10:52pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Sure. But remember to also give Lieth stuff too. Like maybe retractable claws, panther ears, panther tail, etc. ]]
11:20pm Jun 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 32
[[ Thought I included a panther tail in there as well as claws....I'll go and change it now and well I can always roleplay it out :P]]
2:29am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[ -Stalks- Plot's interesting :u Must read Maxride as soon as possible, so I can de-confuse myself xD; can I stalk the RP?]
3:47am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 32
[lol - i think stalking should be okay - xD why don't you join and you can learn the plot by making it up? lol]
6:09am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Of course Twint may stalk o3o But Tld wants joo to join :c Omg, Tld shall rMail you plot details if you want >c ]]
6:37am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[ Me doesn't know anything about Maxride, and Ill only spoil your RP ;-; But fine, if you insist. :c]
1:09pm Jun 5 2011 (last edited on 4:50pm Jun 6 2011)
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Name: Logan Gender: Male Age: 18 Animal DNA: Tiger Appearance: ((Give him orange and black striped ears/tail please :D)) Personality: Like a deep river, Logan is usually placid on the surface, but his thoughts and emotions run very deep. Quiet and unassuming, he prefers to work by himself and is more often in the spotlight for his real and lasting accomplishments than for any outward attempts at garnering attention. Logan hates to fail. He is very frugal and careful about lending anything to friends for frivolous reasons. However, he often shows extraordinary sympathy when presented with an opportunity to help those who are truly in need. Essentially a loner, Logan commonly keep his own counsel and relies on himself to get ahead in life(and out of that damn cage), mistrusting others' thoughts and opinions on matters of the utmost importance. Facts, too, get in the way of decision making for Logan, who prefers to use his own deeply held feelings and intuition in negotiating life's crossroads. In matters of the heart, Logan can be deeply amorous, jealous in nature, and he does not handle rejection well at all. And woe to those who betray the trust and affection of him! 'Gifts': He has retractable claws that are in the spaces between his fingers. Also has cat-like senses, and can see well in the dark. Can jump high as well. Crush: OPEN Other: Nope :u
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:06am Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 32
[[ awesome charry! - question - how many people are we waiting for? I need exams to finish before I can seriously spend some time rp'ing but by the end of friday I'm completly dedicated! xD]]
6:37am Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 7:45am Jun 8 2011)
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Posts: 5,406
Max is totes a Mary Sue o-o Name:Kirsty Smith/ James Smith/ Jamie Smith
Age:17 x3
Gender:Female/ Male x 2 Animal DNA: Wolf/ White lion/White stag
Appearance:  ((she has wolf ears and tail))
((the one on the left is James he has more hair like a mane and on the right is Jamie he has antlers and a deer tail))
Personality: Kirsty is friendly, nice and polite she will hide what she thinks to others so she doesn't hurt them, She keeps most of her feelings inside bottled up just so she doesn't let those know what is wrong when everything seems right. Kirsty would rather help others then to let them help her and if she could she would give everything she had to those that needed it but she has her brothers that make sure she doesn't give the clothes off her back to a pervert pretending to need new clothes. (this is my personality in real life as im told by many people XD but its also like Tohru from fruits baskets XD)/ James and Jamie are triplets with Kirsty James is the protective one while Jamie is the smart one they rarely leave eachothers sides because they feel as if they can only trust eachother. if one was to get in trouble then the other would help no matter if they where right or wrong. 'Gifts': Kirsty has extra sensitive scences, she is fast and can scence when one of her siblings are hurt. but she also has a blood lust if she hasn't fed in a long time. James' nails can get longer and shorter when he needs them he can see well in the dark and can scence when one of his siblings are hurt./Jamie has agility and speed he also has stregnth but not as much as what some others might have but he is smart. He can scence when one of his siblings are hurt. ((the can scence when one of his/ her siblings are hurt. thing is because they are triplets XD.)) Crush:Logan/open x2
Other: nope XD

9:36am Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ If you don't want to Twint, you don't have to ._. And Foxeh, Kirsty is a little underdescribed. Could you please elaborate on her personality? ]]
10:52am Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 5,406
7:44pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Umm, alright. I'm still a bit iffy. I'm not a big fan of characters that are super shy and basically don't talk. They seem a bit Mary Sue-ish :/ ]]
7:49pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Is Logan okay? :u))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:21am Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Yesh he is. I think we can start soon! ^_^ Just don't expect me to be on as much. Examssss TT_TT ]]
6:02am Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((Ok XD im not starting haha. And shes only like that to start with XD))
9:49am Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ That's my point, Fox. Once she 'warms up', she becomes another Mary Sue :/ ]]
4:10pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Join? :3))'Max is totes a Mary Sue o-o' Bios Name: Scout Howl Gender: Male Age: 17 Animal DNA: Albatross Appearance:
 (Made by me. Do not steal!) Scout is very pale with silvery-white hair. His eyes are a deep blue color which seems to change shades with his emotions. Quite tall (six foot seven-ish) and skinny, his wingspand is around twenty feet, if not longer, and is white with black tips and a few speckles towards the end. Usually, he'll wear semi-tight brown jeans with a silver-studded belt, a grey hoodie under a blue short-sleeved one, and grey-blue tennis shoes. Although he tries to hide it from others, he wears a small anklet chain around his left ankle. He's had it for as long as he can remember, and believes it to be from his mother.
