11:42pm Jun 3 2011
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Plot It's been years after Maximum Ride and her team of winged humans left the School. They have grown old and are gone, thinking that experiments on humans are forever done. Little did they know, the scientists lived, mad with hunger for the perfect human being. They began experimenting again, but not just on winged beings. They grafted in many other aspects into human beings, such as cats, lizards and fish. The story of Max and her friends are kept alive in these poor teenagers, and escape is the only option. Rules - You can be grafted with only real animals [meaning no dragons] >:[ - NO MARY/GARY SUES. -Post aldsfjkladsf to prove you have read the rules // I ran out of ideas xD jkjk. don't post that xD - I would prefer it if you RP with a boy and a girl. But I shall enforce my old rule: If you RP two girls, make a guy. It's alright if you want to RP one male. -FYI, -pokes rule above- If you do make a girl, then ihu c: -Highlight the rules - Your character/s CANNOT be the descendant/relation of a canon character - Be active. I will rMail you if you're not. -Nobody below the age of 15 -Appropriate pictures. i.e. I don't want teenagers looking like 35 year olds or 7 year olds. post 'Max is totes a Mary Sue o-o' instead >D -Romance is encouraged ^^ - You may not have multiple animal DNAs. Only 1 Bios Name: Gender: Age: Animal DNA: Appearance: Personality: 'Gifts': [stuff the DNA enables you to do] Crush: Other: [no pets]

11:42pm Jun 3 2011 (last edited on 12:36am Jun 4 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
Characters Sanae Katana - Bird - Tld Natsume Tsuyoi - Cat - Tld Miles Yokai - Dog - Tld Maya Cathers - TBD - Tld
12:30am Jun 4 2011
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Name: Sanae Katana Gender: Female Age: 16 DNA: Crow Appearance: note: This picture does belong to me. This was drawn for me by Gerychi. If I see someone else using this, I shall not be happy D< Personality: Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her. Sanae's also a horrible liar, and has strange 'face twitches' when she attempts to lie. Gifts: Wings Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Natsume Tsuyoi Gender: Male Age: 18 DNA: Cat Appearance: Personality: Natsume is more of a knight than anything else. He has the stereotypical air of nobility and loyalty, and he never backs down from a challenge or a promise. Despite his all-around bishounen features, Natsume doesn't mind tormenting other people who he is not acquainted with. Because of this, he comes off as an arrogant jerk most of the time, and doesn't mind sticking with that ti tle. He doesn't like childish or loud people, and he doubts he'll ever get used to them. [seriously, if you join with a weird punky girl or something, he's not going to like her :x] Gifts: Heightened sense of smell and hearing, ability to see in the dark, stealthier and much more... Um. Well-balanced. Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Miles Yokai Gender: Male Age: 17 DNA: Dog Appearance: Personality: Miles is the guy that generally radiates the 'easily annoyed' air. He's quick to the point and blunt, mainly because he's a horrible liar. Miles loves simplicity, and prefers a nice and easy friendship/relationship. He can't stand secrets, and is quite an open book. He hates being mistaken as the 'tough on the outside, sweet on the inside' stereotype, and never has any special feelings reserved for anyone. Gifts: Heightened sense of hearing and smell, slightly stronger and sometimes has wolfish behavior Crush: He won't crush first, but open Other: None ---
Name: Maya Cathers Gender: Female Age: 17 DNA: To be decided ._. Appearance: Personality: Maya's got a curious personality, like a cat. She loves being the trickster in the group, and always crosses the line, never knowing where it is in the first place. She tests things till they break, she never likes apologizing and paying for the damages. She can't stand to see someone fall behind her, for some reason, though. Maya would usually offer her hand to someone in need, unless that someone happens to be a person she doesn't like. Gifts: Suicune Crush: Won't crush first Other: None

12:33am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 3,002
(( Join? o3o Max is totes a Mary Sue o-o ))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:35am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ A joiner lD Post ye bios, Nono o3o ]]
12:47am Jun 4 2011 (last edited on 1:08am Jun 4 2011)
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Posts: 3,002
((Yes maam. :D)) Name: Evilynn Drose Gender: Female
Age: 17
Animal DNA: Fox Appearance:  Personality: -editing- 'Gifts': Enhanced senses.
