11:34pm May 23 2010
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OoC: Det doesn't seem to be posting. What if Arilyn becomes lead mare? ^^ Flame quietly watched Arilyn walk away. Wait, his heart called. You're no nuisance. Don't go! He wanted to call her back, but he didn't. He lowered his head and gave a soft sigh. He had to choose a mate soon. Arilyn was right. But who? There were lots of mares in the herd, and he didn't know who to pick. There was Ista, Ghost, Dawn, Scarlet, Vixen, Kirsten.. They were all beautiful and all, but he felt closer to Arilyn. It was strange. Shaking his head, he kicked his fore hoof. I wonder if Arilyn would be my mate. Echo, amused, cocked an eye at Kottur and followed the young filly. He ran to her side, pushed her gently with his muzzle and galloped around, rearing and kicking his hooves playfully, swishing his ebony tail with a loud whinny.
8:47am May 24 2010
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((can someone see Kazumi and Kaze please))
11:47pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 11:48pm May 24 2010)
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Diamond went up to Kazumi and Kaze . " How are you both today? What did Flame tell you all about today's journey?" he nickered.He swished his tail against the flies and waited curiously for an answer.
12:18am May 25 2010 (last edited on 12:18am May 25 2010)
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OoC: I would faint! ::dances:: May I, well, she? Lol~ BiC Her amber eyes shone with pleasure as she hopped, frolicked, and bucked with Echo. When Alell took a misstep and tumbled to the ground, she rolled like a prairie dog. With a squeal of laughter, she stayed on the ground huffing. Never in her whole life had Alell had this much fun. Her former herd always spooked away from her, and the mare bit at her if she tried to play with the other foals. Alell didn’t understand why, but she never blamed them. If I am such an abomination, I shouldn’t burden the herd. She had often thought, but this herd was new. They didn’t judge her at all, and Echo was a wonderful playmate! Taking a deep breathe, Alell was about to call for Paka when a new scent filled her flared nostrils. “Echo!” she whinnied, as she lurched to her hooves. “Do you smell that? It’s another horse, well two of them really.” Her ears pricked straining forward Alell swished her tail so fiercely that it flipped over her back. “Let’s go see,” she whickered to Echo as excitement filled her gaze. Bored out of her coat, Arilyn couldn’t think of anything to do. Her hooves didn’t need to be rubbed on the rocks for shortening, her mane didn’t have any brambles itching her, and she had eaten enough foliage. Shifting uncomfortably, Arilyn felt bloated and sweaty. The sun was unrelenting in its heat, and the shade was taken by Dawn, Scarlet, and Ista. Nonetheless, Arilyn knew that some of the heat she felt was from her earlier humiliation. With a hefty sigh, Arilyn decided that she would talk with Vixen. Jogging over to the black and white mare, Arilyn nickered in greeting. “Did I make a foolish filly out of myself earlier when I was talking with Flame?” Her ears swiveled back in a pout, “I didn’t think my opinions would matter so much, and I kept pressing each decision.” OoC: I notice that Diamond found Kazumi and Kaze, but Alell is so cute when she is curious that I had to keep my post the way it is. x3 I hope you don't mind. For the strange horses are Kazumi and Kaze.
Just call me Siri.
12:21am May 25 2010
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OoC: Akari would you mind if I created another charrie? I have more time on my hands, and I think the herd needs a bit more gender balance. We have a lot of stallions, and only a few active mares. Besides, I love making new charries. o3o
Just call me Siri.
2:11am May 25 2010 (last edited on 2:12am May 25 2010)
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OoC: It would be great if she would x3 And that's okay ^^ And sure you can make another charrie. You can make as many as you can handle =3 Echo rolled down with her, still laughing. He got to his feet once more and shook his ebony pelt free of dirt. His ears pricked up at the mention of new horses, and he sniffed the air curiously. "Yeah!" he whinnied energetically. "Let's go." he cantered up to the two horses, glancing back to see if Alell was following. Vixen gave a soft laugh. "No, I don't think you did. Not at all, actually. You were just suggesting, as were all the others." Cocking an eye at Flame, she mumbled, "From the way he looks at you all, I personally thinks he likes you."
12:22am May 26 2010 (last edited on 12:22am May 26 2010)
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Arilyn tossed her head in shock and her onyx mane flew in every direction because of the sudden movement. “I don’t know, Vixen.” She nickered softly, as she took a glance back at Flame. He was stout, wonderful for the wild with well developed muscles and not too much coat so the temperamental weather changes didn’t affect him much. “Look at all the other mares. They have wonderfully qualities.” With a flick of her ear she nickered, “And you. You know these lands as well as I do. Like today, we will travel north toward the mountains because the eastern lands will be swampy and little to graze.” With a snort, Arilyn thought, what if he did chose me? Would the herd stand behind his choice? I would lead them well in Flame’s absence, and I would be sure to talk with him about moving so continually. Bending down she took a chomp out of some lush greenery. I shouldn’t get my hopes up though. But she couldn’t help her wandering gaze. It seemed to always lead her back to Flame. Lurching to her hooves, Alell pounded after Echo. Tossing her nose into the air and letting her hind legs kick up. When she came abreast to Echo, she matched his pace. The smell of the strange horses was stronger now. “What do you think they will be like?” she asked eagerly.
Just call me Siri.