Personality: Typically, Scout is a goodnatured person, putting others' needs before his own when it matters. He looks after those weaker than him that need protecting. However, his kindness and goodwill are not without flaw. He's very arrogant and proud of himself, and quite the show off. Having DNA from "the most legendary of all birds" has gotten to his head quite a bit. He thinks of himself as the best, and his good flying makes him believe he is the best flyer on the planet, rivaled only by other albatrosses. He is never one to show himself as weak, and this can be both good in bad in the sense he will never give up on his comrads, but he can be stubborn about his own limits, often pushing himself beyond them. Very loyal, he'd die for his comrads, and he has the heart of a sailor. Often, people believed the albatross are the souls of lost sailors, and Scout seems to prove this is true. He'd give anything to be near the sea, flying over the waves. 'Gifts': Wings and great flying skills, heightened sense of smell, weather prediction. Crush: Open. Other: Not that I can think of... o_o
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:14pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((what do you mean mary sue?))
4:32pm Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 4:33pm Jun 7 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Cloud. Nothign more, nothing less. Gender: Male Age: 17, but looks younger because he's small. Animal DNA: Clouded Leopard Appearance:  ((I'll finish the hands and add the tail later. AND I DREW THIS. SO DON'T YOU DARE STEAL HIM.)) Cloud is a small boy with big blue eyes and silvery hair tipped with darker grey. His skin is pale and has faint spots as-sociated with Clouded Leopards. He is thin, light, and lithe, built much like a cat would be. He also has a childish-looking rounded face, along with the dark-splotched silver ears and tail of a clouded leopard. His fingernails are lengthened and sharpened into claws, and he has the fangs of a young cub. He is a rather cute hybrid, to say the least. Oh yeah, he's only about four feet tall.
Personality: Shy and sweet, and not very good in large crowds. He prefers being a rather good-sized area to a small one, since he was combined with a wild animal. He is very skittish and is often found by himself becaus ehe can't seem to talk to others as effeciently as he'd like. He's quite the little introvert.
'Gifts': Um. He's really fast, very flexible, and he almsot never loses his balance. ouo Crush: Open Other: Um. None.
Name: Rika, nothign more, nothing less. :U Gender: Female Age: ALMOST SEVENTEEN LOL. 8D Animal DNA: Um. Some kind of cat/ O.O; I dunno what kind. xD Iguess whatever Redtail was in the Warriors series. Appearance:  I colored this, and my friend Reggie drew it. No stealing~ Personality: Eh. Basically me. All you guys know me, but I'll elaborate anyways: Sometimes seemingly bi-polar,s he can have ether amean streak and get all worked up or she can be one of the best people you could ever have as a friend. She loves being around friends, and is too stubborn to let a good friend be depressed. She likes making people laugh, and is a bit hard-headed a lot of the time. And she's clumsy. 'Gifts': Very flexible, quick runner, and the ability to talk to cats? ouo; Crush: Open. :U Other: None. P:

4:45pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Perfect character, contradicts her/himself. Like... "She keeps to herself and comes off cold and distant but she's really a friendly and outgoing once you get to know her." Stuff like that that makes them "better than an average person". Run her through this: http://www.springhole.net/quizzes/marysue.htm and that'll give you a pretty good idea of not only what a mary sue is, but also if she is one. For example, Scout scored a 20 which is: 17-21 Probably not a Mary-Sue, although a character can go either way at this point. Fanfiction writers should pay attention to ensure that their characters aren't getting too Sue-ish. For an RPG or original fiction character, however, you're probably perfectly fine.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr