1:14pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Mara glared at Zero-Bone. "You're wrong. You should obey them as well as you possibly can," Bone rolled his eyes. "That's ridiculous." He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, so that the alphas wouldn't hear him," Those two are spoiled rotten." "They lead the whole pack!" Mara snarled loudly. "If it wasn't for them, you'd be a loner, and judging from how much you rely on the rest of the pack to do everything for you, you'd be dead!" Both of Mara's eyes; the blue one and the yellow one, were glittering with fury.
2:20pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro nodded. " I understand, Calyx, We will protect our pups." he said." I'll resign if I have to, also." he said." Because I love you, I love our pups." Angel growled at Kohaku. She walked out of the den and fpund her way back to Solapack.She went into the alpha den.She layed before Calyx in a submissave way." Please forgive me, CAlyx." she whimpered.
2:24pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"No." Calyx said sternly. "You will be alpha and you will like it!" She licked him affectionatly. She glared at the runt pup and the dissabled pup out of the corner of her eye. She then turned to Angel. "Explain. Now."
2:32pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel shook in her presence." I was held hostage by a Lunapack wolf. I couldn't escape if I wanted to." she whimpered.Angel went to the postion where the alpha was to punish her." I'm sorry, Calyx." she whimpered. Angel braced herself. Taro smiled. He licked Calyx." And you shall be alphess." he said, sternly." And you will enjoy it, with our pups."
2:40pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx nodded to Angel. "Alright. I believe you." She said finally. "But for now on, you will train with the warrios if you like it or not," She woofed. She nuzzled Taro, then turned to the runt and disabled pup. "Taro." She hissed, her eyes threatening as she glared at the pups. "Get rid of them."
2:48pm Feb 5 2011 (last edited on 2:51pm Feb 5 2011)
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Taro frowned. He picked up the pups. The small runt squealed. He looked at Calyx. He took them out and set them on the carribou path. Surely they would be trampled there, if not, an owl would eat them.He went back to the den. He smiled at the remaining pups. Angel looked at Calyx. " Taro did not tell you? He doesn't like it when I train with them, right, Taro?" she asked. TAro looked at CAlyx, then at Angel." She has... anger problems." he said, nervously. " But..." (( MAle pup is first, the black one on the bottom is female,a nd the white one is smaller and the runt pup.)) tle="...XX..Yakon's Light..XX... by *NatsumeWolf, Apr 15, 2009 in Traditional Art > Drawings > Animals" cl*censored*="thumb">
3:01pm Feb 5 2011
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Calyx nuzzled both Angel and taro. "Fine, but you must be more aware. I will not allow you to be caught again." She said in an alpha-like voice. "And No one must know about the two...defects." The dissabled pup let out a squeal, then went into a wheezing fit. Her small wings rorated pitiously.
3:06pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel nodded.TAro nuzzled her back." Well, Angel should be on her way. 14 mothers delivered while you were gone." he said, growling a bit. Angel dashed out of the den. Taro looked at Calyx. " I really think we should check on those pups." he said, nervously. The small runt nuzzled the dissabled pne in a comfoting way. She felt the need to keep her warm. Her small wings seemed to pet the other pup.
3:09pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx smiled as Angel rushed out, but it soon faded aaway. Her alpha-like voice returned. "If Lunapack found out that Solapack's alpha gave birth so runts, they wil as.sume we are weak and attack." she said sternly. The pup whimpered, snuggling up against the runt. Her stomach rumbled for food. Then, again, she went into a wheezing fit.
3:12pm Feb 5 2011 (last edited on 3:13pm Feb 5 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
TAro sighed. " But, they can become strong. They are YOUR pups, anyways." he said, smiling." We aren't weak, and we have many mroe members than they do. We have 25 wolves keeping watch around the perimeter." The runt pup whimpered. She felt the other ones pain and snuggled it more.
3:17pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"Taro. I will NOT hear any more of this. Now, if you don't mind, I have to nurse my pups." he scooted Taro out of the queen's den and pulled her pups close so they could drink. The pup whimpered.
3:20pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
TAro walked out of the den. He spotted the other pups. Taro picked them up. He took them to Angel. " Nurse these pups, don't let Calyx see you." he said, whispering. He nudged the pups towards her. Angel sighed She lpayed down and nursed the weak pups. The small runt didn't drink much, but still was satisfied. It wiggled under her paws and fell asleep.
3:23pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( The disabled pup will be named either Bane or Zane. Hrmm...)) The disabled pup wiggled over to the main source of warmth.
3:26pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( The runt will be named star, the other black pup will be named Crisis, and the male pup will be Alex)) Angel smiled. She nursed the disabled pup. She held both pups close until they fell asleep.
3:26pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Hurry and post cause I gotta go...))
3:29pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( The male will be named Risk and the other female will be named...something. xDD ))
3:30pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( OKay. I will post tomorrow. Luff ju Zozoface.))
3:35pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I luff joo. ;D ))
3:37pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Zero-Bone walked away from Mara. "Seriously, think about it. What have they ever done for you?" Mara growled. "If you want to leave the pack, fine. It's not my problem."
5:03pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(It's not a mistake. You killed Riker. I quote this from page 16, post 2, from mercyme6: " Taro lurched forward. He was in Sierra's den already. he smiled.Taro grabbed Moon and Kala." Calyx, get the other two." he said. The pups wouldn't be heard, even if they tried. Fang woke up. He saw the missing pups/ " Sierra!" he barked. " where are the pups!" he aske.d All of the other pups innthe pack were dead and gone. " And, look at the last sentence: All of the other pups innthe pack were dead and gone. Which means you killed Riker. Without my permission. )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -