alell and Echo thundering down the meadow. What a cute pair, she thought fondly. With a gently, sweet smile Arilyn blinked her earth-brown eyes up at Flame, “For the little one to settle in. Just wait until nightfall, please. We can travel in the night just as well.” Her mane fluttered in the breeze, and her forelock fell over one eye. Arilyn restlessly swished her tail from one side to the other.
Just call me Siri.
8:28am May 16 2010
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((can i join please?))
10:24am May 16 2010
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OoC: Sure, Fox ^^ Echo whinnied in delight as he and Alell surged on. His ebony mane fell away from his forehead and fluttered in the air, occasionally tickling the tip of his ear. He cocked an eye at his new companion, loving the feeling of free movement just as much as her. He did not wish to overtake the filly; he liked to race for the sake of racing. Echo kicked his hooves and accelerated slightly, his bright auburn eyes on the road ahead. Hearing Flame's announcement, he gave a quiet snort of displeasure, but did not think it would affect him very much, for he had a new friend to get to know, which, he hoped, would be the beginning of a very intimate friendship. Vixen nodded in support of Arilyn. "The two-leggers may not be doing any travelling in the night, you know, and we could be miles away before those lazybones even open their eyes." she suggested in a hopeful voice, a smile on her lips. Flame gazed down at the two mares, contemplating the matter. "I know this place is beautiful and all, but, well, safety first." He shrugged his shoulders, and continued. "We'll find lots of other places like this one. The two-leggers can burst out of anywhere, anytime, so it seems to me. Besides, I doubt if we'd go very far at night. I know some sleepyheads here who wouldn't go a mile before they drop to sleep." he nickered in a slightly mocking tone, flicking an ear in the direction of two young stallions whose dipped heads and shut eyes told they were in deep slumber, refusing to be aroused even by the energetic whinnies of the young foals.
10:39am May 16 2010
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Name:Kazumi/ Kaze
Gender:Female/ Male
Age:adult/ foal
Personality (no RP -it-outs):Kazumi is a basic mother caring calm protective and loving but when shes in season she is abit of a flirt/ Kaze is a hyper foal likes to run aroundseeing what everything is and wanting to test out everything.
Crush (if any):open/nope Mate (if any): dead/ nope
Loner or Member?: loner/loner Rank (if in the herd): Appearance (Use a deion if your pic will stretch the page, or use a link): http://www.bed-breakfast-accommodation-dumfries-galloway.com/FOAL.JPG History (optional): Family relations in the herd: nope
1:24am May 17 2010
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OoC: Accepted, Fox. You can start posting now ^^
9:11am May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Kottur loped towards the new filly and nickered, "Congratulations." his norma l gruff tone vanished at the thought of another member in their small herd, "Welcome to the herd." and trotted over to join his brother. Paka snorted at his brother and trotted over to Alell, "Along with my brother I welcome you to this herd." he whinnied softly, "I am Paka and you are?" he questioned.
9:28am May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi was grazing on some gras.s as Kaze drank milk from her looking at him she sighed sadly he looked like her late mate who was killed by humans lifting her head she looked around keeping a keen eye out for humans or threats so she can keep Kaze safe.
11:07am May 18 2010
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11:47am May 18 2010
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((lol i cant post anything XD))
4:20am May 21 2010
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Posts: 9
Ooc: May I join? Name: Diamond Gender: Stallion Age: Young Adult Personality (no RP -it-outs): Sincere, Protective, Helpful Crush (if any): Open Mate (if any): None Loner or Member?: Member Rank (if in the herd): Member Appearance:
History (optional): None Family relations in the herd: No one
6:09am May 21 2010
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Posts: 1,117
7:30am May 21 2010
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Posts: 9
Diamond was grazing on the tender gr*censored*. He heard the announcement and gave a grunt of annoyance. He trotted over to the hill and looked up at Flame pleadingly. Diamond felt just like the two mares; he did not want to travel so long at that time. Diamond told Flame:"Flame, I too think the same as the two mares. In my opinion, we should travel during the nighttime, after resting for some time in the evening, so that our journey would be very pleasant and nobody will be weary."