3:19am May 26 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((erm Kazumi and Kaze arnt in the herd so their strangers XD))
4:45am May 26 2010
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Flame shot a glance at Arilyn. Would she be willing to take the responsibility? he wondered. I should ask her. His ears twitched with hesitation and something close to shyness. They had to begin moving soon, and he wouldn't get any time to ask her after this. As he watched her with the other mare, he began to feel more sure that she would be just perfect to be his mate. Vixen, noticing the leader's glance, turned to her companion triumphantly. "See?" she whispered. "He really likes you!" She nibbled the tender turf. "Maybe you should ask him," she suggested in an offhand way as she munched the gr*censored*. "I mean, look at the way he looks at you!" "We'll soon know," nickered Echo, beginning to become considerably excited. His white hooves moved quickly over the foliage. "There they are!" he mumbled, as the figure two horses became visible to them.
5:33pm May 27 2010
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OoC: I wish I could post, but I have to go celebrate my birthday. >3<
Just call me Siri.
5:38pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Name:AngelGender: filley ( female)
Age: day old
Personality (no RP -it-outs):Sweet, kind, caring Crush (if any):Too young Mate (if any): Too young
Loner or Member?: Member Rank (if in the herd): Foal Appearance (Use a deion if your pic will stretch the page, or use a link): coming History (optional): Family relations in the herd: Flame? Or the Lead Mare and Stallion's daughter
11:11pm May 27 2010
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OoC: Happy birthday, Siri 8D Accepted, Mercy. But the leaders haven't even begun to mate yet. Besides, we'd probably be playing their foals ^^
3:49pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 5,406
(( lol can Flame find Kazumi and Kaze because their not members but he wants to know who they are))
12:20am Jun 1 2010 (last edited on 12:20am Jun 1 2010)
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Alell stretched her neck out and nipped Echo, playfully, on the shoulder. “Do you think they will be kind, or rude? One of them looks a bit small, like us!” Slowing from her canter, Alell flared her nose to catch any scent coming from the intruders. “Do you think we will have another playmate?” she asked with wide amber eyes. The flicker of her ears showed her nerves, but she was only a little fearful and a lot of excitement. “Who are you?” Alell whinnied loudly. Sparing a quick glance at Flame, Arilyn swiveled her ears black and licked her lips. “Vixen, don’t tease. He’s only keeping an eye on me because I gossip like a newborn foal.” Even though I know what I said isn’t true, I just don’t think Flame would choose me. He has so many other mares to choose from, why me? Arilyn knew that she could be ornery, aggressive, and a little temperamental, but she could also be one of the most respecting, loving, and protective mares of the herd. With a wistful sigh, she nickered, “Besides, even if he does want me, I don’t think he’s ready to settle down.” Not yet, but if he will have me I will make him. A small smile softened her eyes as she swished her tail, and he will realized what his heart truly desires.
Just call me Siri.
9:46pm Jun 1 2010
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Just call me Siri.
10:48am Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 7:20am Jun 8 2010)
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Vixen chuckled. "I'm not teasing you." she nickered earnestly. They would begin the day's journey very soon, and Vixen was beginning to get slightly restless. All the same, she loved this place very much indeed, and wished they'd stay for a little longer. Stamping her hoof gently, she continued munching, an eye on still on Flame. Flame stretched his long glossy neck. The Sun felt warm on his back, and he decided to take a stroll around their serene camp before heading northward. Trotting down the slope, he noticed Arilyn's smile, and returned one. With an authoritative flick of his tail, he walked away, knowing the herd would be safe for the time being. The gras.s felt soft under his feet as he wandered on. Suddenly, he caught a scent of two other mustang's, and his ears pricked up, as he looked around him keenly. Presently, he could also smell two of the herd, one of whom he swiftly recognized as his nephew, and the other as the new filly. Quickening his pace, the scent became stronger, until he spotted two unknown horses just a little ahead. He approached them with apparent caution, yet in a casual way. "They look nice," Echo nickered in response. "The little one especially." His curious brown eyes rested on them as he waited excitedly for an answer.
7:21am Jun 8 2010
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12:57am Jun 9 2010
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OoC: I lost the thread there for awhile. BiC Making a great display of eating the foliage around her, Arilyn watched Flame’s every movement. When he went for a trot she felt extreme pleasure. He left the herd for a break! That must mean that there is a mare whom he is comfortable leaving in charge. Hope nipped at her heart like an eager foal would to their mother. Am I the one? she thought privately. With a disdainful snort she mused, that’s what all the mares are thinking right now. Finally feeling the suns heat from her poll to her hooves, Arilyn tossed her head and flicked her tail. Raising one foreleg, she pawed at the air, stretching it before doing the same with the other. “Though I like this land,” whickered to Vixen, “I think I won’t mind movement. I feel like I could run with the eagles again.” Her lips curved lovingly at the thought of the foalhood game; chasing after soaring eagles until there shadows created wings upon their backs. With a shrill whinny, Alell leapt to the side, crashing into Echo, when she heard hooves approaching from behind. “Ah!” she squealed, but quickly realized it was only Flame. Pinning her ears with embarr*censored*ment, Alell stuck her nose in the air as if nothing had happened. Though, her eyes were shinning with self amusement, but curiosity soon overrode as Echo commented about the strange horses.
Just call me Siri.
10:04am Jun 10 2010
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Vixen could easily see what her companion was thinking. "This is your chance - show him you're capable of being a leader! - though I think he knows that already." she nickered in a low tone to Arilyn. A sly smile flickered on her lips as she thought of all those mares who were hoping to be chosen. Flame shot a glance at the foals, one that told them to be careful. He gave the filly an affectionate smile, noticing her start. Then, he turned towards the two horses with a slight air of authority and spoke, "I am the leader of the herd you see nearby. I mean no harm, I wish to know who you are." Echo was quite surprised at first too. He looked startled at Alell's ejaculation. Now, he had recovered enough to give a grunt of amusement and chuckle at their clumsy act. "Looks like he'll introduce them for us," he whispered, pushing his muzzle close to the filly's ear.
11:11am Jun 11 2010
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