6:29pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
The mention of mating season made Sakura open her eyes and perk her ears up. She tilted her ears backwards so that she could hear Taro and Calyx's conversation. Her grey eyes looked elsewhere though. They were staring straight ahead. Into nothingness. She hadn't really thought of mating season all that much.
Love is all we need~
6:29pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 548
Onia smiled and looked at the remaining items in her basket. She took out some gl*censored* shards and other items that humans mihgt have left on accident or on purpose. Onia placed the foriegn items in a small corner where she kept her collection. Moving the basket of wormwood out of the way she placed her new gl*censored* ornaments behind it with the rest of her collection before she pushed the basket back. Gl*censored* was sharp and she knew that she would find a use for it some day.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:30pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 13
Spirit felt the wind blow through her fur. She then opened her eyes and shook her head. I must stop falling into these daydreams.... She thought.
6:32pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro looked at the others wolves. he chuckled. He looked at Sakura, then at Spirit, then at Onia. He felt blessed to have such a pack.
6:34pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 13
Spirit looked around. She looked at Taro, then looked down. Some of her fur hung in her eyes, and she was glad because her eyes were always emotionless.
6:35pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro smirked. He liked making the ladies blush or look down. He wasn't full of himself, though.
6:36pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"Well that just takes the fun out of it~" Calyx giggled. "Mating season? A week away?" Her eyes widened. "The seasons were so fast....You'd think i know.." She thoguht for a moment. "The one I love? I-I..Don't know...yet. I have never felt love, I don't know what it feels like..."
6:38pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 548
Onia looked at the lavender colored walls of her den. She wondered if she was ever going to get a mate. She wasn't social at all and she would hate to see her pup go off to fight Solarpack. She sighed laying on her back staring at the ceiling. She wondered if anyone was going to get hurt today. She hoped not but if someone did get hurt then she would have something to do.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:39pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 13
Spirit layed down and laid her head down. She mumbled something quietly.
(Ugh, I have to go)
6:40pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro smiled. " You need to decide within a week, dear." he said, smiling. (( Got to go. Zoz, interact with the other charachters, and you are the co-owner))
6:41pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Zozo is? O.o Awesomesauce! )) Calyx shifted her paws unconfortably. "Yes..."
6:42pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( One more paws.)) He nuzzled her softly, then went to the alpha den.
6:43pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx returned the nuzzle before padding away to check on the others.
6:45pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 1,966
Poison jumped out of her comfy den, howling. "I'm starving-" she wailed, falling onto her back playfully in front of Tempest, who had been sitting there for a while, wondering when he childish friend would wreak chaos upon the pack again. Tempest only turned his head to the side, staring down at her with on eye. "Then go make the pack happy and fine some food, Poison. You're starting to get annoying." he told her, a smirk on his muzzle. His electric blue orbs stared at her with amusement. Poison simply huffed, sitting up and drawing a paw to cuff her friend across the ear. "Go annoy someone else, Tempest." she scowled, taking a seat beside some other wolves. [Fail~]
6:49pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Starfrost was licking the ice-cold water from her leg, then stomping on the ground to regaain some feeling back into it. Her head turned to two familiar wolves bickering. "Hey Poison~!" She woofed happily, padding up to her friend. She nuzzled Poison in a friendly way. "Morning, Poison. Tempest," She nodded to them, her tail wagging slightly.
7:15pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 1,966
"Oh, hey Starfrost," Poison poked her friend in the shoulder with her nose. Beside her, Tempest nodded back, his tail curled around his blue paws. He hungrily tore at a rabbit, scarfing down the meal to try to calm his growling stomach. "So, Starfrost," Poison started, a grin decorating her face. "Since it's mating season, have you already chosen?"
7:18pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
The sweet aroma of the rabbit reached Starfrost's nose, making her mouth water. She zoned in on it, only to flinch a few seconds later when Poison spook. "Err..Excuse me?" She said, embaras.sed. Her pelt burned of a fell flame. "Oh, mating season...well..." A sigh escaped her lips as she swished her tail over her two front paws. "Only crushes, but I can't decide. Nothing concrete. How about you?" Starfrost returned the grin.
7:29pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 1,966
"Honestly, I haven't even started to think about it," Poison looked down at her paws. "I hardly pay attention to what's around me anyway." she shook her head, sliding down onto her stomach, he head resting on her paws. She raised her hea again to look softly at the forest. "I wonder what LunaClan is doing right now?" she cocked her head, a thoughtful look in her eyes. Tempest, who she had just remembered was sitting beside her, decided it was time to speak. "Probably thinking of a battle plan or something to carve into their future pups' heads." He muttered, sourly, a small rain clod forming above his head. As comical as it was, Poison felt no need to point out that her friend was about to be caught in his very own downpour.
7:30pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I'm going through a brainfail. DD; ))
7:40pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Sierra was sleeping lazily. But she opened her eyes, as she was only half-asleep. Getting up, she stretched, flexing her paws. Padding over to the pups' den, she saw Riker amidst the pups. She went over and said, "Riker. Wake up." No response. The pup had asked her to wake him up, so she would. "Riker..!" Sierra tried again. The pup was fast asleep. Sighing, she tried one last time.. "EEEKUU!" Riker jumped, and sprang onto Sierra, clawing her a small amount, then thudding to the cave floor. "Ooff!" he said. Dazed, Riker looked around. "Hmm..?" he saw a blurred large, brown-ish figure above him. "EEEKKUU!" he shouted and scooted/jumped/ran backwards a few paces. His vision adjusted, and saw it was Sierra. "Ughh.... Uhh..?" he said, shaking his head. He was wet. Sierra took the pup by the scruff and hauled him out of the den. "You'll wake up everybody!" she joked, setting him down. Then she laughed. "Why'd you do that?!" Riker said, partially angry. Sierra replied, "You told me to wake you up. So, I did what I had to." In fact, Sierra had splashed a large blob of water on the small pup. "Aha-ha, verrrry funny." Riker said, shaking his fur dry. He then padded off to do whatever he wished. Sierra then sat beside Fang. She nuzzled him. "How are you this morning?" Sierra asked. ~~~ Sola laid down in the middle of the camp, still sleepy from the previous minutes. She sighed, wanting to go back to sleep. "Face it." Mikku grunted to Sola from the den. He was looking at her with an 'evil' look in his eyes. He wasn't technically nice. More 'evil-like'. Sola rolled her eyes and ignored Mikku. So negative. So.. weird, creepy, different. Whatever you wanted to call him. Could he be nice for one second?! ~~~
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -