6:38am Jun 14 2011
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Sanae looked up, recognizing Areina, a girl that had been brought in the same time as her. Sanae shook her head. "Isn't escape the only option?" She asked Areina, unconsciously tapping at a cage with a sharpened, talon-like fingernail. Her wings fluttered weakly, a few feathers missing. They were taken by the scientists, eager to examine one of their successes. --- Natsume's ears twitched, watching the rest with his unnatural amber eyes. He wished they would just calm down. Being one of the oldest in hte group, Natsume had become used to the scientists, and appreciated the food he was given. [[ I can't think of anything xD How shall they escape :u Hrm. ]]
10:00pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 10:04pm Jun 15 2011)
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Posts: 32
Emma raised her head slightly as she noticed someone coming closer to her the vibrations weren’t very loud and they seemed to be at an in-between temperature; indicating that the person approaching was probably an avian. She looked up through slightly clouded eyes as he dropped the shirt in front of her. God, she could still feel the warmth practically radiating off the garment. Cautiously, as if checking to make sure she could actually have it she sat up and slid into the garment with a contented sigh, sliding her arms tucked inside. Now she felt even more like a snake – perhaps one shedding their skin? Even with his stature being so skinny it felt baggy on her – the added length made the short sleeved top slide past her hips. She felt herself lightly grow hot on her face as she realised that she felt safe. She was suddenly self-conscious of her height in comparison to his; in fact it seemed as if she was one of the smallest in the group. She shrugged herself out of her thoughts and turned her attention back to the winged guy. Feeling no enmity from him she gave him a small smile, but even that was enough to partly expose her fangs as she whispered back a thank you in the relative quiet of the cage. “Can I keep this until we get to someplace warmer?” She asked him in a half murmur, the immediate warmth of his top made her calmer. She didn’t realise how close she had gotten to freezing when the warmth from the avian-like body felt hot. She felt the need to explain. “I’m okay usually in the sun – my room has a heat lamp – but the scientists seemed to forget that I’m cold blooded when they threw me in here.” She looked around at the enclosed space they were trapped in, shifting slightly as she gazed about the room. There was so many of them all in the one place… what did the scientists want to happen? She turned her attention back to the guy, from her position on the floor he almost seemed an intimidating height but she only smoothly casted an admiring glance over his wings. They seemed a nice pearly sort of colour with darker tips – they were very large compared to some of the other pairs she saw around her. They almost seemed as if they would make a great blanket… She ducked her head lightly to hide her blush before looking back up at him, she gave a sympathetic smile, he was probably feeling the most cramped in this cage. “My name’s Emma, but I usually think of myself as Emi, I’m part snake…What’s your name?” [[ I don't know how they should escape... prehaps the scientists should come back in to check out some sort of noise and they could be taken out... then they just happened to notice that they had the keys??? lol Seems sorta lame - but what can you do? We can make up for it by having an epic battle where eveyone gets to take out a couple of gaurds and lab guys.]]
