{Born to be Wild} Mustang RP {Born to be Free}

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11:09am Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
((i was the same lol do you think we should start our own horse rp lol))


11:16am Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771

OoC: Sorry, but I have too many as it is. Maybe if my schedule slows down. =)

Just call me Siri.

11:17am Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
((ok then :) ))


11:07am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771

Just call me Siri.

12:58pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771
{Bump, Bump}

Just call me Siri.

8:59am Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 9:01am Jul 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,117

OoC: OMG The month is almost over, and I haven't been active in like, weeks! I profusely apologize for my not posting, but ever since school started, I couldn't find time for the computer. I couldn't even tell you I wouldn't come on for some time. I'm really sorry. Thanks a lot for keeping this thread alive, guys <333

BIC: Flame listened to the loner mare's story with interest and sympathy. "I see," he replied quietly, feeling truly sorry for their loss. The mare looked a little gaunt, and so did the poor foal. Flame was tempted to ask them to join their herd, but restrained his tongue. They didn't know the two well, and he decided it was best to wait until they got to know each other better. His gaze traveled from the colt to his mother as he silently decided what to do next. "So what are you two planning to do now? We're headed north, and if you're going there two, it'll be safer if you stay close to the herd." Flame could see his nephew was a little surprised at this, and, well, so was he. "He can stay in the herd when we travel, if you'd like that." he added, flicking an ear at the little mustang.

Echo looked up at Flame with some  amazement and hope. He then turned to Alell and nickered back, "Yeah? Well, I think we're gonna get a new playmate!"

Vixen watched her companion and future lead mare and chuckled softly. She was looking forward to Flame's return, and the events that were likely to follow. 

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