Crush: Open. Other: This art does not belong to me. Name: Jonathon Archer Merri Gender: Male
Age: 18
Animal DNA: Ferret Appearance:  Personality: -editing-
'Gifts':High climbing skills
Crush: Open.
Other:This art does not belong to me. (( Gah! Wil edit soon.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:33am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 3,371
1:36am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ 'Course you can ^^ Gais, don't ask to join :c Just post your bios o3o ]]
4:04am Jun 4 2011 (last edited on 4:39pm Jun 4 2011)
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Posts: 736
(( Max is totes a sue o-o', hey Tld, suposedly, do the powers have to corolate with the animal? as seen in The book, they aren't exactly animale like -cough-fudge-cough-)) ((my image 0^0 don't steal)) Name: Damon Strong-bow Gender: male Age: 17 Animal DNA: River Otter Appearance: above Personality: Damon is a joker, or so he thinks he is, often doing things that others have no interest in. He always tries to see the best in people, tending to be drawn to the shadier of the group. He has an obsession with his cap and goes mental when people nick it. Damon has anxiety issues when talking to people of the opposite gender other than his sister and often gets flustered. He is protective over his sister and their unique eye colour. 'Gifts': Increased swimming ability, has fishing instincts and can see perfectly underwater. Crush: Open Other: Has webbed toes and Oval Ears covered by his bandanna. Name: Areina Strong-bow Gender: female Age: 15 Animal DNA: Cheetah Appearance: Above Personality: Areina has a pix-o-mix personality. She loves cute plushies and will melt at the sight of them. She doesn't like getting muddy, dirty or wet so often avoids swampy terrain and has a fit if her cloths show any of these signs. Despite her frail appearance and innocent sounding voice, she is very athletic. She practises kick boxing, kendo, hurdles, sprinting and lacrosse. She is not very bright and even in the worst of situations, she is always perky. As the saying goes, ingnorance is bliss. 'Gifts': Above average speed over short periods. Crush: Open Other: She has pigmented spots all over her back, upper arms and thighs.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
8:14am Jun 4 2011 (last edited on 11:58pm Jun 4 2011)
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Posts: 32
Max is totes a Mary Sue o-o ~ RMAIL me when this is starting xD BiosName: Lieth Gender: Male Age: 16 Animal DNA: Panther Appearance: Dark black hair - sleek down to the small of his back... fringe to his cheekbones... he has grey/blue eyes (semi slitted) and a small notched scar on his collarbone. Retractable sharp claws, panther (black) ears, also has a tail however he doesn't like anyone looking at it and so keeps it most of the time curled up around his waist. Usually uses it when running at high speeds or during an areobatic acts.Quite tall around 175cm Personality: Prefers to stick to himself, even tempered an independent... not overly outspoken but when he does speak it's important. Due to growing up with bad role models yadda yadda - all he wants to do is make sure that those who hurt him hurt slowly and painfully... Generally however he is quite sophisticated... well as sophisticated as you can be when growing up the way they did. If you're important to him he is fiercely protective however he tries to keep his feelings to himself. He doesn't mind people who fill in the one sided conversations you'll most likely be having with him - he just doesn't like to speak to you if you aren't known well enough to be trustworthy... If you are trusted you may get to see some of his other side...Relies on his panther instincts quite a bit - isn't too territorial.Known to be a muscle head due to his physic but doesn't particularly like showing off his strengths and skills in front of others. Likes to be useful.Is a sort of attack first ask questions later type of guy if you startle him or get him pissed. 'Gifts': Good flexibility and balance due to his DNA and heightened sense of smell and hearing. Lithe and Agile, quick on his feet like a panther. Sharper nails/ claws than a human (retractable). Slightly larger than average canine teeth. Can easily bend and jump/climb. Is very good at blending in with the scenery during the nightime. Crush: Open - but not looking for one straight away Other: Slightly above average intelligence. Dislikes green vegetables. Slightly nocturnal as that is when the panther can best hunt. Good at climbing/jumping and being inconspicuous. Name: Emma (Emi) Gender: Female Age: 15 Animal DNA: Snake (not exactly sure what species but it is highly venomous) Appearance: light caramel/straw coloured hair up to the small of the back. Very light green/hazel eyes which gain a yellowish tint when threatened or angry, slitted like a snakes. She has very unnoticeable white scales down the back of her spine. Venomous fangs. Quite short and compact however deceivingly very flexible as her small thin frame doesn't quite show her natural limberness or strength. Personality: Doesn't like to be helped... very stubborn although insecure because she is a 'snake'. Doesn't like the whole people are scared of snakes thing - or the like-minded idea where snakes are evil. She wants to prove this wrong. When shedding slightly lethargic but due to the way she's grown up has a tendency to attack first ask questions later even though she is quite even tempered at most times and is more likely to try and flee inconspicuously rather than engage in a fight.Rest will be role-played Gifts': She can 'see' by sensing movement/tremors through the ground for around half a kilometre each way when not focusing but larger areas when she is. Very hard to sneak up on. Very good sense of smell which helps her 'see' people and also gain knowledge about them. She feels general unease at lies or around untrustworthy people. Very strong jaws which have given the scientists a lot of trouble. Has permanent fangs which can secrete poison, due to the scientists tampering can't kill only paralyse for a good 3-4 hours but it is very fast acting usually within 20 seconds. For this reason they have tried to have as little contact as possible. Her pupil is slitted like a snake. Crush: Open Other: she likes to sleep during the hottest parts of the day. Slightly nocturnal. Is good at telling lies and detecting scents she has smelt before.
9:25am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ You gais are accepted. But it would be nice if your characters somehow resemble the animal they share the DNA with. Like, er, I dunno, Emma can have slitted eyes and a scaly tail? And Areina could have spotted stuffs? ._. ]]
10:28am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 736
(( -3- I see no ears on miles. okey then, I will add something in. ))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
10:38am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Hence teh hat -poketh- ]]
12:55pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I wanna join with Elias. Make him a butterfly. xD Or a kitty cat. I might make him a kitty cat.))
12:55pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 3,950
( Max is totes a Mary-Sue. o-o I will post my bio's later~ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:59pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I'll post what I need to post when I decide on what to make Elias. xD; I'll edit it into this post, too. :U))
4:40pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 736
(( okey then, both Characters have DNA. ))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:04pm Jun 4 2011 (last edited on 5:05pm Jun 4 2011)
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Name: She calls herself Caya, but is unsure of her real name. Gender: Female Age: 17 Animal DNA: Bat Appearance:
Personality: She's very anti-social and insecure. Caya doesn't like to talk, and thinks she's more of a freak than anybody else in the School. When she does speak, she's usually a cold, almost-rude person. She's only ever cared about a select few in her entire life, and those are the ones that see the funny, protective side of Caya. 'Gifts': She has incredible hearing (hellooo, bat ears), and can fly with her wings, but not very high. Like, maybe 30 feet off the ground at most. her wings are rather small. She also has poor eyesight, but is not entirely blind. Crush: Open Other: Max is a total Mary-Sue. And I'm gonna make a guy, I swear. :u
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

9:43pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Alala... -waits for moar bios to be posted- ]]
10:47pm Jun 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 32
[[ how about they both have slitted eyes and lieth can have either ears or a tail.... Emma can have poisonous fangs (but she hardly ever uses them) - and when she gets angry or scared her eyes changed to more of a yellow tint.... The fangs would be able to retract somewhat and they only get covered in poison when she has extreme emotions - I don't want to give her a tail but instead small unnoticable white scales down her spine When 'shedding' she has a bad temper instead of her usually meek and aloof nature.... how's that? Open to ideas...]]