5:16am Jun 16 2011
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Kirsty looked at her brother James still walking around the cage they where in and smirked at Jamie. When Jamie could see her smirk he laughed watchign as Kirsty sneeked up to James and pounced on him as she started fighting with him trying to get his attention away from where they were and to be happy that they where all together. Kirsty laughed as she bit his lion like ear and pulled lightly. "Play James" she said laughing as James started play fighting with her. To anyone else outside the cage it would look like they where really fighting with the growls and roars coming from the both of them. Jamie laughed watching his siblings fight like that. He knew that it was for fun and it was to help James become destracted from the situation. It seemed to be working making him want to join in like old times. He smiled as he jumped in the fight helping Kirsty since she was the baby. "No fair two against one." James said a smirked on his face showing he didn't mind and would of prefered it that way. James loved his sister and knew what she was doing his gaurd was still up incase someone came to them but he couldn't help but enjoy play fighting with his siblings even if it was two aginst one. ((Is that ok? lol use it as you want XD))

5:35am Jun 16 2011 (last edited on 5:42am Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 32
Lieth pulled his hand away from teh bars with a sigh - turning his gaze to where he heard happy squeals. He studied their little group as they romped... definantly siblings, two males and a girl... he paused as he sniffed the air - and two were a large kind of predator, the other was a hervabor. He felt surprise cross his face. It wasn't often that he saw a sucessful herbavor - besides the scientists seemed to only want to make weapons. A high pitched giggle from the girl turned his attention back to the little pack, he forced his hackles down as he smelt the two predators scents... The boy was obviously a lion and the girl was the other scent but he couldn't quite place the scent, wolf? Anyway, now wasn't the time to get terratorial or feel threatened. They were in the same situation as him.... and yet.... He looked to their smiling faces and felt a pang of envy before he pushed it away. He had always wished to have a sister or brother to play with when he was younger, and the scientists often kept him isolated, believing that he wouldn't want any other company due to his solitary nature and terratorial panther DNA. It was probably best if there were less of us created anyway. He paused before slowing walking over to their small group - he didn't want to startle them - [[lol - Lieth thinks to differently from me - it's too hard to think of what to write and how he would do things.... but the main gist is that he is curious about the happy family like group and wants to find out more about them.... they intrigue him :) ]]
6:22am Jun 16 2011
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Scout blinked in slight surprise when he saw her smile, his keen eyes spotting the fangs. So she was a snake. That would explain why she was freezing in here. He sighed. Did the scientists not even care for the lives of their supposidly precious experiments? To answer her question, he smiled and nodded. "Of course," he answered, moving to sit down in front of her once she'd finished her short explanation. She seemed fine with him being near, so he didn't feel the least wary about her fangs. If he remembered right, it was in a snakes nature to only lash out in self-defense or when provoked, or in the case of hunting for food. None of those situations applied here. "My name is Scout. You already can tell I'm part avian, specifically Albatross." He smiled at those words and shuffled his wings out just slightly, as if showing them off although unable to do so to the fullest extent. He always took great pride in which bird his DNA had come from. "Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you, Emi." He smiled at her, his blue eyes very calm. Despite this, his wings seemed tense, and every time they moved even slightly, the motion was slightly jerky and not smooth. Although he could keep his wings folded for hours if he wanted to, being unable to spread them out made his muscles tense and tight from the strain his mind put on them by not allowing them to stretch out at all. His hand moved to touch his ankle, although the movement was slight and not obvious. Below his jeans was the silver anklet he always wore. In a way, it gave him comfort in times like this. It reminded him that there was someone who had cared, maybe even still did, about him.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:42am Jun 16 2011
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Areina thought about the escaping. It was an Idea. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders before turning around. Her violet eyes scanned the cages aroung their own. Many groups talking amongst each other. Introductions, escape plans, food. What else was their to talk about in here. Furrowing her brow and pouting, Areina stood up into a crouched position preventing her head wacking the roof of the cage; walked over to the opposing bars, and started pulling at them vigorously. Damon stared at her curiously. Tipping his cap up to rub his forehead, he huffed. "What are you doing?" He questioned her with a smile on his face. "Trying to escape silly." She replied, her foot now on the bar as she pulled at the other. "That aint gonna work ya know?" He told her, looking around to see if any others would notice.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:22am Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 5:23am Jun 17 2011)
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Posts: 32
Her lips quirked briefly upwards as he took a seat next to her. “Nice to meet you.” She replied. The closer proximity revealed his eyes to be a stormy blue … but that probably wasn’t entirely accurate due to the lighting. She decided that it was nice to know his name. Truthfully she wasn’t even sure that the others would have names… It was just what the scientists called her… She unconsciously moved closer to the warm body as he began speaking, briefly noting how uncomfortably stiff his wings looked in the cage. But there wasn’t anything she could do about that. She bit her lip as she delicately worried it reflexively while she thought of the current predicament they were all in. No matter what the scientists said, no one belonged in cages just for existing. She looked towards where two major groups were, one was filled with predators and she wasn’t entirely sure if she wanted to chance it if one of them felt that they didn’t like snakes. The other group while still sporting a dangerous scent seemed subtler… but that may have just been due to the distance they were in the cage in comparison to themselves. Besides, the violet(?) eyed girl was tugging on the bars, so she must have had the same idea that they all seemed to be contemplating. Her newfound companion’s movement caused her attention to shift back on to him. She eyes followed the movement to where he was unconsciously reaching. A new scent permeated through the air from the calming cinnamon and salt smell from Scout… It confused her. Sadness she knew how to sense well and hopelessness was among the fragrances she grew up with; it sort of smelled like a subtle bitter tang. This one though… "What are you thinking about?” She asked cautiously, titling her head slightly which caused her honey coloured hair to fall across her shoulder. She liked this smell… almost like the one she imagined whenever she thought it would be like to be free.