4:09pm May 21 2010 (last edited on 4:09pm May 21 2010)
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Looking around herself in surprise, Arilyn didn’t think that she held much opinion in the herd. Usually Flame would have a lead mare that would help in the decision making, but Flame’s right flank was absent. Could I make those decisions? she wondered. Closing her eyes, the deep black, bay mare shook her mane. “Fellow herd members, no, Flame is right. Traveling during the heat is hard on the twoleggers, so we will get further from them traveling by day.” Arilyn flicked her ears back then forward, a nervous gesture, “Flame, you chose to go by the heat of sun high because the herd will rest more comfortably tonight, am I right?” Among other things… Arilyn felt more like a senseless filly than her seasoned years. I didn’t take into account the fact that cougars hunt during dusk light, or that the younger ones stumble more by the light of the moon. With a heavy sigh, Arilyn swished her tail, and waited for Flame’s response. The whole while though, she wondered again, for the hundredth hoof beat, why Flame didn’t have a lead mare. With one last lounge Alell slipped ahead of Echo, but she knew that he was being a sensitive colt and let her win. “Don’t hold back next time!” She squealed delightfully. “I like to be pushed, I remember whe-” Alell stopped abruptly, about to say something about her old herd. Her fiery red-orange coat gleamed in the sun, with a few sweat stained spots, but she was lethally lean and built to run. When two strangers appeared she pranced closer to Echo. As the greeted her, Alell dipped her head in embarr*censored*ment. They are part of the herd, frog-brain! “The pleasure is all mine!” She nickered respectfully, “I hope to enjoy in your company in the herd.” Looking around the little group, Alell felt outnumbered by the colts. Shifting her weight restlessly, she lifted her right foreleg that had a slight pale, white sock in an anxious motion. “When did Flame say we should be heading out?” Alell questioned even as she was backing toward the remainder of the herd.
Just call me Siri.
4:33am May 22 2010
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Flame nodded his head, ans his dark mane swished with it. He could see what Arilyn was thinking. And that was what he was thinking, too. He had to choose a mate soon, he knew; the herd badly needed one. Irt was time he thought of it seriously. He did not have a heir, either, and if they had no foals, Echo would have to take the responsibility. Not that he minded that, but... Flame shook the thought out of his mind. Right now, they had to think about moving, not mating. Echo gave a quiet laugh. He really liked this Alell, her sweet nature, and altogether, she was very cute. He grinned at the other two horses. "Alell - Kottur, Paka." he nickered, introducing them. "Kottur, Paka - Alell." he flicked an ear in her direction. He glanced up at his uncle, and sighed softly. "In half an hour."
5:58am May 22 2010
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Kazumi pushed Kaze as he was slowing down they had to get away from there before the humans caught up to them Kaze gave a small whine they had been going all day he was tired and sleepy and hungry and wanted a drink she didnt want to carry on going he then looked up at his mum whinning more.
9:31am May 22 2010
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"Hello Alell" nickered Paka as Kottur stared off into the distance, "How are you today? And I'm sorry I did not catch what time we are heading out."
1:44am May 23 2010 (last edited on 1:44am May 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Whenever I play Alell I think of Ginger, off of Black Beauty. xD Always squealing, snorting, and kicking. BIC With a pouting lower lip, Alell squealed in reply, “Paka! Echo just told you that we leave in little less than half an hour.” Rolling her amber eyes Alell swished her tail at the silly colt playfully. When she noted the gesture, she became extremely shy. Flicking her ears back, Alell snorted. Nudging Echo on the shoulder she dashed away, being sure to give the cool looking Kottur space. With a back arching jump, Alell lifted off the ground, reaching for the sky with her nose and fore hooves. With a jolting landing, the flaming chestnut filly looked at the colts. They seem nice, but so did he… Her flank rippled uneasily at the thought of the cruel stallion. But not everyone is like that… She hoped. Lowering her head, Arilyn took at nibble of luscious graze. Her shoulder muscle shivered when a fly landed on it, effectively shooing it off. I’m such a nuisance, she thought, just like that fly. I’m bothering Flame when he has other things to think about. Arilyn was no blind hearted filly, and she knew that Flame read her thoughts as easily as he could the clouds. “Thank you, Flame, for your time. I will leave you be until it is time for the herd to leave.” Turning on her haunches she didn’t even care if Vixen or Diamond followed. She had embarr*censored*ed herself. I hadn’t even noticed that I was in heat. Bothering Flame like that was pointless. Now he probably has no respect for me. I was practically swooning for his attention. For the rest of the afternoon Arilyn planned on leaving Flame well alone. She wasn’t about to beg to be his mate. Besides, she thought, Ista would be the better choice. Her dam was the previous lead mare. I’m only some lonely addition. Though, in the back of her mind, Arilyn remembered her previous herd and the fact that the stallion mated with all the mares before choosing the lead. Usually whichever one had a healthy colt. But with a flick of her tail she told herself to forget about those times. That was a different herd, and this is a different time.
Just call me Siri.
9:37am May 23 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi soon could see a herd looking at them she tilted her head and walked to a pool of water that was close to them so that her and Kaze could drink she hoped that they wouldnt mind her and her son.