6:41am Jun 17 2011
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Kirsty jumped away as her brothers fought more seriously. She shuck her head at them as she laughed. Her plan had worked she had got James mind from the scientists and to that they where together. A scent came to her as she turned seeing a male that was mixed with what looked like panther DNA. She smiled as she walked over to him. "Hi. I'm Kirsty." She said to him smiling her tail wagging. "What's your name?" She asked him with a yip in her voice. James and Jamie kept rolling around on the floor trying to see who was the strongest in the two. Soon James had Jamie pinned but Jamie kicked James off him and jumped back on him. Jamie was happy Kirsty knew when to step out of the fight because he knew both him and James would feel treible if something happened to her because of them. James roared as he continued to fight with Jamie. "Damn it Jamie just give up" He said to him as Jamie smirked. "Never bro. We can't have Kirsty thinking you are the strongest." He said laughing as they continued to fight. "But we know its true i am the strongest your justa joke" James said playing around. They might say stuff to eachother that might seem mean but it was all just a joke and they knew not to take it seriously.

6:41pm Jun 17 2011
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1:57am Jun 18 2011
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He paused as the girl approached him. Wolf. He now saw her tail as it wagged at an alarmingly fast pace... he shifted from foot to foot as his own tail twitched from around his waist at the sight of the girl so blantingly having hers out in the open.... He liked his tail sure, he didn't hide it cuz he thought it was ugly or anything, he just hating having it out where it was easily pulled by the scientists. He pulled a slight smile at her enthusiasm. "Hi, my names Lieth." He looked over to the still wrestling guys - "You guys related?"
6:23am Jun 18 2011
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Kirsty smiled and nodded. "Yeah we are triplets." She said with a giggle as she looked at them before shaking her head. "I can't belive that they are fighting now. I just started it to get James mind from where we where but now they are fighting to see who is the strongest but i know they are both a bunch of softies" She said laughing before looking at Lieth. "But don't tell them i said that they would kill me" She said smiling at him her tail wagging again as she walked closer to him to be away from her brothers fight. Soon James and Jamie where tired and panting. James quickly looked up and around "Wheres Kirsty?" He asked in a panic. Jamie looked around and spotted her. "Shes over there talking to that dude." He said before looking at James to see him about to walk over. "Hey James shes fine don't worry if she was in danger then she wouldn't be there now are you giving up?"Jamie asked him smirking as James turned back around and pounced on Jamie. Jamie knew that Kirsty needed friends outside of her brothers and was letting her get the chance of talking to others and to have friends without James fighting with her and keeping her from having friends and maybe boyfriends as well.

11:57pm Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 32
"Guys are muscle-heads" He gave her a cheeky smile. At least her brothers weren't trying to kill him for trying to talk with their sister. "So how does that work anyway?" He asked her, genuenly curious, " I mean, you've all got different animals..." he trailed off uncertainly as her looked towards her. [[ will be inactive for 3 days >.<' sorry! ]]
7:48am Jun 19 2011
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Kirsty smiled and shrugged. "I guess they didn't want us to be the same animals or there was a mix up. We don't care though we ae still family." She said smiling at him before moving closer to the bars to get closer to him.
8:53am Jun 19 2011
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((Can I join?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:26am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 32
{{ You'd have to ask the others but it's cool with me.... speaking of the others... Where has everyone else in this rp gone?!?! Mental blank at teh moment - need someone else to post!}}
6:16am Jun 22 2011
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((im here XD))
6:18am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
((I'll wait for Tld to accept me then ^^ ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:14pm Jun 22 2011
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[[ Sure you can join owo ]]
6:17pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
((OK, while I create a charrie, can someone get me up to speed on what has been happening so far?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:18pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
((aldsfjkladsf btw))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.